So I have no-lifed the game over my long weekend and am around level 50. So I have some thoughts on the game so far. I think I am almost done with my first playthrough. Maybe give or take 10 hours? Unless I am completely wrong and there is another 20+ hours. lol
Firstly, the story is almost non-existent. There is a cutscene between each area where you fight a boss and a couple minutes of cinematics happen and then they plop you into a new map to explore. Rinse and repeat. I am really bummed they didn't have a more fleshed out story. Unless the last leg of the game has a crazy amount of story to make up for it. Just there to give you a tiny reason to progress in the game. SMT4 and Apocalypse had much more story content spread throughout your playthrough that kept me interested.
Secondly, the combat/bosses are so tightly tuned grinding doesn't do a lot. I have done every side-quest and fused every possible demon and still find myself struggling to not get obliterated by even trash mobs. It is an engaging system, though. However, there is a big problem with boss difficulty I found. The bosses are highly scripted when it comes to their magatsuhi attack so you can just use a dampener for whatever attack they will always use. Makes the boss fights completely trivial and, in some cases, easier than trash mobs in their respective areas.
Lastly, the performance on switch is pretty bad. The open world is choppy at best. When you are in combat, the game runs great, but just running around in the world tanks the frames. My eyes were getting a little sore after my long play sessions. Seems like the devs didn't want to tone the graphics down for a solid 30 fps, which is a shame.
Overall, I am having a fun time with the game. I am definitely going to enjoy my second and third playthroughs when I have my omega demons that just one-shot everything, but I just wish there was more story to sink my teeth into. I guess it makes subsequent playthroughs painless when you don't have so much story to skip (Persona 4 and 5 were such pains to skip through in ng+).