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S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl |OT|


Gold Member
Solo said:
By the way, you can get a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. suit in the very first village in the game.
Climb up the ladder beside that Wolf dude, get on the roof of that building, and run and jump onto the roof of the next lower building. When on that roof, simply walk around to the far end. You'll see a little section of the roof missing, and a crate inside. Shoot the crate, and grab the suit.

****! I wish I had known that earlier! However, the suit I have know is all sorts of badass.

I'm about 2/3rds of the way through this game, but I've barely touched any sidequests. I can't wait to replay this with a better video card.


I must be playing this game wrong, because I am dying every 5 seconds fighting. I never have enough ammo, and the enemies seem to never stop coming.


NeoGaf-Gold™ Member
Variable said:
I must be playing this game wrong, because I am dying every 5 seconds fighting. I never have enough ammo, and the enemies seem to never stop coming.

crouching, headshots, and cover are all essential - also timing their reloads is key. Its really tough the in begining though. Also make sure your difficulty is set right, mine sometimes goes to Master by itself.
Solo said:
Just got to the Agroprom area, about to help the S.T.A.L.K.E.R.S. defend against the military. What a great game.

By the way, you can get a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. suit in the very first village in the game.
Climb up the ladder beside that Wolf dude, get on the roof of that building, and run and jump onto the roof of the next lower building. When on that roof, simply walk around to the far end. You'll see a little section of the roof missing, and a crate inside. Shoot the crate, and grab the suit.

thanks for the tip, i just started after messing up my computer and fixing it for the past day


I've think I've screwed up. I went the wrong direction after reaching the Duty base and encountered a bunch of scientist+army dudes. now thanks to that I've got super advanced weaponry and armor, and when I went to continue the main quest all the enemies were still using AKs. one of the missions has broken, when you go to Freedom and help attack the farmstead, all the Duty guys are definitely dead but the mission won't progress. the guy even calls me over to talk with him but all he says is "we'll talk after all the Duty scum are dead".


I'm new to this thread so sorry if it's been said already.

Circuit City has the game on sale for $29.99 in their Sunday ad. I'm heading off to Walmart for a price match right now.

*EDIT: I not only got it price matched, but the girl couldn't read so I got it for $19.99. Yay.


all that he wants is another baby
Baker said:
I'm new to this thread so sorry if it's been said already.

Circuit City has the game on sale for $29.99 in their Sunday ad. I'm heading off to Walmart for a price match right now.

Lucky for me that Best Buy was sold out of this last night.

I haven't looked forward to a PC game this much since.....ever. Maybe Tie Fighter. I dunno.


Junior Member
Im ****ing stuck,
I just got the X18 documents but I can't get out, something is holding the door and I have ****ing fireballs chasing after me

awesome game so far


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
I love European games. So awesome and so janky at the same time.

I'm constantly torn between telling the inhabitants of STALKER to fvck off with their fetch quests and loving the atmosphere. And yes, the game is definitely broken in spots. Mole just died. And my mission keeps telling me to talk to him. You'd think the devs would've thought about something like this?


tegdf said:
Im ****ing stuck,
I just got the X18 documents but I can't get out, something is holding the door and I have ****ing fireballs chasing after me
awesome game so far

Kill the beast that produce the fireballs, It should look like a stealth ball. It like to go upstairs and downstairs often. When you'll kill it, the door will open. Just keep shooting that transparent creature until it die.


chespace said:
Mole just died. And my mission keeps telling me to talk to him. You'd think the devs would've thought about something like this?

you make sure to get the docs on the 3rd floor of the military building? totally missed that until I decided to read through all the PDA entries.


EMBee99 said:
Lucky for me that Best Buy was sold out of this last night.

I haven't looked forward to a PC game this much since.....ever. Maybe Tie Fighter. I dunno.

Went looking for this game yesterday, but it was sold out. I'll probably try Target this thursday.


Solo said:
Just got to the Agroprom area, about to help the S.T.A.L.K.E.R.S. defend against the military. What a great game.

By the way, you can get a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. suit in the very first village in the game.
Climb up the ladder beside that Wolf dude, get on the roof of that building, and run and jump onto the roof of the next lower building. When on that roof, simply walk around to the far end. You'll see a little section of the roof missing, and a crate inside. Shoot the crate, and grab the suit.

Very nice. Thanks. I grabbed it! :D

I'm totally digging the atmosphere in the game. I've been having fun meddling around in the first two zones at the moment, and I notice there are plenty more to go too. :D


Picked this up today finally

Started it up, 1600x1200, go!

... runs smooth as silk, so um, wtf, whiners, or really old ass computers? (and mine is several years old, barring a video card upgrade :p)

Anyway. Game is cool so far, need to put some more time in and get into the meat of it.
Victrix said:
Started it up, 1600x1200, go!

... runs smooth as silk, so um, wtf, whiners, or really old ass computers? (and mine is several years old, barring a video card upgrade :p)
Well, the issues are with the dynamic lighting options and not static lighting, which works and looks perfectly fine but doesn't impress nearly as much as the dynamic lighting.

And, man, the underground shit is freaky and cool-looking, too.
i just tried out multiplayer a bit in regular death match 16 players, it was pretty fun.

I didnt realize till the 3rd round that you could buy things, I kept playing by picking up weapons off people i killed with the pistol. The knife is also terrible in multiplayer, its worse than the BF1942 knife.


S.T.A.L.K.E.R. being sold out around America, AWESOME. The message boards word of mouth on (about?) this game is pretty big.
Linkzg said:
i just tried out multiplayer a bit in regular death match 16 players, it was pretty fun.

I didnt realize till the 3rd round that you could buy things, I kept playing by picking up weapons off people i killed with the pistol. The knife is also terrible in multiplayer, its worse than the BF1942 knife.

knives don't usually work well against guns, just so you know.


Variable said:
I must be playing this game wrong, because I am dying every 5 seconds fighting. I never have enough ammo, and the enemies seem to never stop coming.

The game is VERY difficult when you first begin. Once you start getting some decent gear, artifacts, and weapons, you'll find that rather quickly you can dish out the pain yourself.

In other words, stick with it, and you'll be SO rewarded.
Ok I'm stuck at the ecologist bit in Yantar. They want me to shut off the psi thing inside a basement lab. So the area around it is super high psi damage but I managed to run thru it to the lab. But once I get to the area where I switch if of I can't do it. The scientist dude said something about a prototype suit but I never got one. wtf.


Any word yet on sales? Or do we have to wait a bit? I never follow that sort of thing, but for PC games made by smaller outfits like this (and ones that Id like to see a sequel to, like this), Id kind of like to know.
This is what I have gathered about this particular mission: the suit that we are talking about is a suit that "heals" its wearer automatically. The professer in yantir(the trader equivalent one) gives you this mission. In my version I saved the green suit scientist, and was told to talk to the professor who gave me a useless envirosuit, and two missions. One mission was to get a body part from a snorky(killed something like 20 before I got the body part...stupid). The other mission was to retrieve the healing suit I previously mentioned. The map marker for the suit seems to point to a part of a building(same one that leads to X16) that is not accessable. If you check for mission details it gives the command line for the mission description, and not the actual description itself. This means in all likely hood the mission is bugged beyond hope. Now here is where everyone is getting confused(me too). When you enter X16(most of us probably did it thinking we had to get the suit that way) it jumps you to a completely unrelated mission, that sounds similiar to what this mission is about. Meaning that several people, including me, assumed that it was simply furthering the healing suit mission. From what I have gathered this "new" mission is supposed to be done AFTER the first lab mission( I think that lab is called X18, but dont know for sure as I have not done it). These lab missions are a part of the main quest, where as this healing suit mission is just a side quest. So in conclusion, I would just forget about this side mission and go back to the main storyline.Which for me, means completing the first lab, X18. From what I hear this leads to a mission where the green suit scientist needs an escort for taking radiation readings,AND then you get the helmet, as several have already mentioned.

Ahh guess I need to go back, thats a bit silly. still i nearly did the psi mission without a suit but after turning off the 3rd lever I always died.
TemplaerDude said:
knives don't usually work well against guns, just so you know.

the only time I knifed in multiplayer was when I saw one guy walk past me when I was hiding, so I ran up and tried to stab him, but it failed. Second time was when a random guy ran upto me and tried to knife me, so I took out my knife and began the most boring knife match ever that ended with a guy gunning us both down.


it's not the healing suit (Ghost's). in fact a separate side-quest you can get from the scientists is to bring him the Ghost suit. and once you do you lose it forever, which you're supposed to because it's part of the game. the "prototype" is the psy helmet the scientist makes for you. you can only get it by follwing the main missions. yes it has to be done after X18 because the body you get the suit off also has the documents you need to retrieve.

point of interest, the scientist gives you an advanced suit in return for the Ghost one. if you then sell it back to him AND the suit you're currently wearing it should give you enough money to buy the SEVA suit from him. so you're essentially getting it for free.


Man I'm not playing this game anymore until I get a 2nd gig of ram. I stubbornly refuse to play a PC game that is not at 100% maximum settings.

P4 3.4ghz
1gig ddr2 533mhz
geforce 7800gtx

and I still had to bump half the options down to 75%. Boooo.

The second quest I received is bugged too. I have the dog tail but it won't let me complete the mission.


Can't we put a stop to these silly messages about the system specs?

This is PC gaming, stop crying, geez! What the hell are you guys used to? There used to be a time when games had SVGA modes that were unplayable on any system back in the days...
Zenith said:
it's not the healing suit (Ghost's). in fact a separate side-quest you can get from the scientists is to bring him the Ghost suit. and once you do you lose it forever, which you're supposed to because it's part of the game. the "prototype" is the psy helmet the scientist makes for you. you can only get it by follwing the main missions. yes it has to be done after X18 because the body you get the suit off also has the documents you need to retrieve.

point of interest, the scientist gives you an advanced suit in return for the Ghost one. if you then sell it back to him AND the suit you're currently wearing it should give you enough money to buy the SEVA suit from him. so you're essentially getting it for free.

I have the SEVA suit.... from elsewhere for free :p


I tried out multiplayer last night. It seemed very promising, but there were a couple of weird bugs that were pretty disappointing. First, I got disconnected a few times. This was the most frustrating, because you gain rank as you play which allows you to purchase better weapons and armor. When you get dc'ed, it resets you back to ground zero.

Second, the movement of every other player was somewhat erratic and choppy every now and then. Other times it was fine. My ping was in the 60s, so it seems that there are still issues with the netcode.

Edit: Accidentally hit submit. =P

Anyway, I enjoyed the maps and the day/night/weather cycles. After a patch or two, it should be a blast.


Borys said:
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. being sold out around America, AWESOME. The message boards word of mouth on (about?) this game is pretty big.
The game is definitely getting a big retail push. I was in Best Buy over the weekend and STALKER had it's own cardboard display case in the middle of the gaming section. Wasn't even close to sold out but it's rare to see a PC game without the word "Warcraft" in its title anywhere but shelved.


Zenith said:
it's not the healing suit (Ghost's). in fact a separate side-quest you can get from the scientists is to bring him the Ghost suit. and once you do you lose it forever, which you're supposed to because it's part of the game. the "prototype" is the psy helmet the scientist makes for you. you can only get it by follwing the main missions. yes it has to be done after X18 because the body you get the suit off also has the documents you need to retrieve.

point of interest, the scientist gives you an advanced suit in return for the Ghost one. if you then sell it back to him AND the suit you're currently wearing it should give you enough money to buy the SEVA suit from him. so you're essentially getting it for free.


Isn't the Advance suit you get better then the Seva suit? I checked them both out and the only difference were the Advance suit a couple of better parameters...


I just started and its not doing too well on my graphics card.. anyway I am on the first mission
kill the guys at the car park.. i meet up with the group and my guys get destroyed and no way can I take 8 guys out with my crappy pistol and chuggin frame rate.. what should i do?


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
painey said:
I just started and its not doing too well on my graphics card.. anyway I am on the first mission
kill the guys at the car park.. i meet up with the group and my guys get destroyed and no way can I take 8 guys out with my crappy pistol and chuggin frame rate.. what should i do?

First off, lower your graphics settings until the game smooths out. If you're set on dynamic lighting, change to static.

When I did that mission I told the scout not to send his guys in; I completed it alone. It's very doable, just be careful, stay behind cover, close the distance, lean out of cover (crouching will improve accuracy), aim for the head. Any time you have the opportunity to, pick up the items of fallen enemies... there should be some guys with shotguns, and one of those will help you get the job done.


EviLore said:
When I did that mission I told the scout not to send his guys in; I completed it alone. It's very doable, just be careful, stay behind cover, close the distance, lean out of cover (crouching will improve accuracy), aim for the head. Any time you have the opportunity to, pick up the items of fallen enemies... there should be some guys with shotguns, and one of those will help you get the job done.


I'm playing on hard (whatever it's called in game). When fighting from a distance, a head shot will drop them in 1-2 hits while you can unload three clips into their body and still watch them run around.
Avalon said:

Isn't the Advance suit you get better then the Seva suit? I checked them both out and the only difference were the Advance suit a couple of better parameters...

yup it's better. It replaced my seva suit from earlier.

btw I want to leave the zone and settle down in the Ukraine I have more cash then sense, I'm going to buy a mansioN!


Solo said:
Just got to the Agroprom area, about to help the S.T.A.L.K.E.R.S. defend against the military. What a great game.

By the way, you can get a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. suit in the very first village in the game.
Climb up the ladder beside that Wolf dude, get on the roof of that building, and run and jump onto the roof of the next lower building. When on that roof, simply walk around to the far end. You'll see a little section of the roof missing, and a crate inside. Shoot the crate, and grab the suit.
How'd you get on the roof of the first building? I can see where the crate is with my binocs, but I can't get on the first roof to run and jump over to the second.


Drek said:
How'd you get on the roof of the first building? I can see where the crate is with my binocs, but I can't get on the first roof to run and jump over to the second.

When you go up the ladder, don't go into the attic, stay to the left and you'll be able to skirt along the very narrow ledge and get onto the roof.


Drek said:
How'd you get on the roof of the first building? I can see where the crate is with my binocs, but I can't get on the first roof to run and jump over to the second.

Climb up the ladder then IMMEDIATELY turn left or right, and shimmy around the edge to get on the roof. Dont go in the attic at the top of the ladder.
Whoa. I tried running the game with dynamic lighting on and most other things maxed. I think I got a negative FPS when I first went outside. The game would just insta-freeze when not staring at the ground. Had to reboot the computer.

Now running it with medium-high settings @ 1024x768. Pretty much never goes below 40FPS. Averages somewhere above 60 I'd guess.

AMD64 2800+
X1950Pro (the AGP version)

On my first playthrough I decided to kinda go my own way and stick it to the man.
Meaning I killed Wolf and his entire camp with my puny pistol. Looted their corpses and went on my merry way. Stumbled upon the wounded guy asking for a medpack. Gave him one. He said I was alright and that he would tell his pals at the camp what a swell guy I was. I shot him. Met up with Wolfs' men and raided the car park. Once they had helped me clear out the enemies I felt grateful enough to give them a grenade.

Then I thought that perhaps my unfriendly attitude would come back to haunt me in the future, so I decided to start over. So far all my goodie two-shoes strategy has amounted to though is that a couple of guys names light up in green rather than yellow.


Zenith said:
are you sure you don't have an artifact that causes radiation? I had one; I thought it just made you more susceptible to radioactive zones but it's actually an active source. I was using anti-rads every 30 seconds.

also, from Gamefaqs.


"Is Chernobyl Based on a real place?"

God help humanity.

Well, it sure is a lack of knowledge, but depending of how old he is, he may not have heard about it (1986).


{Mike} said:
Well, it sure is a lack of knowledge, but depending of how old he is, he may not have heard about it (1986).

that isn't an excuse in the slightest. the moon landing happened way before my time, but I managed to hear about it.


Dalauz, my brothers are playing it on an 2,3ghz XP, 1GB DDR 400 and a 9700pro at 1024*786 so it should run just fine on your system since I believe your GPU is slightly faster.


ugh, I hate forgetting I have a mission from the Coran area and then doing it without realizing it when I'm like 5 miles away.


Gold Member
I love this game; I love this game's atmosphere, but let's just call a spade a spade: The story sucks all sorts of shit.

The Brain Scorcher?
:lol Who named that shit?

And why the **** was it even near Chernobyl in the first place? Is this explained at all? The story is so incoherently told that I may have missed something.

It's still a charming game, though.
I decided to check out what would happen if you lured the fellows at the army outpost into Wolfs camp.


No thanks to that guy though, he hid somewhere while his pals were slaughtered and I dealt with the entire army by myself.


What is it with people and burning barrels in this game anyway? This is what I found when I went to the car park.

Do bodies ever disappear? I counted 47 the last time I was there.
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