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Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice | OT | Borne of Souls


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Whoa, wait a second...

What kind of bullshit is this

It's not enough that the game is so hard, now i have
to think about this shit every time i die while i'm trying to beat a boss/miniboss/general?

It's not a big deal. There are a few NPCs that lose their secondary dialogue options if they become severely afflicted, but nothing that affects their main utilities or the critical path, and you can buy items that recover everyone at once for 180 gold if necessary.


I've got about an hour into this game and I am stuck. I am getting frustrated at the difficulty. I might sell the damn thing. I don't like these FromSoftware games where they are impossibly difficult. Am I the only one having problems with this game or do I just suck? Lol.

Not going to get easier than the first hour of the game lol why did you buy this game if you don't like being challenged? This is easily the most difficult from software game I've ever played, I would not have recommended it to you if you gave up on their previous games.

We all start sucking at first but getting better is what makes it fun


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Can i buy as many as i want?

If not, how do i know when is the best time to use them?

Not sure if the vendors restock or not since I've only used the item once, but at least two vendors have had two in stock iirc, and there are more you can find in the world.

You'll know when to use one when an NPC you want to do something with loses their dialogue option for that action due to the rot. It's all optional though.


Not sure if the vendors restock or not since I've only used the item once, but at least two vendors have had two in stock iirc, and there are more you can find in the world.

You'll know when to use one when an NPC you want to do something with loses their dialogue option for that action due to the rot. It's all optional though.
Ok thanks.


I never played a Dark Souls before, went with Sekiro and man sure the game is hard but its really fun and i love the setting. Its satisfying beating a Boss.
Im not far into it yet. Just beat the horse guy but man watched some streams and i will have more hard bosses going forward haha xD But cant wait.


This game is a Dark Souls 1 level masterwork. It just keeps impressing.

Now 15 hours in, found two major story bosses, beat the one in the burning room, and crushed about... 10 or so minibosses within 3 or so tries each. My arsenal and skill trees are looking pretty healthy though I'm not further than ~3 nodes into each one.

The spear guy at the aqueduct was the worst, took about 6-7 attempts. His counters are hard to read. Quickdraw samurai man comes a close second but once you get the parries down he's a cinch.
The armored artorias-a-like was an awesome fight as well. Really fun to pick apart. ROBERRRRTTTTT

Seems like all my time practicing DMC royalguard and Ninja Gaiden is paying off :messenger_grinning:
I love the way the moveset is coming together. All sorts of ways to get in and deal with the various different enemy types.
Lucky you, I'm getting my ass kicked left and right and already almost lost my interest in playing the game. Guess I'm too bad :/
Slightly random but somewhat relevant rant:

There's a chance I won't finish Sekiro or maybe only finish it like, 2 months later. I love From Software games, played my minds out of Demon Souls and DS1. But part of growing old and having work commitments meant that I rarely finish games nowadays, especially good games (because I don't even bother touching the trash ones).

More often than not I end up playing a game for the experience which I can garner in about 3 or 4 hours worth and then it just sits dormant in my PC for a long time. Oh well.


Not going to get easier than the first hour of the game lol why did you buy this game if you don't like being challenged? This is easily the most difficult from software game I've ever played, I would not have recommended it to you if you gave up on their previous games.

We all start sucking at first but getting better is what makes it fun

I think the game gets quite a bit easier, and more enjoyable after the chained ogre.
My main problem with this game is that that one boss. If they'd just given him half the amount of health there wouldn't be so many complaints.
It's one of the most offputting first levels I've encountered and a major misstep as far as I'm concerned. I'd be very surprised if it doesn't get patched.

Codes 208

Just when I was finally done with the shitting on by Ginchiro, I almost immediately put myself into another couple hours long banging my head (and controller) against a wall session over the simpler snake eyes mini boss at the gun fortress. This game has no fucking chill.

Though I was able to kill Edward scissor hands right after on my first try so that was nice. And now I’m at the ape and I feel I’m not ready to rage anymore tonight


I think the game gets quite a bit easier, and more enjoyable after the chained ogre.
My main problem with this game is that that one boss. If they'd just given him half the amount of health there wouldn't be so many complaints.
It's one of the most offputting first levels I've encountered and a major misstep as far as I'm concerned. I'd be very surprised if it doesn't get patched.

Sorry, is the "boss" you're referring to here the chained ogre?
I am really struggling with the hirata estate. I've been at it for hours now and not getting anywhere. Should I just go back to the main area and come back later. This purple ninja and juzo are fucking me up.


After trying to beat that ninja so many times i had to ask myself "are you having fun?"
I wasn't. I know the game is good. But it's not for me. Uninstalled.
I had the same feeling while fighting that ninja. Even if the game doesn't show it, you do get better at it with time and once you finally beat him it's extremely satisfying. You encounter a similar enemy later on and since I already knew most of his moves I styled on him.
I will say that the camera is bullshit though.


I actually best him last night. Was a horror for me too.
I ended up running arround him most of the time and closed in to hit him whenever he turned his ass to me.
The grab attacks i avoided by jumping. The butt/belly bombs i avoided by sliding into the directing he came from so i ended up behind him to once again smack his ass.
Be aware that there is a 2nd phase though. I’d recommend watching a video to get an idea of the strategy. I also recommend learing the first phase as best you can so you have as many healing items as possible saved for the 2nd.
Jump back and to the right/left for ALL his attacks, then move forward and hit him twice. Repeat. Then after a few hits use the flame barrel and keep usuing it in intervals until he dies.
Make sure you get in two consecutive shots with the barrel (with a slight delay) as if he is still staggering from the last flame blow he will get set on fire, inflicting futher damage. He goes down quite quickly like this. Well under two minutes.
Firecrackers stun him. If you went to Senpou Temple and finished it use
the Mortal Draw skill (other skills might be better, I just used that one and seemed to do quite a bit of damage and has the range)
while stunned from firecrackers, than keep hitting him and he'll stagger some more. Be aware that when he's stunned he might fall on you and do a shitload of damage. If I recall correctly you can grapple on him sometimes when he backs away. Use that to get some extra hits in.
Congrats, you just got half-way through the fight. Run away when he pours blood from his head, but this is a given. He does a combo that ends in a big overhead. If you deflect it you'll have time to get 3-4 hits in.

Thanks guys I finally managed to beat him yesterday. That was about after about after 3 hours or so trying?
I have beaten Bloodborne solo and never had so much trouble with any boss in my life. I'm sure I could beat him very consistantly now. Especially the second phase seems quite easy now afterI figuerd out the pattern.
BTW is there a way to fight bosses again without starting a new game?

So might aswell admit it now. I snapped a PS4 controller in half in the mids of it. Literally I mean. I broke it in half down the middle.
That guardian ape made me basically become an ape for a second.
It's the first time I raged like that because of a game since 12 years ago or so.

After that I continued and beat
Father owl
just afte a few trys. Now I arrived at the
second corrupted monk
and she was fucking me up in her second phase a few times. Not sure yet what to do when she becomes a phantom.
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I found the Souls games challenging but always really rewarding. Rewarding in the sense that when you beat a boss, you know you had some nice rewards coming — a new area to explore, a new weapon, and a reprieve from the frustration (usually). This game never lets up to give you those rewarding moments and it doesn’t really reward you with a feeling of progress.

Health upgrade? Tough luck, your next boss kills you in a single hit regardless.

Damage upgrade? Won’t mean much because you’re going to be fighting a string of even HARDER bosses for the next 10 hours.

I think it’s a good game, I just think they’ve gone too far down the “hate the player” path with this one. Bloodborne was the beginning of that journey (but still manageable) but they went a tad too off the deep end here, I feel.

I agree. It feels mechanical. Like I'm playing the entire game on the extreme dificulty setting. Too needy. Like I'm dating the prom queen.
Good thing is. I like playing games on that setting, bad thing is, it prevents me from getting into the game on any level apart from 'high alert'.

This is one title that absolutely needs a lower difficulty setting, not becuase it's that difficult but because it's a combat game, not a souls RPG.

It needs to reward combat, but doesn't as you pointed out. This is a big design flaw. Without the RPG'ing / exploration or atmosphere this mechanic doesn't really work.
That From disgregarded easing you into the combat, the main portion of the game, is part of the problem. It holds your hand for hours explaining mechanics that are obvious and pretty much inconsequential, but leaves you floudering when it comes to the actual gameplay.

It's a good game. A solid 8/10 for me which may rise if it gets better, but right now my main criticisms are that it's fairly unoriginal and lacks soul (no pun intended).
The game feels compromised, sort of like like Souls has been forced into a more standard level design template, then they just whacked a couple of extreme bosses on top to toughen it up / make it stand out. Most of the game just plays like a western title on a harder difficulty setting and this is a shame.

Having said this. I witnessed Platiunum Games get compromised working for Activision and I feared that this would happen with From as well.
From have fared a lot better, and this has mostly worked out, but I hope this is their last collboration with a western publisher.


Random thoughts:

THIS is what a videogame should be. This is what games are all about. This is what "beating" a game looks like.
Fantastic level of challenge. If you take a thoughtful approach and actually consider what is going on in the battles and then concentrate like a motherfucker then there are few games as rewarding as this.

No matter how hard an enemy or boss appears there is always a reliable tactic that you can find.

This game exposes how much of a crutch the "call for help" option is in Dark Souls, Bloodborne and also Nioh.
There are bosses here I would have probably just said "fuck it" and asked for help but since I can't do that I was forced to learn the game and do it myself.

Nothing in gaming beats that feeling of coming out on top after a serious challenge.

The bull boss was great for just teaching you that you can sprint around endlessly because of no stamina bar.

So that run of mini-bosses and boss in the very first level is a GREAT intro to the game and anyone new to all this should appreciate that this is a top drawer tutorial, really, and you just have to listen to what the game is telling you. The samurai dudes and the chained ogre are slow for a reason and you can beat them if you just think "what as the game told me about so far and how can these best be used to come out on top here".

Samurai mini-boss 1, jumping and parrying and the value of getting the first stealth deathblow.
Chained Orge, dodging and using your grapple and also shinobi prosthetic tools (if you went on the Hirata detour).
Samurai mini-boss 2, clearing the field before going for the boss plus reinforcement of the previous samurai miniboss lessons.
Big horse-riding Samurai combining all of the above, jump, grapple, parry, dodge, shinobi tools (firecracker).

I love how the Shinobi Hunter in Hirata is set up like "he has a spear... IF ONLY THERE WAS SOME KIND OF SPECIAL THING FOR SPEARS".
If you are stuck... look to your skill tree.

AAA experiences can talk the talk about storytelling etc but nobody offers you something like this.
Sure Naughty Dog might give you a game that plays out like a decent movie but you're not gonna stress too much about completing it.
Most of the recent big releases you might die a couple of times but nothing is that bad and sometimes I might go tens of hours without any failure at all.
Here sometimes I wonder if I can even get past the current bit.

Then something clicks and you realize "I can beat this level, I can beat this boss" as you start to learn. Get them down to half health, then a few hits from death then... FINALLY!

Your regular big games are not offering that level of emotional investment so no matter how good they are at telling a story they will never match the fucking heart wrenching despair of getting Lady Butterfly down to one more hit and then she surprises you and the opportunity is lost. They are not offering the elation of breaking that last bit of posture and landing that final death blow after hours of toiling and trying. Fucking jumping around the room like a manic as you take away that last slither of life and hear that satisfying death blow sound.

Literally. Shaking.

There's "videogames are a great way to do interactive storytelling" and then there's THIS.
Where interaction is the game taking you on an emotional rollercoaster to the depths of despair then up and up and up to those awesome moments when you wipe the floor with enemies using your new found skills and then back down to the depths as the next level turns all of that on it's head.

These level designs. Wow.
So beautiful and intimidating and intricate.

The short little interlude through the dungeons between Ashina Castle and Mt Kongo. Creepy as fuck.

Props to the dev for understanding that exp points and traditional character stat leveling and a long list of weapon options have been done to death. Same with dying and then needing to get back to that spot to pick up your stuff. It's been done over and over and over. Something new and different was needed and they delivered that wonderfully here.

Great to see a developer willing to just shuffle everything up and try new approaches and ideas even when what they were already doing was popular.
I'm glad they didn't cave in to pressure for easy modes etc but rather took out the co-op options to force players to beat the game.

Too early to say where this stands in relation to other FROM games. A magnificent effort all round.


Thanks guys I finally managed to beat him yesterday. That was about after about after 3 hours or so trying?
I have beaten Bloodborne solo and never had so much trouble with any boss in my life. I'm sure I could beat him very consistantly now. Especially the second phase seems quite easy now afterI figuerd out the pattern.
BTW is there a way to fight bosses again without starting a new game?

So might aswell admit it now. I snapped a PS4 controller in half in the mids of it. Literally I mean. I broke it in half down the middle.
That guardian ape made me basically become an ape for a second.
It's the first time I raged like that because of a game since 12 years ago or so.

After that I continued and beat
Father owl
just afte a few trys. Now I arrived at the
second corrupted monk
and she was fucking me up in her second phase a few times. Not sure yet what to do when she becomes a phantom.
Divine confetti


Sorry, is the "boss" you're referring to here the chained ogre?
Yes, I made a mistake. Sorry.
I'm not here to argue what constitutes a boss here.

In any case he's rock hard compared to the actual horse boss guy who is easy.
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love this game. i went to a place with a bunch of monkeys and im poisoned. i like the mystery and the exploration. people want easy shit

all in all i wouldnt say this game is hard. as i figured out the controls and what it takes to whoop ass. its definitely easier. but im good at playing games. lots of people arent
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Yes, I made a mistake. Sorry.
I'm not here to argue what constitutes a boss here.

In any case he's rock hard compared to the actual horse boss guy who is easy.

You've no stamina bar though. He so slow that you ought to be able to dodge and hit and doge and hit and run to a more comfortable position and doge and hit. You've enough spirit emblems to blast fire at him 7(?) times so that's like more than 20 free hits.

His move set is rather small and the perilous moves are very obviously telegraphed.
You can also use the tree above the arena to stop and heal.


What core mechanics are you talking about? The combat is completely different. Souls games are at their core RPG, while Sekiro is an action game, they are not even the same genre.
You are deluded.
Demons Souls, Dark Souls, Bloodborne and Sekiro all use the same core gameplay mechanics.
Im not going to fully explain, you are not worth it.
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You are deluded.
Demons Souls, Dark Souls, Bloodborne and Sekiro all use the same core gameplay mechanics.
Im not going to fully explain, you are not worth it.

quit trying to act elite. lots of things carry on from souls games but this is still a very different game

and ill bet im way better at this game than you are
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They went too far with the extreme difficulty IMHO. I'm beating bosses after hours of practice but it doesn't feel rewarding to me, as I always need a good dose of luck in order to beat anything. Even when I figure the patterns, I'm not good enough to react consistently within those narrow reaction windows, and even slight mistakes receive the most brutal punishing.

It may be a good game, but it's just not for me. This will be the first From game after Demons I won't finish, sadly.

The speedrunning/streaming community is going to love the game to death, though.


Neo Member
Im at the same point really, im loving the game but i really suck as well.

Today i played a little after work exploring some new areas and getting some new itens/gold/skills, but the major part of my playtime was dying over and over again to the same enemies. After a while it can get frustating because it feels you are losing valuable time without any progress.

However i still think the game is a masterpiece, so im going to keep practing until either i finally get better or give up.

The only game i played from From (sorry) was Bloodborne. It was hard as well but i still think it was more manageable because of some things like level up, upgrading your gear... and if everything went wrong, most bosses had offline companion nearby or you could find somebody online to help you. The noob part in me wish there was at least something like this on Sekiro as well.

She has a second phase where she summon some illusions and attack with some magic, otherwise its the same as the first phase

For the record, I think the game is brilliant. I just happen to suck. The Soulsborne games give you a bone, by letting you grind out stats. This game doesn’t have that. It’s pure combat. Like even if you could cheat and unlock every move instantly, that won’t do shit for you, if you can’t perfect breaking postures and countering. Either you get it, or you are fucked.

I can clear an entire section with stealth and being aggressive on defense. But once it gets to the mini boss’s which you need to clear the area - I just can not beat these enemies. At all.
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Really doesn´t seem any more or less difficult than prior Fromsoft entries to me. I never used any summons in the previous entries to begin with, and this game seems to reward the same type of aggressive play as Bloodborne.

Protip: Equip the spear attachment and get the skill that lets you perform a follow-up attack after using the arm, then just murk dudes from downtown.


I know i can also dodge the swipe. I just do not enough posture so it takes way longer and I make errors... I honestly do not know why...

because you're probably doing mistakes / getting punished by the bow phase. If you play well he'll NEVER use his bow.

Its simple really when he deflects YOU he'll either do a quick slash without a follow up (just to break your aggression) OR he'll dash backward and then use his bow. Its when he goes backward that you want to dash forward and keep attacking. The key is to simply have these two possibilities in mind, not messing up your deflect timing and not mess up the counter of his "danger" attacks (btw instead of dodging his swipe you can simply jump on him)

All in all its a fairly limited fight in terms of patterns, and further bosses aren't really more difficult than that. Some mini bosses don't even change of patterns on their second bar as well, and if you're aggressive enough you'll lock them into the same moves over and over

Like its entirely possible to lock Lady Butterfly into her only doing kicks to you, which completely trivializes the encounter
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For those who were wondering earlier, the kanji (symbol) that shows up when there is a thrust/sweep/grab attack coming is always the same.
It's " 危 " which means "danger".


You are deluded.
Demons Souls, Dark Souls, Bloodborne and Sekiro all use the same core gameplay mechanics.
Im not going to fully explain, you are not worth it.

Classy move, when running out of arguments (I don't think you had a single one actually?) just sit on a high horse of unearned elitism. Well, I've played every of the games you listed multiple times (including at soul level 1 just for fun and relaxation) and as 5secondrulesucks 5secondrulesucks points out, while there are a few elements that show up in every game, Sekiro is a very different beast.

Kenneth Haight

Gold Member
Fuck this ogre, honestly. What a cheap boss. Basically indodgeable grabs, playing it safe two hits then out and then he grabs me and flips me off the cliff every time.

Edit: and then beat him on my next try..... just about. Onwards now have 4 prayer beads!!!
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Played it for an hour or so to get to the memory of H estate. Like the game, like the need to be on the offence all the time. (I really hate the turtle playstyle of DS1)
Hard restart and restarted from scratch. Second time:
I died once to the fat sumo guy with a club halfway through he first area on purpose to get the resurrect thing.
I think I am close to the end of the first memory and no other death yet. Not even close.

It is VERY different from souls or bb but I really like it so far. I am sure it will get a lot more difficult moving forward.

So far, really enjoy this game. Though early areas are possibly a bit easy and unchallenging.


You are deluded.
Demons Souls, Dark Souls, Bloodborne and Sekiro all use the same core gameplay mechanics.
Im not going to fully explain, you are not worth it.

What? Did you even play the game?

The battle mechanics are lightyears apart. In souls you just turtle and slowly grind down each enemy and boss. slowly. very slowly.
In bb you were encouraged to re-attack quickly to regain lost health.

Here you have to keep pressure up constantly in order to get a proper deathblow hit in. Play like ds and the foe will quickly regain his posture and all your effort was wasted.

The only similarity with DS/BB is that you have to learn the mechanics to know how to counter them.
Just like in Manic Miner from the late 1980s.

You are trolling.


You are deluded.
Demons Souls, Dark Souls, Bloodborne and Sekiro all use the same core gameplay mechanics.
Im not going to fully explain, you are not worth it.

If you try to play Sekiro like Dark souls or Bloodbone you willl have a pretty rough time. You need to forget everything you have learned in these games regarding the combat. this one is all about deflecting and building posture up. Each of these games have different mechanics but sekiro really lays the focus on one on one battle. Like Samurai duels. they are fast, they are intense and they relay very heavy on deflecting and counter.

because you're probably doing mistakes / getting punished by the bow phase. If you play well he'll NEVER use his bow.

Its simple really when he deflects YOU he'll either do a quick slash without a follow up (just to break your aggression) OR he'll dash backward and then use his bow. Its when he goes backward that you want to dash forward and keep attacking. The key is to simply have these two possibilities in mind, not messing up your deflect timing and not mess up the counter of his "danger" attacks (btw instead of dodging his swipe you can simply jump on him)

All in all its a fairly limited fight in terms of patterns, and further bosses aren't really more difficult than that. Some mini bosses don't even change of patterns on their second bar as well, and if you're aggressive enough you'll lock them into the same moves over and over

Like its entirely possible to lock Lady Butterfly into her only doing kicks to you, which completely trivializes the encounter
Yeah I did way more errors than I did in the first phase. I do not even know why. And the bow was never real the problem. Maybe at that time I got more and more nervous losing every time.

Before I finally beat him, I was sooooo fucking bad at every attack that I died in like 20 seconds in the fight. I was ready to give up and said one last time and then I finally did it. I was even good at the second part. The Lightning phase was also over very very quick.
i am actually raging now. i'm shaking. i can't keep playing this. this game is on another level from dark souls/bloodborne. it makes them look so easy in comparison.

how on earth am i meant to defeat Juzu? i have tried reading the strategies but none of them work out. i sneak in killing the two guys in the little building and then around behind the guy with the shield. i immediately get slammed by juzu's huge fucking sword then i get gangbanged by his bandits. then when i try hide behind the rocks in the water the guys on the other fucking side start firing arrows into me. so i cleared them out but by the time i'm done i'm out of health. i even tried luring juzu away to try get a deathblow which i got. but then his fucking health RESTORED!!!! WTF. oh and then you have leeroy jenkins running into to fight way too early and he just gets himself killed.

this is about my 20th try and i just don't see how this can be done. it's fucking bullshit. neither dark souls or bloodborne have got me this angry.
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i am actually raging now. i'm shaking. i can't keep playing this. this game is on another level from dark souls/bloodborne. it makes them look so easy in comparison.

how on earth am i meant to defeat Juzu? i have tried reading the strategies but none of them work out. i sneak in killing the two guys in the little building and then around behind the guy with the shield. i immediately get slammed by juzu's huge fucking sword then i get gangbanged by his bandits. then when i try hide behind the rocks in the water the guys on the other fucking side start firing arrows into me. so i cleared them out but by the time i'm done i'm out of health. i even tried luring juzu away to try get a deathblow which i got. but then his fucking health RESTORED!!!! WTF. oh and then you have leeroy jenkins running into to fight way too early and he just gets himself killed.

this is about my 20th try and i just don't see how this can be done. it's fucking bullshit. neither dark souls or bloodborne have got me this angry.

This is how I did it. Kind of cheesy, but it worked. Only took like 2 tries.

i am actually raging now. i'm shaking. i can't keep playing this. this game is on another level from dark souls/bloodborne. it makes them look so easy in comparison.

how on earth am i meant to defeat Juzu? i have tried reading the strategies but none of them work out. i sneak in killing the two guys in the little building and then around behind the guy with the shield. i immediately get slammed by juzu's huge fucking sword then i get gangbanged by his bandits. then when i try hide behind the rocks in the water the guys on the other fucking side start firing arrows into me. so i cleared them out but by the time i'm done i'm out of health. i even tried luring juzu away to try get a deathblow which i got. but then his fucking health RESTORED!!!! WTF. oh and then you have leeroy jenkins running into to fight way too early and he just gets himself killed.

this is about my 20th try and i just don't see how this can be done. it's fucking bullshit. neither dark souls or bloodborne have got me this angry.

For that guy I killed the two in the wee hut on the left then went back out the front and used shuriken to kite the two guys (no shields) in front of him. After that, I did the same with Juzu, once he starts heading towards you go down and activate Leeroy and try to keep the fight just around where he stands. Let Leeroy take the agro then leather Juzu from the back. If he turns attention to you, back up and let Leeroy get his attention again then repeat. I didn't kill the shield guys until Juzu was dead. They stayed right at their spawn throughout the fight.

Hope some of that helps.


Genichiro is down. Started up the game this morning with the intention of practicing the fight. Didn't think I had a chance in hell of beating him. I feel like a parrying god right now. The Fextralife guide is correct. You need to be SUPER aggressive.

his health keeps resetting! i gave him a deathblow and managed to get a bit of his health down. i ran around the rocks and he has 2 bars back!? also when i sneak up behind him for the deathblow all the other enemies activate and then stupid NPC thinks it's a good idea to focus on them and get himself killed. i'm done.

i honestly would love to see the developers play this game because it's fucking beyond me on how they think this is a fair fight.
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Can i buy as many as i want?

If not, how do i know when is the best time to use them?

I wondered the same thing myself, and i read several people saying that the itens to cure Dragonrot actually respawn after a certain time, the vendor who sells them is on the ashina battlefield (near the horse boss battle).


his health keeps resetting! i gave him a deathblow and managed to get a bit of his health down. i ran around the rocks and he has 2 bars back!? also when i sneak up behind him for the deathblow all the other enemies activate and then stupid NPC thinks it's a good idea to focus on them and get himself killed. i'm done.

i honestly would love to see the developers play this game because it's fucking beyond me on how they think this is a fair fight.

Ok here is how i beat him: First talk to the samurai NPC and dont focus on the boss at all, clean the entire area of NPCs and run away. After that return and sneak attack him.

This way you just have to kill him once. I used oil and fire and attacked when he was stunned. He is still pretty brutal but still easier than fighting with his NPCs helping him.
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Most human bosses are a complete joke if you just spam r1 and react to their counterattacks, you can keep them locked in a loop.
Also firecrackers are busted and you can cheese most bosses with it too.


his health keeps resetting! i gave him a deathblow and managed to get a bit of his health down. i ran around the rocks and he has 2 bars back!? also when i sneak up behind him for the deathblow all the other enemies activate and then stupid NPC thinks it's a good idea to focus on them and get himself killed. i'm done.

i honestly would love to see the developers play this game because it's fucking beyond me on how they think this is a fair fight.

I think you're letting him reset, when minibosses de agro they regain their health, probably so players wont just cheese stealth kill them every time.
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Most human bosses are a complete joke if you just spam r1 and react to their counterattacks.

I think you're letting him reset, when minibosses de agro they regain their health, probably so players wont just cheese stealth kill them every time.
i know about that but i ran from where the NPC stands at the water edge and around the rocks (through the water) and he had his 2 bars back. it's not like i ran away to the other side of the water and hid. urgh :(
i know about that but i ran from where the NPC stands at the water edge and around the rocks (through the water) and he had his 2 bars back. it's not like i ran away to the other side of the water and hid. urgh :(
I think the water side of the rocks will reset him. I had a similar issue with seven spears yesterday, I panicked and jumped up to the top of the building and when I jumped back down he had reset. Anti-cheese mechanism.


Such a fun game, I only have 2 main bosses down because I'm short on time and still have the Division 2 to get through but it's damned good.

Gavin Stevens

Formerly 'o'dium'
I find it interesting some bosses are walk overs and people struggle, then some bosses are impossible and others just breeze through.

It says a lot about our playstyles and methods.

Quite far in the game and got a few upgrades. Finally got the perk for finding more money, but I still believe you get way too little :(



his health keeps resetting! i gave him a deathblow and managed to get a bit of his health down. i ran around the rocks and he has 2 bars back!? also when i sneak up behind him for the deathblow all the other enemies activate and then stupid NPC thinks it's a good idea to focus on them and get himself killed. i'm done.

i honestly would love to see the developers play this game because it's fucking beyond me on how they think this is a fair fight.
Do not activate the npc before you have killed all adds. o inte house take them out one by one. If the big guy comes rund around since he is pretty slow in the house. Kill the people outside and if needed go back into the house again. If all adds are dead activate the npc and go ham on him.

Quite far in the game and got a few upgrades. Finally got the perk for finding more money, but I still believe you get way too little :(
I do not even need money so far. I only try to get all the upgrades tc but have never bought items so far^^

There is a 3k Kunai item I want but thats it so far
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Love the game. I'm at
Father Owl fight
, was too tired to try.

Sadly I believe the longevity of the title will be way shorter than the other games because of the lack of multiplayer. I miss the multiplayer if only for PVP.
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Neo Member
Ok taking a sip of whisky each time we die was a terrible idea. We've obviously had to slow down with the drinking as we're both pretty drunk already and not making much progress (the game is still a LOT of fun though)

My girlfriend has somehow managed to fire off all of our shuriken and we now have none left... Do these replenish or do we need to find more?

I underestimated just how bad at this she would be lol
Not that I'm much better in fairness. I don't think we've even made it 5% into the game. There's a Samurai with a giant sword that is killing us repeatedly, I can just sneak past him though by grappling over the roofs.

Is it best to simply avoid some enemies?

Oooowww, man, hahaha. This game is hard, drunk or not.

Shuriken and others arm's tool can be refuel with an iten affordable at the Idol (bonfire). You can avoid enemy but this game is about you become really good at playing, or you'll never pass through any boss. Try to learn with every enemy. After you adquire some good skills of your own, you can think about avoid some soldiers and stuff.

The master advice is: BECOME GOOD IN PARRY !!!
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