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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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the androgyne said:
Good point, here's another.

Ok, without the big handles, it looks a little more reasonable. Still enormous, but more manageable.

I'm betting this right here is pretty close, at least in terms of form factor if the rumors are basically true.

edit// Although, console controllers are normally designed with buttons/d-pads and sticks at angles to each other instead of being vertical like hand-helds. Obviously a vertical approach saves space, but it might be hard to position your hands like that with such a large controller to hold onto.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
radioheadrule83 said:
There were certain third party games that did very well on Gamecube (relative to the other platforms) - Burnout 2, Beyond Good & Evil, TimeSplitters 2 are three such examples I can remember... later in its life, third parties seemed to start punishing the Gamecube for its lack of online. Despite good sales for previous iterations, it didn't get Burnout 3, it got the most inferior version of Timesplitters Future Perfect etc.
Soul Calibur II

Bill Rizer said:
I think it'll be simpler than we think: wii 2 will use all existing wii controllers plus the tablet, that will be just... a tablet, a wiimote peripheral just like now we have the nunchuck or the classic controller. Substantially, it will be used in combination with the wiimote. (already thinking of pikmin 3...)

I think the docking wii remote is likely just because they removed the clips from back of the original classic controller, when making the classic controller pro. ie, they decided way back then, that that particular use for the wii remote wouldn't see the light of day in the current gen, and instead forms the basis for a redesigned system. The clips on original CC at least prove that they were at some point considering some form of gameplay with the remote docked, albeit in a facing forward manner vs the horizontal form of my mockups
the androgyne said:
Good point, here's another.


this is pretty much an NGP I would dig this design

can you compare the about to the size of an NGP?

Sony may use them to control PS3s anyway
Shouldn't your mockups include the IR camera that exists in the Wii remote for full Backwards Compatibility? Also, won't it be uncomfortable to have the buttons significantly "deeper" in the shell than the touch screen (which is at the forefront)? The A button might cause problems fitting into the shell as well since it sticks out a few mm on the Wii.
Forgot about the IR!
The buttons, just assume it would be recessed somewhat, like 3ds analog :)
I wouldn't mind seeing a controller that shipped with just the button/dpad/analog modules that you could stick in any of the 4 spots to finally stop people whinging about where each sits (and accommodate lefties!)




Love that design, but aren't we certain that it will be landscape if we're streaming games to it? Having a portrait screen would just piss off everyone!
Woffls said:
Love that design, but aren't we certain that it will be landscape if we're streaming games to it? Having a portrait screen would just piss off everyone!

if you mean that cafe mockup it could be rotated like an iphone ipad
just add mirrored buttons on both ends like 4 sets


Woffls said:
Love that design, but aren't we certain that it will be landscape if we're streaming games to it? Having a portrait screen would just piss off everyone!

Somebody, I think it was Graphics Horse, mentioned a good reason why the screen might be vertical earlier in the thread, and it does make sense.

Basically, streaming full games to the screen is supposedly a major feature of the system, but you have to also assume that there are probably other DS type functions that the screen will also fulfill during normal gameplay. Obviously, if this was the case, streaming the entire game to the screen would disrupt all those functions.

His theory was that the DS type functions would shrink down to take up less space in the window while the main game video was streamed to a rectangular area at the top. This would maintain the ability to use any touch screen functions and allow people to see any important information while still using the controller as their primary game display.

It may not be accurate, but it could make sense.


the androgyne said:
Updated with GCN size comparison, accurate analog sizes

I tried to make it a bit smaller/more compact, although I boosted it up to scale

EDIT: actually sorry this would be to scale:


and this is yours to scale:



Krowley said:
His theory was that the DS type functions would shrink down to take up less space in the window while the main game video was streamed to a rectangular area at the top. This would maintain the ability to use any touch screen functions and allow people to see any important information while still using the controller as their primary game display.
Yeah that does make sense actually, and I suppose that's why it needed to be 6" big in the first place. That said, I'd rather have the horizontal screen and have the touch screen stuff taken away for streamed play. The problem with that is building the games around it being entirely optional, which might be what they're doing in the first place for people who just want to play normal games with their normal ass controller.
the androgyne said:
Forgot about the IR!
The buttons, just assume it would be recessed somewhat, like 3ds analog :)
I wouldn't mind seeing a controller that shipped with just the button/dpad/analog modules that you could stick in any of the 4 spots to finally stop people whinging about where each sits (and accommodate lefties!)

Here we go, i've got it now, either that or friday drinks have settled in :) Perfect for castlevania games




I was going to post a humorous comment myself just now, but I think you've said what's need to be said.


Mariah Carey said:

interesting new definition of 'crashed and burned'

i mean, being easily the most successful Nintendo handheld launch of all time. And those other handhelds did alright, no? It has Pokemon. It has Mario. And it's going to have Animal Crossing and Mario Kart. 3DS is juuuuust fine.

Freezie KO said:

Never seen anyone try so hard to make entire threads, no matter what the topic, about his own worthless opinions.

My opinions are my opinions and I go through great lengths to explain and elaborate on them but I won't suffer false troll accusations. If you're too deficient to provide worthwhile counter points in discussions then you simply may choose to ignore the posts in questions. False troll accusations won't be tolerated. Fair warning. This bucks no discussion.
This "detachable remote on a standard controller" business is reminding me of IGN's "classic controller" mock-up.


Look how accurate THAT turned out. :p


robor said:
These controllers lack the essence of dickbutt.

Yes, people should think outside the "CC Pro with a screen or iPad with some buttons" box. Tax the brain and the fingers and thats just learning to use the controller! New Brain Age games will be awesome!



It'd be nice if the controller really is more traditional oriented. Like a Wavebird with a six inch screen. I mean it'd be less ergonomic and more unwieldy but at least it could play all games and genres. Not sure how I would feel about completely losing the pointer, since that was the only good thing about wiimote and it led to the resurgence of light gun games. We won't see that again for another decade if pointers go stoneage.

Still, more traditional controller = better hardcore games = all in all, not a bad thing


Amir0x said:
interesting new definition of 'crashed and burned'

i mean, being easily the most successful Nintendo handheld launch of all time. And those other handhelds did alright, no? It has Pokemon. It has Mario. And it's going to have Animal Crossing and Mario Kart. 3DS is juuuuust fine.

the 3ds's launch was about 20% lower than the gba's and ds's.


AniHawk said:
the 3ds's launch was about 20% lower than the gba's and ds's.

Wait so Nintendo lied to me? I was sure I saw a press release like "this is the most successful Nintendo handheld launch"

Was that just the US? Even so you guys are exaggerating about 3DS lack of movement. It's off season and has no games. It'll be fine when it gets those games.


Just some throughts for mockers:

- I can see Nintendo fully not remaining with the remote design; Don't forget Café is supposedly compatible with "all Wii accessories", so the Wiimote+ is maybe the main "casual" controller for Café, just like the Gamecube pad was the main "coregamer" Wii controller.

- I hope/guess the 3DS-Café connectivity will be back after the GBA-GC attempt. There is only the extra stick and triggers to struggle with but, if the 3DS can most of the time serve as an extra controller, it can be the answer to the price problem (of having a screen on the Café controller).


Jackano said:
Just some throughts for mockers:

- I can see Nintendo fully not remaining with the remote design; Don't forget Café is supposedly compatible with "all Wii accessories", so the Wiimote+ is maybe the main "casual" controller for Café, just like the Gamecube pad was the main "coregamer" Wii controller.

- I hope/guess the 3DS-Café connectivity will be back after the GBA-GC attempt. There is only the extra stick and triggers to struggle with but, if the 3DS can most of the time serve as an extra controller, it can be the answer to the price problem (of having a screen on the Café controller).

yeah but unless the controller comes with the system it might as well not exist. Extremely few games used the core controller for central functionality on the Wii. Even fewer would use the wiimote.

I really would be genuinely surprised if Nintendo abandoned it. It's almost like justification for having complained about all the built-in flaws wiimote had, but I don't think Nintendo sees it that way.


Amir0x said:

It'd be nice if the controller really is more traditional oriented. Like a Wavebird with a six inch screen. I mean it'd be less ergonomic and more unwieldy but at least it could play all games and genres. Not sure how I would feel about completely losing the pointer, since that was the only good thing about wiimote and it led to the resurgence of light gun games. We won't see that again for another decade if pointers go stoneage.

Still, more traditional controller = better hardcore games = all in all, not a bad thing

i'm still kinda leaning in the direction of the controller being huge... vertically, so that the screen sits on the top. might be less intuitive if developers plan on working touch controls into the game (where i think the streaming feature would be the more desired feature), but it would make the controller as wide as a dreamcast controller and about 2 inches taller on the top.


Amir0x said:
Wait so Nintendo lied to me? I was sure I saw a press release like "this is the most successful Nintendo handheld launch"

Was that just the US? Even so you guys are exaggerating about 3DS lack of movement. It's off season and has no games. It'll be fine when it gets those games.

nintendo said the us launch day was the most successful launch day for one of their handhelds ever.

i kinda hope it's slow for a while. not enough to kill the system, but enough to drop the hardware price (so no one else would dare follow) and the software price (ditto).


AniHawk said:
nintendo said the us launch day was the most successful launch day for one of their handhelds ever.

i kinda hope it's slow for a while. not enough to kill the system, but enough to drop the hardware price (so no one else would dare follow) and the software price (ditto).
Should've made it $300


The big thing is, how do you add a screen that big and still have a controller that's comfortable to hold?

In any case I think the new system will come with both a wii-style remote and the new controller standard.


AniHawk said:
iwata: that'll teach them to get excited for our products
It would've made the difference between the DS's more clear. Like: Buy this, don't buy this. Also Sony and Tretton would've come in at $499 just to look more expensive, they're funny like that and it would've been hilarious.


I think the controller is almost certainly designed as a AR device that enables you to play 4 player AR games, the built in remote bar scans the ground and assigns and tracks objects based on that data. Want to see Mario hop out of the TV and run around your living room? That's what Nintendo are going for. This is the reason the screen is so big. It's designed for primary not secondary gameplay. It's not something that just tacked on for the sake of it.


the interesting thing to me is that if nintendo essentially abandons what they were doing for the last five years, skyward sword will be the only zelda of its kind. no room for improvements in a sequel.

also, zelda hd is guaranteed to be five thousand times worse than anything that could possibly happen in skyward sword if the touch screen plays a bigger role than it should (inventory/map stuff and nothing else).
AniHawk said:
the interesting thing to me is that if nintendo essentially abandons what they were doing for the last five years, skyward sword will be the only zelda of its kind. no room for improvements in a sequel.

also, zelda hd is guaranteed to be five thousand times worse than anything that could possibly happen in skyward sword if the touch screen plays a bigger role than it should (inventory/map stuff and nothing else.

Regardless of how you feel about the DS games, I like the idea of scribbling notes on the map.
Branduil said:
The big thing is, how do you add a screen that big and still have a controller that's comfortable to hold?

Bored at work, so I just drew out the tablet-style diagram just above onto a piece of card and cut it out.

It islarge, but assuming the controller could be made fairly light and the ends would have some kind of grips and bevelled or rounded edges it could be surprisingly comfortable to use. My thumbs would fall easily right where the sticks are, my index fingers would be resting on the bumpers/triggers and my other fingers would sit happily under the unit. You'd need to make sure the bottom corners were suitably rounded, or cut back from the rough rectangular shape as otherwise they sit uncomfortably in the fleshy base of your thumb. Some buttons might be placed awkwardly, but in a finished, 3D unit instead of a piece of card I'm sure careful ergonomic design could make them all quite comfy and accessible.

The only thing I can't see the tablet doing easily is pointing/motion, but as a controller with all the trad-pad functionality and the touchscreen? I think it could work, in spite of it being lot wider than a 360/PS3/GCN/etc. controller.
it would be a huge slap in the face of sony if Nintendo abandoned the Wiimote and went for a new (more immersive) type of control. There would be motion control, but maybe no pointer. A stylus is more direct than a pointer imo. Touch control is very intuitive in many cases, but not in all cases.

I'm really curious what they'll come up with. I'm open for anything Nintendo comes up with.
I'm just glad HD and Dolby Digital are so standard these days that there is no way around that this time.

With a tablet, i'm sure it will not function as a waggle wand anymore. Imagine that thing slipping put of your hand.


AniHawk said:
the interesting thing to me is that if nintendo essentially abandons what they were doing for the last five years, skyward sword will be the only zelda of its kind. no room for improvements in a sequel.

also, zelda hd is guaranteed to be five thousand times worse than anything that could possibly happen in skyward sword if the touch screen plays a bigger role than it should (inventory/map stuff and nothing else.
I dunno I'm pretty excited to draw a line to where my horse has to go myself...

Still, Aonuma would be retired before they ever manage to finish a HD Zelda game anyway.


[Nintex] said:
Still, Aonuma would be retired before they ever manage to finish a HD Zelda game anyway.
i think you mean dead, at this rate.

i'd really like zelda to be handed off to ead tokyo while aonuma got to make a brand new game for once. dude's so burnt out on zelda.

Graphics Horse said:
Regardless of how you feel about the DS games, I like the idea of scribbling notes on the map.
practical stuff like that is fine. it's when you start limiting the player's main method of travel even more than the wind waker (or even more than phantom hourglass), you have severe issues.


I still think there must be something lost in translation about the 6" screen. Even 5" would be PSP2-huge and a battery killer. The only way I see something bigger than 4" is a standalone tablet.
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