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SCEJ: 2 big titles to be announced at Sept 10


Mistaken iRobbery!
more info and screen(s): http://www.itmedia.co.jp/games/gsnews/0409/10/news11.html



^The feet! Look at the feet!

Socreges said:


Is it standing upright?

It looks like its able to do some sort of transformation. If you look at the other pic you don't see all those points come out of its body like you do in the new one. It looks alot more like parts of the castle in that new pic also.


SolidSnakex said:
It looks like its able to do some sort of transformation. If you look at the other pic you don't see all those points come out of its body like you do in the new one. It looks alot more like parts of the castle in that new pic also.
Of course, but... is it standing upright? There doesn't seem to be a head with this form and the legs could easily be arms.

Whatever... we'll know soon enough.
Wow!! My time travelling friend from the future just brought me a copy of the game! It's awesome! Unfortunately, he could only get me the U.S. copy, so I have to endure SCEA's box art. :(



My most anticapated PS2 release, way beyond stuff like GT4 and MGS. First look makes me more intrigued.


Famitsu.com has a bit of info about it. To sum it up, it's not a sequel - they just used their experience and technology in this game. It's an action game where you have to fight the huge statues (there's a lot of them). Your only friend is the horse and the girl you must look after is very important to you, though it is not explained by the story in game. The main character, the girl and the horse are the only living things on earth.

Game-wise, you have to "catch" the giant and climb onto it. You have to find its weak points and attack them, but the surface of the giant can be maze-like, so the game is part action, part puzzle.

Ill Saint

JackFrost2012 said:
Wow!! My time travelling friend from the future just brought me a copy of the game! It's awesome! Unfortunately, he could only get me the U.S. copy, so I have to endure SCEA's box art. :(
:lol brilliant.


Interesting. I beat ICO two days ago. Awesome game! Can't believe I didn't like it the first time :p

I hope we'll get to see a trailer soon.


The Wanda game looks great, just because they seem to retain that wonderful atmosphere from ICO. It's evident merely by looking at that single shot IMO. Although I'm a bit worried the same kind of lonely feeling I felt in ICO will be lost, if you are riding around in a big field rather than being isolated in a huge, empty castle. But maybe different is good too. The game concept sounds very interesting though, hope there's a good story to go along with the gameplay. :)
Wanda and the Colossus is probably my most wanted game next to Zelda now. It kind of pains me to know that we won't be getting it here in the west for a very long time.

It looks to be heading in the same direction as ICO in some ways. Very aware of scale and dimensions, that is. Also very aware of ambient lighting, color, and even modelling.

Obviously I'm praying that they aren't going to water down their vision to make something suitable for the mass market. Though at this moment, it looks as if it could go down the same road as ICO. Calling this an action game does not worry me. You could probably even consider ICO to be an action game, even though it's the furthest you could get from the mainstream image of the genre.

btw, thank you for the info jonnyram. Did it really say that the story is not explained in the game? That's really encouraging actually, since that was one my favorite aspects of ICO. Like a painting, it could be interpreted in many ways.


hyperbolically metafictive
wanda and the colossus looks amazing. visual style is very like ico's, and i love the concept. seems more esoteric than ico, but i'd read this as a sign that the development team is more confident, and is giving their ideas freer reign. can't wait. the name "wanda" sounds a bit silly to my ears, but hey.

Ill Saint

Jonnyram said:
Famitsu.com has a bit of info about it. To sum it up, it's not a sequel - they just used their experience and technology in this game. It's an action game where you have to fight the huge statues (there's a lot of them). Your only friend is the horse and the girl you must look after is very important to you, though it is not explained by the story in game. The main character, the girl and the horse are the only living things on earth.
So there's another character outside of the girl and the horse?

Jonnyram said:
Game-wise, you have to "catch" the giant and climb onto it. You have to find its weak points and attack them, but the surface of the giant can be maze-like, so the game is part action, part puzzle.
Sounds like it could be incredible. If it melds the same sense of wonder and place that ICO does with this premise, it could be something really special.

So, the expanded homepages for the games open on the 24th, and then more at TGS?
Probably find out more when TGS rolls around, dark. The only bad thing here is that I'm going to see a lot of this game before I can actually play it. Part of the appeal with ICO for me was the fact that when I put the disc in I had not even seen any screenshots for the game (refused to even look at the back of the box.)

Hopefully they stick to the "minimalist" design still. Simple controls, simple environments, and simple gameplay.

EDIT: They aren't showing up, jonnyram.


Looking at the pics and thinking about the actual concept of the game, it feels like Wanda and the Colossus could become something mind-blowing. Walking around on top one of those giants could be a really cool experience. :)

I wonder if they showed Genji at the same time as Wanda to make it seem more special and gather more attention. Because it doesn't look that good, apart from a few pics...but I'm not sure if those are even realtime. Well, could still be a fun game.
Genji who? But seriously...It's hard to get excited about any other game when you are looking at the next project from the team that brought you ICO.
Sigh am disappointed, i guess we will never find out what happened to ICO and Yorda, i was hoping they`d take the Chrono Cross approach like Square did. .


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
norinrad21 said:
Sigh am disappointed, i guess we will never find out what happened to ICO and Yorda, i was hoping they`d take the Chrono Cross approach like Square did. .

That's the thing, though, attempting to explain that would simply lead to disappointment.

Ill Saint

The scope and scale of the game seems like it could be huge. Pics 4, 6, 8 and 10 seem to point to this.

Seeing this in motion will be so sweet...
Alright, somebody make the new thread with info and links to the pictures. We have to do the right thing and spread the love here.
Ill Saint said:
Seeing this in motion will be so sweet...

I'm really looking forward to see how they've animated the big giants. ICO still has some of the best animation in any game this gen, so those things should have a unique way of moving.


Roofles, for months I've been telling this forum that "NICO"(as in, an ICO sequel) doesn't exist. PWNED!


I agree with the polys on the horse reply. One of things I've noticed when I first booted up ICO was the incredible detail on the horse in the begining intro.

But anyway, looking at the new pics definately gives me the ICO feeling.


I don't see any pics at those links people posted? It just takes me to a page with some japanese characters in the middle and "Playstation 2" at the top. Where are the pics?


teiresias said:
I don't see any pics at those links people posted? It just takes me to a page with some japanese characters in the middle and "Playstation 2" at the top. Where are the pics?

"You cancel release with circumstances."

I'm guessing that means that the presentation is over. :p
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