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Shadowgate Kickstarter


makes good threads.
Loved Shadowgate, Deja Vu, and Uninvited. This looks pretty good for only being a year away and am also glad that it's not just a prettied up port but somewhat a new game. Will definitely pluck some money down on this.

This just reminded me that I still haven't played all the way through Beyond Shadowgate. May try to do that at some point.


This might become the second I donate to.
(First was Shadowrun)

Also, the reference to this in Hatoful Boyfriend is hilarious.

Yay for NES score!


Strap on your hooker ...
In for the early bird special. Really fantastic art on show here, although I'm not digging the cheap wavy distortion effects on some of the "sprites".


In for the early bird special. Really fantastic art on show here, although I'm not digging the cheap wavy distortion effects on some of the "sprites".

I think those are concept art, though (it says in the upper right corner at one point during the video). Not sure if that applied to every screenshot or just the ones where the disclaimer was displayed.


I played and beat the one on the 64 before I ever knew about the NES one. NES one sounded fun, but the 64 was boring as hell. It just didn't have any character in its exploration and discoveries. If this brings a solid sense of discovery and mystery as you uncover items and explore then it should be awesome. If it fails at that then its the 64 experience all over again.

Just watch out for blackholes.
I remember playing Shadowgate Classic on the GBC. I was so tremendously proud of myself when I finally beat it. I can't wait to play this version! :D


Reward selection

Pledge $7,500 or more

ARCHMAGE: We'll FLY YOU OUT for a weekend with Shadowgate creators Dave Marsh and Karl Roelofs in beautiful Virginia. You'll get to help brainstorm future Shadowgate titles as well as play QUESTS OF SHADOWGATE with Coleman Charlton. We'll visit Jefferson's Monticello, play board games and enjoy hours of wiffle ball home-run derby in Dave's backyard. You get all this plus previous rewards. (Domestic backers only).

(2 of 2 remaining)

Estimated delivery: Nov 2013
They really know how hit you where it hurts. Who can pass that up?


Or you can wait until they are ready and buy them for a much, much smaller amount.

Well yeah, but the point of Kickstarter is to get you to donate today for something tomorrow. If everybody just sat around waiting for the final product to be released nothing would ever get made.

I don't understand why they don't have an alternate $20/30 reward tier for the mobile versions.
It includes the NES soundtrack. I'm in.

Never realized how important that music was to the atmosphere until I played the computer versions later, and they just seemed so empty by comparison. I wish they'd do the whole "book writing" text display style of the NES version. All of the other ones just dump text on the screen. And the warping screen transitions. They're subtle effects, but again, they really add to the atmosphere.

+100. I heard the orchestral music and had mixed feelings. It sounds..."correct", but not as cool and unique as the NES stuff.


I just asked them if they could add support for OUYA. The project already supports Android-based tablets so I would think it easily doable.


Oh wow, this is another kickstarter i can get behind. I loved both the NES and N64 shadowgates, and this is definitely a franchise i dont see being revived without kickstarter. I feel like their pricepoints are really low though. And 120k isnt much...


Do what you can to spread the word, everyone. I feel like there should be a lot more people backing this, even if it's a re-imagining rather than an outright new game.

Hit the Twitters and Facebooks!


Running off of Custom Firmware
Hopefully this one day leads to that Shadowgate 64 follow-up that was announced and then canceled!
I always wanted to try the shadowgate series. So I might pledge for this. I think this pitch was a lot better than the one one of them had with sherlock holmes.


I just asked them if they could add support for OUYA. The project already supports Android-based tablets so I would think it easily doable.

Zojoi got back to me on my OUYA-related question (see above). The reply was quite prompt, which bodes well for their dedication to this project, in my opinion.

Apparently adding OUYA support is being considered as a stretch goal, as they'd have to make some modifications to their code, taking into account the controller. They are interested in pursuing the platform though.


never left the stone age
Omg, I didn't even know that existed.
Shadowgate on NES was one of my favorites.

I really should have gotten Hexen too, come to think of it.
I got the Doom64 and Quake64 games.

Hexen 64 is the definite version imo, love the soundtrack. (So glad Hexen PC has the n64 soundtrack available for it thanks to fans)


I'm a little concerned with what'll happen when the early bird tier is sold out and people have to pledge $15 to get a copy of the game. To some that might be too much.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Might bite, as I adored the game in the 80's. Kind of hope it is not a pure remake though and their mention of "new adventures" comes across more in this.


That Wraith floating across the screen looked awesome. Yeah this brings back some memories. I remember playing this back in the day.
When Shadowrun kickstarter was announced I thought it was Shadowgate and entered the thread to find myself disappointed in the end.

Now the real Shadowgate kickstarter is announced and I'm PUMPED for this. So many good memories from that game!
Over a third of the way there now, with the first $1k backer turning up sometime last night.

Wish I had the funds for the $2.5k goodies.


There's a great interview over at Polygon with Dave Marsh and Karl Roelofs, really getting into detail about Shadowgate and the journey it has taken.

Some excerpts:

Zojoi is investing its entire livelihood on that genre still finding an audience; the company has acquired rights not only to Shadowgate, but also to the remainder of the MacVenture series. Depending on how successful theShadowgate Kickstarter is (not to mention the reception to the finished game, which is slated for November 2013), Zojoi could also reboot Deja Vu, Uninvited or any number of ICOM's other adventure games.

The team was dismantled in 1997, just four years after being acquired and renamed Viacom New Media. Before the ship went down, Eugene Evans — a former ICOM employee and founder of Infinite Ventures — asked for Marsh's help in securing the IP that the team had created. He successfully got the rights to the whole lot "in a bundle," which Infinite Ventures held onto through this past January, when they were passed back to Marsh and the team at Zojoi.

"It was very fortuitous," Marsh said. "We've always kept in touch and gotten together, so it worked out really well when I called him up and said, 'I'd really like to do something with this again,' and he said, 'There's nobody I'd rather have, nobody's hands I'd rather have them in.'"

In an era where irresponsible media acquisitions claimed the lives of countless development studios, it's rare for an intellectual property's trajectory to be that straightforward. So many gaming franchises went down with the ship, so to say, tied up in legal struggles over IP ownership. Marsh and Evans' foresight saved Shadowgate from a similar fate.

"We always viewed Shadowgate as something that could have been something really neat," Marsh said. "While King's Quest and a lot of the Ultima games kept going out, a lot of the Sierra games were doing well and they continued to make sequels — we always thought we could do that. It just never worked out that way."

Shadowgate actually did have a sequel; Beyond Shadowgate, which only found a very small circulation on TurboGrafx 16. The game was actually fully programmed for Mac, Marsh revealed, but before development could be completed, the Viacom acquisition left the title shelved for good.

Though there's no lack of love for any of the old MacVenture games at Zojoi, Marsh said his heart belongs to Shadowgate.

"If there's a great reception, we'd love to pound out and do Beyond Shadowgate, which had this great design as well," Marsh said. "Karl and I talk all the time about how we just want to work, 100 percent of the time, on Shadowgate."


Neo Member
New update #2:


Turns out we need to go to their Facebook page (The link is in the update under the name 'Zojoi Facebook') and Like it in order to get a side quest/weapon named The Black Axe that originally didn't make it in the original game.

They are asking for 1000 Likes.

I don't really like the idea of them dangling something that should already be in the game (or if it really was that bad, taken out) but heck, I DO want this to happen so...Liked.


Would have rather seen a new game in the Shadowgate style, but at least they're adding some new things for this one.

Not sold on the look or the music, but I will support the continuation of Shadowgate regardless.


Played through Shadowgate, Deja Vu, and Uninvited last year with a friend, and loved those experiences. Definitely in on this.
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