I'm about 13 hours into the game now and just got my HQ in Arberdeen (seems surprisingly long) and I've got a few questions:
1. Anyway to get your triad level up outside of missions? Because it seems lopsided that your cop level goes up from all the drug busts and you get cop leveling in triad missions so it's basically 2-3x your triad level.
2. Under stats, what are "events completed"? Because if it's not a main mission, or a sidequest...what is it?
3. In the first 3-4 hours there were dating quests going on with a few girls. Each quest unlocked something really useful like being able to see shrines on the mini-map. In the 10 hours that followed there have been no further missions with any of the girls. Seems weird.
4. Do you ever get something that shows suitcases on the mini-map? Because that seems like the only thing that would make getting 100% completion a pain in the ass.
1. Doesn't' seem like it and was lop sided for me also when i finished the story. I think the best way is to maximize your triad score and lower your cop score during that mission (property damage, kill innocent people, etc).
2. Events are some random stuff that happens around the world while you are in a specific place and is indicated by a yellow shield icon on the map (and a few will give a message). For example you could be chilling around an area and see someone rob Calvin, then you will have to take care of the robber and get the stuff back.
the events are IIRC:
Chase the robber (just kill him somehow)
Check the commotion (which is usually some drunk being annoying at a store and you must remove him)
Junk in the trunk (someone is trapped in a trunk of a vehicle and you must free them)
Note: Drug busts are also counted as an event but those have their own icon and stuff
3. Nope that's normal. After you date/unlock the stuff from a girl you never hear from them again (with a certain 2 being the exception since they will fucking call you out, then you wont hear from them again). I guess its to enforce that Wei is not ready for a steady relationship.
4. I guess you are talking those blue boxes with stuff in them. In that case you will get an ability to see all of those on the map via once you date one of those girls (LOL)