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Silent Hill 4 Looks Like Ass


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Oh, this topic came back?

Now that I've played it, I can say for sure that it doesn't look like ass. In fact, the game is very beautiful at times. I'm suprised that all the self-shadowing and such was left in the game, though...I thought it was removed.

I'm enjoying the game so far. It's very different from the other SH games, though. The Apartments are a bit creepy, but everything else really has not been. Still, the atmosphere is very unique and I'm enjoying that aspect. I love all of the subtle changes that occur in your room, though. Everytime you go back, it always seems as if there are a couple small changes here and there. Gotta love that dude rockin' out on the bottom floor across from your apartment.

Though, thinking of that, I was suprised that they modelled EVERY room in the apartment complex. Not only did they model each one, but they are all very different looking. Very nice.


Steroid Distributor
I put some more time into it and figured out the dodge button and that sure helps. That pipe sure isn't much of a weapon though. The golf club was nice it just didn't last long at all.
I have never thought the graphics were poor in this game. Some of the detail is amazing. The only thing that is kinda off is Harry's running animation. Other than that the game looks amazing.
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