I run it at 1920x1200, full screen here at work on a 470, maxed out, so it must be something weird with that card.
Should I put this here or the official thread? Guessing here. Ok here we go. Remember these are just my opinions--not facts. It's subjective and my opinions may not be like other reviewers.
- Saints Row 4 is just a wonderfully huge sandbox of absolute gameplay joy. It's bigger than life, and there's no way you're prepared for it.
- For the other Crackdown fans out there, this is the closest thing we've got to a Crackdown 3...at least until it's official announcements. For me it is, by far, more enjoyable than Crackdown 2.
- The game really nails traversal. It's more exciting than anything else out there, including inFAMOUS and Prototype. It's nothing but pure joy to jump and soar around looking for events and collectibles.
- I played it on the PC and it looks great with everything cranked up, however I recommend the low setting for ambient occlusion. Everything else maxed out.
- Indeed the game crashed on my 3 times out of 20+ hours of gameplay. Since I've had my review copy the game has been patched twice already. No crashes since second patch.
- The narrative is campy & mostly fun--kinda like a snowcone--but make no mistake, SR4 is mostly about it's smattering of absurd gameplay/mechanics.
- One of the thing is does well is mock other games like the Mass Effect series. It's great, you'll see.
- Saints Row 4 comes at a great time. Between The Last of Us & other serious games, it's a nice little weekend ice-cream treat after a long work week.
- I did not love all the events. There were 2 in particular I thought we just ok.
Reviewers, hows melee in this game? I notice in GB's review, there is a beam katana looking thing. And I assume there are still the running wrestling moves.
Well I was debating X-Com or SRIV next week, guess that debate is settled. SRIV it is.
Anyone know if the Adult Swim radio station from SR3 is back?
Both had very unstable 30fps but if you enabled vsync on the 360 you often got only 20fps and without vsync fps were better but a lot of tearing. The PS3 version had better performance even with vsync always enabled.this is from giantbomb, "The frame rate of Saints Row: The Third wasn't pretty on consoles"
I played quite a bit of SR3 on ps3 and I didnt notice any problems....was i by myself in this?
But you can't understand what the reviewer is trying to say?
I can. It's not a ridiculous statement at all. Actually, I pretty much agree with it.
GTA 4 was pretty fucking desperate to be a film.
this is from giantbomb, "The frame rate of Saints Row: The Third wasn't pretty on consoles"
I played quite a bit of SR3 on ps3 and I didnt notice any problems....was i by myself in this?
I like this from the Eurogamer Review: "There's a fine art to being this gloriously dumb, it seems, which pretty much makes Saints Row 4 the Sistine Chapel ceiling of stupidity."
Do you think GTA trying to be a film is a negative thing?You gotta have tunnel vision to believe that GTA is desperately trying to be a film. That's just a thing that those who would rather have a "everything is a joke" game like Saints Row try to sell.
Cars become irrelevant after about two hours. The only reason I ever get in one is if a scripted mission requires it. Because why would I, when I can leap and zoom about far more quickly? And perhaps more importantly, in a way that lets me have far more fun. I have never bestowed this compliment on any game before, but it out-does City Of Heroes for sheer mad pleasure of moving around its environs. It has the perfect leaping and speeding of CoH, combined with the lunatic brute force of Crackdown, making for a game thats not just fun to play because of its boundless content, but just purely fun to be playing.
Can't really read reviews right now, but are half the missions still just those bad side missions disguised as main missions?
Can't really read reviews right now, but are half the missions still just those bad side missions disguised as main missions?
I like this from the Eurogamer Review: "There's a fine art to being this gloriously dumb, it seems, which pretty much makes Saints Row 4 the Sistine Chapel ceiling of stupidity."
Both had very unstable 30fps but if you enabled vsync on the 360 you often got only 20fps and without vsync fps were better but a lot of tearing. The PS3 version had better performance even with vsync always enabled.
Based on these reviews, definitly not anywhere close to GTA5
Got as many of the reviews into the OP as I could, let me know if I missed any.
GamesRadar gave it a 4/5 (they say it's the best superhero game ever made)
You can turn V Sync on, for console games....? Thats super fucking weird.
Eurogamer.de says it's a ten-hour-game (25 for everything)....umm...that's shorter than SR3, right?
4/5 and it is better than the Arkham games? Hmm.
They say one of, not the best.
You should chill, manI beat SR3 in 8hrs on a free steam weekend so this kinda worries me since ppl said SR3 was about a 12-15hr game.
You should chill, man
Reviews are definitely pushing me to PC over 360... I don't want a performance hit - even if I did play SR3 on 360.
Hopefully someone's doing a pre-order deal somewhere.
Great reviews. It's a shame that it is releasing so close to GTA 5 release date, since I don't have the time to invest in two sandbox games.
Then you should probably only get the one that will be fun.
You might be thinking of SR2. SR3 ran just fine on PC.