I'm surprised that you didn't went for 6 characters since they could add one more column of 4 characters.
You know what, you're probably on to something. Maybe it will be 6 new characters.
I feel like I had a really good handle on the prediction process during this games ongoing development. The biggest things I was wrong about were Ice Climbers and Ridley and the ONLY character I really didn't see coming was Rosalina and then well Ryu.
My brother is so much better than me at Smash it isn't funny. My only wins were predicting very right what he kept predicting so wrong. I notice he takes quick and popular opinions and pass them off as his own. Bugs the heck out of me.
I remember him telling me "everyone knows the pattern is Marth and then the new Fire Emblem character." 2 games a pattern does not make. I'd always tell him there is a very good chance Ike comes back because he was so unique and there is a very good chance Roy could come back as well with Chrom or maybe Robin. My reasoning was that he was intended for Brawl and maybe have been planned to be Luigified clone like Falco. For months he'd be like "4 Fire Emblem characters? Just stop." Do you know how good it feels to have Ike and Roy in a group of 5 Fire Emblem reps when I don't even play a single one of them?
Then the Pokemon! Lucario was revealed and he swore up and down that was it for Mewtwo. Every time we talked I told him it doesn't mean anything and he'd always talk about 4 or 5 reps only and Jiggs wasn't getting cut. Oh god! When the final roster leaked and there was no Mewtwo he said "I told you so" I told him I guarantee you he will be DLC. He'd always say but there are no plans for DLC. I'd laugh and tell him that there is DLC coming. It's been Nintendo's way for every game known to man and at least 3 known to monkeys. There will be DLC and Mewtwo will be one of the first to be shown. He is just too popular and if not for Sonic I bet he would have been in Brawl. We watched the Direct together and while we did celebrate his return I couldn't help but rub it in.
Same type of discussions went for Jr, Sonic, Lucas, Shulk, Dr Mario, Duck Hunt, Falco, Pac Man and Little Mac. Come to think of it, my brother is a super pessimist, 7 years younger than me too, you'd think he'd have some hope for a game he loves so dear. All those characters he predicted would not make it in the game, who did he predict would make it in? All I need now to feel totally satisfied to rub it in would be Dixie and Ridley. Ridley I don't really have hope for any more but Dixie is on her way, I can feel it! Feel it like it's right in the back of my neck!
What we need now is a super wall of shame post about super wrong expectations or predictions. Mostly the ones who came of as butt hole know it alls. Not unlike this very post.