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Save Your Wallet -- www.gamefly.com pimpage


I know many of you, like me, will be vexed by the number of games coming out this holiday season and the inability to pay for them all. However, I do suggest using www.gamefly.com. There's lots of free trials out there many of you can cash in on, but the site really does work well. I used them last Christmas for the influx of games then and I'm using them again this year for the same reason. After December, I just cancel the subscription and call it a good holiday season.

In other words, if you're strapped for cash and want to play lots of console games you can't afford, gamelfy is the way to go.

No, I don't work for them, just offering up a nice and good working alternative.
Only works well if you live on the west coast.

I live in Florida. I tried them out for a month and it took 3 to 4 days to get games. That's too long. They need distro centers nation wide like NetFlix.

Other than that, I was satisfied with the service.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Living in the Bay Area here, it took 2 days one way for the games to get from and to. So the turn around for each game was 4 days.

I won't sign up for the service again unless there's more than 5 games that I want to play that I haven't played yet. I used that free month trial over the summer and I had myself playing and beating the two games each weekend, and spending the week on just shipping the damn games alone


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Great for modded consoles too.

I sent The Suffering back six days ago, they still haven't gotten it. I let them know, they shrugged it off and sent me Burnout 3.

How cool is that...?
Ditto what Striker said. There was a 10-day total turnaround time from when I sent a game back to them to when I got its replacement. That's completely unacceptable when you're paying by time.


For the holiday season, I still can't think of anything better. Sure, the shipping may take some time (I can't even recall the last time I sent a letter to anyone and it was in their hands the following morning so two days seems pretty reasonable to me), but for 20-some odd dollars, you basically get access to whatever you want. I have 11 games in my queue at the moment that are just spots reserved for games as soon as they come out and in the mean time, I can rent whatever I want and make sure I get it back to them in time before a new title comes out.

Just seems like the perfect option for people who can part with 22 bucks a month and play whatever they want without having to shell out 39.99-49.99 per game.


works for Gamestop (lol)
And if you want to rent the popular games, you better get them shipped in the first week or else you'll be waiting for weeks for the game ot become available


Actually the perfect option is to just wait for price drops. I personally can't stand renting. I hate holding onto property of this type that isn't in my full ownership.


I'm actually going with blockbuster this time. Reason? Turn around time. With blockbuster you can get 2 games at a time and you can return them the same day and get 2 more if you wanted to. Beats waiting for shipping time for the same price as gamefly.


Musashi Wins!

Rockman said:
I'm actually going with blockbuster this time. Reason? Turn around time. With blockbuster you can get 2 games at a time and you can return them the same day and get 2 more if you wanted to. Beats waiting for shipping time for the same price as gamefly.


I think I'm going to sign up for this one. It's worth it if you live near a GameRush location. They get a ton of new games in for rental on release dates. For instance, I wanted to get DW:Empires there on release day...none for purchase but 5 copies for rent! They get even more for large titles. The one by me tends to get the obscure items as well, they have a huge selection. I don't want to collect games and I'm starting to see that the only ones worth owning have either huge replay value or can be played online.


No additional functions
I just signed up for GameFly last week. It took three days each way for a game. I thought about going w/Blockbuster because you don't have to wait, but they just don't have the selection GameFly has. There isn't one game that i want to play that GameFly doesn't have. Both have their pros and cons, it's just a matter of which is best for you.


works for Gamestop (lol)
I liked the gamefly service, but the 4-5 days spent waiting really hurt it for me. I might subscribe again at some point due to their selection being far more diverse than blockbuster / hollywood video, but the lag time really hurts it for me. I would have definately stayed with them if they had imports.
Rockman said:
I'm actually going with blockbuster this time. Reason? Turn around time. With blockbuster you can get 2 games at a time and you can return them the same day and get 2 more if you wanted to. Beats waiting for shipping time for the same price as gamefly.


I prob would if the Blockbusters around here had any kind of a decent Cube library. The latest decent game they had when I went in a couple weeks ago was Pokemon Colosseum. I'd do gamefly if I had the time to beat games with enough speed to make the amount of rentals worth it.
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