Finally went back and finished this. Overall, it's a mixed bag. Half of it is great, half of it is pretty bad.
I really enjoyed the story. It was quite a mindfuck, but an entertaining one. I feel that the mystery was strong enough to keep me motivated to keep playing. The exploration and puzzles were really great, too - not only were most of the locations genuinely creepy, but the puzzles made me think and investigate the area around me. The creepiness of the voicemails wore off by the end of the game, however in the earliest chapters I thought they were really well done. There were dozens of really unique ways of using the motion controls too, which is seldom something that I can say about a Wii game.
If the game was all exploring the desolate town and solving puzzles I'd love it, however the chase sequences were frustrating, boring and, in some instances, poorly thought out. Trying to look at a map when these creatures are chasing you is just infuriating. I understand they were going for tension, but it's not fun when I feel lost, stop to check the map and get pounced by 4 creatures, thus getting killed. Nor is it fun to have on your back, use the correct motion, and yet have it fail to work for 4 or 5 times. I really do respect the concept of being unable to fight, it was a good idea, but poorly done.
A solid 6/10 for me probably. If it wasn't for the chase sequences it would've been a much better experience. It's a compliment to the rest of the game that my overall view of the game isn't lower, because I really did hate the chase sequences.