When EY pinned D'Lo at the convienence store, D'Lo should have said, sadly, "He didn't even recognize me". It might be TNA's biggest mistake ever.
I really thought he was going to get a main event push when he was the Euro-Continental Champion. He was so over. Then the Droz thing happened and his career died off. Such a shame. His TNA run was fun, too. Remember that weird, super short WWE return?
Remember when there used to be pull apart brawls in the WWF and they'd have all those old wrestlers that as a kid you had no idea who they were, but you knew they were legit? Because they were old wrestlers and in suits? Well, D'Lo is now that in TNA, except he wears pastel polos and jeans. It bums me out. Are D'Lo and Al Snow they only agents TNA have? They should bring in some 80s NWA jobbers or something.
It's amazing how massive the reactions were to even mid card guys back then. The NAO got bigger reactions on a regular basis than Cena gets at his most over. It's crazy.
I really thought he was going to get a main event push when he was the Euro-Continental Champion. He was so over. Then the Droz thing happened and his career died off. Such a shame. His TNA run was fun, too. Remember that weird, super short WWE return?
Remember when there used to be pull apart brawls in the WWF and they'd have all those old wrestlers that as a kid you had no idea who they were, but you knew they were legit? Because they were old wrestlers and in suits? Well, D'Lo is now that in TNA, except he wears pastel polos and jeans. It bums me out. Are D'Lo and Al Snow they only agents TNA have? They should bring in some 80s NWA jobbers or something.
It's amazing how massive the reactions were to even mid card guys back then. The NAO got bigger reactions on a regular basis than Cena gets at his most over. It's crazy.