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September Wrasslin |OT| Team WWF vs. The World

I like how fast he sped out of the ring to grab the title after the match, if I was supposed to believe that Cena fudged up his pin due to exhaustion from the impact then they really screwed that one up.
Heh, it's still funny, to protect Cena from losing they made him botch his own pin as the twist, incredible in a way.

The thrill of the win!


So not worth it
Rock Bottom from the Rock = Cena out cold

Rock Bottom from Punk = meh.

How it should be. A finisher should only be powerful when it's used by the guy who's finisher it is.

Unless said finisher is big boot, a punch, or a leg drop. Then fuck you mister wrestler and stop using basic moves as a finisher.

Other then that, a Rock Bottom should only takeout a wrestler when delivered by The Rock.


How it should be. A finisher should only be powerful when it's used by the guy who's finisher it is.

Unless said finisher is big boot, a punch, or a leg drop. Then fuck you mister wrestler and stop using basic moves as a finisher.

Other then that, a Rock Bottom should only takeout a wrestler when delivered by The Rock.

Pretty much dead on.

Fuck you Brogue Kick.


Expect King of Trios up later today or tomorrow in MP4/VOD formats:

We are working on the last night of #KOT12 once it is done we will upload to the servers for vod/mp4 customers. We will keep you posted.
You know his ankle was fucked right? I know it's not a broken ankle, or a broken freakin' neck, but it had to affect him somehow.

Strangely enough, I thought Cena started to look a whole lot better as the match went on and he was (presumably) more injured. It was just the early sequences/taking Punk's offense where he looked awkward and like he didn't know how to bump properly for moves. Rolling towards the ropes rather than towards the turnbuckle during the moonsault attempt was also a pretty big (?) to me as well but at least Punk still missed.

I really loved a couple of things Cena did and I think that in general he and Punk have the best chemistry of anyone on the roster after Bryan/Punk.
At the rate Sheamus is going with Brogue Kick, White Noise, Irish Curse and the Cloverleaf he should face Taker at Wrestlemania for the ultimate in finisher overkill since the fans eat that shit up.
Taker has an equal number of finishers if not more, it would be the most forced epic match in WWE history.
Just kidding, you can't outdo this years HIAC match for forced epic.


At the rate Sheamus is going with Brogue Kick, White Noise, Irish Curse and the Cloverleaf he should face Taker at Wrestlemania for the ultimate in finisher overkill since the fans eat that shit up.
Taker has an equal number of finishers if not more, it would be the most forced epic match in WWE history.
Just kidding, you can't outdo this years HIAC match for forced epic.

You know we'd mark out if Undertaker were the first person to kick out of the brogue kick.
Actually, after he won last night he was chanting YES again.
Kayfabe broken, depush imminent.

You know we'd mark out if Undertaker were the first person to kick out of the brogue kick.
It should be the first ever four finishers match where the only way to win is to hit your opponent with four different finishing moves, i'm a pioneer of revolutionary new match types.
Speaking of which WWE should flex those creative muscles (ha!) and make some new match types, probably based around some sort of structure. I mean what was the last one? punjabi prison?


From JBL's Facebook:

Had a blast filling in for Jerry Lawler last night at Night of Champions, really rusty-but was wonderful to be back.

I'm off to Africa Friday to climb the highest peak, Kilimanjaro, to raise money for the kids program I started in Bermuda-working with great folks there to make a difference.

I was asked Thursday (or Wed night, not sure) this week to do the PPV last night for Jerry. Was honored to do so. Jerry and I share a birthday with our mutual friend Dutch Mantell, always had a running joke about that with Dutch-never thought I would fill in for Jerry.

I am trying to be the 349th person (at least by last records that I have seen) to climb all Seven Summits-the highest mountain on all seven continents. Thanks to WWE 100% of money raised goes to the kids.

My goal is to plant a WWE flag on all the summits with Mt Everest being last in 2014. Don't know if I will make it, but I plan on trying-just as I tell my kids I work with that they must do. I'm trying to lead by example.

I weigh 245 pounds, lowest since I was 20 years old, been training hard and in best shape (at least cardio wise) I have ever been.

Long story short, I didn't plan on filling in for Jerry and I am sure he didn't plan on having a heart attack. I wish him well as he is a good friend. And, that's his spot-not mine. I was asked to fill in and I did.

Long term, I don't know what is the future other than my climbs and my kids program in Bermuda. www.SevenSummitsforKids.com is the place you can see what I am talking about-though it is not as updated as I would like.

I love the WWE, I will always consider it home and if they need me to fill in or come back to do something, I have always been open to that. We both have never discussed it as they never had a need and since they didn't have a need, I never reached out.

I thought there were some fantastic performances last night, really enjoyed being there watching this crew put on a great PPV. I was VERY rusty, especially at times-but had a blast.

Get well soon Jerry!

:( Wish he was staying on full-time.
Speaking of which WWE should flex those creative muscles (ha!) and make some new match types, probably based around some sort of structure. I mean what was the last one? punjabi prison?

The most recent one was the Chairs match. Where Chairs are not just encouraged... they're allowed.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
AWESOME! I'll be all over this once they release.

In other CHIKARA news, the Manhattan show on November 18th is now entitled; 'The Cibernetico Rises'

Cool, torneo cibernetico matches are always a ton of fun.

Ooooooooooo that's exciting!
I hope the use of the Rock Bottom will help Punk realize that the GTS, as performed by him, is a terrible finisher.

It kind of works for his Muay Thai style though. Lots of his signature moves are elbows, backfists, kicks, and running knees ect, so having a good impact finisher like that is a good move to have

Something like the codebreaker would be a much better fit though 0 if he could find a move like that.
The most recent one was the Chairs match. Where Chairs are not just encouraged... they're allowed.

Of course, the first one had to be restarted after Batista won because while chairs are allowed, low blows are not. Since low blows are that brutal WWE should make the low blow match, a gripping saga where shots to the nads are the order of the day.
I can hear the ppv promo guy now "which superstar will have the testicular fortitude to lower their blows?! it's a low blow match for the WWE championship!"
Cena: This sunday i'm going to punch your right in your wiener CM Junk!

Buy rates galore.


drawer by drawer
AWESOME! I'll be all over this once they release.

In other CHIKARA news, the Manhattan show on November 18th is now entitled; 'The Cibernetico Rises'

Cool, torneo cibernetico matches are always a ton of fun.

The day before my birthday, maybe I'll treat myself.
Josh Matthews?


Quick notes on this incredible PPV:

- Good first match (Fatal 4way) although the first half was sloppy and not just cause of Cara but there was a lot of awkward botches and terrible luchadore moves that didn't look like they had any weight to them. I can't stand this type of wrestling, just get them out of WWE. The spinning head throws are ridiculous and look like they have no impact whatsoever and look so fake and bad.

- Ziggler/Orton was decent, I didn't even know they were feuding. No clue at all they had an angle going

- Dbry and Kane winning was great. How bad was Kofi tho? Remember when he got tagged in and did his version of the 5MOD? the crowd was boo'ing him cause it was that bad and just so bad, I dunno how to explain it. I can't stand this idiot, he's so bad. Same damn moves every match, same shitty sequence, same generic jumps. He doesn't even do anything cool, the boom drop and his top rope move are so generic and bad. Awful character.

- Didn't watch/care about Shitmus vs. Del Rio. Knew that cartoon character baby face would win with his shit finisher.

- Punk/Cena was incredible. They gave the match plenty of time and it worked out well. That was the worst moonsault attempt I've ever seen, lol'd hard at it. But then right after he did seriously one of the best Rock Bottom's I've seen, just as good as Rocky. I'm surprised he got Cena up that high, Cena must have really jumped high with him, it looked really good and had me marking out. When he put his tongue out I was thinking it could be over and that this was a sign that Punk vs. Rock was coming up for Royal Rumble (Rocky could use things like this as ammunition. Punk also took a dig at Rock one of these past Raws). The ending had me stunned, what a beautiful swerve that was, even tho the shoulders being down didn't look that good. I was shocked tho and couldn't believe they'd have him lose it at a PPV that wasn't one of the big 4, but thankfully that didn't happen. Cena had a good match tho, and he even rolled his ankle severely early in the match. That's a gutsy performance as the match still had a lot of time left and some nice spots and he stuck with it.

Overall a great PPV, I'd give it an Edge 7/10 and an IGN 8.5/10.


That seems normal they work for the same company so they probably would want to live near each other. I thought she dating a wrestler according to someone here on gaf.

Is your gym popular among wrestlers?

So guys, wasn't this a great PPV? You liked it didn't you. Best part? No silly racist Spanish joke after they cut to the Spanish Announce Team. Thank you team Heart Attack!

Though reports are scarce, she was -and probably still is- dating Trent Berretta.

She was dating Jay Lethul, but I think they broke up over the summer. But yea, I live in North Tampa, in and around a bunch of the neighborhoods where WWE wrestlers (mostly NXT) are at. I've seen AJ, Ricardo, and A-Ry at the gym I go to, and the restaurant I work at is a favorite with a slew more. Natalya, Kofi Kingston, Dusty Rhodes, Christian, and Jericho's family come in every once in a while. I've only personally seen Dusty and Jericho's family.

Last time Chris' wife came in was earlier in the year when Jericho started rocking the lame light-up jacket. My co-worker and good friend (who serves Jericho's wife all the time when she comes in) went to go take her order and goes "His jackets pretty gay. But it looks pretty neat." Jericho's wife replied "Yea, I know. You know he bought that crap by himself?!"

Good times.

BONUS FACT: Christian and Edge live across the street from each other in the same neighborhood.


Punk really must be a terrible person, since he's the only person on earth Cena doesn't respect the heck out of. He respects Brock. He respects Rock. He respects Edge. He respects Big Show. He respects Randy. He respects Vince. He respects HHH. He respects Batista. He respects ADR. He respects JBL. He respects Steve Blackman. He respects The Renegade (RIP bro) He respects THE YEH TAY. He respects Jerry Lawler. He respects Bret Hart. He respects Randy Savage. He respects Dutch Mantell. He respects Bobby Eaton. He respects Mr. Wrestling II. He respects the Mulkey Brothers. He respects Rob Naylor!

But fuck CM Punk.


Punk really must be a terrible person, since he's the only person on earth Cena doesn't respect the heck out of. He respects Brock. He respects Rock. He respects Edge. He respects Big Show. He respects Randy. He respects Vince. He respects HHH. He respects Batista. He respects ADR. He respects JBL. He respects Steve Blackman. He respects The Renegade (RIP bro) He respects THE YEH TAY. He respects Jerry Lawler. He respects Bret Hart. He respects Randy Savage. He respects Dutch Mantell. He respects Bobby Eaton. He respects Mr. Wrestling II. He respects the Mulkey Brothers. He respects Rob Naylor!

But fuck CM Punk.

When did he respect Alberto Del Rio?
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