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Shütshimi: Seriously Swole |OT| More Pumped Up Than A Blowfish (Wii U Coming Soon)


Interesting incentive for the giveaway. I'll bite. I don't get enough chances to sing my praises for Ecco: The Dolphin anyway.

Seriously... how did it not create a genre of copycats. The fact that it's filled with time travelling and geiger-esque alien horrors aside it offers some of the most unique game play ever conceived with it's fast 360 degree and physics based movements. In Tides of time Vortex Future, Black Clouds, and Gravitorbox still remain as some coolest videogame levels around. In fact someone just recently beat the world record - faster even than the tas bots - by having the shifting gravity throw them through a wall in Black Clouds. The guy has been speedrunning Ecco for years and even broke down crying when he got this record.

Sorry for not having much to say about Shütshimi: Seriously Swole. Maybe a vita code can help with that!


My favorite fish game, eh? I'd have to go with (and excuse me of it's cheating) The Legendary Starfy for the Nintendo DS. I think there's something about an underwater game that doesn't revel in its difficulty that appeals to me. It's a pleasureable experience, and I've always enjoyed having full control of a character's movement in my platformers (the titular Starfy can move up, down, left, right, taking full advantage of his ability to swim).

As a runner up I'd go with Ikachan, but that may be even worse cheating.

If I win, I'd love a PSN code. Thanks!

Isn't a Starfy a Starfish?

So yeah that's a fish....Well a starfish.


Fish Dude, of original Game Boy.
You can tell I am old...


Steam, please


Hopefully I can win a PS4 code! Im pretty sure others have mentioned it, but Darius games are my fave fish related/shooter games. Theyre pretty much the first games I played when I got an my SNES. Half the time I see pictures/footage of fish or other sea creatures, I always think whether or not I shot it down in a darius game.


Had a lot of fun with this game on PC, then built a new one and it won't run. Need to spend the time to figure out why, but this reminded me I need to make some time. Great game, glad it has gotta a full release on Steam finally. Congrats!


Had a lot of fun with this game on PC, then built a new one and it won't run. Need to spend the time to figure out why, but this reminded me I need to make some time. Great game, glad it has gotta a full release on Steam finally. Congrats!

Do you mean the original XNA-built release we did by chance?

Also thanks :)


Oh wow a shmup with character! So many just say spaceship and black background and call it a day. This thing looks great too and its a Shmup I don't own yet on Steam! (thats rare)

Also isn't this character in Super Indie Karts now too? This fish got legs to move that fast...

I guess to enter the giveaway my favorite fish related game would have to be the in development game ABZU.
You explore the ocean and much like Journey the story is told by discovering the world itself. Just so much beauty in that water. I look forward to this world.


My favorite fish realted videogame is probably oldschool Feeding Frenzy. Games like that just scratch my itch when it comes to collecting things. And if that isn't enough I always chose the Fish character in Parodius. See? I made it even more topical.
(I'm from the EU so I guess I'd take a Steam key if I win.)


Nice giveaway. My favorite fish related game must be Ecco The Dolphin on the Genesis. The amount of hours i spent just giggling as a kid while i traveled the seas should be quite high.

Spent a lot of time with a cane fishing in rpgs and MMO's that had that option.

Well PS4 over here if anything stumbles m way. Cheers


Oohh if there's still codes up I'd love one (I'd prefer PSN). Game seriously looks right up my alley.

My favorite fish game is tough... I guess I have 2. If we're allowing any Fish things, Ocarina of Time is it. It had it all, a fishing minigame (which I sadly never got much into), and a giant fish dungeon (yay inside Jabu Jabu!). That was a really weird level actually that I was never sure if I liked due to the sheer absurdity, or hated due to how creepy some of the enemies inside it were. Either way it's definitely one of the more unique fish-periences I've had in games.

For more fish-prominent games I'd go with Endless Ocean. It's a really tranquil calming experience and just something about swimming slowly through the oceans, staring at fish really grabbed me in a way few other non-active games have. I'm not sure if it was the environments or the unique feel of just being scuba diving that got me but I love it. Man I would kill for a SCUBA game with VR.


Yay! I won a code for Steam!

Here's my impressions of the game after about 24 minutes of it.


Holy crap this game. Just wow. It breaks up shmupping into bite sized chunks full of crazy like Wario Ware had a baby with Parodius in a fish store. You get super quick waves of just insane stuff (pelicans, cats in submarines, laser sharks, etc) and you got to try and rack up as much score as possible in as little time as possible before it ends. You will eventually hit a boss between waves and its health carries over from the previous time you fought it and you wear it down.

Between waves though the insanity gets stacked up for the next wave. You get a very short time period to choose between 3 items that are random. These effect your bonuses (if any) in the next wave. You may have lasers, rapid fire, or more fish that shoot...you may have less speed, the camera upside down, or be sinking...you may even just play in a bouncy castle or in a field of butts vs surfing butts that make butts sounds.



Anyhow the music is top notch and the rapid fire insanity is the appeal. Definitely a game worth having on hand and its pretty intense at times. It has a lot of neat weapons and a TON of character appeal. Only con so far is that for some reason it wouldn't recognize either my Madcats SFIV arcade stick or the Madcatz MVC2 TE stick that I have. Both are 360, but no go on PC. Strangely though my 360 pad was recognized and worked and controlled great enough till I chose to quit when holding back didn't actually exit the game as it said...unless that was referring to some other button though it looked like it was wanting me to hold "back" from that image. Also it was tricky to try and speed read all the fun flavor text on the items...so fast!

Anyhow definitely play this. It has far more personality than most games. Its like Wario Ware meets Parodius. GO FOR IT!


Let's talk about G-Darius. Especially apropos considering Shütshimi's pedigree.

You had giant fish spaceship bosses:


Killer music like Adam, Network, and Kimera II.

a branching stage map with five separate endings:


and awesome shmup action.

Steam, pls! :)

It is a game. About fishes that are humans that are fishes. And they look glorious:


Steam would be nice~
Thanks for that generous giveaway.
Would try this on PSN if there are codes available. I would say Ecco the Dolphin for favourite, but it's technically not a fish game. Still, what a great game, the atmosphere is fantastic. Been playing through it on my Vita recently. I'll go with an OG instead: Odell Down Under.


Anyone remember this? It taught you about all kinds of fish as you tried to eat and survive. You could play as a ton of different fish and you had to find the things they ate. It was really fun and chill.


Would try this on PSN if there are codes available. I would say Ecco the Dolphin for favourite, but it's technically not a fish game. Still, what a great game, the atmosphere is fantastic. Been playing through it on my Vita recently. I'll go with an OG instead: Odell Down Under.


Anyone remember this? It taught you about all kinds of fish as you tried to eat and survive. You could play as a ton of different fish and you had to find the things they ate. It was really fun and chill.

Yup...mentioned in earlier in my first post in this topic.


So much Ecco the Dolphin and Seaman love in this thread. It warms my heart to see such things.

There's still a handful of PSN codes and a bunch more Steam codes to give out. Don't worry about asking -- as soon as they're gone I'll post that I'm out.


Well I learned one thing, make a mental note of what does what...fast. The worst one for me is the one that seems completely harmless initially. Still going to collect all the hats to see what the effects are for science.


all good things
My favorite fish video game is James Pond because he's Fish James Bond. Seaman and Ecco are pretty great too but they'd be better if they had titles that were clever takes on classic films.

PSN please if I win.


I'll go ahead and mention a couple games, first on snes evo: the search for eden. had you starting out as a fish looking to evolve and reach land. It had a really great atmosphere underwater and a lot of customization was possible for your fish.
fishermans bait: a bass challenge on ps1 was probably my favorite pure fishing game, even though I pnly played the demo with my brother for dozens of hours. Awesome music and tension when a fish was on the line.
finally Gyo, a horror manga about fish on land; can you imagine swole fish on land?
Psn if possible, and thanks for doing this :)
Enguarde levels in the DKC games. I like the water levels in general in DKC better than most platformers with water levels, and Enguarde was a solid upgrade from the Kongs themselves.

(And Steam)


After staying awake too long trying to beat my score, I have to say this game is pretty genius. The actual shooting areas aren't too tough at first, but since each wave plays out differently due to the modifiers, you'll still want to tackle them slightly differently all the time. Learning the power-ups helps a lot as well, since you only have so little time to choose them. The short nature of the game's rounds makes this a "just one more go" kind of game.
In short - This game is really good, y'all!

Edit: And yeah, butts.
I didn't expect to see a thread for this game on GAF. If I'm remembering correctly it was developed by a small studio in Buffalo which is quite a rarity.


Neo Member
This seems pretty interesting! Also the 10 seconds dynamic gives it some fresh air as you can't be bored by the simplistic gameplay. Perfect for portables!
My preferred fish games where James Pond, and Ecco the Dolphin (actually not a fish, lol, but I think it counts). Played the hell out of'em :)


If the codes are still available, I'd like it on PsVita! :)


I didn't expect to see a thread for this game on GAF. If I'm remembering correctly it was developed by a small studio in Buffalo which is quite a rarity.

Two out of three of us are from Buffalo (the other from snowy Canada), and we were published by the mighty Choice Provisions, formerly known as Gaijin Gameas and creators of the vaunted Bit.Trip series. We're working hard with an organization here in Buffalo to help foster more development in the city, but yeah, development definitely isn't as common here as it is in other places. Are you from the area?


It is not fish related, but I like the ghost fishes in NGS2, no really. They are more lethal than the last boss.

If not, Darius, of course. Mad hyped for Another Chronicles on vita.

If you still have a vita code, I'd really appreciated it.


My favorite fish related game is still Echo the Dolphin 2. I'm a bit sad that only the original ever seems to show up in collections or re-releases. I would love for there to be a 3DS upgrade to 2 like they did for 1. I was very bad at the game but I spent so much time as a kid loving being bad at it. :)

(Vita please)


My favorite fish related video game would have to be the section in that pinocchio game for the SNES. It was a level where you were in the whales mouth and had to get out of it. The game was a little harder than other games i was playing at the time but I really enjoyed it nonetheless. Would really appreciate a Vita code. Thanks


Played through 3 rounds this morning, my first 2 were short, my second one I got through the first loop of bosses and got a victory screen. This game is fun! I love the rapid changing and having to adapt to your weapons changing speed, your character moving slightly more, different distracting backgrounds. A lot of the item descriptions are pretty funny too (when you manage to read them at least). It's pretty addicting and really good fun from what I played, recommended if you like chaotic shootemups.
I enjoyed seaman a lot back in the day. Sadly it seems I haven't played much fish-centric games.

Thanks for your generosity.
Thank you so much for my PS4 copy, as soon as I get a chnace to play at home I'll post up some impressions of mine.At first glance- it looks like a Cho Aniki version of Darius Gaiden :)


Favorite fish related game ? I guess Zelda Ocarina of Time counts ? :p It was cool to complete a dungeon inside of a giant fish.

Steam btw!


I don't really like fishing, as I don't like killing / harassing animals in general. But I played some games with fish in them (who didn't?) and the last one that stayed with me was.... Assassin's Creed: Black Flag.

When I sailed the virtual seas, I really enjoyed looking at water full of life. Little fish, sharks, turtles, whales (yeah, I know, reptiles and mammals - but still, they are there). Shame you are rewarded for killing them, but hey, videogames. Shouldn't really be complaining, I knew what I was getting into.

Platform I'd prefer to try Shütshimi on: Steam
In for a PSN code. My favourite fish related game has to be Sega Bass Fishing, best fishing game I've played (granted, I haven't played many fishing games)



Unconfirmed Member
I didn't know the Windfish in Link's Awakening counts. Whale =/= fish in my head, but I'd have to go with that, since that's my favorite game and the Windfish is just so cool.

I'd prefer a steam code, but regardless if I get it, I just wanted to thank you for being so generous!



Ok, first of all, thank you for the code!

Alright, so I've been messing around with the Vita version and here are my impressions (in no particular order)

-Plays great on Vita! Good use of the screen real estate, good font size for text, controls are sharp and very little loading (a lot of multiplatform games seem to have tons more loading on Vita, The Swindle and Counterspy I am looking at YOU)

-Bitesize levels are deceptive. The levels are only ten seconds! This seems like it should be great for quick play but what I have discovered is that it is super easy to lose track of time while playing it. This is not a bad thing, but definitely a warning.

-Aesthetics are a grab bag. Not too surprising considering a lot of the game is predicated on zaniness but thus far nothing really hangs together stylistically for me. Not necessarily a mark against the game but I feel like the visual design may wear out its welcome sooner rather than later.

-Gameplay delivers what is promised. So far I have made it to the third boss and unlocked the hard mode difficulty (fun way to unlock that mode by the way). Levels are fast and throw increasing varieties of enemies at you to up the difficulty. Even boss stages are only ten seconds so if you don't defeat the boss in time they'll return after another five stages so you can keep whittling away at them. I thought this was a clever way to handle bosses in a game with such strict time constraints.

-Hats are fun! You never know what kind of hat you will get if you select the option to get a hat from the shop. Some are only aesthetic, some have powers or special attacks of their own. This adds more variety to the proceedings and ensured that I was always looking for them to show up in the shop.

-Variety of power ups seems lacking. I have started the game and played until I died four or five times now. Every single playthrough I have gotten the cannon, the shotgun, and the larger shot upgrades. Perhaps this opens out as you get further but so far most of my runs have ended up feeling a bit samey. I am still encouraged to keep playing to get a better score but I feel like some variety is missing. In particular I have been hoping for a spread shot upgrade and have never seen one which seems like an odd omission for this type of game.

Overall Impression: Pretty Good! Seems well suited to a handheld and controls well. Good variety in hats and stage modifiers keep things interesting but actual weapon options can seem a bit restricted. Would definitely recommend to someone interested in a bit of zany fun. This game will eat your time if you are not careful. :)


I don't mind being generous. NeoGAF has been an amazing community to me over the last, man, many years, so I wanted to give back.

You guys both above me will get codes tonight when I get back from Toronto. As will anyone else who asks after. We have around 10 or so psn codes left after this post, and like 25 steam, so ask away!


This game looks like fun. Freddi Fish was my jam back in the day.


Kinda got me interested in the adventure genre.


Neo Member
Game definitely looks interesting and it's also nice to see a developer from Buffalo! (I live around there as well) Will probably be picking this up down the line but just don't have the time currently as what little free time I have at the moment is being consumed by Destiny / Diablo 3.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Hmm, my favorite fish-related video game? Probably Nier because I love the music that plays when you go fishing... the Darius series are also up there, mostly due to their Zuntata soundtracks.
I played Shutshimi: Seriously Swole for about 30 minutes last night. The rapid burst-sessions seem like they would be perfect for passing a controller around the room to see who can get furthest. The powerups that you can choose before each level are pretty wild! I hate when the camera flips upside down though, or really any of the disadvantage powerups (powerdowns?). I can see myself playing this game in a similar way to a game like Jetpack Joyride. Easy to pick up and play for a bit and kill some time. The music is awesome too! Retro visual/audio aesthetic is right up my alley. Keep up the good work guys!
Played it for a little more than one hour, it's an interesting take on the genre. The levels, or like the game names them, waves, are very short and every time you finishes a wave you're prompted to a screen to choose the next power-up, though the items aren't described as what they exactly do, so you have to go ahead and choose it, we may get shields, new weapons, five shooting fishlings, flying butts, an inflated castle, hats, more hats and etc. Like the levels the boss fights are also short, and if you don't finish them quickly enough they may escape and you'll have to fight through another 5 waves to reach the boss again.

The game fits perfectly in the category of games to play for short burst but that also can grab you and make you don't notice the time passing.


Was finally able shake off the rust and get to the end-ish of the normal mode. I think the bite-sized nature of the game helps with letting you fool yourself into playing longer than you actually intended on to begin with. It also results in the most intense shop screen ever because of the equally short amount of time you have to read the descriptions for the powerups you dont know, as well as getting 3 choices you don't want but cant opt out of, so you pick the lesser of 3 evils and hope you survive the next wave. I'd also say some combinations and weapons that suck are average normally, wind up being awesome combination if you have the right weapon already equipped.


Thanks for the Vita code!

I managed to play about 30 minutes of the game, and I'm enjoying it so far. Really like how short the levels are. A perfect fit for the Vita. It is interesting not knowing what some of the hats and items would do after choosing them. In terms of the graphics, they have a nice clean look on the Vita's screen, and I just like the overall look. Im sure once I have a better idea of what each power up does will make the game that much better for me. The variety in the enemies in later levels are cool. Made it all the way to wave 23 during my first run only to die to a stupid little spike I didn't even notice.
Played a bit yesterday before going to bed. As the above poster said, this game seems to be a perfect fit for the Vita, bite sized chunks of action feel so good on that platform.
Loved the fact that you choose your next powerup (well, you and RNG) (for example, now I know that I won't ever want invisibility, and the game doesn't force me to take it, so it's my fault if I end up getting that)
The artstyle fits nicely as well.


Played a bit yesterday before going to bed. As the above poster said, this game seems to be a perfect fit for the Vita, bite sized chunks of action feel so good on that platform.
Loved the fact that you choose your next powerup (well, you and RNG) (for example, now I know that I won't ever want invisibility, and the game doesn't force me to take it, so it's my fault if I end up getting that)
The artstyle fits nicely as well.
Thanks for the kind words, both you and everyone who has left impressions. I just wanted to say that there are some strange benefits to the Invisibility that someday may make themselves known, but I have a found a lot of people stay away from that one once they know what it is.


Thanks for the kind words, both you and everyone who has left impressions. I just wanted to say that there are some strange benefits to the Invisibility that someday may make themselves known, but I have a found a lot of people stay away from that one once they know what it is.

The only benefit I know of invisibility is lock on attacks, like the first boss submarine cannot target Shutshimi, and the homing missiles he fires go completely straight instead of home in.

I suppose the benefit of it is to avoid enemies or attacks that specifically target Shutshimi don't work because his lack of visibility makes him untargetable.
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