Was a good chapter. I liked the cities and the trip to the Ys8 island was really fun and fanservice-y. The end stuff was good. My game CRASHED for the first time on my 2nd try on the Hagane no Miko final boss fight right when I was doing good. First crash in the game, was a bad spot but at least I could just load the save right before it and skip the cutscene. Was a good fight, Milleum's .10% damage for 8 turns 3BP pretty much won it for me because with that on all the time the various attacks didn't do much damage. The main issue I had without that on my first run was Arianrhod's lance dash attack drops everyone down on the turn queue and she keeps spamming it so they get a ton of turns doing high damage stuff before I can do anything.
The main reason why ch.2 & 3 are just good, but not great (well 3 was better than 2 for sure) is just the Falcom Kiseki formulaic episodes. Like ch.1 was exciting and great because you didn't know what was going to happen and it was new. But ch.2/ch.3 you know you run into the Ouroboros enemies with their Crossbell upgraded V2 mech, then they run off, then you get your order and then go fight them and then fight the mecha boss and then it gets destroyed and the Ouruboros people leave and nothing is accomplished and the first part is with your team, and the second part is with old class vii, etc, etc, etc....I really wish Falcom would stop making Kiseki games just repeat the same formula every chapter. It just makes it all less interesting than it could be because it's so predictable.
At least now that the tests are done, ch.4 is fresh again since it shouldn't follow that formula. But taking 75 hours to get back to unpredictable was a long time.
The other thing that is just really dumb, annoying and frustrating is how the bad guys always just fucking leave for no reason. Like McBurn is fighting the Nord General guy and McBurn is all amped up and they start and then the cannons are taken back and he's just like "oh, ok I'm gonna leave I'll fight you another time" which goes completely against his personality that's all excited for a good fight. I'm so fucking tired of seeing the Ouroboros agents keep showing up fighting and then bailing. Like they're really dragging these antagonists out. Even the Steel Squad and Arianhod we already got involved with and fought and watched cutscenes about back in Ao in 2010! And 8 years and 3 games later we're still fighting them and watching cutscenes with them.
You know, when I was playing Ao I thought it was cool how these major Ouroboros characters were in it and would have their stories continue in the next Erebonia game, but given how long the Erebonia arc turned out it just feels too long. I'm ready for a new set of Ouroboros agents.
Anyhow, a lot of nice little scenes throughout the chapter. Claire & Sara's backstories, the Ash stuff, Muse a little less so (who she really was, was pretty apparent after a certain point, like most other things), the backstories on the 3 Steel Squad gals, was neat how they tied one of them in with the evil cult from 3rd/Zero. The bit with Arianrhod and her loli vampire sister from Bakemonogatari was neat, I should've guessed since they were both long blonde hair. Arianrhod having a mecha knight was cool and makes sense.
Basically nothing really shocked me or blew me away, but it finally feels like all the pieces are moving into place and the background plot of the Gnomes and Witches and Vampires and the history of Erebonia stuff is getting interesting, so I'm looking forward to where it all goes.
The very final bit with George Gnome was the one plot twist very out of nowhere. Did we know his last name was Gnome before that? Because if so I feel dumb not figuring out he was on the Gnome-side. Was interesting.
Aurelia was AMAZING in the final dungeon of ch.3. Only character that felt as powerful as my super OP'd Rean. Loved playing as her and her cutscene moments were super great. Sen has kinda been missing some of those incredible super powered characters that Kiseki games like to have outside Laura's Dad in Sen 2. Aurelia is the first character on the protaginists side that really feels totally badass in Sen 3 and when you go up against the Steel Knight Squadron at full power, it actually feels kinda believable that you finally have a team with the power to beat them with her on board + suped up Giaus and Sara+Juses+Milleium. That whole final section with Aurelia makes me wish they had developed her more in Sen 1/2 with more scenes which would have made her showdown at the end of ch.3 more fulfilling.
Will probably get through at least the school-side of Ch.4 this weekend and start the main body of it next week. Starting to feel like getting closer to the endgame of things happening. Watched the opening to Ch.4 and saw Thomas is back. That's cool, in Sen 2 he was sorta ok but no Kevin/Wadji. I want the OTHER church knight that the hidden quest at the end of Sen 2 talked about being in Erebonia, the old Lion guy who taught Gaius and was traveling across the churches in Erebonia. He sounds cool and badass and we haven't had a cool old church knight guy yet, so I HOPE HE SHOWS UP IN THIS GAME, otherwise will have to wait a few more years until Sen 4 to get him to show up. Don't tell me if he shows up or not, it's more fun not knowing and hoping he does

As I said earlier in the thread, the church faction is my favorite faction in Kiseki since 3rd but they never get involved until the very endgame in stories because they're too awesome. I fully expect them to not be a big part of Sen's story until Sen 4 and then come in and be super awesome for the Sen 4 finale like they were in Ao with Kevin and Wadji flying spaceships and fighting mechs.