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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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Krowley said:
That's me.

Honestly, shit already looks amazing on the current hd systems. It's not just a question of comparisons anymore. Stuff just objectively looks good now.

From here on out, you're basically just talking about escalating through different levels of amazingness.

That's pretty much how I feel. We're at a point where even really shit games, I'm talking gameplay, have nice graphics. Focus should be on art style and creative visuals. Nintendo has that covered for the most part.


Branduil said:

Glass Fleet spreading outside the anime thread? I dunno man, dont think GAF could handle that level of amazing.


Krowley said:
Have you ever tried the DS? Because the touch screen interface allows for some pretty cool gaming experiences that haven't really been possible on consoles. Making a console that can offer some of those gameplay possibilities could end up being pretty cool all by itself.

Motion controls can already replicate a lot of those experiences in a more engaging way. Sure, it could offer some new experiences, but touch screens at this point seem redundant.

As to what I'd like to see, I have no idea...but what's being pitched here isn't doing it for me. Maybe seeing it demonstrated might change that.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
AceBandage said:
Well two possibilities.
1. It's a controlled leak to try and curb investors from panicking.
2. That's what you get for giving Western devs access to kits months in advance.
3.)There were some very minor leaks, that "video games journalism" has spun completely out of control.
cartman414 said:
Three cores is an odd number, both figuratively and literally. I mean, heck, isn't NGP quad core?

More Cores isn't always better.
Bigger L caches make a bigger difference.

The_Technomancer said:
3.)There were some very minor leaks, that "video games journalism" has spun completely out of control.

Crazy talk. Game journalists are completely rational and clear headed individuals.


LovingSteam said:
Sorry but people thought the same about games on the Xbox and GC. Now many of the games look like crap. PS3 and 360 games lack of AA stick out like a sore thumb. Some games look good when its not trying to look realistic (U2) but when they attempt realism no thanks. Jaggies galore.

I'm still perfectly fine with GC and Xbox, but I've never been as sensitive as some people to this kind of stuff.

Let's just say that the games from that gen aren't even remotely painful to play for me, and i can still appreciate many of the artistic elements.

I'd rather play metroid prime than anything on 360 or ps3, and the graphics aren't an impediment to that experience.


TheFuryMGS3 said:
So you don't have a reason?
then were on the same page...... it was forgettable

¡Mierda Santa!

This thread is not really an appropriate forum for a referendum on the quality and novelty of SMG or Nintendo software in general. You should probably just drop it unless being an attention whore is your primary motivation for these posts.


AceBandage said:
Every rumor so far has said it'll basically be the Wavebird/CCPro but with a screen as well.

Again I don't see how this would be possible with a 6 INCH screen. God god it's going to make the original Xbox controllers look small in comparison. Add to the fact that you might have to swing that thing around? If the screen has to be that large then they're going to have to cut down on the buttons on the side.
Door2Dawn said:
I wasn't "bitching". I just wanted know what was going on..



And you won't find a single thing. So please do go on if you can try.
Wait, so we agree then: you flipped out over someone talking about one rumor, but have no problem with the others. Selective rumor belief and cognitive dissonance.


Wow that controller just seems to be the most ridiculous sounding thing ever. As in more ridiculous than the Wiimote when it was first revealed.


mellowbob said:
If these rumors turn out to be true, then it's really, really, disappointing. Really, what's the point of having an sub-hd monitor on your controller? And dated graphics to boot? Nothing here gets me excited.

I'm not going to defend the actual graphical output of the system because 1. we don't know how powerful it will be, and 2. judging from the rumors it will at least be as good as the 360 and ps3's output.

But do you really think having the monitor on the controller be hd or sub-hd is key? As others have pointed out most small "hd" screens available now aren't truly hd and they look fine to me.

The question of what's the point? Is exactly why its there, Nintendo will tell us what the point/points are then we can judge but right now we don't know yet.


Microsoft and Sony will just come out and give a tiny hint of their console being "very powerful", and all of you will be in the wait and see mode from buying the Wii 2.


I still think something along these lines is more likely than some of the crazier theories:


It fits with Nintendo's philosophy and would allow for a minimum amount of redundant hardware per controller.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
Boney said:
Well, since you asked.

- I'm skeptical the cpu/gpu specs are accurate. Mainly because Nintendo is so tight lipped about keeping this type of info under wraps. Look at Wii and the 3DS for example.

- The tablet like controller is certainly surprising. Sounds odd. Is this even a console anymore? One thing I think is a BIG CLUE is this detail... "The controller ... can allegedly be used as a Wii sensor bar." Hmmmm.... why would that be necessary? Here's how... what if you could play in a "head-to-head" style where instead of facing the TV set you face your 2 player opponent in the room and use his or her's sensor bar to aim your Wiimote at. Interesting possibilities, but I'd think using a headset/visor in this manner makes more sense.

- Six inches of screen plus a traditional controller sounds way too big...BUT, what if its designed so that the screen is underneath much of the controls? Imagine an acrylic surface for the buttons that allows you to look though to the screen. I dunno. Perhaps you can open and close the controller to cover/reveal the screen. Either with the screen "sheathed" inside or with a clam-shell design (but this makes it seem just like a single screened DS or GBA SP!).

- I really want to know if this frankencontroller has an outward facing camera? Or two?! That would open up AR possibilities.. with table-top like game play when multiple people are playing. What's really cool is that you could use the sensor bar of your opponent to turn them into a virtual character.

- I'm also wondering if the Wiimote and Nunchuck (has this been confirmed?) don't attach to the screeny-thing to turn it into a controller.

- If it is indeed modestly upgraded in visuals and horsepower... the cost of the screens will be Nintendo's justification.

- If the frankencontroller is $59 or more, I don't know how people will react to the idea of shelling out that kind of money just to play two player games. Seems very un-Nintendo. $49 tops.


Eggplant Wizard said:
What is happening on April 26 in Japan? Has something been announced for that date?
Nintendo is holding its Investors Conference then where Iwata will address the past fiscal years issues and talk the future.
Krowley said:
I'm still perfectly fine with GC and Xbox, but I've never been as sensitive as some people to this kind of stuff.

Let's just say that the games from that gen aren't even remotely painful to play for me, and i can still appreciate many of the artistic elements.

I'd rather play metroid prime than anything on 360 or ps3, and the graphics aren't an impediment to that experience.
I love WW on the GC still but as I said that was cell shaded. RE4 onthe GC does look better technically than any Wii game. But outside of them, ehh. WW was the only 3D Zelda I have enjoyed. Its unfortunate that there are hardly any 2D games released now. Give me a 2D Zelda LTTP remake on Wii 2 in 1080p znd I will never complain again.
Branduil said:
I still think something along these lines is more likely than some of the crazier theories:


It fits with Nintendo's philosophy and would allow for a minimum amount of redundant hardware per controller.[/QUOTE]

Interesting, although the stick placement makes me cry.


I really want Nintendo to just go balls out and call this thing the N6........with a hypnotic light on the front when ever you power it up......and the boot up jingle would sound like this.
Anybody else think Project Cafe may refer to a focus on the social aspects of gaming? I mean people often go to cafes to go and meet up with their friends and such, maybe that's what they're getting at with the codename. Perhaps a hint at better online functionality.


I have to say I have trouble beliving all this.

Firstly why would nintendo want to distract from year of the 3DS? And anyway the Wii is still way ahead.

And as for the rumoured specs...that sounds like an expensive and fragile controller. Even if it was SD resolution.


Neo Member
Am I the only one who doesn't really care about the hardware? Aslong as Nintendo show some decent software I'm interested. Don't think I'm the only one tired with this incredibly slow drip feeding of old franchise rehashes, lately it seems like maximising profit is their only concern.
Not too worried about the RAM, since the 4xxx Radeon will probably have plenty of RAM with it.

Still......going from 90nm to 55nm is a nice big step, and any Nintendo gamer will definitely feel the jump. The 870 would be great and so the PowerPC (yuck, Nintendo, why did you go with this?) would barely avoid bottle-necking the GPU.

Get me some Mario Galaxy with 8x MS AA on that bitch.


power comparison for speculation
Quasar said:
I have to say I have trouble beliving all this.

Firstly why would nintendo want to distract from year of the 3DS? And anyway the Wii is still way ahead.

And as for the rumoured specs...that sounds like an expensive and fragile controller. Even if it was SD resolution.

Nintendo is currently losing in monthly sales, and while they currently have the total sales lead, they can't afford to let the others catch up before they announce a new system, which will surely happen. The time is right now and they have to announce something before they let their fan base slip away even more.


Quasar said:
I have to say I have trouble beliving all this.

Firstly why would nintendo want to distract from year of the 3DS? And anyway the Wii is still way ahead.

And as for the rumoured specs...that sounds like an expensive and fragile controller. Even if it was SD resolution.

Yeah part of me still thinks this is just a big prank by someone, at least the controller part probably is because no one can build a controller that does all the things that this one apparently does.


Darkarium said:
Am I the only one who doesn't really care about the hardware? Aslong as Nintendo show some decent software I'm interested. Don't think I'm the only one tired with this incredibly slow drip feeding of old franchise rehashes, lately it seems like maximising profit is their only concern.

Because it's important to earn 3rd part support. You can't be the only producer of good games on your console forever.


Quasar said:
I have to say I have trouble beliving all this.

Firstly why would nintendo want to distract from year of the 3DS? And anyway the Wii is still way ahead.

And as for the rumoured specs...that sounds like an expensive and fragile controller. Even if it was SD resolution.
In total sales? Sure.

In current sales?

This NPD said:
Xbox 360 - 433,000
Wii - 290,000
Latest Media Create said:
PS3 | 22,431
WII | 8,825


Jarmel said:
The more I read this, the more ridiculous and stupid it sounds. I will not be using a tablet controller for any sort of gaming if there aren't buttons somewhere, period. Also the fact that it's barely more powerful than the 360 is utterly sad.
I'm pretty sure nothing here is fact.


Door2Dawn said:
Nintendo is a publicly traded company.

How many units they have sold in total isn't important, but rather how much money they are making now.

It's growth that matters for their investors.
Darkarium said:
Am I the only one who doesn't really care about the hardware? Aslong as Nintendo show some decent software I'm interested. Don't think I'm the only one tired with this incredibly slow drip feeding of old franchise rehashes, lately it seems like maximising profit is their only concern.

Same here. They need something new. A new mario, zelda, and mario kart is of no interest to me anymore.


ThoseDeafMutes said:
Interesting, although the stick placement makes me cry.
Well there's not really any way around that for backwards compatibility reasons. But for people who really care about that you could use the nunchuk/remote control schemes.


What does "hd" mean in regards to a 6" screen? Surely people aren't expecting such a small screen to have as many pixels crammed in there as their TV set? It's gotta scale down, right?


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
brochiller said:
Anybody else think Project Cafe may refer to a focus on the social aspects of gaming? I mean people often go to cafes to go and meet up with their friends and such, maybe that's what they're getting at with the codename. Perhaps a hint at better online functionality.
Good point. Perhaps this thing is "semi-portable"? Where you can add a battery pack to the main unit and bring it with you to Starbucks... or the tot-lot. Plop on the coffee table and two or more can play. No TV required. :D

A thought: This thing needs a handle.
I love this time in a console generation, I thoroughly enjoy all the conjecture and thought.

My interpretation of the "facts" is that the new system is quite likely to be an all encompassing box, with an aim to please everyone....

The codename "Project Cafe" to me can be considered a take on the concept of something for everyone, many different flavors, as an example, for cordonbleu, here's your wacky motion controlled games, for cordonred here's your traditionally controlled FPS monster core game etc.

I don't think that if there is truth in all parts of the rumours we have heard so far, that it is aesthetically possible for the company to produce 1 (ONE) controller that does it all!

There has been indications from Edge that the new consoles motion controls are superior to that of the Sony Move, this indicate to me that some kind of Wii Plus is in the works.

Alternatively, there have been persistent rumours that a more traditional control with some new additions (Touch Screen) is being bundled with the console, so a GameCube/GameBoy Hybrid is in the works.

The two mentioned control methods will not work together, but if they are both included in the box separately, then the whole 'Cafe' concept definitely starts to make more sense. It also does not split the market, as all systems will have the same components, meaning if a developer wants to make a motion controlled game, they can, if they want to make a traditional core game with no 'waggle' they can. If they want to give the end user the choice of control options they can.

One thing that Nintendo has definitely benefited from during the Wii era is the bundling of peripherals and controllers with games, making incredible profits from what many consider lumps of plastic, I imagine that this will continue into Nintendos next generation from the get go. In fact I guarantee it.

There is much speculation that Nintendo will not brand the new system in the Wii category. I agree wholeheartedly that this is the best approach to the new console, and think that to differentiate the new console to current (casual/mainstream) Wii users, such a move will be very appropriate to get that consumer to upgrade and throw off the "I already have one" mentality that many of these consumers cling to.

I do not however for one second believe that this indicates a death to the Wii brand, more I think Nintendo could use the Wii name to augment the new system. Something akin to the following could be possible.

NINTENDO 6 with Wii Plus

N6 with Wii Plus

ARMAGEDDON with Wii Plus

by doing so, huge gaming brands such as Wii Sports, Fit, Play etc will continue without losing what is arguably the biggest defining aspect of their name, people know what Wii means, they know that in Wii Sports they are moving, Wii IS motion controlling. But by augmenting the name with the Wii brand rather then flat out labeling it that, all consumers should assume that the NINTENDO 6 or whatever elses it is called, is not ONLY motion gaming.

I cant see the system launching this year, I'd anticipate an early to mid 2012 launch, so as to allow the development community, especially the western one, to prepare more thoroughly and with hopefully more thought and polish then usual.

I love speculating on launch periods and games, I think it can be fun to dream about such things, My thoughts on a possible launch lineup would be..


MARCH 2012 assuming an early 2012 release.

New Core IP (bundled with the new traditional controller) probably from a hired Western Developer

Pikmin 3

Wii Relax (bundled with the ridiculous pulse sensor)

interchangeable with the preferable/or

Wii Sports 2 (bundled with a Wii Plus remote)

APRIL 2012 to JUNE 2012

Third Party Priority

JULY 2012 to SEPTEMBER 2012

Wave Race




Wii Fit 2 (Bundled with a Wii Balance Board)


New CORE IP (Internally developed by EAD preferably)


NEW Super Mario World

So much dream, not much sense, but my point is the very important fact that Nintendo must start developing fresh new worlds and exciting products that are not simply deviations of current IP or brands. If its more of the same, who can genuinely be over the moon excited.

So what it essentially equals is two consoles in one box, a hardcore gaming machine if you like, with extreme casual capabilities. If they could get this concept off the ground then I think it could be incredible.


Nirolak said:
Nintendo is a publicly traded company.

How many units they have sold in total isn't important, but rather how much money they are making now.

It's growth that matters for their investors.

But frankly I see that as a software issue. Put out some software thats awesome and both hardware and software sales explode.


Does anybody remember the rumors for the Wii controller that had things like:

- Hot and Cold feedback regions (get blown up, it gets hot)
-Tactile feedback regions (apparently areas of the controller can "push" against your hand)

lol anyway, E3 is going to be fantastic this year, but all these rumors just seem too wild. They're not unrealistic by any means, I'm just having a hard time truly falling for the hype.
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