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Shadows of the Damned - |OT| of Demons and Girlfriends from Hell

Garcia Hotspur

Neo Member
Amir0x said:
we're not going to have trolling accusations here. Your name is fucking Garcia Hotspur and you're a junior member and you're trying to accuse ME of some sort of insulting intent to disparage this game. As a junior member you're walking on thin ice and you're going to toss that out? A genuine inquiry is not a troll. Further, this is a gaming industry forum. Many of our users get games early for review or simply manage to get their hands on a title in one way or another. Or maybe they even played a near final preview build. So it is extremely likely that I could get impressions early.

Instead of deleting my whole post why don't you just censor the part you didn't like about accusation of you trolling then? You honestly don't see how your genuine inquiry could be mistaken when you repeatedly state that you hate Suda51 and Grasshopper Manufacture?

Amir0x said:
This game is made by a LOT of other people too. In fact that is one of the primary reason I am managing to stay interested - because besides the RE4 inspiration, some of the OTHER people are actually talented. This is one of those games that can fall either way.

You REALLY don't see how someone could get that idea by claims like that?

I apologize for using the "troll" word I did not know it would be so offensive. Thats my mistake, but you've got to see how you could rephrase you "general inquiry" in a less offensive way.

Anyway... Like I said: with Mikami behind the gameplay and it is being directed by some Italian dude named Massimo Guarini. I wouldn't let your hate for Suda51 be such a deciding factor here unless the thing you hate about him is "style and story", because that seems to be his main contribution for this title...
Amir0x said:
I ask like, two or three times at various intervals spread out when new people came into the thread to see if there was a new batch of people who might fit the criteria. You just turned the issue into something bigger than it had to be; most people would have moved on and never even noticed. Relax!

Umm what? I just told you to chill and you had to post many times asking me why this and that, so just chill out dude. Shits done.


Isnt Suda just there for creative input? Its safe to say you'll get his off the wall scenario style minus the off-putting gameplay.


Garcia Hotspur said:
Instead of deleting my whole post why don't you just censor the part you didn't like about accusation of you trolling then? You honestly don't see how your genuine inquiry could be mistaken when you repeatedly state that you hate Suda51 and Grasshopper Manufacture?

Thought that better than banning you and letting such bs derail the topic. But yes, I don't see it. I am literally stating that I am very interested in the game and just need someone who has been a certain way about their past games in order to know if it's worth it from someone who is of like mind. HOW is that at all trollish? I asked a few times only because new people kept visiting the thread, so I was hoping the latest batch would contain people who met the criteria.

Garcia Hotspur said:
You REALLY don't see how someone could get that idea by claims like that?

Anyway... Like I said: with Mikami behind the gameplay and it is being directed by some Italian dude named Massimo Guarini. I wouldn't let you hate for Suda51 be such a deciding factor here unless the thing your hate about him is "style and story", because that seems to be his main contribution for this title...

It's just what I think, my opinion. I don't think that is a talented group of people so it is the only apprehensive thing about the project. Everyone else I am very into. Anyway, I am likely confident you are right on the money here, just want to get confirmation. So can we all stop getting hung up on me asking for this simple request and get back to discussing the issues about the game at hand and allow me to sit around and occasionally prompt to see if I can successfully receive the impressions?
Amir0x said:
I ask like, two or three times at various intervals spread out when new people came into the thread to see if there was a new batch of people who might fit the criteria. You just turned the issue into something bigger than it had to be; most people would have moved on and never even noticed. Relax!

It is definitely typically the huge design/gameplay issues. In the first NMH, for example, the dreadful mini-games and borderline unplayable city hub and framerate. Coupled with the repetitious "meat bags" that you must cut through to get to the only decent part of the game, which was the bosses. Killer 7 speaks for itself with its bizarre gameplay document. Infuriatingly designed. Most of their titles are like this. Maybe a decent concept perhaps but just imploded by some of the most bizarre gameplay decisions ever.

I totally agree with you, I just imagine my tolerance for that kind of stuff vs the kind of style he has is in a different ratio. I was so hooked by NMHs premise and it's bosses and story that the rest of that just flew by.

That being said, every game he's made, he's made less of these mistakes, and with all these other people on the team yelling at him not to fuck up, I feel like Shadows'll be his big break from that kind of nonsense.


I hope they don't rely too much on the lamp/cow head element through the whole game. That got a little tiring in Alan Wake on some levels. I hope they can apply the light elements in some creative ways.


Snapshot King said:
I totally agree with you, I just imagine my tolerance for that kind of stuff vs the kind of style he has is in a different ratio. I was so hooked by NMHs premise and it's bosses and story that the rest of that just flew by.

That being said, every game he's made, he's made less of these mistakes, and with all these other people on the team yelling at him not to fuck up, I feel like Shadows'll be his big break from that kind of nonsense.

More or less my stance on Suda51. His name always catches my interest, but I'm wary of his games because they're generally tedious. I was glad I played Killer7 and it's an impressive and engaging game, but the gameplay dragged it down. As an experience it's peerless, but it's comprised of tedium peppered with utter brilliance. NMH just...was. The cool ideas and appalling gameplay cancelled each other out, and I ended up with no strong feelings either way. Didn't play the sequel due to an end to my tolerance of Wii jaggies. I'd have probably rented it if it was released on an HD system. Or just not bothered.

But I love Suda's vision for his games. His style is utterly unique. After God Hand, it's only natural that he and Mikami should team up, and Yamaoka is the icing on the cake. This game looks so amazing that even if it played like Killer7 I'd feel compelled to experience it. If it honestly plays like RE4 Turbo the whole package will be mind blowing. It sounds too good to be true, so I'm keeping my gameplay expectations in check and buying it with my fingers crossed; knowing that if nothing else I'm supporting the weird B-Movie horror-action genre, and the result of an incredible collaboration.
Well I've played about an hour of this and Im impressed!

-The skull companion guy kinda reminds me of Portal 2 and I like the banter between the two.
-Graphics are pretty nice
-Gameplay does feel alot like RE4 and Im enjoying it.
-Good story and presentation
-Animations are ok. I guess they could be a bit more fluid but im just being picky.


TheVampire said:
Well I've played about an hour of this and Im impressed!

-The skull companion guy kinda reminds me of Portal 2 and I like the banter between the two.
-Graphics are pretty nice
-Gameplay does feel alot like RE4 and Im enjoying it.
-Good story and presentation
-Animations are ok. I guess they could be a bit more fluid but im just being picky.

That was one of my negative takeaways from the trailers - character movements are pretty stiff. Glad to hear you're enjoying it so far, though. I'm itching for a new game and really want this to be good.


I wish they had a $10 or $20 pre order credit too. I would bite day 1 then.

Yeah, that would seal the deal for me, too. I still have some of my $20 credit from buying Portal left to use.


Does anyone know if Kmart credits stack?

I have a 20 dollar credit and I wonder if I can use that and still get 15 bucks off of a future purchase.
I'll be renting this baby. I adore Suda's style of presentation, but I'm really happy that he is not in control of the gameplay. Good gameplay + a faster RE4 gameplay + Yamaoka's music= A kick-ass title...or it should be in theory. If I bought games first-day, this would certainly be one. Alas, Gamefly is hooking me up! :-D


TheVampire said:
Well I've played about an hour of this and Im impressed!

-The skull companion guy kinda reminds me of Portal 2 and I like the banter between the two.
-Graphics are pretty nice
-Gameplay does feel alot like RE4 and Im enjoying it.
-Good story and presentation
-Animations are ok. I guess they could be a bit more fluid but im just being picky.

PS3 or 360? Any weird issues that might be platform specific?

K' Dash

Got this early, my friend was unpacking them at his store when I walked in, curious to try it but I have to go shopping with the girlfriend, maybe tomorrow :-/
K' Dash said:
Got this early, my friend was unpacking them at his store when I walked in, curious to try it but I have to go shopping with the girlfriend, maybe tomorrow :-/

It's times like these I wish I worked at GameStop.
This will be my first ever Suda game but it got me really interested, also it of course helps that I am a huge Yamaoka fanboy so the music alone will probably be worth it, awesome that they got both him and Mary Elizabeth McGlynn on it, all while Silent hill replaced them with... Korn.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
You're better off just staying away from Amirox... especially in a Grasshopper thread.

I hope to finish L.A. Noire before this drops 'cause I'm more excited for this than what I'm currently playing. Ugh, poor Witcher 2. I'll never get anywhere in it. Usually early summer isn't this packed!
While I do enjoy SUDA 51's titles I would have to say the only one I've truly enjoyed and thought was one of the greatest games every created, is Killer 7. SUDA's games are NOT for everyone and anyone asking for impression before taking a dive on buying a new game is totally justified.

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
All i can say is that Killer 7 and No More Heroes are some of the greatest things i have experienced in digital entertainment. It just works for me.

More Suda!!


randomwab said:
Got hold of the pre-order soundtrack, thought I'd upload the theme 'cause it's so good. Yamaoka doing his usual fine work.

Theme of Shadows of the Damned

I'll try and upload the rest later.

I predict that this game is going to feel more like Silent Hill 5 than anything released after SH4; regardless of the B-movie hilarity, demons yelling 'fuck', and rampant Johnson action. The Eurogamer preview said that the game was genuinely disturbing, and combining psychological themes of a personal hell with the Yamaoka soundtrack is probably going to trump all the non-Japanese developed SH games released so far (or currently in development) in terms of a genuine sense of connection to the franchise. Many of the more horrific moments in Killer7 felt remarkably reminiscent of Silent Hill. Perhaps Shadows of the Damned will turn out to be Silent Hill's Bayonetta.

K' Dash

+dick puns
+dick jokes
+decent graphics
+dick jokes
+RE4+DS+AW gameplay
+dick puns
+I like the VA my first tongue is spnish so I understand everything Garcia says
+dick jokes
+I like character models
+dick puns
+Amazing music and sounds are Yamaoka, you'll know it's him if you've played SH games
-don't like the trend that companions speak with englis accent (cheshire, weathley, now this)

Really, really hope this has a new game plus.

K' Dash

plagiarize said:
stop talking like that. you're making me wet.

Well, from what I played there is A LOT of silent hill atmosphere, the music only helps, classic Yamaoka, you'll see some creepy shit.


I cannot wait to pick this up on Tuesday. It's one of my most anticipated games. I love Suda 51 and Grasshopper games are always fun and out of control.

As far as the quality/competency of Grasshopper/Suda games, I think some people need to stop looking for this imaginary quality and just chill the fuck out. Sure, maybe the team at Grasshopper isn't competent enough to create these "non jank" games people are looking for, but I think their incompetency in some areas only adds to their games.

Look, there is good jank in some games, and then there are totally jankster city piles. Personally, NMH was good jank. I don't know about the rest of you, but the messy over world, simple combat, repetitive mini games, janky animations, etc. were essential. I always believed that NMH was mocking open world games (GTA) with it's strange looking NPCs walking the streets and shitty cars driving up and down the roads. If the game was mechanically and technically sound it wouldn't have been nearly as cool as it was.

Deadly Premonition is another game that qualifies as a great jankster experience. Do you really think the game would have received its cult status if it filled those imaginary quality boots? Fuck no. The game is perfect the way it is.


Wait...what? This is coming out in a few days? Wow. I seriously thought from what they've shown so far they were just showing alpha/beta footage of the game and that there was months to go, and that this would end up being an early 2012 game. This looks like an undercooked game.

God speed to this one.


Yuterald said:
I cannot wait to pick this up on Tuesday. It's one of my most anticipated games. I love Suda 51 and Grasshopper games are always fun and out of control.

As far as the quality/competency of Grasshopper/Suda games, I think some people need to stop looking for this imaginary quality and just chill the fuck out. Sure, maybe the team at Grasshopper isn't competent enough to create these "non jank" games people are looking for, but I think their incompetency in some areas only adds to their games.

Look, there is good jank in some games, and then there are totally jankster city piles. Personally, NMH was good jank. I don't know about the rest of you, but the messy over world, simple combat, repetitive mini games, janky animations, etc. were essential. I always believed that NMH was mocking open world games (GTA) with it's strange looking NPCs walking the streets and shitty cars driving up and down the roads. If the game was mechanically and technically sound it wouldn't have been nearly as cool as it was.

Deadly Premonition is another game that qualifies as a great jankster experience. Do you really think the game would have received its cult status if it filled those imaginary quality boots? Fuck no. The game is perfect the way it is.

This man knows the truth. Right on, brother.
Yuterald said:
I cannot wait to pick this up on Tuesday. It's one of my most anticipated games. I love Suda 51 and Grasshopper games are always fun and out of control.

As far as the quality/competency of Grasshopper/Suda games, I think some people need to stop looking for this imaginary quality and just chill the fuck out. Sure, maybe the team at Grasshopper isn't competent enough to create these "non jank" games people are looking for, but I think their incompetency in some areas only adds to their games.

Look, there is good jank in some games, and then there are totally jankster city piles. Personally, NMH was good jank. I don't know about the rest of you, but the messy over world, simple combat, repetitive mini games, janky animations, etc. were essential. I always believed that NMH was mocking open world games (GTA) with it's strange looking NPCs walking the streets and shitty cars driving up and down the roads. If the game was mechanically and technically sound it wouldn't have been nearly as cool as it was.

Deadly Premonition is another game that qualifies as a great jankster experience. Do you really think the game would have received its cult status if it filled those imaginary quality boots? Fuck no. The game is perfect the way it is.

Oh, the old "This game was so bad because it wanted to be bad, so that makes it amazing!"

Also, fuck, if Deadly Premonition had decent combat and controls, could have been a instant classic, believe it or not, the shitty shooting sections really hurt the game, a lot of people will never be able to experience the other amazing qualities because everything gameplay related was very bad in that game and they stopped playing.The developers knew it and the developers wasn't happy with it, so even they realize the game was far off from perfection.

I have hopes for this game, because Suda51 seems like he focused on what he does best, scenario writing and stayed away from direction duties.


K' Dash said:
+dick puns
+dick jokes
+decent graphics
+dick jokes
+RE4+DS+AW gameplay
+dick puns
+I like the VA my first tongue is spnish so I understand everything Garcia says
+dick jokes
+I like character models
+dick puns
+Amazing music and sounds are Yamaoka, you'll know it's him if you've played SH games
-don't like the trend that companions speak with englis accent (cheshire, weathley, now this)

Really, really hope this has a new game plus.

It doesn't.
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