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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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Smithy C

This console sounds crazy. I'm cool with this. I think Nintendo taking gaming in a weird direction should be good fun. They did it with the Wii, so I have faith that this will be some kind of awesome too. Although I do think it would be so funny if it ended up like the Virtual Boy and they just abandoned it and go back to the Wii like nothing happened.
Sammy Samusu said:
Also, let's not forget how Game Cube missed some of the hardcore games, like Black and Grand Theft Auto. Not sure why we are expecting a different situation with a brand new console with zero install base.
GameCube lacked disc capacity and mass success (or for launch purposes, being the followup to such a system).


i dont think the improved motion control is going to be a big thing. it sounds to me like an incremental upgrade, like the move. and no-one gives a flying fuck about the move

in my experience it's the that sense of newness that seems to attract casuals. the kinect seems to be really popular where i world, fidelity be damned. it's seen as the natural successor to the wii and people talk of it as if it were a console in its own right


KAL2006 said:
If WiiHD is just a bit powerful than 360, then WiiHD will get lots of PS3/360 ports in it's first 2 years then once PS4/720 come out it will miss out on the multiplatform games (maybe the first, bunch of PS4/720 multiplatform games will be ported but later on developers will start taking advantage of PS4/720)

But seeing as Nintendo don't have access to MS or Sony's plans, what are they supposed to do, base their business on what their competitors might be doing in five years time, with no real evidence? *OR* plan appropriate hardware for what they want to make for the next five years, knowing they can support it, and hopefully get more support this time due to it being (possibly) slightly less behind the times.

There really is no sense in Nintendo going all-out for power in an attempt to fend off a potential PS4. It would allow Sony to come in with a cheap console with a freshness that catches the mainstream and OH WAIT that was the PlayStation 1 and the Wii.
KevinRo said:
This thread reminds me of the same bitching and complaining about the specs in the Wii revelation thread. ::sigh:: I never bought the Wii, but I find the games on it amazingly fun and addictive.

When will people learn?
They won't. They just want a traditional system with a traditional controller that can play the same games with better graphics and shitty framerates.


Sipowicz said:
i dont think the improved motion control is going to be a big thing. it sounds to me like an incremental upgrade, like the move. and no-one gives a flying fuck about the move

in my experience it's the that sense of newness that seems to attract casuals. the kinect seems to be really popular where i world, fidelity be damned. it's seen as the natural successor to the wii and people talk of it as if it were a console in its own right
Didn't they sell 8 million Move units?


The site [from the specs post below] also concurs that the controller is a touch tablet, with moderate , sub-HD graphic output with a single-touch 6-inch screen, a front camera which acts as a Wii sensor bar, two d-pads, two bumpers, and possibly more than two triggers.

This sounds hard to even picture. So you have to buy Ipad-like controllers to play the new Wii? lol

I wish someone would do a mock up of what this would really look like.


Here is how something like the vitality sensor works. From Wikipedia:

Typically it has a pair of small light-emitting diodes (LEDs) facing a photodiode through a translucent part of the patient's body, usually a fingertip or an earlobe. One LED is red, with wavelength of 660 nm, and the other is infrared, 905, 910, or 940 nm. Absorption at these wavelengths differs significantly between oxyhemoglobin and its deoxygenated form; therefore, the oxy/deoxyhemoglobin ratio can be calculated from the ratio of the absorption of the red and infrared light. The absorbance of oxyhemoglobin and deoxyhemoglobin is the same (isosbestic point) for the wavelengths of 590 and 805 nm; earlier oximeters used these wavelengths for correction for hemoglobin concentration

Can a touch screen do this?

edit: I see people gave some suggestions.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
abstract alien said:
They won't. They just want a traditional system with a traditional controller that can play the same games with better graphics and shitty framerates.

People bitch about that not because that's what they want, but because that's what third-parties want.
Controller wil feature head tracking, effectively turning your tv into a giant 3d screen. Johnny Chung Lee redeemed. I called it here first!

(unless it was mentioned a few seconds ago like 40 pages back or something.)


1-D_FTW said:
Biometric feedback membrane on the back of the controller.

I think I've posted this link a dozen times so people can grasp just how cool it is, but I'm not sure anybody ever clicks on it and reads. *HINT* It's Gabe Newell talking about rigged up mice and how it completely transforms how people play multi-player in L4D2.


What does Biometric feedback membrane look like?

Also here is an example of biofeedback.:


Wii 2?
KAL2006 said:
now developers are going to do the same thing by porting PS3/360 games to WiiHD until PS4/720 come then they will transition to the newer consoles and ignore WiiHD
The difference would be that Wii launched 2 years after developers had already started making 360 games a putting tons of resources into "next gen" HD development. Again, if Wii had launched in 2003-2004, things might've gone differently in terms of developer support. preempting the next gen with a 1.5 gen system, and launching last in the next gen with a 1.5 gen system is somewhat different.


I honestly don't want WiiHD to be anywhere near as powerful as PS4/720, it would just get the same multiplatform games, which means the fanbase would be split more, for example if a next gen COD or Street Fighter comes out on WiiHD, 720 and PS4, the fanbase of those games would be split 3 ways, at the moment the fanbase for thse games are split 2 ways between PS3 and 360 while Wii gets different games and Nintendo exclusives. I want it to stay like that.


apana said:
What does Biometric feedback membrane look like?

Also here is an example of biofeedback.:


Wii 2?

I don't know what Valve was using as the material on their mice, but as somebody in this thread keeps pointing out, check out treadmills. The grips on those all have pulse meters built in. I don't think it would require a whole lot to implement naturally into the underside of a controller.

Green Scar said:
Didn't that thing get shitcanned?

Yes. Kind of like the Wiimote got shitcanned for the Gamecube.


KAL2006 said:
I honestly don't want WiiHD to be anywhere near as powerful as PS4/720, it would just get the same multiplatform games, which means the fanbase would be split more, for example if a next gen COD or Street Fighter comes out on WiiHD, 720 and PS4, the fanbase of those games would be split 3 ways, at the moment the fanbase for thse games are split 2 ways between PS3 and 360 while Wii gets different games and Nintendo exclusives. I want it to stay like that.
Ehh, you don't make a very compelling argument. So why is it bad that it gets split three ways? Hell you could have brought the argument that we will get more bullshit timed map pack business.


corrosivefrost said:
I had read somewhere that the new console was supposed to be "serious", not a gimmick. I believe those were the words.

However, sensor bar and a touch screen on the controller -- if true -- has me very skeptical.

Probably because 3D isn't for everyone. If I bought one, I'm almost positive my 3D slider would never leave the "off" position.
Same here. I played it for 5 minutes at Best Buy and I had a headache for the rest of the afternoon.
apana said:
70% chance that the rumors are bullshit and the controller is still a wii mote with a little screen on it and an analog nub somewhere. Maybe the screen can act as one of the buttons or act as some type of sensor.
Or, you know, maybe none of it's true at all.


lunchwithyuzo said:
The difference would be that Wii launched 2 years after developers had already started making 360 games a putting tons of resources into "next gen" HD development. Again, if Wii had launched in 2003-2004, things might've gone differently in terms of developer support. preempting the next gen with a 1.5 gen system, and launching last in the next gen with a 1.5 gen system is somewhat different.

Yeah, some people keep acting like history is repeating itself when things are actually very different this time around for Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft.


MatthewB92 said:
Yup. Talk to anyone. Also can add random people and only have to enter a friend code once and your friend can just accept the invite.

Sounds good, but I would change one thing. With in-game invites you should just be able to send a request that they can choose to accept or reject with no friend codes either way. So out of game you have to enter a friend code or user name(hopefully?) to send an invite. But in-game no codes just a simple yes or no invite. Then I'd be perfectly satisfied with that component of Nintendo's online system.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Green Scar said:
Huh, I thought I remembered reading that somewhere. I can see that not get released outside of Japan (or possibly Europe) if it does turn up ever again anyway.
We don't even know what it actually does, man.


TheOddOne said:
Ehh, you don't make a very compelling argument.

how so, as a person who buys multiple consoles (currently have PC, PS3, Wii, DS, PSP) I don't want to own similar consoles, that is why I don't have a 360 as I already own PC and PS3 which have similar games to 360

I would prefer if the WiiHD was a cheap secondary console to my expensive PS4, than WiiHD being basically the same as PS4 and just as expensive.
artwalknoon said:
Sounds good, but I would change one thing. With in-game invites you should just be able to send a request that they can choose to accept or reject with no friend codes either way. So out of game you have to enter a friend code or user name(hopefully?) to send an invite. But in-game no codes just a simple yes or no invite. Then I'd be perfectly satisfied with that component of Nintendo's online system.

That would be like the Rival List that is in many DS/Wii games.

Brazil said:
We don't even know what it actually does, man.

It knows if your body is ready, duh.


KAL2006 said:
how so, as a person who buys multiple consoles (currently have PC, PS3, Wii, DS, PSP) I don't want to own similar consoles, that is why I don't have a 360 as I already own PC and PS3 which have similar games to 360

I would prefer if the WiiHD was a cheap secondary console to my expensive PS4, than WiiHD being basically the same as PS4 and just as expensive.
Emm, you buy it on the console you prefer? It not like the "secondary console" is gonna loose it exclusive stuff.


Woffls said:
Oh I meant in the rumours themselves, not in GAF discussion. Or did I miss that? I've been checking this thread constantly since page 1 xD

My bad, no none of the rumors mention the vitality sensor either because that's the big secret or because its dead.


TheOddOne said:
Emm, you buy it on the console you prefer? It not like the "secondary console" is gonna loose it exclusive stuff.

But I like buying at least 2 consoles as I am a fan of Nintendo and Sony franchises, and if they are both powerful and expensive then I will have to pay a lot of money, but if WiiHD wasn't as powerful and was much cheaper than PS4 then I wouldn't have to spend that much money. And again I don't like franchises getting on too many platfomrs at the moment it's PS3/360, but if its going to be on all 3 nextgen consoles the community will be split 3 ways, for example I hate that I don't get to play 360 players when I play SSFIV on PS3, now if the community gets split 3 ways that would be even worse.


AceBandage said:
That would be like the Rival List that is in many DS/Wii games.

Is that how SSF4 3D works cuz I haven't done that yet. I only play with friends over wifi with no rival list. Every time I play a random person they spam the combo/super buttons on the touch screen and I have to put them down hard and leave after the match. Spammers suck.


KAL2006 said:
I honestly don't want WiiHD to be anywhere near as powerful as PS4/720, it would just get the same multiplatform games, which means the fanbase would be split more, for example if a next gen COD or Street Fighter comes out on WiiHD, 720 and PS4, the fanbase of those games would be split 3 ways, at the moment the fanbase for thse games are split 2 ways between PS3 and 360 while Wii gets different games and Nintendo exclusives. I want it to stay like that.

Ideally, that would be great if 3rd parties actually made games for the thing.

In the Wii situation, we only got Tatsunoko, but no SF4 or Marvel vs Capcom 3. That also meant no Tekken or Virtua Fighter. No Devil May Cry, no Final Fantasy, no Contra. No Bioshock or Fallout.

I rather have the same 3rd party games as the other consoles because at least that way I can play all 3rd party games.


ReyVGM said:
Ideally, that would be great if 3rd parties actually made games for the thing.

In the Wii situation, we only got Tatsunoko, but no SF4 or Marvel vs Capcom 3. That also meant no Tekken or Virtua Fighter. No Devil May Cry, no Final Fantasy, no Contra. No Bioshock or Fallout.

I rather have the same 3rd party games as the other consoles because at least that way I can play all 3rd party games.

but if your a multiconsole owner and own a PS4 or 720, you wouldn't care as you can play those games on that system with most likely better online (lets be honest Nintendo is ot known for good online), as a multiconsole buyer, I would rather buy 1 expensive high tech console (PS4) as well as a secondary console (WiiHD) and again I don't like communities beign split for multiplayer games.
KAL2006 said:
how so, as a person who buys multiple consoles (currently have PC, PS3, Wii, DS, PSP) I don't want to own similar consoles, that is why I don't have a 360 as I already own PC and PS3 which have similar games to 360

I would prefer if the WiiHD was a cheap secondary console to my expensive PS4, than WiiHD being basically the same as PS4 and just as expensive.

but what about people who would like to only own one console? personally as someone who owns all the consoles and intends to have all the future ones when they are affordable and games he wants on them come out, i see where you're coming from though.


DoomXploder7 said:
but what about people who would like to only own one console?

That's just not the reality we currently live in. Those people have to settle with the fact that they will always miss out on something. Sorry.

Fat Goron

Ok, so we know that Nintendo Press Conference will be awesome...... BUT:

The question is..... can it beat this year's Konami Press Conference?
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