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Sifu |OT| Old Boy


Here is an awesome tip the game never tells you:

You can gently drop weapons intact to the ground by pressing and holding R1.

This way you can save weapons for late into boss fights, especially if you're going for the true ending as weapons do way more damage to posture than to health.

I just made it through Kuroki sparing her at 21 this way after having a fresh baseball bat for the 2nd phase.
It tells you right on the control screen :D


Gold Member
It tells you right on the control screen :D
no it doesn't, it only shows press R1 to "throw weapon". That's different since thrown weapon breaks, or half breaks if it's new. This is about dropping weapons so they lose no durability.


Live from NeoGAF, it's Friday Night!
Reading the ot is making me get the urge to buy this lol
You Should Do It GIF by Halloween


Best mechanic on the game so far for me is learning that you can directional throw after dodge hit, parry, weapon throw or some focus actions, this allows you to crowd control and acumulate damage faster on bosses by using walls.
Also, only the final move of a string will give you the proper dodge counter since most enemies have armor during them.

BTW, i like the game but it made me realize how much better God Hand is, godamn that game was ahead of the curve.
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he studio does have plans for additional post-launch content.

Sifu will remain single-player only,” Garczynski said. “We are an independent studio with limited means, and we wanted the team to focus on creating an immersive and distinctive single player experience. We do have additional content planned for post-launch though!”

Those who’ve enjoyed Sifu are going to have something more to look forward to then, though what shape that new content will take – whether it comes in the form of new modes, story content, features, or something else – remains to be seen.

That said, SloClap has confirmed that the DLC will be free. In a recently published PlayStation Blog update, Garczynski wrote: “We wanted you to know that part of the team behind Sifu is already at work on post-launch content. We have exciting plans for free content updates that we will soon be able to tell you more about! Stay tuned for more, and enjoy your experience with Sifu!”

Finally, we wanted you to know that part of the team behind Sifu is already at work on post-launch content. We have exciting plans for free content updates that we will soon be able to tell you more about! Stay tuned for more, and enjoy your experience with Sifu!
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Gold Member

some clips:

featuring MEGA TILT @ 1:52



Weaving (L1+analog) is not as tight as parrying. Basically when you are hitting somebody, the moment you somebody wants to hit you, you can start weaving, there's no need to wait till the strike is about to hit.

Most of the time, this will not only gives you combo meter, it allows you to immediately counter that 2nd opponent. Of course when another 3rd guy starts coming, block and dodge to keep away. More often than not, I realize my deaths come from being greedy and not using the space enough.

Learn to combo and insert the regular swipe, it will down enemies if it is not used as first hit. And when they are down , don't be tempted to hit them, let them be and used that opportunity to give you space to beat other guys without getting ganged upon. Because if you hit a downed enemy, you immediately bring them back up.
Are you a more offensive or defensive fighter?

I‘ve found this game puts truth to the old adage that the most effective defense is a good offense, but there are those enemies who stand firm (flaming dudes) to make me defend. I’m still a bit unsure as to what is most effective in doing so: tapping L1 while pressing down (which seems to cover 75%+ of the high attacks), or holding L1 down while keeping my finger on the stick. Again, the enemies seem a bit too quick for the latter approach, but it appears to be the way that everyone is recommending.

The bosses are far too quick for me to even hold hope out that I can reliably predict what they are going to do, it’s just a crapshoot of luck, and the majority of my deaths accumulate at the end. I can’t beat the first level with any age better than 34.…..nearly all from the Botanist.


Are you a more offensive or defensive fighter?

I‘ve found this game puts truth to the old adage that the most effective defense is a good offense, but there are those enemies who stand firm (flaming dudes) to make me defend. I’m still a bit unsure as to what is most effective in doing so: tapping L1 while pressing down (which seems to cover 75%+ of the high attacks), or holding L1 down while keeping my finger on the stick. Again, the enemies seem a bit too quick for the latter approach, but it appears to be the way that everyone is recommending.

The bosses are far too quick for me to even hold hope out that I can reliably predict what they are going to do, it’s just a crapshoot of luck, and the majority of my deaths accumulate at the end. I can’t beat the first level with any age better than 34.…..nearly all from the Botanist.
I'm offensive on mobs, defensive on boss because it's a general game mechanic that you counter bosses' attack, not attack them directly.

You are panicking, i think no one here is directly reacting at their attack, there's no doubt that all of them attack fast. But if you manage to observe or learn from the youtube vids, there are telltale signs that makes you anticipate the attacks easier. The youtube vids help you break down to realize the boss patterns, it's by one of our Gaf's member, and he break down it really well

Like when you parry, don't parry and press down at the same time, just parry. "Weaving" is a must because they tend to put an unblockable at the end of the combo, and constant parrying will break your structure.

I don't know all their attacks too. I just tend to weave down, and if they swipe low, i just eat that, but that way i avoid 80% of the high attacks. Like Punished Miku Punished Miku says, if you get swiped, then just use ground counter skill to deal back damage to him.

Keep on weaving down, and it works very well against the botanist, 90% of his attacks are high. Weave down, once he finish his combo, punish him with one set of your combos, then if you have a focus meter, swipe him down, give a slight beating, and when he stand up, give him another set of light attacks till he blocks them, and you immediately prepare to block his and weave down again, and repeat the combo.


Gold Member
After playing some more I find it much easier to parry unblockable low speeps that to weave up. Parrying unblockables will make both you and the enemy loose structure but won't make you fall to the ground and get hit by any follow up attacks.

Its important to be aware of your structure level at all times to know when you can afford to parry and when to go on full defense to lower your structure damage by weaving


Weapon attacks can't be parried right? Keep getting killed on the rooftop of the first level.

Im not sure what the blue bar is (guessing focus) or the yellow one either.


Live from NeoGAF, it's Friday Night!
Weapon attacks can't be parried right? Keep getting killed on the rooftop of the first level.

Im not sure what the blue bar is (guessing focus) or the yellow one either.
Everything except for grabs can be parried but it will lead to an increase in your strukture. It is important to avoid hits.

The blue bar is for focus, yes. The yellow bar is the enemies strukture. When it is full you can kill your opponent even if he still has life left.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Weapon attacks can't be parried right? Keep getting killed on the rooftop of the first level.

Im not sure what the blue bar is (guessing focus) or the yellow one either.
If you're holding a weapon I find I can parry weapons. Don't be afraid to vault over that crate a few times to move around also. X+Square is throw on any stunned enemies also and this is huge. Parry and toss someone into a crowd and you get a few seconds breather. Most weapon attacks are best dodged if you aren't holding a weapon. Most metal bar attacks will be two high swings but they do have another combo they do less often.


Live from NeoGAF, it's Friday Night!
What the fuck are you supposed to go on 3rd boss? Just evade here too? But I get hit on every attack because I can’t read those chained blade attacks. Fucking crap game.
The first phase sure is hard to read but i'd say half of her attacks can be recognized fairly quickly and also be avoided pretty easy. You need to pay attention.

Second phase is much easier in my eyes.

Take the baseball bat with you from the beginning of the level for some extra damage and if you haven't, unlock the focus sweep. This helps a lot.
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The first phase sure is hard to read but i'd say half of her attacks can be recognized fairly quickly and also be avoided pretty easy. You need to pay attention.

Second phase is much easier in my eyes.

I can’t avoid anything she does in first phase…I just can’t read and react to those attacks at all and time the evasions.. alright time to shelf this game until that update with a easy difficulty is out. This game just take too much energy and frustration out of me.
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Live from NeoGAF, it's Friday Night!
I can’t avoid anything she does in first phase… alright time to shelf this game until that update with a easy difficulty is out. This game just take too much energy and frustration out of me.
How many times have you tried to fight her? You can get to her super fast with the short cut. Just try again or watch a video on YT with the patterns.


Gold Member
What the fuck are you supposed to go on 3rd boss? Just evade here too? But I get hit on every attack because I can’t read those chained blade attacks. Fucking crap game.
keep a distance, punish 3 stage combo spin, punish weaved plunge post low sweep, run away. About 10 times with a fresh baseball bat +3 and you're in phase 2.
How many times have you tried to fight her? You can get to her super fast with the short cut. Just try again or watch a video on YT with the patterns.

Not that many but I have had zero progress and just get hit by every attack because I can’t evade in time.

Game is just not fun for me now instead only frustrating and aggravating so time to shelf until update.
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I can’t avoid anything she does in first phase…I just can’t read and react to those attacks at all and time the evasions.. alright time to shelf this game until that update with a easy difficulty is out. This game just take too much energy and frustration out of me.
One opening is the wind up big vertical hit. Thats your best shot at a guaranteed dodge and hit. You're probably dodging on that one too early.

All the rest is still a blur to me. Got massacred.


Everything except for grabs can be parried but it will lead to an increase in your strukture. It is important to avoid hits.

The blue bar is for focus, yes. The yellow bar is the enemies strukture. When it is full you can kill your opponent even if he still has life left.

If you're holding a weapon I find I can parry weapons. Don't be afraid to vault over that crate a few times to move around also. X+Square is throw on any stunned enemies also and this is huge. Parry and toss someone into a crowd and you get a few seconds breather. Most weapon attacks are best dodged if you aren't holding a weapon. Most metal bar attacks will be two high swings but they do have another combo they do less often.

Thanks a lot. Going to get back to it after i get back home. I completely forgot about square + x and was only using triangle + o for the kill.

If I unlock a perm skill, is it only for that playthrough or will it carry over? I seen you guys say about making them perm by buying them 6(?) times.


This game is one of those that is ideal for Gamepass, worth checking out but not a buy, from a review I saw it can get quite repetitive, and once you been through it the once, where is the replay value? Going over the same battles again for the same outcome?


I’m from the old school of fighting games. I’m beginning to believe that they made a mistake gating the full move set behind earning points. I would have preferred to have the full move set open from the beginning, with just the weapon bonuses, etc gated that way. I like taking these kinds of games into training mode and learning the full move set. Earning all these moves is like training on the job and frankly, it’s not enjoyable to make runs on points over and over.

I love the presentation and combat system. It’s the best/worst 3d belt fighter ever. 🤣😭

Edit: The post above mine is right. Feels like a GP game, and not a buy….at least for full asking price.
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This game is one of those that is ideal for Gamepass, worth checking out but not a buy, from a review I saw it can get quite repetitive, and once you been through it the once, where is the replay value? Going over the same battles again for the same outcome?

They at least took their own approach on a roguelike. Tell me an established dev thats taking any risks these day. Oh and that's without mentioning the game actually works and doesn't need 20 patches at launch. If this comes to Xbox I'll double dip as well.

Devs working on free dlc to add as well.


They at least took their own approach on a roguelike. Tell me an established dev thats taking any risks these day. Oh and that's without mentioning the game actually works and doesn't need 20 patches at launch. If this comes to Xbox I'll double dip as well.

Devs working on free dlc to add as well.

They nailed the presentation and the gameplay. The roguelike element doesn’t work for me here, and I would have preferred to split the aging category into separate playable characters with their respective strengths and weaknesses.

I have nothing but respect for the devs. It’s a great product; very technical and deep. At times it reminds me of Bushido Blade mixed with Virtua Fighter 3. Both great games in their era. The mistake I made was approaching this as a game and not a job.


Gold Member
Oh and that's without mentioning the game actually works and doesn't need 20 patches at launch. If this comes to Xbox I'll double dip as well.

Comes out changing release date for earlier and is super polished, imagine that.

What I was most afraid of seeing early footage was that the game will be full of jank and geometry clipping all over the place, with all the finishers, slamming enemies against furniture... Over 45 hrs on the clock I've seen zero of that, one time a chick somersault-kicked me flying through a pillar... that's it, literally no bugs no weird collision.

Defeated enemies and breakables do not despawn and rock-solid 60/4K on PS5. What a win.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Little tip I noticed. When you spot a regular enemy that is likely to go super saiyan when their life is dropped to zero you can prevent it by getting them close to zero then finishing them with a focus skill.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Another tip. You can dodge cancel with r2 out of almost every move. You can literally hit F,F kick and tap them and instantly dodge cancel back to bait them into whiff attacks. Lots of fun. Feels like some Bruce Lee shit.


Represent(ative) of bad opinions
Third boss is light work compared to the second. Sean hardened me lol. Beat her on my second try, and the shortcut is super short.

The art direction in the Muesum stage, god damn. Masterful shit

Going back to try to beat Sean at a younger age.

This game is incredible.
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One word: SUPERB.

This is the kind of game that rarely appears on the market, a real gem.

Already Goty for me, I dare say that we won't have anything better than this game this year, for numerous reasons, imo.

And no, I don't like Elden Ring.


Gold Member
Little tip I noticed. When you spot a regular enemy that is likely to go super saiyan when their life is dropped to zero you can prevent it by getting them close to zero then finishing them with a focus skill.
or don't use the finisher if you're out of focus and just beat them till they're out of health.


Ok I can reverse my aging? I just died twice and somehow fighting I saw the skull count go from 2 to 0.

Edit: ok i just noticed im still 23 but skulls at 0. Whats the point in this?
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Ok I can reverse my aging? I just died twice and somehow fighting I saw the skull count go from 2 to 0.

Edit: ok i just noticed im still 23 but skulls at 0. Whats the point in this?
Thats your death counter. Die once. Age goes up 1. Die again it goes up 2. Kill an strong enemy and the cou goes back to 1. Die again age up 1.

If you don't die in a row multiple times your age only goes up 1 number.


Live from NeoGAF, it's Friday Night!
I just figured out that if you use the focus eye strike and than follow up with loaded triangle attack while holding a knife you can basically kill pretty strong enemies with just this combination. This is super OP.
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I just figured out that if you use the focus eye strike and than follow up with loaded triangle attack while holding a knife you can basically kill pretty strong enemies with just this combination. This is super OP.
You also can land the knife hit as an intercept and get them while they attack. Got the achievement for the one hit kill on a big boy. Eye strike is also a sick combo though for that. Good suggestion.

Another tip for anyone in level 1, 2. Anyone near a ledge just hit with a bottle and throw off the ledge. Can one shot tons of people this way.


Live from NeoGAF, it's Friday Night!
Seems like i'm pretty close to finishing the game now so i wonder how the progression is after the end. New game+? Just keep replaying? I still miss some collectables. And someone mentioned to "spare" bosses. How do i do that?
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