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Smash Wii U & 3DS Downloadable Characters Discussion and Information on Smash Ballot

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This was an easy pick for me.

Splatoon Girl takes her shot!

She's a brand new mascot character with a memorable, quirky and charming design well-suited to the Smash Bros universe. She can use a variety of ink-based firearms and gadgets in addition to having the unique ability to transform into a squid. Her alternative costume changes can be based on Splatoon Boy gender swap as well as different colored hair, skin tone and clothing that the character wear straight out of their own game. Splatoon Girl has all the elements necessary to make for a stand out character in Smash Bros. Lastly, this is a great opportunity for Nintendo to cross promote Splatoon in Smash Bros, so more gamers may become compelled to want to check out Splatoon and help lead it to become a new successful franchise.
Let's go ISAAC (Golden Sun series)




This IS really strange. They didn't even mention the Miiverse stage. Makes me wonder if Sakurai is working on more just like with Lucas? Id love more stages and music.

And the thing is, stages have to be easy to complete. I mean, I can understand how creating a new character can take months, as you have to create a moveset, balance him, work on animations, effects, etc.

But a stage? It has to be much, much easier, especially if it's simply taking an old 64/Melee stage and rendering it in HD. Development time has to be low, yet they could make a fortune off desperate fans like me who would pay irrational prices just for some 64/Melee stages in Smash 4.


I know that it's more obvious in retrospect, but Nintendo likes money.

I have no doubt we'll see Wolf in time for Star Fox U, so I threw in my vote for Ice Climbers. There's gotta be a way to get them to work.

With a June release for Lucas, I'm 95% sure they're working on other characters. E3 is in June, a great way to kick it off is to release Lucas after the direct and tease the next DLC characters.
It's crazy, but the Super Smash Bros news is trending on Facebook. That's the only thing from the Direct. The game still has draw power, which is precisely why Nintendo and Sakurai are still planning on developing content.


So with this in place, I'm going to guess there will be a character announcement at E3 and maybe every other direct in the future.

So this can never end now.


With a June release for Lucas, I'm 95% sure they're working on other characters. E3 is in June, a great way to kick it off is to release Lucas after the direct and tease the next DLC characters.

The voting ballot is likely just a sham. I doubt they're actually going to be influenced by any data yielded from the ballot. They know it can and will be manipulated.

Here's the thing, though - they don't need the ballot to know what the fans want. They've already proved this with Mewtwo and Lucas. They're not oblivious to places like GAF, Reddit, 4chan, SmashBoards, etc - they have a very accurate pulse of the Smash community, and they don't need a ballot to get an idea of what we want. I imagine the ballot is simply there for us, the fans, to make it seem like we matter. But Nintendo doesn't need the ballot to know which characters the fans want.

So yeah, I agree - they're already working on the next DLC character(s). I imagine we'll get 2-3 more, max.
Does the site check for IPs and disqualify any future votes/outright prevent you from voting on that IP again?

Voted for Mail again, just because I think a good description of her positives for the hypothetical roster can stand out.


If Ridley (an actual Nintendo character from a core Nintendo franchise) loses his spot to Bayonetta or Wonder Red or Snake, I'd be beyond mad. I could handle K Rool or Isaac getting the spot. It definitely shouldn't go to a non Nintendo character

Like it or not, Wonder Red is a Nintendo character. The Wonderful 101 is a Nintendo IP, and Wonder Red is the hero from that game. He is fully owned by Nintendo.

I did my part and voted for him!

Cast a vote for Hades from KI: U as well.


I voted for a new character:

A transformer robot that turns into the Virtual Boy. Or a transformer robot that turns into all Nintendo consoles.


I feel like 4chan is going to abuse this and make Kim Jong-un, Shrek, Cory from Cory in the House, and Goku be at the top ranks.

Thanks for reminding me.

Be pleasantly surprised. Ridley, K. Rool, Wonder Red, Isaac and Takamaru are currently the popular horses over on /v.

Going with Wonder Red myself.

EDIT: Lanky Kong and Goku have been mentioned a few times, though.


I was torn between Dixie Kong and Inkling (those being the only characters I really support and think actually have a shot). Ultimately though, I went with Dixie. New female character. More Donkey Kong representation. Potential for unique gameplay. From some of the best platformers ever made. Wicked guitar riffs.

The voting ballot is likely just a sham. I doubt they're actually going to be influenced by any data yielded from the ballot. They know it can and will be manipulated.

Here's the thing, though - they don't need the ballot to know what the fans want. They've already proved this with Mewtwo and Lucas. They're not oblivious to places like GAF, Reddit, 4chan, SmashBoards, etc - they have a very accurate pulse of the Smash community, and they don't need a ballot to get an idea of what we want. I imagine the ballot is simply there for us, the fans, to make it seem like we matter. But Nintendo doesn't need the ballot to know which characters the fans want.

So yeah, I agree - they're already working on the next DLC character(s). I imagine we'll get 2-3 more, max.

Obviously they can work on Snake and Wolf, or even Squirtle or Roy, they'll obviously do well in the polls no matter what, so it's an easy "see we listened!"

In fact, any vet is a safe addition for them. Look how crazy people are getting over a niche character from a Japanese only RPG. He's a vet. People love their vets, in many cases more than new comers. They get attached to these characters after using them for 5+ years before the next game. I know I started my days of Brawl hating Wolf and Toon Link and now Toon Link is one of my favorite characters and I desperately want Wolf back and miss him. I never cared about Lucas at all and I'm ultra hyped for him as DLC.

They announce Wolf or Snake (I am assuming these are the two most wanted vets that are possible, Ice Climbers don't seem likely), at E3 and people will go nuts whether Wolf or Snake placed anywhere on the polls at all or even if they looked at them.

It'll be more interesting to see new comers, although now that both the first two DLC characters are vets, it seems likely nearly all of them will be. I'll like to see how Nintendo handles ideas like K. Rool that they don't seem to want to add, but will obviously get crazy amounts of votes. Ridley especially, he's going to easily be #1, there's absolutely no question there. And yea, they tried once, but that was with a tight deadline. Maybe with some more freedom and the knowledge that the demand is there, they can work something out.
I feel like Bayonetta and Wonder Red wouldn't be the greatest picks compated to other popular characters.

These would be better choices imo

Simon Belmont


King K Rool

Dixie Kong




Threw my vote away on Ayumi Tachibana. But man, I'd love if Sakurai had responses to select ballots like he did in Brawl's ballot.
So with this in place, I'm going to guess there will be a character announcement at E3 and maybe every other direct in the future.

So this can never end now.

I think the poll is open to October, they may let us know who the top candidates are at E3.


I'm surprised no one has mentioned Blaziken. Bipedal, fighting type Pokemon, and most importantly - he's incredibly popular and one of the more recognized Pokemon.


ice climbers,fuck the 3ds and its limitations,make an exclusive dlc for wii u and put them back where they deserve


I know you're not supposed to give multiple votes, but I had to add my voice to Isaac, Wonder Red, Inkling and Ice Climbers (I'm not giving up on them yet).

I feel so naughty.
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