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SbF: Super Best Friends Play Thread: ReBoot


No, the stuff I've heard about SAO had me waaay too scurred, even for an ironic viewing. As per that gif.

Actually, I'm not too MMO informed, but, the 'cooldown', realtime, open combat thing itself that mmo's usually use that's the turn off to me. I've only really experienced it in games like FF12 and Xenoblade. The latter was a lot better than the former in that regard, but... it's just doesn't do it for me.
I'm willing to give it another go with Xenoblade C and FF15, but I've seen enough of 14 that I'm not that intrigued. Plus, I don't think I'll be able to muster the enthusiasm to even try either of those if FFXIV doesn't wow me so...
I gotta stay away.
XIV is more like Xenoblade in that regard, especially if you play a melee DPS like Ninja, Dragoon or Monk, as they have lots of positionals and are always moving out of AOEs and the like. You're typically always doing something other than waiting for the global cooldown to finish so you can use your next ability, be it dodging an AOE, changing your positioning so you can hit a positional attack, etc.
XIV is more like Xenoblade in that regard, especially if you play a melee DPS like Ninja, Dragoon or Monk, as they have lots of positionals and are always moving out of AOEs and the like. You're typically always doing something other than waiting for the global cooldown to finish so you can use your next ability, be it dodging an AOE, changing your positioning so you can hit a positional attack, etc.

Xenoblade acted as my gateway drug into FFXIV. Because I've got a feeling for that MMO combat. Can't wait for Xenoblade X so I can do it in mechs.

Also, apparently WWE2k16 is good? I dunno what this means. Does it mean the video will be less entertaining because it isn't a shoddy made game?!?!

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
It warms my heart seeing Pat still not only playing 14, but also getting so many of you guys into it.
Its the third coming of Pat's seasonal Buy Crack(game) calling.



Un Rama
It warms my heart seeing Pat still not only playing 14, but also getting so many of you guys into it.

I was this close to pulling the trigger on FF14. Which is crazy as I'm not an MMO person at all. My ability to reason came back though so I bought Fallout 4 instead XD
XIV is more like Xenoblade in that regard, especially if you play a melee DPS like Ninja, Dragoon or Monk, as they have lots of positionals and are always moving out of AOEs and the like. You're typically always doing something other than waiting for the global cooldown to finish so you can use your next ability, be it dodging an AOE, changing your positioning so you can hit a positional attack, etc.

This is why FF14 is so enjoyable to me, I need more of that Xenoblade deliciousness.


Liam and Pat just aren't even trying any more with MGSV, their misery is getting the better of them.

Yeah Let's not use Quiet to scout the base, or use DD to sniff out the kid immediately, or even try interrogating an enemy for the kid's location. Let's just hope for the best by sneaking around and bitching and moaning when using nothing at your deposal isn't the fastest way to go about this.

They made 5 second side ops so pointlessly tedious all because Liam is somehow STILL bad at the game for no reason.
LiS spoilers

Liam singing duel of the fates while David and Jefferson were about to fight, only for David to immediately get shot was hilarious. That table kick was some stupid shit too lol."Yes sir!"

You guys saying FFXIV plays similarly to Xenoblade are making me tempted. I'll have to try it out eventually.


You guys saying FFXIV plays similarly to Xenoblade are making me tempted. I'll have to try it out eventually.
It's not the exact same, since you have actual movement options and can actually avoid attacks that hit general areas outside of RNG deciding whether you evade or not.

I used the Xenoblade analogy because the melee DPS classes (Monk, Dragoon, Ninja) all have positional requirements like how Shulk gets bonuses and additional effects depending on where he hits an enemy with a specific attack but it's slightly different in FFXIV, since there's also a combo system where abilities used after others do more damage and have additional effects. I'd at least say give the trial a shot if you're on PC (dunno if one is available for consoles) or pick it up when the base game is on sale for $10 and you get 30 days included.
But didn't he play GZ for like 60 hours?

What really gets me is the whole "Liam you're KILLING it!" while all he's doing is rushing in and abusing Reflex.

He's doing some cool shit here and there, but when you're relying on the games fallback "easy mode" feature to accomplish most of this it makes it incredibly annoying to constantly hear.
It's not the exact same, since you have actual movement options and can actually avoid attacks that hit general areas outside of RNG deciding whether you evade or not.

I used the Xenoblade analogy because the melee DPS classes (Monk, Dragoon, Ninja) all have positional requirements like how Shulk gets bonuses and additional effects depending on where he hits an enemy with a specific attack but it's slightly different in FFXIV, since there's also a combo system where abilities used after others do more damage and have additional effects. I'd at least say give the trial a shot if you're on PC (dunno if one is available for consoles) or pick it up when the base game is on sale for $10 and you get 30 days included.

I like the sound of that. Combat sounds enganging, and I liked the postional awareness in Xenoblade's combat, so if it has aspects of that I'm definitely gonna give it a shot.
Probably won't be till around December though, there's just too much coming out that I wanna play this month to find time to start a mmo.

How are the console controls? I don't have a decent PC atm, so I'd be starting it on PS4.


Liam and Pat just aren't even trying any more with MGSV, their misery is getting the better of them.

I feel sorry for them and wonder how many more parts are left with it being so poorly placed.

Also just watched part 3 of Soma: Why in the world would you talk over the little dialogue the game gives you instead of just waiting a few seconds. The game is full of dead air to talk in, but they miss plot points and objectives by not listening. Guys pls.
It's not the exact same, since you have actual movement options and can actually avoid attacks that hit general areas outside of RNG deciding whether you evade or not.

I used the Xenoblade analogy because the melee DPS classes (Monk, Dragoon, Ninja) all have positional requirements like how Shulk gets bonuses and additional effects depending on where he hits an enemy with a specific attack but it's slightly different in FFXIV, since there's also a combo system where abilities used after others do more damage and have additional effects. I'd at least say give the trial a shot if you're on PC (dunno if one is available for consoles) or pick it up when the base game is on sale for $10 and you get 30 days included.


But you CAN do that in Xenoblade...

Edit: Something really interesting popped up on the Vessel


Over the last year or so, I've noticed some changes with the channel that I'm not sure I like and which seem to the cause of a lot of new criticism that's popping up among the fanbase. Primarily that they're more frequently choosing to play games completely blind, and they're doing more playthroughs of brand new and very hyped games that a lot of the community might want to play themselves first. (Plus, there's the combination where they go in blind for a game they're all really hyped about, which is the absolute worst)

Then there are some baffling decisions that I still don't really understand, like how they got rid of Brawls and replaced them with the clearly inferior FNF. I like fighting games, and I like watching them play fighting games, but without the competitive nature of Brawls they tend to get really boring and pointless. Plus, most of the time none of them know how to play the game, which results in 40 minutes of them kinda flopping around pressing buttons. (and is it just me, or have they stopped using fight sticks during FNF? Using sticks made it sound like they were actually into it, and I miss the clacking of the buttons. :( )

Overall, their output just feels different than it was a year ago, and I'm worried about what that might mean going forward.
It's not just you. I've criticized the blind LP's myself. It's fine when one of them has played it, but both going in blind almost always causes problems. In fact, I'm rewatching the Bloodborne LP right now out of boredom and I'm hitting those annoying episodes where Woolie is Snailborning it and Pat has played ahead multiple times causing that annoying "Oh I know this is coming but will pretend I don't" attitude.


Over the last year or so, I've noticed some changes with the channel that I'm not sure I like and which seem to the cause of a lot of new criticism that's popping up among the fanbase. Primarily that they're more frequently choosing to play games completely blind, and they're doing more playthroughs of brand new and very hyped games that a lot of the community might want to play themselves first. (Plus, there's the combination where they go in blind for a game they're all really hyped about, which is the absolute worst)

Then there are some baffling decisions that I still don't really understand, like how they got rid of Brawls and replaced them with the clearly inferior FNF. I like fighting games, and I like watching them play fighting games, but without the competitive nature of Brawls they tend to get really boring and pointless. Plus, most of the time none of them know how to play the game, which results in 40 minutes of them kinda flopping around pressing buttons. (and is it just me, or have they stopped using fight sticks during FNF? Using sticks made it sound like they were actually into it, and I miss the clacking of the buttons. :( )

Overall, their output just feels different than it was a year ago, and I'm worried about what that might mean going forward.

You have pretty much summarized my feelings on the channel now. I watched a lot less best friends now compared to last year. I now find myself being more intrested in the stream format with people like yovideogames and plague, since you dont need to commit to full playthoughs. And yes I miss the brawls so much because it felt like a wrestling PPV.


Santa May Claus
Primarily that they're more frequently choosing to play games completely blind, and they're doing more playthroughs of brand new and very hyped games that a lot of the community might want to play themselves first. (Plus, there's the combination where they go in blind for a game they're all really hyped about, which is the absolute worst.

I think the above is probably the biggest issue for me. I don't like watching LPs of games I want to play first, and I often don't have time to play a game at release. It might take me a good couple months to even start. This limits my options a great deal.

I suppose the idea is to get the biggest publicity while the titles are still hot. It makes sense, but I think a more even mix of new and old is healthier.

This is also the point where they've run the most concurrent LPs at the same time, so there's a lot of content to choose from.



But you CAN do that in Xenoblade...

Edit: Something really interesting popped up on the Vessel
I don't remember it being easy to do if you don't end up getting a future vision of it.

I like the sound of that. Combat sounds enganging, and I liked the postional awareness in Xenoblade's combat, so if it has aspects of that I'm definitely gonna give it a shot.
Probably won't be till around December though, there's just too much coming out that I wanna play this month to find time to start a mmo.

How are the console controls? I don't have a decent PC atm, so I'd be starting it on PS4.
Controller support is perfectly fine. I'd recommend investing in a cheap USB keyboard though if you don't already have one.


I think the thing I'm most upset about, is that they just constantly try and hide the fact that they know more about a game than they let on, and try to play it off as though they've figured it out on their own.


Un Rama
Over the last year or so, I've noticed some changes with the channel that I'm not sure I like and which seem to the cause of a lot of new criticism that's popping up among the fanbase. Primarily that they're more frequently choosing to play games completely blind, and they're doing more playthroughs of brand new and very hyped games that a lot of the community might want to play themselves first. (Plus, there's the combination where they go in blind for a game they're all really hyped about, which is the absolute worst)

Overall, their output just feels different than it was a year ago, and I'm worried about what that might mean going forward.

Yep. That's about how I feel. I've been getting more frustrated and skipping more videos than I ever did before. A year or so a go I'd even watch things I don't have an interest in but now its the opposite and I'm avoiding whole LP's apart from 1 or 2. I don't know if its because they've went from 1-2 videos a day to anywhere up to 3-4 but they've been phenomenally stupid in their choices and pairings for videos. Going double-blind on a game is more often that not a bad idea that hurts a play-through but doing it on a brand new game before people get a chance to play themselves must hurt views? Plus, taking MGSV as an example, anybody who played MGSV could have told you its not good LP material (I called it on page 31) which is why its good to wait for the dust to settle on a game. That plus the constant waiting, front-loaded chapter 1 and badly paced chapter 2 that is randomized plus a whole horde of other issues you could tell that the LP would grind to a painful halt. They need to use common sense when they make these choices or we end up getting locked into poor LP's (DR, MGSV). Plus listening and being more methodical when they do play would stop things hitting the DSP levels of meh we've been getting in places. (they've shown they can do this when they played SH2)

Another issue I have is that they seem to want to expand the channel without taking on the professionalism that'll come to be expected of them. I don't thinks its unfair to say that recently with vessel and the like they've been incredibly scattershot.

I think the thing I'm most upset about, is that they just constantly try and hide the fact that they know more about a game than they let on, and try to play it off as though they've figured it out on their own.

This is more an LP thing but yeah, I absolutely hate this. I know reactions are good and they are expected to react a certain way but to me its just disingenuous and really ruins it. MGSR has been retroactively spoiled.
Spoilers for the last Life is Strange episode.

There are ways to make a villain sympathetic. Countless ways.

Having Nathan call Max sobbing, out of the blue, with concern for her character is not one of them. That scene is terrible.


It's not just you. I've criticized the blind LP's myself. It's fine when one of them has played it, but both going in blind almost always causes problems. In fact, I'm rewatching the Bloodborne LP right now out of boredom and I'm hitting those annoying episodes where Woolie is Snailborning it and Pat has played ahead multiple times causing that annoying "Oh I know this is coming but will pretend I don't" attitude.
The problem comes down to each person's mentality when they're blind playing a game, which is compounded when they're both playing blind, when one is blind, if the other knows, they aren't quite so prone to fueling eachother's ignorance.

Pat will generally be fine if he's the one playing in most situations blind or not as he will try to stop and figure out what they missed or are suppose to do (From what I've seen), unless he dislikes the game, if he's watching, you get the MGSV problem where he just moans.
Matt has the attention span of a gold fish and has to constantly be entertained or else he'll start getting annoying and screaming and yelling nonsense at every nothing moment.

Woolie has no sense of direction and just gets completely baffled and confused the moment someone tells him what to do.
"Woolie go left, over that way"
"Woolie, you're going right, we actually came from this way"

Liam will never stop gunjumping and flicking through menus at high speed and not reading anything, and this is a problem when he thinks he knows the game or not.
"Liam, slow down"
"It's fine tho"
*Game tells them what's going on and where to go*
"I have no idea what we were suppose to be doing, I do know you're not suppose to go over there though, that's kinda lame the game won't tell you, LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKE YA KNOW EY?"
Another issue I have is that they seem to want to expand the channel without taking on the professionalism that'll come to be expected of them. I don't thinks its unfair to say that recently with vessel and the like they've been incredibly scattershot.

This. This is the main thing that's frustrating me. They're talking about opening up a stand alone place where they can go and do recordings, yet this is easily the messiest they have EVER been with their content output in the entire time I've been watching them. They've probably made more editing goofs and uploading fumbling in the past 2 months than they've made since they started doing this combined.

And yes, MGR used to be one of my favorite ones but after finding out they pretty much faked every reaction after episode 5-ish, it's been rendered completely unwatchable.


This is more an LP thing but yeah, I absolutely hate this. I know reactions are good and they are expected to react a certain way but to me its just disingenuous and really ruins it. MGSR has been retroactively spoiled.

I don't know, everytime that has pissed off people, I've been really glad one of them actually knows what the hell is going on in a game, so I don't get the outrage, they always react well to things they like and have seen before.


Un Rama
I don't know, everytime that has pissed off people, I've been really glad one of them actually knows what the hell is going on in a game, so I don't get the outrage, they always react well to things they like and have seen before.

You have to look at it on an LP by LP basis. A game like The Walking Dead or a David Cage game? Go double blind and it'll be totally fine. In fact not knowing whats going to happen is the best way because they can play off each other. Platinum and character stuff? I'd say they are all competent enough to pull that off double blind.

Plus lets not forget the context of MGR. The selling point of that LP was their reactions to the crazy hype stuff.

I'm not saying they shouldn't do double blinds. There is plenty of examples of good blind LP's. They just need to put more thought into whether they should or not.


Yeah. Liam's not the only gunjumper. I just think the whole channel should slow the fuck down. Full LPing brand new shit because of hype or because you're hyped is an awful idea. Stop recording so many videos, stop making them so long; an hour of nothing isn't better than fifteen minutes of something. Quality over quantity. I don't know about everyone else but I think bi-weekly brawls even being the only video on Fridays would be way better than Fisticuffs.


I always thought that The Last of Us Lp was kinda the mini turning point of the channel.

It was coming after the godly Deadly Prem and Concrete Jungle lps, it was during Rustlemania which even had non-wrestling watchers like me hyped to see and was after those E3 videos which were awesome.

The Last Of Us lp was a pretty decent lp considering it kinda started the trend of them going into a new popular game blind. And if some of you remember it also started the "Age of Butthurt"* in the comment section that ended during The Amazing Superfriends Month that was kinda the climax.

But if you been with the best friends for a long time you remember how sick the comment sections were for some of early Lps. Silent hill Downpours and Final Fights comment section were just as good as the video some of the time.


NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
I always thought that The Last of Us Lp was kinda the mini turning point of the channel.

It was coming after the godly Deadly Prem and Concrete Jungle lps, it was during Rustlemania which even had non-wrestling watchers like me hyped to see and was after those E3 videos which were awesome.

The Last Of Us lp was a pretty decent lp considering it kinda started the trend of them going into a new popular game blind. And if some of you remember it also started the "Age of Butthurt"* in the comment section that ended during The Amazing Superfriends Month that was kinda the climax.

But if you been with the best friends for a long time you remember how sick the comment sections were for some of early Lps. Silent hill Downpours and Final Fights comment section were just as good as the video some of the time.


They ain't kids no more. They're
getting old.


Un Rama
Wow, SOMA episode 3 was incredibly rough. This video is like the perfect example of what people have said on this page.


Wow, SOMA episode 3 was incredibly rough. This video is like the perfect example of what people have said on this page.

What? You don't like episodes of not listening and wondering around with nothing for long periods of time?

But seriously, I feel like blind lps like SOMA could work just fine, if they just listened and paid attention to what's going on. I've seen people say that you watch lps for the people as much as the game, which is mostly true, but sometimes the not paying attention hurts the lp more than anything.
What? You don't like episodes of not listening and wondering around with nothing for long periods of time?

But seriously, I feel like blind lps like SOMA could work just fine, if they just listened and paid attention to what's going on. I've seen people say that you watch lps for the people as much as the game, which is mostly true, but sometimes the not paying attention hurts the lp more than anything.

meh ive been watching Geek Remix do an LP of Soma and they wander around doing nothing ALOT more, plus they missed the first audio log in the game like 3 times after seeing it


But seriously, I feel like blind lps like SOMA could work just fine, if they just listened and paid attention to what's going on. I've seen people say that you watch lps for the people as much as the game, which is mostly true, but sometimes the not paying attention hurts the lp more than anything.

Both are equally important. I watch for games I've never seen before or games I know and like and for the people I'm familiar with.
Wow, SOMA episode 3 was incredibly rough. This video is like the perfect example of what people have said on this page.
I feel so smug. But seriously I have no idea how both of them think it's a good idea to talk over character dialog. Especially when they have been doing it this long.


New episode of 'New Super Best Friends Play' is up on Vessel, and it's actually better than their last one!

Everyone else has to wait 7 days :/

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
And here I thought it was just me getting tired of the Zaibatsu and slowing way the fuck down compared to how much I used to watch them (nearly everything they put out). Yeah, I really don't care for a lot of the stuff they're doing now, and how they seem to have changed over the past year-ish. But really, most of my complaints have already been voiced by others, so I won't go into them. Just...yeah, I agree with pretty much everything everyone has been saying.

JC Sera

People change
and if they have changed not for the best for their streaming
they have all definitely changed a lot in self-betterment listening to the podcast

like you can't keep doing this forever

I feel like this thread can be overly critical sometimes, and overlook the amount of effort & time the zaibatsu put into creating their content


On the topic of the podcast.

Looks like Pat forgot how MGS1 worked.
Meryl ending WAS the Bandana Ending Pat, the canon ending, you get Stealth Camo for leaving with Otacon, who obviously survives in both scenarios as Shadow Moses never gets bombed, so he's just kind of hanging out when Snake leaves with Meryl.

In fact, Snake Tales in MGS2 talked about the fact they were together for a few months before Meryl left him to do soldier stuff.
Now, Snake Tales were like those GZ side op missions and not really canon, but it gave us the one and only "telling" of what happened with Meryl after MGS1 as she was never dead, her and Snake were together a few months and she eventually left him to do some sort of mission or something.

So he went and met up with Otacon. During the tanker chapter of MGS2 Snake has that remark of "I've had enough of Tomboys" which tells us whatever went down with Meryl was a sort of sore subject for him.
MGS4 they actually decided to reveal the situation was reversed and say that Snake left her to do shit with Otacon, but whichever version you prefer, they were together for a few months or a year and they didn't work at all.

So if Pat ever sees that or if anyone ever gets to tell him this info, there you go.


I feel like it's important to keep our memories with the games they play our own, and if people really can't stand the way they play a game they love, they need to re-evaluate why they watch them to begin with.

I dunno about most people, but while I've been upset over them maybe not paying attention as much as I would like to certain games, I watch their LP's first and foremost for them. I have my own experiences with the games they play usually way before-hand.

I was playing Bloodborne at the same time as their LP for it was coming out, and I couldn't help but be upset at it. But it doesn't change my love of the game after platinuming it, and now I have gone back and rewatched the playthrough and I love it.
XIV is more like Xenoblade in that regard, especially if you play a melee DPS like Ninja, Dragoon or Monk, as they have lots of positionals and are always moving out of AOEs and the like. You're typically always doing something other than waiting for the global cooldown to finish so you can use your next ability, be it dodging an AOE, changing your positioning so you can hit a positional attack, etc.

It's not so much that it's slow, it's the uninvolved feeling that kills it for me. And the fact that it is fast enough that it's not just chess. I mean, I get neither the twitch perfect fun of action games, or the smart fun of Jrpgs with them.

FFXV has me the most interested though, because with the platforming it looks like it's got just enough action game mechanics to get me through.


I feel like it's important to keep our memories with the games they play our own,
Of course, that's why LPs aren't meant to replace the game.
and if people really can't stand the way they play a game they love, they need to re-evaluate why they watch them to begin with. I dunno about most people, but while I've been upset over them maybe not paying attention as much as I would like to certain games, I watch their LP's first and foremost for them. I have my own experiences with the games they play usually way before-hand.
For the moment, I don't really think there's much I should reconsider. I've always liked the Best Friends because I think they're funny and charming and I still think as much, but in the majority of their recent videos I've sensed a lack of enthusiasm, charisma, and thought, and it just hasn't been much fun.
People change
and if they have changed not for the best for their streaming
they have all definitely changed a lot in self-betterment listening to the podcast

like you can't keep doing this forever

I feel like this thread can be overly critical sometimes, and overlook the amount of effort & time the zaibatsu put into creating their content

The issue is the fact they do this for a living, and when their fan base isn't happy with the content they've been putting out recently it needs to be vocalized, else they may not have that fan base a year from now.
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