pn18 said:
I completely understand this kind of reaction
pn18 said:
Acosta said:Guys...
Come on, how obvious must be a joke these days?
Vaxadrin said:Duke Nukem Forever, Sadness, and Alan Wake will all be released in an Orange Box-type compilation; around the same time the large hadron collider is scheduled to be activated.
jesusraz said:Not my fault. The head of the company apologised to me about that as I was fed incorrect info, simple as that. It was an internal idea that seemingly never got past the conception stage.
There are plenty more Sadness screenshots...but nothing can be revealed yet. Joyous.
PhoenixDark said:The hate this game gets is hilarious. Nerds upset some other nerds did something constructive with their time and created a game for a Nintendo console (ie a nerd fantasy).
Do you really think that's the reason? Really? I would gladly support any indie developer who wants to see their visions come to life on a console like Wii but there is a right way and wrong way to go about it. They have illustrated the wrong way.PhoenixDark said:The hate this game gets is hilarious. Nerds upset some other nerds did something constructive with their time and created a game for a Nintendo console (ie a nerd fantasy).
and this isn't proof enough? getting so pissy off of shitty PR. i remember the days when we laughed at shitty PR and just went "oh you." i'd honestly like to see you do better.Shaheed79 said:Do you really think that's the reason? Really? I would gladly support any indie developer who wants to see their visions come to life on a console like Wii but there is a right way and wrong way to go about it. They have illustrated the wrong way.
To be honest I would love it if they really were working on something I just want these deadbeats to prove it for once.
PhoenixDark said:The hate this game gets is hilarious. Nerds upset some other nerds did something constructive with their time and created a game for a Nintendo console (ie a nerd fantasy).
alistairw said:
PhoenixDark said:The hate this game gets is hilarious. Nerds upset some other nerds did something constructive with their time and created a game for a Nintendo console (ie a nerd fantasy).
Sadist said:This is the best running gag ever. Or does that title go to Duke Nukem?
Sadist said:This is the best running gag ever. Or does that title go to Duke Nukem?
If you knew anything about me you would know I could care less about someones opinion of my posting. I'm just sick of seeing Nibris topics so I'm like either show something or stfu about them it's been 2 damn years since this started. We're far past *chuckle* "Nibris" *chuckle*. If this is a way to bust them as the phonies they might be then I'm all for it lets do it and end this once and for all or at least leave it off GAF.doomed1 said:and this isn't proof enough? getting so pissy off of shitty PR. i remember the days when we laughed at shitty PR and just went "oh you." i'd honestly like to see you do better.
inthezone said:I honestly dont know what to believe at this point.
Why doesnt someone contact Gamebryo and ask them if Nibris is using their tech. That should put an end to this shit.
Lol now that would explain a LOT.Phthisis said:I can't wait until this whole thing turns out to be a super elaborate Drink Crow prank.
brandonh83 said:I just got word that a Sadness demo will be packed in with Duke Nukem Forever on DS. What's weird though is that the demo will only be playable in the actual Duke game disc, and the only discs with the demo are the preorder discs.
I think somebody might have lied to me.
pn18 said: said:what's this from?lol
Bluemercury said:what's this from?lol
Dark Octave said:So Sadness isn't going to be a Dragon's Lair/Sega CD/Sewer Shark style game/video anymore? It's going to be made of polygons and textures?
MidiSurf said:Any news about this press release, fake or not fake ?
well there you have it, proof. what say you now shaheed?MidiSurf said:Any news about this press release, fake or not fake ?
MidiSurf said:Any news about this press release, fake or not fake ?
Zek said:Good job on the thread title, but personally I would have gone with "Sadness uses the same engine as Civilization 4? D: D:"
Core407 said:Or fake game uses real engine.
That depends on how much it costs to license Gamebryo.frankie_baby said:can we not all agree its real now?