You run around with a ruler?
You are replying to a troll or someone thats not very bright.
You run around with a ruler?
I've never measured penis and I think it's hilarious that any of you actually have or are concerned enough to have measured your penis.
Reminds me of the squirting study thread.I don't think we'll ever be satisfied with these studies, we'll never be like "yep. Pack it up, we know how big the average dick is, let's move on".
I don't think we'll ever be satisfied with these studies, we'll never be like "yep. Pack it up, we know how big the average dick is, let's move on".
LolSubscribed until I find a ruler.
Not to mention "help gaf my dick is too big for condoms"This is GAF, of course every dude in here has an 8in flaccid and can make a women drench herself with a single glance. I mean look at the OT threads having panic attacks about talking to kids on the street. Any woman would swoon.
I don't think we'll ever be satisfied with these studies, we'll never be like "yep. Pack it up, we know how big the average dick is, let's move on".
John? Wait, who?"One or two". Yeaaaah, nope.
Hate to say this but John wasn't lying when he said it 'done the rounds'...
Wondering this myself, too.I wonder if they have some kind of showers vs growers statistic.
lolChina hás over a billion people guys...
This is a bell curve equivalent, but it's percentile.Where's the bell curve?
i like how the tone of this topic has been "no no, my penis can't be that big" haha
Never measured your penis?
Where's the bell curve?
how big ur dick is1. Who gets a hard dick and thinks "should put a cold piece of metal or plastic on it?
2. What would it prove?
Yeah, not even I remembered that, and it's about my own damned cock. So I'm not even sure now if John and you are joking or not about my cock doing the rounds on GAF.
This is a bell curve equivalent, but it's percentile.
Where's the bell curve?
This is a bell curve equivalent, but it's percentile.
It's a cumulative distribution function instead of a probability mass.
Mean jerk time ftwReminds me of this:
It's a Sillicon Valley reference to a dick formula.
Let me guess: every single person on the internet has revealed themselves to in fact be in the 80th+ percentile of dick sizes.
how big ur dick is
Possibly. I'm a grower not a shower and flaccid I am not even remotely impressive and would probably be self conscious in gym locker rooms had it not been for the Navy which broke me of that. I don't want anyone to see me flaccid but its not a good look to walk around the gym locker room in full salute.No relationship between race and size? Yeah, i'm not buying this sry.
Average seems a bit low, but i guess pretty much everyone exxagerate their size in real life (especially girls are TERRIBLE at guessing sizes but i guess that's the fault of their partners) plus guys who aren't self conscious in the gym are probably in the slightly bigger part of the spectrum. Porn average is a bit above 6" so take from it what you wish.
1. Who gets a hard dick and thinks "should put a cold piece of metal or plastic on it?
2. What would it prove? it certainly wouldn't make you a better sex partner
3. Even if you had a big dick you are a dumbass for going around and telling people without a second party backing up the story and if you had a small dick you'd keep it to yourself.
My immediate group of friends also have said that they've never done it as well.
I've seriously just never had a reason or want to do it.
Do they hit your knees as you walk?I don't consider myself to have big balls, but they do have an old man-like quality to them.
Today on GAF I learned how big my penis is in millimeters