This is what I have gathered about this particular mission: the suit that we are talking about is a suit that "heals" its wearer automatically. The professer in yantir(the trader equivalent one) gives you this mission. In my version I saved the green suit scientist, and was told to talk to the professor who gave me a useless envirosuit, and two missions. One mission was to get a body part from a snorky(killed something like 20 before I got the body part...stupid). The other mission was to retrieve the healing suit I previously mentioned. The map marker for the suit seems to point to a part of a building(same one that leads to X16) that is not accessable. If you check for mission details it gives the command line for the mission description, and not the actual description itself. This means in all likely hood the mission is bugged beyond hope. Now here is where everyone is getting confused(me too). When you enter X16(most of us probably did it thinking we had to get the suit that way) it jumps you to a completely unrelated mission, that sounds similiar to what this mission is about. Meaning that several people, including me, assumed that it was simply furthering the healing suit mission. From what I have gathered this "new" mission is supposed to be done AFTER the first lab mission( I think that lab is called X18, but dont know for sure as I have not done it). These lab missions are a part of the main quest, where as this healing suit mission is just a side quest. So in conclusion, I would just forget about this side mission and go back to the main storyline.Which for me, means completing the first lab, X18. From what I hear this leads to a mission where the green suit scientist needs an escort for taking radiation readings,AND then you get the helmet, as several have already mentioned.