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Silent Hill Reboot to FINALLY be unveiled at the VGA?


I will believe it when i see it.

If it exists i hope it's a remake. I don't think it's possible to make a new SH and still be a good Silent Hill game. (And no PT was not what a new Silent Hill should be.)
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This reboot is so incredibly real and likely to happen that they're going to announce it at Four Seasons Total Landscaping, next to the dildo shop and crematorium.



Has the time finally come? According to Roberto Serrano, a gaming business analyst, Konami is planning to unveil the long rumoured Silent Hill reboot at the upcoming Game Awards on December 10.
The event will be streaming live from London, Los Angeles and Tokyo.


The project is allegedly going to act as a soft-reboot of the whole franchise and will be released exclusively for the PS5.
Sadly, the thread also confirmed that this has nothing to do with Hideo Kojima's horror game, which won't be related to his cancelled Silent Hills project at all.
Speculations about the reboot ran wild in the past months but nothing was set in stone. Konami also launched an official Silent Hill Twitter account in the summer, stirring up the fanbase.
Rumours have also pointed to the Silent Hill PS5 reboot bringing back original Silent Hill director Keiichiro Toyama, along with the legendary composer of Silent Hill 2, Akira Yamaoka.

Personal note: I know this is just an analyst, but with all those recent rumor I can clearly see this happening at the VGA.




Article in danish, but they have a great track record, unlike some others.

"In relation to the mysterious new Silent Hill project, which we are now quite convinced exists in one form or another, it can be difficult to find out what is up and down. Is it PlayStation exclusive? Is Sony involved at all? Who has Konami outsourced responsibility to? When is it actually revealed?

Recently, a new rumor surfaced from an analyst who was instantly backed by a specific medium. This rumor claimed that the game will eventually be revealed to the outside world at the Game Awards on December 10th.

So it's true? Having brought the original rumor, we have now heard from a credible source that it has nothing to it, unfortunately. Our source has spoken to employees who should have direct knowledge of such a move, but they have flatly rejected it. They have specifically not denied that the game exists, but rather that it will not be at the Game Awards.

So it looks like we'll have to wait a little longer."
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CliffyB's Cock Holster
I think the Ragnarok logo reveal for a game that, let's face it, is a 2022 title, disproves this personally. They clearly wanted to let people know what's on the horizon, no pun intended. If Silent Hills really was ready to be announced in the last few months I think they'd have done it already, even if it was just another logo shot.

Here's the thing though, GoW was as big a critical and commercial hit as they had over PS4 gen. So name dropping it is a pretty good "cheap pop", as Mick Foley used to say! Silent Hill wasn't that big selling a franchise even in its heydey, and It needs re-establishing after years of neglect. So, especially if Sony are pushing it, it will need careful handling in terms of advance promotion. Dropping a logo would not be enough, it needs to make a big impression.

Most likely way to do that is to drop it in a scenario where its not fighting for too much attention. I suspect they'll also want to ensure that its give RE Village plenty of space so as not to cannibalize its sales/spotlight.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Here's the thing though, GoW was as big a critical and commercial hit as they had over PS4 gen. So name dropping it is a pretty good "cheap pop", as Mick Foley used to say! Silent Hill wasn't that big selling a franchise even in its heydey, and It needs re-establishing after years of neglect. So, especially if Sony are pushing it, it will need careful handling in terms of advance promotion. Dropping a logo would not be enough, it needs to make a big impression.

Most likely way to do that is to drop it in a scenario where its not fighting for too much attention. I suspect they'll also want to ensure that its give RE Village plenty of space so as not to cannibalize its sales/spotlight.

Quite true. I still think the gap between the VGAs and Sony's previous PS5 shows isn't enough to justify the VGA theory. If it's real, it's getting announced next year IMO, but I'll take it whenever I can.
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CliffyB's Cock Holster
Quite true. I still think the gap between the VGAs and Sony's previous PS5 shows isn't enough to justify the VGA theory. If it's really, it's getting announced next year IMO, but I'll take it whenever I can.

Yeah, I guess it depends on how much support Sony is lending to the VGAs. I suspect they'll have a solid presence as with Cyberpunk out of consideration, basically they have a free shot at the prestige awards.


I think it's very likely that this will be fake.

I don't see why Sony would make a Silent Hill, and don't see Konami making a new Silent Hill, and less outsourcing it to Sony. And well, if it was true then it should have been announced a couple of times before.

The only way I see why Sony would have invested on this would be to the point they work on an IP of another publisher would be because Kojima would be involved in the game in some way and asked Sony to do it as part of negotiating the exclusivity of Death Stranding and maybe additional future PlayStation exclusives that Kojipro would develop.

It would be a big win for Sony to reveal God of War and this at the VGA, but I see it difficult to happen.
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Gold Member
We got this covered.

Ban this man


Gold Member
There has been a ton of smoke for quite some time now about the whole Silent Hill and MGS. Combined with others saying “Sony pulled off some ‘holy shit’ moves.”

The Demon’s Souls turned out to be true, and these seem to come from the same rumor mills. I guess we’ll all find out Soony enough.
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Pretty sure silent hill will take longer than that to make and perhaps not until 2023, bet sony would rather wait till that time for ps5 pro launch and focus on ff16, resi8 for Japanese line ups.
There’s no chance this won’t happen now after so much speculation this year, right?

Would be absolute megaton from Sony though, hype is enormous for this series to finally come back.


2022 release
Toyama and Ito being involved
PS5 exclusive with PC version coming out later (possible temporary Epic moneyhat).

Bet on it.


this is the guy who has saying that Silent HIll will be shown in every PS5 event through the year, in reddit this guy is a joke


This is false.

Moore's Law is Dead "leaks" have been proven wrong several times in the past and, each time something like that happened, he deleted the video in which he made those claims.

Don't believe his lies.
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This is gonna be fun XD

I mean if you have something to say then say it already. I'm inclined to believe there might be a new SH game made by ex team silent members like alot of the leaks have said but the game being developed by kojipro is just bullshit.


I can't see Sony revealing something of this scale at TGA. It goes against their own marketing strategy in the last couple years. Sony wants to make these types of reveals via their own State of Plays. That way they get all the coverage and buzz for the entire news cycle.
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