I find that shirt awfully tacky.
Where is your internet god
Where is your internet god
I find that shirt awfully tacky.
Where is your internet godnow?dess
Was this really necessary, though? Not elevating the debate with an ad hominem like that.
it's pretty amusing how, if we're looking for tweets being unnecessarily abusive towards the ESA guy "Thanks, asshole" is among the worst we can find.
"Thanks asshole" is what we consider overreacting and being a massive idiot about the issue.
meanwhile, at #gg ...
I was going to discuss the women on the shirt being, you know, not real women, while Kim is, so she has agency while the women on the shirt are very much literally objects. The display on the shit is created and curated, and that effects the message being sent out.
So nice try using the flawed "but a woman made it" defense.
There ya go.
I didn't know it was a contest between this and GG.
Are you saying portrayals of fictional characters are more offensive and problematic than those of real women in similar situations?
it's pretty amusing how, if we're looking for tweets being unnecessarily abusive towards the ESA guy "Thanks, asshole" is among the worst we can find.
"Thanks asshole" is what we consider overreacting and being a massive idiot about the issue.
meanwhile, at #gg ...
Haha you know what......I'll give you that one. Fair play and I was being a bit hypocritical about the situation eh? Solid call out and one I probably deserve.
You mean the shirt was a gift from his female friend and the Kim K photo was actually a male photographer's idea? Whaaaaaaaaaaaaa
There ya go.
You would think he'd be too embarrassed to walk around in a shirt like that.
The more people get all self-righteous and call things like this "sexist", the more people are going to ignore actual sexism.
Yeah, people should focus less on stories like this and get the discussion back to actual issues like the indifference of certain job fields to the estrangement of women like in this situation here.
Too bad for the woman who made the shirt and gave it to her friend, only for it to turn into a stupid circus. https://twitter.com/ellypriZeMaN
Too bad for the woman who made the shirt and gave it to her friend, only for it to turn into a stupid circus. https://twitter.com/ellypriZeMaN
If you're trying to imply that because a woman made the shirt it cannot possibly be an indicator of the passive and unmindful turning away of women in the industry for someone to have worn it while they were representing an industry with an under-representation of women, you are wrong.
There's kind of a difference.
Kim chose to have a picture taken of herself and was probably paid millions for it. The shirt is just a weird depiction of sexualized women who don't even exist.
If you're trying to imply that because a woman made the shirt it cannot possibly be an indicator of the passive and unmindful turning away of women in the industry for someone to have worn it while they were representing an industry with an under-representation of women, you are wrong.
Does it? I mean the dude is crying about it as he apologizes. That doesn't seem like the kind of thing that happens unless you're feeling particularly stressed about the situation (because you're getting hundreds of tweets thrown at you per hour with death threats mixed in).
It's not that it's wrong to criticize or object to these things - but that the tools used to do so are really inappropriate. It's not something that should create a mass public shit storm.
I mean really, do you think that the lack of women in STEM fields is because they heard that people in these fields were intolerant of women?
The more people get all self-righteous and call things like this "sexist", the more people are going to ignore actual sexism.
The shirt represents a very, very, very tiny piece of a larger picture. It adds up.It's amazing to me that people keep using the shirt as an example of why women don't go into the STEM field. As if women are so weak or unable that a shirt or something similar would keep them from their desired field. Give women more credit than that, ffs.
The more people get all self-righteous and call things like this "sexist", the more people are going to ignore actual sexism.
Things people say every single time sexism is called out.The only reason I'm mad at this story is cases like this devalue actual sexism and offensive acts.
The only reason I'm mad at this story is cases like this devalue actual sexism and offensive acts.
Things people say every single time sexism is called out.
It's amazing to me that people keep using the shirt as an example of why women don't go into the STEM field. As if women are so weak or unable that a shirt or something similar would keep them from their desired field. Give women more credit than that, ffs.
There are surely unreasonable issues that have been brought up in the name of sexism, and they have surely devalued feminism in the mind of others. Might even be responsible for MRAs and other anti-feminists who mistakenly equate it with the whole of feminism.
Looks like something Tyler Durden would wear.
Seriously, did he show up to work wearing a gag-gift?
I know there's that stereotype of men not looking at what they throw on in the morning, but this guy is on some next-level shit!
Too bad for the woman who made the shirt and gave it to her friend, only for it to turn into a stupid circus side show, making everyone miserable. https://twitter.com/ellypriZeMaN
The shirt represents a very, very, very tiny piece of a larger picture. It adds up.
That said, the response has been way more damaging than the act of wearing the shirt. This was worth pulling him aside and calmly pointing it out to him at worst.
See, this is why you should never be your offices "Hawaiian shirt guy." Just wear solid colours and keep your head down.
man people are looking way into it. dude wore a stupid shirt, then realized he wore a stupid shirt and then apologized for it. should be done with.
Man, I am the office's Hawaiian shirt guy and I would never make a rookie mistake like this. Actually looking at what clothes you're wearing and thinking about whether they're appropriate for what you'll be doing at work that day is like entry-level having-a-job shit.
I have never once heard this argument from someone who did so in the context of, at other times, pointing out and objecting to that supposed "actual sexism."
Things people say every single time sexism is called out.
Argh, don't you hate when your NASA clothes and your axe-throwing league's "cocktail lounge night" clothes get mixed up?!
This is people unfairly jumping to wild conclusions about his character and intentions based off of a couple still images
why would a secret octopus wear octopus t-shirts? You're tipping your hand a bit too much IMOThat's why my work shirts and my shirts with potentially offensive things on them have a neutral zone in the middle populated by my sports jerseys, my wedding suit, and my Octodad t-shirts. Organization is key to a happy, productive lifestyle!
This is a complete strawman representation of the issue. Go back and read Mumei's post, it's right on the last page.
The issue isn't that a shirt, or a porn poster in the office, or a single sexist comment, or any other singular thing is the singular direct factor keeping women out of a given field; it's that when a systemic culture of exclusion exists (and a systemic culture of exclusion absolutely exists in science and technology), things that on their own might be relatively innocuous take on greater meaning since they represent the double standard where women's actions and behavior are relentlessly critiqued, while men's are allowed to veer far outside theoretical bounds of respectability before they draw any fire. (This particular double standard is pretty visibly on display in the differences between how people have been responding to Taylor's shirt vs. Rose Eveleth's brief initial tweets on the subject.)
why would a secret octopus wear octopus t-shirts?