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September Wrasslin |OT| Team WWF vs. The World

Forget Dean Ambrose. I wanna see more Ryback. In fact, I wanna see Ryback vs. Brock Lesnar for the WWE Title and World Heavyweight Title. Unify them bitches in the match.
Net_Wrecker I wasn't discussing that stuff, don't worry. I did Blame RBH for not linking me to NXT though

Good on you for being part of the solution. NXT must be linked and discussed vehemently. This is importance of the "utmost" variety. Smackdown as well. But how can one ever discuss the numerous storyline advancements made on Smackdown every week between all the MUCK that is Wrassle-GAF.

It makes me sick to see what was once a thread of honor become.....this. *adjusts monocle*
Good on you for being part of the solution. NXT must be linked and discussed vehemently. This is importance of the "utmost" variety. Smackdown as well. But how can one ever discuss the numerous storyline advancements made on Smackdown every week between all the MUCK that is Wrassle-GAF.

It makes me sick to see what once was a thread of honor become.....this. *adjusts monocle*



Good on you for being part of the solution. NXT must be linked and discussed vehemently. This is importance of the "utmost" variety. Smackdown as well. But how can one ever discuss the numerous storyline advancements made on Smackdown every week between all the MUCK that is Wrassle-GAF.

It makes me sick to see what once was a thread of honor become.....this. *adjusts monocle*

Hey I posted my Mean Girls smut, THEN I talked about NXT. I multitask.

I was just a young lad back then. With age comes wisdom, and with wisdom comes being more wise and stuff, nah'mean?

Hey I posted my Mean Girls smut, THEN I talked about NXT. I multitask.

"Multitasking" is one or more tasks too many. Talk about wrestling or I'll call jaekwon to call Frankman to call the po-po.


more money than God
I guess it's up to me to bring the discussion back to wrestling, huh?

I was just a young lad back then. With age comes wisdom, and with wisdom comes being more wise and stuff, nah'mean?

"Multitasking" is one or more tasks too many. Talk about wrestling or I'll call jaekwon to call Frankman to call the po-po.

Frankman and G-Fex got into a bit of a tiff earlier today. Frankman questioned G-Fex's motives in trying to indoctrinate himself into sportsgaf, while G-Fex questioned whether Frankman was really black at all.

Point is, watch what you say about Frankman, Net_Wrecker. He handled himself well against G-Fex and you're not even half the poster he is so imagine what he'd do to you.

tread lightly.

Oh, umm....

German Suplex, work rate, loud pops, etc.


I wonder what kind of overhaul/influence the WWE would need to thinking about signing the likes of Kana.

Female AND Japanese, that's two strikes against her already. And able to wrestle, a third.

The mat work, and pinning predicaments were all things that the "divas" can do, but these two did it much faster and fluidly. I guess the main issue would be the same as Sin Cara, being the language barrier? that is of course if the Divas division wasnt the main issue already.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Yesterday, I had Owen's Rocket theme stuck in my head. Now I have his Black Hart theme stuck in my head. I can't win.


Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Before there was Stan Hansen's inability to compete in the US because of his stiffness,
There was Gotch
Innovator of the german suplex

I wonder if Gotch would approve of Nakamura's 'strong style ressurection'. Probably would beat him up either way for not being the champion and jobbing to some soft, lightweight like Tanahashi or some 100 lb soaking wet Okada

Edit: Funny story, Gotch once told Antonio Inoki to try to put a real submission on Bruno in Japan. Bruno broke out of it and beat the shit out of Inoki. Inoki ducked him for the rest of his tour. I bet Gotch knew that would happen.


The mat work, and pinning predicaments were all things that the "divas" can do, but these two did it much faster and fluidly. I guess the main issue would be the same as Sin Cara, being the language barrier? that is of course if the Divas division wasnt the main issue already.

Something I notice is that they are far more precise and fluid (like, frankly, good male wrestlers), whereas the WWE Divas are always sort of "waving around" on the spot. Hard to describe, but they're constantly waving back and forth between or during moves, especially strikes, and it makes them look like they're stumbling through moves. Even the good wrestlers like Layla, AJ or Natalya do it (though not all the time), and it makes them look clumsy even when they are in complete control. Other Divas like Kelly Kelly, not so much, they really are just stumbled about.

I wonder if it's a "style" they're taught there or something, so they don't fight like the men do. I certainly don't see it in those Japanese women's matches, or in the dedicated women's wrestling companies in the US.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife

get hype

lol Miz is above Ric Flair in the catchphrase list

whoa Layla kissed the screen and left a stain

WCW trivia!

editing Brodus Clay's entrance lol

oh shit Curt Hawkins and he's not a stripper
According to many joshi's and interviews, KANA also has a HUGE ego problem.

I think it's more that she just has a lot of distaste for modern joshi - she trained a lot at the BattlArts dojo, which is where she picked up some of her shootstyle influences, but since BattlArts folded there hasn't been a real solid home for joshi wrestlers like Kana, which is probably part of the reason why she gravitates more to SMASH/WNC and has remained a freelancer, rather than working for joshi promotions like JWP or OZ Academy in recent years. That, and her outspoken views on joshi wrestling ruffling a few feathers in the industry.


Something I notice is that they are far more precise and fluid (like, frankly, good male wrestlers), whereas the WWE Divas are always sort of "waving around" on the spot. Hard to describe, but they're constantly waving back and forth between or during moves, especially strikes, and it makes them look like they're stumbling through moves. Even the good wrestlers like Layla, AJ or Natalya do it (though not all the time), and it makes them look clumsy even when they are in complete control. Other Divas like Kelly Kelly, not so much, they really are just stumbled about.

I wonder if it's a "style" they're taught there or something, so they don't fight like the men do. I certainly don't see it in those Japanese women's matches, or in the dedicated women's wrestling companies in the US.

That sounds about right. Watching the Japanese women's matches, they are far more fluid and accurate to a point. Frankly, it makes for interesting matches.

Whereas the Divas...not sure if it's a slower pace, or something else, but it's not quite as good.
Granted, it also doesn't help when the majority of their matches last in or around 2 minutes or less.
(And then there's the fact they have actual good women wrestlers, but don't use them half the time, and certainly not to their full potential.)

Hell, even TNA does their women's matches better typically, so I guess there's something to that as well.

Guys I don't speak Japanese, what is JOSHI? Is it anything like Yoshi? He's a dinosaur

Refers to female professional wrestling.


"Still the Money In The Bank Winner/Champion...DOLPH ZIGGLER!!!!".

Awesome Vickie, just awesome. I fell asleep during that Triple H 'cry babying' recap.

Jesus was that boring and decided to watch the YouTube recap instead.


Just came home from Australia WWEs raw tour
WOW did they work loose , i dont know if it was for the target market - Australia
if they were being lazy but 90% of the moves missed or looked like they didnt connect - it was bad.

Swagger vs Funkasaurs - Funk wins , Swagger got massive heat in Australia - probably biggest boo of the night - BECAUSE HES AMERICAN!!!!!!!

Tensi jobbed to mr WOO WOO WOO - mr woo woo woo had decent pops , squash match

Ary vs Miz - decent heat for miz at the start ok match

Girl match - Boring Layla bet rosa

Tag match - Truth and kofi jobbed to primo and his friend , but then Aj skipped out for 2 seconds and restarted the match letting truth win - Huge pops for little jimmy and the whats up.

David otangua comes out and does a 2 minute pose off - for 0 heat
then fights santio - got a ton of you cant wrestle chants , but then huge pop from the COBRA - santino hit it wierd like a claw - maybe again because this is a house show in australia idk ?

CM Punk was a face , Daniel bryan was a tweener for the title , punk impersonated hogan and did the whole hulk up and leg drop - decent pop , He did his elbow drop and fucked it up so hard by landing mid elbow drop on one leg then falling on the ground. - largest chants of the night went to dbry and punks YES YES YES - NO NO NO
Botched GTS setup at the end - looked like punk was wrestling and angry cat.

Main even cena vs big johnny and big show - biggest pop of the night when he came out - A couple cena sucks / lets go cena but not to the level of YES YES YES.

BIG SHOW HAD NO BEARD!!!! Looked like King Kong Bundy .

Cena wins with the standard u cant see me elbow , FU attempts fail first time and then works at the end pins big show and then i think he FUed big johnny left early

Decent but extremely loose wrestling show which caused botches - PLEASE WRESTLE AMERICAN STYLE IN AUSTRALIA


formerly cjelly
Just came home from Australia WWEs raw tour
WOW did they work loose , i dont know if it was for the target market - Australia
if they were being lazy but 90% of the moves missed or looked like they didnt connect - it was bad.

Swagger vs Funkasaurs - Funk wins , Swagger got massive heat in Australia - probably biggest boo of the night - BECAUSE HES AMERICAN!!!!!!!

Tensi jobbed to mr WOO WOO WOO - mr woo woo woo had decent pops , squash match

Ary vs Miz - decent heat for miz at the start ok match

Girl match - Boring Layla bet rosa

Tag match - Truth and kofi jobbed to primo and his friend , but then Aj skipped out for 2 seconds and restarted the match letting truth win - Huge pops for little jimmy and the whats up.

David otangua comes out and does a 2 minute pose off - for 0 heat
then fights santio - got a ton of you cant wrestle chants , but then huge pop from the COBRA - santino hit it wierd like a claw - maybe again because this is a house show in australia idk ?

CM Punk was a face , Daniel bryan was a tweener for the title , punk impersonated hogan and did the whole hulk up and leg drop - decent pop , He did his elbow drop and fucked it up so hard by landing mid elbow drop on one leg then falling on the ground. - largest chants of the night went to dbry and punks YES YES YES - NO NO NO
Botched GTS setup at the end - looked like punk was wrestling and angry cat.

Main even cena vs big johnny and big show - biggest pop of the night when he came out - A couple cena sucks / lets go cena but not to the level of YES YES YES.

BIG SHOW HAD NO BEARD!!!! Looked like King Kong Bundy .

Cena wins with the standard u cant see me elbow , FU attempts fail first time and then works at the end pins big show and then i think he FUed big johnny left early

Decent but extremely loose wrestling show which caused botches - PLEASE WRESTLE AMERICAN STYLE IN AUSTRALIA
Gotta save themselves for TV, brah. This is what WWE 'events' are like these days. Just filler between TV shows.
kevin steen is roh is champ now? wowza, was the guy before him a flop then?

havent watched roh in months

Davey Richards? Not exactly a flop, but the fans turned on him (ROH fans turning on a face champion? What a shocker!) because of his super serious, faux-MMA style and main event matches that went WAAAAAAY too long with a million-and-one nearfalls and head-drops, little psychology and awful selling.

The belt got put on Steen simply because of how insanely over he is - although, it's kinda awkward. Steen's playing a dangerous and unpredictable heel to Cornette's businessman trying to promote wrestling with old-school values, he's the overweight, out of shape nightmare to Davey Richards' athleticism and intensity, and the whole storyline revolves about him holding the company hostage and Cornette desperately trying anything to get the belt back on a guy like Richards.

But, the problem is two-fold; one, the fans don't like Cornette's steps to turn ROH into 'Smoky Mountain of Honor' and go nuts for the wild and crazy brawls that epitomises Steen's matches, but not the rest of ROH, and two, the fans just don't like Davey Richards any more. I imagine they'll have to turn Richards heel, because all their attempts to make the fans hate Steen just haven't worked.


That's amazing, I go through the entire wrestling sleaze list and Kane isn't on there.

He must have his own sleaze list.


Aww Layla kissed the screen.

Wait why are they talking about non pg stuff like Steve Austin and WCW buyout?

LOL Alex Riley thinks he's a superstar, how cute.
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