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Sega 3D Classics Wave 2 |OT| October: 3D Sonic 2

Odd that they're going out of order with the theme releases, if I'm recalling correctly the first two released in Japan were the Mega Drive and Game Center ones. Hopefully other regions end up getting those as well.


Gives all the fucks
I'm kind of hoping Sega does another bundle of either the 3D Classics or hardware themes, considering they did one for the 4 Sonic-related themes (basically you got 4 for the price of 3).

Let me check & see the release schedule for the themes.

Edit: I think this is all of them?

Dec 17: Mega Drive & Game Center
Dec 24: Space Harrier & Fantasy Zone
Jan 14: Saturn & Mark III
Feb 18: Game Gear & Master System
March 18: Dreamcast & SG-1000


A lot of the existing hardware themes were JP-specific, so I can't imagine they'll release them as-is or individually, but maybe a "buy the Genesis theme, get the JP MD theme free!"-type bundle might work.


I just read this in the second part of the Thunder Blade interview and my heart stopped:

NH: If we sell a crap ton of copies, then I’ll go and make Power Drift by myself. (all laugh)

I know it was a joke, but it shows that Power Drift is something they've at least thought about. I need this on my 3DS.


Gives all the fucks
Sega responded to me about the 3DS themes involving the Sega hardware:

"the hardware themes are trickier due to the differences per territory, licensing, etc. Looking into them, but nothing confirmed."


Thunder Blade acquired.

Played for less than a minute, man the 3D is really good! Second only to Galaxy Force II.

DAT top-view layered effect
is nice.


Thunder Blade seemed more like a showcase for great scaling (and now 3D) than a really good game. It's was never as exciting as After Burner II.

That said, it great to finally have an exact port at home, or rather, on the go.

Regarding Super Thunder Blade, it was a different game. and not a good one. Here is EGM's look at it along with their review from issue 5.


It's playable on Wii Virtual Console


Terrible, even for a 1988 launch title for the Japanese MD.

Now that we have the proper Thunder Blade, would love to see Power Drift and Super Monaco GP in a third wave if there is one.

We love you M2!
Will I like Thunder Blade if I don't like Afterburner? I thought that game was way too difficult in a pretty uninteresting way; that is, I could never figure out why I was constantly dying.


Gives all the fucks
Oh, so the one on Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection was Super Thunder Blade & nothing like the 3D Classic version released today? That's good to hear. STB was just "meh" to me.
This answered my one question. Was it a port of the arcade or the genesis game. I'm glad that it sounds like it was the arcade game. I loved the game when it first came out in the arcades. I also enjoyed the genesis version, but realized it wasn't as good as the arcade game.


All I can say about Special Mode is it's fantastic.

Oh, so the one on Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection was Super Thunder Blade & nothing like the 3D Classic version released today? That's good to hear. STB was just "meh" to me.

Yeah, Super Thunder Blade was nothing like the arcade, thus, nothing like this 3D Classic.

It didn't even have the top-view levels.

Edit: Another thing,


Blue Thunder movie poster vs STB boxart:



Will I like Thunder Blade if I don't like Afterburner? I thought that game was way too difficult in a pretty uninteresting way; that is, I could never figure out why I was constantly dying.

That's exactly how I felt about Afterburner. Thunder Blade is much more fair. It's still tough due to the sheer volume of stuff shooting at you at times, but unlike Afterburner you can actually see where it's coming from, and can usually avoid it by adjusting your height in the top down sections and by moving constantly in a figure eight pattern in the behind the back sections. (Though the final level in the arrange mode is completely insane and you will die repeatedly unless you can somehow memorize the layout.)
No Thunder Blade for Australia. :(

So now we're missing Out Run, Fantasy Zone 1 & 2 and this, even though Sega had them classified for an Australian release ages ago. Which isn't cheap. I wonder if NoE simply doesn't know how to handle this sort of situation; having to upload games to the Australian eShop long after they were released in Europe.

Then again I think Jett Rocket managed to arrive here several weeks after Europe...
Thunder Blade's really fun so far, though I need to find a better way to manage speed. Is throttle control via analog pads better than holding the should buttons? All for naught if acceleration/deceleration is digital-only...

Also, finally we get themes! Bought Fantasy Zone quick as lightning.


I thought I wasn't gonna like Thunder Blade because I hated Super Thunder Blade as a kid.

I was wrong...

Arcade version is incredibly fun and the 3D effect in this port is staggeringly good as always.

Based M2. Also snagged the Space Harrier theme because I fucking love the Space Harrier music to death.


What's the cheapest EU store? I'm region hopping from deadbeat Australia.

Now these will flop here because everyone will have bought from Europe already.
Thunder Blade is nice! The 3D effect is excellent as usual with the M2 stuff. I'd love Golden Axe: Revenge of Death Adder and Outrunners. Power Drift and Rad Mobile would be dandy as well. All the super scalar games dammit!

I thought about getting the Space Harrier and Fantasy Zone themes even though I don't buy themes. Is there any way to disable theme music? I just want the SH and FZ imagery and sound effects but not the constantly looping music. I may just get 'em anyways.


Wow, this game is fun! I've only played it a few times now, but it already looks like it'll become one of my favourite 3D Classics!

I love that it isn't as chaotic as After Burner and that there's no 'energy' mechanic in place that forces you to fly at top speed all the time (like in Galaxy Force). This way, I feel like I'm more in control of the action and better at anticipating enemy attacks.


Bought Thunder Blade yesterday along with Stretchmo but haven't had time to dig into it yet. The one time I tried to play it I was too tired and just died 3 times in a row. RIP.


So in Special Mode, the screen rotates a little bit to the left & right. This is especially noticeable on the buildings in the top-view levels. It's neat.


Regarding Super Thunder Blade, it was a different game. and not a good one. Here is EGM's look at it along with their review from issue 5.


We love you M2!

oh man, still have this issue too i think
god this one goes right onto the list with the others


i don't love thunder blade.

but i am really terrible at it.

It's surprisingly difficult considering how little you have to deal with compared to say, Space Harrier or After Burner. Because the controls are so sensitive and inertia-heavy, it's easier to kill yourself doing something stupid than it is to die from being attacked directly. It's more beneficial to stay calm and use slight movements than it is to go wild trying to avoid stuff, which goes against the mindset one might normally bring to this type of game.
Played Thunder Blade, I liked it. I wasn't familiar with the game previously at all, and the thing that striked me the most about it was how unrefined or incohesive the art in the game looks compared to Sega's other arcade classics. It's hard to explain, but the design of some elements don't blend perfectly with the rest. The explosions look rough (like they're lacking animation frames and are trying to look more realistic than the color palette optimally allows), other elements have a minimalist look to them (sand and water are one flat solid color with no detail at all, also your helicopter is minimally colored) while other terrain and enemies have the busy/textured look similar to Galaxy Force II. It doesn't feel as polished visually as other games I've seen from Sega. The 3D effect is great though.

I liked the gameplay a lot though. And didn't find it as difficult as I expected it to be.


I like Thunder Blade so far. Alternating top-down and behind the back sections is great. I made it to the third stage on one credit relatively easily but I was going pretty slow. I'm not sure yet if you get more points by going fast (time bonus) or by going slow and getting a lot of hits. Probably by going fast if I had to guess.


I wasn't a big Sega arcade kid, so here are some thoughts coming from someone who has nostalgia only for the Genesis side of the 3d remakes. I've gotten Sonic, Streets of Rage, Galaxy Force 2, OutRun, and Fantasy Zone 2. The first one I bought was OutRun, then I started picking up others as they interested me.

With Sonic, the spin dash addition doesn't really affect it much for me. There are very few situations in the original game where it's a good idea to go fast, unless you just know the game really well. It's easy to forget how slow paced of a game the original Sonic really is. I loved the series as a kid, and it's nice to have it portable in a really solid form, but it's not a game I think I'll go back to much. I more bought it to support what they're doing with these 3d remakes. I feel the same way about many games on the VC, but they don't interest me because they feel like such a small effort and high price for something I've already played so much.

I don't remember playing the original Streets of Rage much, if at all, but man did this series improve drastically with its sequel. Maybe it's because I didn't play it when it was newer and I don't know it's tricks, but I feel this game really doesn't hold up to time. It's not a game I think I'll go back to much, but it's nice to have if only because of my love of the next two SoR games on top of supporting M2's efforts a bit.

Galaxy Force 2 just outright kicks my ass. Of the 3d fly-into-the-screen shooters, this one looked the most interesting to me. Space Harrier looked too simplistic, and I'd heard After Burner was very difficult. This looked kind of like an arcade Star Fox. It's just a tiny bit (a lot) tougher than Star Fox though. I haven't made it past stage 3 yet without running out of energy on default settings, and I was lucky to get that far. Maybe I should've gone with After Burner instead. Maybe people will laugh at that and say After Burner is even harder. Suppose I'll pump up the settings so I can at least see the other levels sometime, though I kind of regret getting it. This is the last one I've bought so far though. Maybe I'll feel better about it with more time put into it.

OutRun can be a hectic race to the finish or a casual but speedy cruise to the finish. I'm not usually into games that revolve around high scores or fast times, but somehow with OutRun it doesn't seem to matter that the only "point" of playing is to get a good time. I like that they included the original arcade version as well, complete with its own quirks. I don't have any nostalgia for that, but it's cool for those who might prefer it. It's a great way to see the difference 60fps makes at the very least. Recently, if I've felt like playing a game and I didn't know what to play, I'd tend to just relax and play more OutRun.

I've started to like Fantasy Zone 2 about as much as I like OutRun. One thing that turned me off about the game is that buying a weapon feels like a waste. None of the ones I've tried last long enough to bother with, and I don't remember being in a situation where I'd want to buy a heavier gun and actually being able to do that. Endless mode is a great addition, and I think I'll end up playing that more than the main game. Like I said, I'm not much into high score games, but I like the way endless mode ramps up the difficulty. I just try to get as far as I can and not look at the score. My only problem is that my thumb starts to hurt while working the dpad when things get crazier. Took a bit of a chance getting this. The most I was into SHMUPS was when I played the crap out of Life Force on NES. I liked UN Squadron a lot too. Other than those, I didn't play the genre very mcuh. I don't regret buying Fantasy Zone 2.

I kind of feel bad for not buying every game they've put out. I appreciate the effort they put in to make these really solid 3ds versions of their games running at 60fps, and the interviews are interesting insights into that. Hope we get a wave 3. Will definitely be getting SoR2, Sonic 2, and Gunstar Heroes.
Space Harrier looked too simplistic, and I'd heard After Burner was very difficult.

Simple, but not simplistic. ABII and Space Harrier are more focused on survival than speeding through; the former throws shit-tons of missiles at you to dodge (lest you get shot down immediately), while the latter's more about rhythm. GFII's a checkpoint rally rail-shooter, where the goal is to go as fast as possible while shooting down targets. It's a tough one to get into, but I'll recommend (assuming you're on arcade settings) playing and perfecting stages one at a time before integrating your knowledge into a full-game run. That approach is endorsed by M2 itself, given that you can see high scores for each stage in the select menu.

One thing that turned me off about the game is that buying a weapon feels like a waste. None of the ones I've tried last long enough to bother with, and I don't remember being in a situation where I'd want to buy a heavier gun and actually being able to do that.

Twin Shot doesn't seem worth it to me, but you'll find uses for other items/weapons in later stages. Heavy Twin Bombs, extra lives, and 7-Way Shot are nifty to use in the right circumstances.
Also, I'd switch to using the analog pad if the D-pad's hurting you. FZIIDX actually has analog movement, so you can use the pad knowing M2's balanced the game for that kind of play.

Thunder Blade definitely seems like a cool-down from After Burner II, with less going on and more subtle means needed to avoid enemy fire. It seems like enemy hits matter more for score than your overall speed, too, yet the game's always calculating the enemies' movements, so it's wise to keep momentum going even in top-down segments. As for how it looks, SEGA arcade games varied widely in pixel art quality back then. You could go from something gorgeous like Fantasy Zone to an airbrushed, gaudy thing like Quartet or Action Fighter. Thunder Blade seems average enough.
As for how it looks, SEGA arcade games varied widely in pixel art quality back then. You could go from something gorgeous like Fantasy Zone to an airbrushed, gaudy thing like Quartet or Action Fighter. Thunder Blade seems average enough.

I'm not familiar with those games, or much of SEGA's arcade games prior to these 3DS ports for that matter. I was commenting on Thunder Blade's art in comparison to the likes of Super Hang-On, Out Run, and After Burner II, all of which look immaculate.


I think I'll pass on 3D Thunder Blade. Yes, 3D Galaxy Force II and 3D After Burner II are looking great in 3D, but the gameplay is just not very coherent and surprisingly shallow, the games obviously were to awe arcade players and little else. I ended up deleting both of them from my 3DS and felt somehow ripped off despite the quality of the port.

To me, the best of the series by far are 3D Space Harrier and 3D Super Hang-On (haven't tried Out Run yet). In any case, this isn't very flattering for SEGA, way too many games that don't really work as games.


I think I'll pass on 3D Thunder Blade. Yes, 3D Galaxy Force II and 3D After Burner II are looking great in 3D, but the gameplay is just not very coherent and surprisingly shallow, the games obviously were to awe arcade players and little else. I ended up deleting both of them from my 3DS and felt somehow ripped off despite the quality of the port.

To me, the best of the series by far are 3D Space Harrier and 3D Super Hang-On (haven't tried Out Run yet). In any case, this isn't very flattering for SEGA, way too many games that don't really work as games.
I personally love the 'rollercoaster' arcade games. Sure there's only a couple of hours of game there, but they're cheap and have never had ports this good before, and the awesome 3D makes them in some ways even better than $100,000 arcade cab versions.

I love having them, they're cheap, simple thrills. After Burner is the best Top Gun game ever made (and the soundtrack is itself a direct riff on Top Gun).


Sega responded to me about the 3DS themes involving the Sega hardware:

"the hardware themes are trickier due to the differences per territory, licensing, etc. Looking into them, but nothing confirmed."
I mean, I have a Famicom Memories theme on my US 3DS. If Nintendo can do it, Sega can do it.


I think I'll pass on 3D Thunder Blade. Yes, 3D Galaxy Force II and 3D After Burner II are looking great in 3D, but the gameplay is just not very coherent and surprisingly shallow, the games obviously were to awe arcade players and little else. I ended up deleting both of them from my 3DS and felt somehow ripped off despite the quality of the port.

To me, the best of the series by far are 3D Space Harrier and 3D Super Hang-On (haven't tried Out Run yet). In any case, this isn't very flattering for SEGA, way too many games that don't really work as games.

Come back when you have 1CC'd Galaxy Force 2. Shallow is the last thing I'd call it.


I've been trying to get into Thunder Blade on and off since I bought it. I'm... not really feeling it. The controls are pretty bad, the game designs feels kinda... unfun (?)... and while the technical aspects of the 3D conversion are really solid (great credits too!)... I'm really just.... thinking this might be a real dud. Maybe there's a reason why Sega wasn't all that keen on M2 working on this from the start! >_<
Should I just buy Space Harrier instead of Thunder Blade if I'm hankering for another 3D Classic? I've barely played the former outside of Shenmue, but I remember it being a little shallow.


Should I just buy Space Harrier instead of Thunder Blade if I'm hankering for another 3D Classic? I've barely played the former outside of Shenmue, but I remember it being a little shallow.

One of them is a timeless classic and the other is Thunder Blade, so yes.

I've picked all of these up as a show of support but TB ranks pretty low in my book.
Thunder Blade's Special Mode is so much better than the standard game it's ridiculous

It's just a lot more frantic and shmup feeling (to me at least), the rockets also seem far more useful than the standard ones

Anyone not feeling TB, I strongly recommend brute forcing through levels to unlock it


I wish M2 would bring these to the WiiU - Thunderblade deserves a 60 inch plasma.

Yes! I'd happily buy most of these games again on Wii U, especially the arcade games!

I've been trying to get into Thunder Blade on and off since I bought it. I'm... not really feeling it. The controls are pretty bad, the game designs feels kinda... unfun (?)... and while the technical aspects of the 3D conversion are really solid (great credits too!)... I'm really just.... thinking this might be a real dud. Maybe there's a reason why Sega wasn't all that keen on M2 working on this from the start! >_<

That's a shame to read - I still have to buy and try Thunde Blade myself, and after reading this, I might still do it to support M2 (a worthy cause indeed!) but perhaps will not expect too much in terms of actually playing it. Oh well, still nice to have it as part of the series I guess.

By the way, is there any word on what could follow next in terms of Wave 2.5/3 beyond Sonic 2, Street of Rage 2 and Gunstar Heroes? Is there any chance for Power Drift, Golden Axe or Turbo Outrun? Moreover, is there any way we can reach M2 (or someone within Sega) to voice our interest in certain games?


Thunder Blade's Special Mode is so much better than the standard game it's ridiculous.

It's just a lot more frantic and shmup feeling (to me at least), the rockets also seem far more useful than the standard ones

Anyone not feeling TB, I strongly recommend brute forcing through levels to unlock it

Interesting; I'll keep that in mind!
Interesting; I'll keep that in mind!
In the original game I was struggling to even clear the first level without dying a few times, never making it past level 2 (without just selecting level 2 from the get go)

In Special Mode I just 1CC'd the first couple of levels and got most of the way through the 3rd (and the number of hits you get on 1 credit earns you extra lives). I got 86 hits on the first level and had like 5 lives going into chapter 2. If you get a game over and have to use a credit, your hits reset to 0

Also seems way more viable to just blast through the levels at full speed, wrecking everything
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