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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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The Amiga Brotherhood
So Tuesday 8am in the UK.

Here's hoping for some concrete information, still very skeptical about all the rumours to date.


Refreshment.01 said:
The thing with the transmitting the game to the screens is that people is assuming that each controller will feature a 6'' screen and thats hard to imagine. A part from the controller cost issues, imagine the supply nightmare that will be to provide those screen for each controller Nintendo sells.

Hey, I liked Pocks' suggestion but it seems we're back to 6" screen in each controller rumor land again, so I'm just going with the flow.
Graphics Horse said:
Anyway, one last silly mockup before the bonfire.

If the giant touchscreen IS a reality (still believe it's fake), this is the best designed mock-up I've seen. You know why? BECAUSE IT KEEPS THE POINTER.

If there are no pointer controls this may be the first Nintendo console I skip.
First Children said:
I don't think a 15" screen cost that much. What about Ipad?
At least you don't have to put the screen on a tiny separated controller.

What controller?


no. lol. but no
That goddamn ign video podcast got me all hype again. Le sigh...i just know i'm going to be disappointed.

Edit: If nintendo called this thing the NES 2 I would probably jizz and shake uncontrollably
HisshouBuraiKen said:
If the giant touchscreen IS a reality (still believe it's fake), this is the best designed mock-up I've seen. You know why? BECAUSE IT KEEPS THE POINTER.

If there are no pointer controls this may be the first Nintendo console I skip.

6" isn't giant at all
Vinci said:
Hey, I liked Pocks' suggestion but it seems we're back to 6" screen in each controller rumor land again, so I'm just going with the flow.

Rock on, but remember, whatever the screen is, it will always be less than what one builds it up to be. Wireless HDMI is expensive and computationally costly. The screen, if it makes it into the final system, will likely be something like letting you pick plays on NCAA, multiplayer status, messages, etc. I highly doubt it will be mirroring or an iPhone molded into a controller. It will probably be something low cost, but adds additional outlets for games to communicate with the user and allow the user extra HUD space without ruining the display.
HisshouBuraiKen said:
If the giant touchscreen IS a reality (still believe it's fake), this is the best designed mock-up I've seen. You know why? BECAUSE IT KEEPS THE POINTER.
Thats kind of cool really. Some possible issues.

If you have the stylus in your hand that means you are focusing in the touch screen. So it would be better to just use the touch screen to point. The other problem is that the right side part of the controller is being wasted because your hand is occupied with the stylus.

A possible solution to keep the exact wiimote/nunchuck configuration and the screen would be to mount the screen in a wristband but is an ergonomic nightmare.
devildog820 said:
iPhone screen is 3.5" so 6" is crazy big for something you hold in your hands. Especially for people under the age of 10.

if you put the handles on the side and let the screen sit inbetween the thumbstick/d-pad and face buttons/thumbstick, the holding it is no different than a regular controller. the only difference is the controller is wider than normal
From The Dust said:
if you put the handles on the side and let the screen sit inbetween the thumbstick/d-pad and face buttons/thumbstick, the holding it is no different than a regular controller. the only difference is the controller is wider than normal
Or the screen can be attached to the controller on the top and in front and you keep the controller regular size. Thats a possible solution.


ShockingAlberto said:
So basically you don't actually know what you're talking about, but you're presenting incredibly poorly thought ideas out behind the guise of asking questions of possibilities?

Like if I said "Is it possible RidleyScott is not the troll we think he is, but rather actually as incompetent at posting as we think he pretends to be," that isn't at all insulting because I don't actually agree with it, I'm just asking it out loud.

It is always nice to be reminded of your tag


devildog820 said:
iPhone screen is 3.5" so 6" is crazy big for something you hold in your hands. Especially for people under the age of 10.
I dunno, if the screen is portrait orientation, then it could get away with being not much bigger than the Dreamcast pad. There has to be some ridiculous way of making this whole thing work, because this is Nintendo we're talking about, and they really aren't about to lose out on substantial parts of their user base just for a slightly bigger screen.

We also need to remember that this could be 5.5" rounded up to 6" (a common practice, I'd imagine), and that makes a lot of difference when you square it.

[fake edit] Oh, 6.2" never mind then. :/


GAF's Bob Woodward
So they are basically separating out the wiimote from this? I guess that's the easiest route from a design POV. Wonder if every system will come with both controllers. I assume the new controller-with-screen is being pitched as the primary one?
The 6.2-inch screen will receive data wirelessly from the Nintendo console and presents an array of options, from putting the player's inventory or map on the controller screen, to allowing players to combine it with the controller's camera to snap photos that could be imported into a game or even turning it into some sort of glorified viewfinder (we're unclear about whether the camera on the controller points at the player or can be outward-facing; we've heard both — maybe it swivels?).
This jazzes with my theory that Nintendo is going to push AR in the next system, too.
GregLombardi said:
I refuse to believe a 6.2" screen can be made comfortable within the context of a controller.

Show me though, Nintendo.

Yeah and Nintendo usually has controllers that piss people off with their layouts(though are usually ideal for first party games) but are very ergonomically comfortable.
ShockingAlberto said:
This jazzes with my theory that Nintendo is going to push AR in the next system, too.

I do really like the idea of the camera being able to swivel. It opens up twice as many possibilities.


Two different controllers in the box then it seems. Will they go the Sony route and assume the screen controller can double as nun chuck like the Dual Shock 3?

Fine by me as I never want to waggle give me the goods with the LCD screen.
brochiller said:
That 8 button figure better not include start/+/-. It better mean 4 face buttons and 4 trigger buttons. I will be extremely pissed if they do something like the Cube controller again and do 4 face buttons, 3 triggers, and a start button.

it's kinda obvious they will build off of the Classic.

my only problem is developers forgetting the Wiimote. granted they may just put in the options like with the GCN controller. FPS with wiimote or touchscreen aiming please


I’ve been thinking a lot about Nintendo and third parties. I was wondering how Nintendo can possibly heal the chasm between them in a way that retains either of their dignities.

But first I think it’s proper to analyze the situation of years past. The best way I can describe Nintendo’s relationship with third parties for the majority of the Wii’s life is the situation of being in a hawt chick’s “friend zone.” She has all the control in the “relationship,” and can treat you as she sees fit. People tell you you’re lucky to even be talking to her, and if you raise a single objection or move towards a more intimate relationship she freezes you out and cuts you off forever for being too “demanding.” Similarly with Nintendo, their only third party support for the Wii is mostly that of crappy knockoffs to games that come free with the system. And most of these games are very bad. And most of them sell poorly too. And they cause externalities to legitimate projects by casting doubt on the reputations of both the developers and the Wii. But if Nintendo were to object and say third parties should step up their game and institute quality assurance measures, they would counter-object, pack up and leave, and I daresay not a single media outlet would take Nintendo’s side in the matter. In fact this is precisely what Nintendo did with WiiWare where they instituted a sales quota as a quality control measure. In exchange for higher revenues and less royalty from Nintendo, your title has to sell 7,000 or some such number.

And only recently we’ve had two games fail to reach that number, Lilt Line and *ahem* ****** ******, a pair of sub-par games that got the sales that they deserve. Both developers took umbrage in contracts they read completely when they signed and both appealed to the internet for support and criticism of the WiiWare platform that they understood fully when they signed up. Guess whose side most took?
So Nintendo is stuck with no quality assurance program and an avalanche of third party shit justified by Wii Sports being packed in and Wii Play coming with an extra controller.

You can see the effects here:


Guess who gets blamed for the Wii being a “shovelware platform,” though?

What’s past is prologue, and without throwing daggers at histories I think it’s best to concentrate and going forward. But even here presents problems that may prove insurmountable. The main complaints about the Wii’s market from third parties typically go like this.

1. There is no existing market for hardcore games (whatever the malleable definition it is this time, but I’ll settle for M-rated shooter, first or third, and RPGs)
2. Nintendo does not attempt create a market for hardcore games
3. People only buy Nintendo’s games
4. The system is not powerful enough
5. The online functionality isn’t robust enough

If you’re quick you can already see my point coming a mile away. Both #4 and #5 are being dealt with and will probably reach “Good Enough” levels for most developers and customers, and in an economical fashion. But the first three create a cycle of hell that will require a change in attitude on the third parties’ parts before anything changes. Consider the following scenarios.

Scenario 1 – Nintendo rebuffs on making M-rated third person shooters, leaving the entire market segment to third parties to exploit as they wish. Here the third parties would claim #2 and say there is no market because Nintendo didn’t create games in that style.

Scenario 2 – Nintendo creates a game like they did with Eternal Darkness on the GC. This game does not do exceptionally well. Instead of seeing Nintendo trying to create a market of M-rated games, they will claim #1 because, Nintendo just proved it, didn’t they?

Scenario 3 – Nintendo creates a game like Zelda: Twilight Princess. Major success, clearly has created a market for T or M-rated Action Adventure games in epic settings or otherwise. But here third parties switch gears and claim #3, admitting that there is a market… but Nintendo’s gobbled it up already, the fiends.

Marketing Strategies for increasing the presence of third parties’ sales are daunting too. If Nintendo has too many of their own titles at launch, they will overshadow third party titles greatly (especially if third parties like UBISoft just flood the place with rushed titles.) If Nintendo elects to hold back on complete titles in order to “give third parties a chance,” the current reality is that the platform may suffer because third parties still haven’t stepped their game up. Take the 3DS for example. That is considered a weak launch lineup, and it’s mostly because there’s no mega-hit game yet. As a lesson from that launch, the current top sellers are SSFIV and Layton, two third party games that are highly reviewed and well-constructed. At least the 3DS seems to be off on the right foot, so long as third parties learn that lesson.

For Café, I think the best strategy would be to get current season 360 or PS3 games ported as launch games well as vie for “HD Digest” collections of the best games from the 360 and PS3. Like a Call of Duty collection or both Mass Effects in one SKU, with all of their DLC included and such along with some extra content. This would show prospective consumers and Nintendo buyers that third parties aren’t going to try and trick them this time and potentially create a market for such games without Nintendo’s influence, and it allows developers to toy around with whatever Café is going to offer as well as shore up some easy revenue for completed software.

But the only issue is whether third parties will actually go the other half when dealing with Nintendo’s attempts to meet them halfway.
M74 said:
Edit: Forgot the requisite, "LOLtaku." Carry on.

I remember they had a heinous sin(s) several years ago, but I would say they are pretty respectable over the past couple of years. Totilo, Crecente, and Ashcraft are all pretty well respected and have excellent sources.

6.2" is a monstrosity (maybe), but what I get out of the Kotaku article is that Nintendo is still trying to get gamers in a room together. Which is fine, but the reality of the situation is that a significant percentage of gamers can't be in a room together to play. If they support this co-op style of play online as well (where possible, of course) then good for them. But it took me almost a year to finish four swords with friends because it was hard to get everyone together.

The no-friend code rumor is encouraging, but likely false.
Refreshment.01 said:
How uncomfortable is this for anyone that has tried:




Mounted in the interior part of the left wrist facing you. And you can use the Wii controls normally. Also they could allow the option to attach the screen to a traditional shell controller. Of course one would assume Nintendo will build a higher quality mount.

The plus said of using like this is that they could also use the vitality sensor in the wrist band.

That's kind of what I was thinking of, just add some nunchuck-like accessories with the required buttons and you have all the bases covered.

On a completely different note, do you guys think this console will be getting a "Wii Sports" like pack in title like the Wii did?


So I was thinking about the screen-in-controller rumors and it got me thinking about the evolution of 3D Mario games. Miyamoto has been saying for years that he's wanted to add multiplayer in Mario games. I believe all this talk started in the N64 days actually. He made it happen with Super Mario Bros. Wii and to a lesser extent the Galaxy games, but when he was originally speaking on the issue he meant he wanted to bring it to 3D games. He always said that perspective and camera were the problems. Well with a screen on each controller this will no longer be an issue. I figure Mario Cafe or whatever will feature 4 player simultaneous play in a 3D (as in XYZ) environment. Maybe that will help the 3D games sell as well as the 2D versions.


Mrbob said:
Two different controllers in the box then it seems. Will they go the Sony route and assume the screen controller can double as nun chuck like the Dual Shock 3?

Fine by me as I never want to waggle give me the goods with the LCD screen.

Crazy shit. This seems to be a complete 180 to what Nintendo has been preaching all along.

I can't wait for E3 (or whenever) to see how Nintendo pulls this off. To go from a simplistic Wiimote to a standard(ish) controller featuring buttons, triggers, sticks, and a fucking touch screen seems balls out insane.

I thought the controller was "scary"? Now they are making arguably one of the scariest controllers out there? So bizarre.
Mrbob said:
Two different controllers in the box then it seems.

They could also go the multiple SKU route with this. Have one boxed with only the Wii remote like controller and another with both. Doesn't seem like something Nintendo would do, but it would prevent costs from getting too high for the "casual" gamer, especially since they probably won't be playing the more traditional games on their system anyway.
As far as the pictures a few posts above, this is the last thing they need.

The Madden developers and other shitty football game makers will jump all over that.



a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
So Nintendo's Pico and Remotes will still be used, that's the standing rumour. Interesting.

I just hope their Pico is comfortable to hold, especially for someone like me who didn't even like holding the Duke or Jaguar controllers, nor could ever enjoy holding onto the Atari Lynx (not even in regards to the games, just the system itself). Most of the time I just lay my iPad flat on the table to play games.


The Kotaku rumors would make for a very versatile console. If true, you can play all kinds of games on this console, and interesting new kinds of games as well. This is beginning to sound awesome!

Maybe the motion controller can be used on the controller screen as well, you know with the sensor bar inside the controller and all. Then you would be able to play any type of game without needing a TV.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
Interfectum said:
I thought the controller was "scary"? Now they are making arguably one of the scariest controllers out there? So bizarre.
Nintendo now has 2 cheap viable platforms for casuals: Wii and DS.

Just as with the 3DS, expect Nintendo to go after 3rd parties and gamers with their next console.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Personally I'm taking Miyamoto's comments in that interview 'Where there's smoke there's fire, but don't believe everything you read on the internet' to mean yes there's a new console announcement coming soon but the speculation about it (mainly the 6" touchscreen) is wrong.


DECK'ARD said:
Personally I'm taking Miyamoto's comments in that interview 'Where there's smoke there's fire, but don't believe everything you read on the internet' to mean yes there's a new console announcement coming soon but the speculation about it (mainly the 6" touchscreen) is wrong.

Yeah. I was already skeptical but now I really don't believe it. Wii Mote with Vitality Sensor built in still makes the most sense me.


thehillissilent said:
It seems an extension of the DS concept with the dual screens with the addition of streaming the whole game to the controller. I think that is really cool, but it could prove to be expensive.

Yeah, not only do we have a controller with a huge screen, a camera, very likely good quality speakers, some processing power and possibly other technologies, but we also have a separate motion controller device. This sounds very expensive.


apana said:
Yeah. I was already skeptical but now I really don't believe it. Wii Mote with Vitality Sensor built in still makes the most sense me.

Not if they want 3rd parties, it doesn't. And I don't think they're prepared to give up on getting them at this point.
thehillissilent said:
It seems an extension of the DS concept with the dual screens with the addition of streaming the whole game to the controller. I think that is really cool, but it could prove to be expensive.

It sounds like the DS experience on home console. Makes no sense to me, but whatever.


apana said:
Yeah. I was already skeptical but now I really don't believe it. Wii Mote with Vitality Sensor built in still makes the most sense me.

Pretty much every rumor says there is a screen. I think its time we should just accept its true.
Lonewolf_92 said:
That's kind of what I was thinking of, just add some nunchuck-like accessories with the required buttons and you have all the bases covered.
I don't think Nintendo will go for this. But its a valid cheap solution to retain the exact same Wii/Nunchuck configuration and use the touch screen. This would apply to people that think the use will be menu/HUD dump and maybe the pulse oxymeter could be installed there.
Mrbob said:
Two different controllers in the box then it seems. Will they go the Sony route and assume the screen controller can double as nun chuck like the Dual Shock 3?

Fine by me as I never want to waggle give me the goods with the LCD screen.

Not in the box, likely the new controller in the box and WiiMote+ required but separate purchase.


Vinci said:
Not if they want 3rd parties, it doesn't. And I don't think they're prepared to give up on getting them at this point.

How does a giant touchscreen do anything for third parties?
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