Europe buys ~$300M in oil from Russia, per day. This war has gone on for 55 days. That's $16.5B in revenue back to Russia versus what appears to be less than $2B in military and humanitarian aide. Of which, is disproportionately coming from smaller eastern European nations which are giving much even when they don't have much to give. So yeah, Europe is choosing to give Russia more money than they are willing to give Ukraine. It's such bullshit, I am shocked to see you even defend it.
And I don't know if Europe wants Russia to win, but their indifference is stark. Even after all this, nations like France and Germany are pretty much playing catch up and clearly aren't leading anything except how many times they can say stupid shit or hold back proper support. Italy seems to have finally caught on - but it's been 55 days of murder and rape, so yay, I suppose?
And yes, Europe constantly insults America and American politics that we are warmongers, spend too much on militarizes, and are too quick to point out when we fall short in those areas. But look, yet again, it's the US who has to do the right thing and step up, and send our money and our gear to make sure a European country doesn't get conquered by Russia. It will only justify even more military spending, and even more paying for guns versus books and healthcare on this side of the pond because Europe's inaction is a threat to actual peace and democracy globally. So yeah, I can be pissed cause this has to the 10th time I've seen it, and everyday it's even more embarrassing when Zelensky is asking for help and yet again it's Europe or Germany or whoever waffling - not me.
But please, share you "free schooling" - it's not worth much, sort of like the EU promises to Ukraine.
Don't know what you mean.
See, that's more of a level response than that an explosive swear-laden rant.
My post to you was your first lesson and I'm glad you benefited from it. I'm proud of you son, keep up the good work!