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Smash Wii U & 3DS Downloadable Characters Discussion and Information on Smash Ballot

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Junior Member
Am talking in general about fans not singling people out. Ever since the ballot opened and it became known K. Rool was kicking butt, this dumb narrative about "LOL they'll just add Dixie instead because muh DK reps" or "LOL its a suggestion box" started up and not only that, but gets seen as "sensible" because somehow anything remotely connected to new games and relevance is 'logical' somehow. As opposed to, you know, popularity votes on a ballot where fan service supposedly got promised?

Based on the K. Rool hate that I see every where on GAF this wouldn't be the case if by some miracle the Chorus Kids were winning polls, or Inkling, or anyone but K. Rool. And likewise if Dixie were winning and K. Rool were behind, anyone to say "He might get chosen instead because of uniqueness" would get mocked openly.
But to be fair, Sakurai never implied that the winner will get in the game. His language was more "suggest characters that should be in the game". This is what leads us to believe that the Smash Ballot is more of a suggestion box than a "the winner will get in the game". While I do think how well certain characters do will play into things, like Sakurai will seriously consider the top 10 or so, but there's no guarantee.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Am talking in general about fans not singling people out. Ever since the ballot opened and it became known K. Rool was kicking butt, this dumb narrative about "LOL they'll just add Dixie instead because muh DK reps" or "LOL its a suggestion box" started up and not only that, but gets seen as "sensible" because somehow anything remotely connected to new games and relevance is 'logical' somehow. As opposed to, you know, popularity votes on a ballot where fan service supposedly got promised?

Based on the K. Rool hate that I see every where on GAF this wouldn't be the case if by some miracle the Chorus Kids were winning polls, or Inkling, or anyone but K. Rool. And likewise if Dixie were winning and K. Rool were behind, anyone to say "He might get chosen instead because of uniqueness" would get mocked openly.

Thing is most of the Rool stuff are either from outdated polls (in Japan) or some reddit campaign. Tired to post but it's mostly context, echo chamber, etc.
My point is that the suggestion box talking point would never come up if someone like Dixie were winning. There would be literally no doubt..."Of course she's getting in, she's winnin the ballot." It's a passive thing against characters like K. Rool or Isaac who take steaming dumps on the narratives of "who's a shoo in and who isn't happening" by their votes.

I always thought the suggestion semantics were to weed out stupid requests and third parties, not a license for Sakurai to pick and choose favorites among viable first parties. Hope that is still the case and this is a big switcheroo.


Am talking in general about fans not singling people out. Ever since the ballot opened and it became known K. Rool was kicking butt, this dumb narrative about "LOL they'll just add Dixie instead because muh DK reps" or "LOL its a suggestion box" started up and not only that, but gets seen as "sensible" because somehow anything remotely connected to new games and relevance is 'logical' somehow. As opposed to, you know, popularity votes on a ballot where fan service supposedly got promised?.

But it IS a suggestion box was introduced a such? If it were a popularity contest/Sakurao only used popularity as its sole criteria we would have had Ridley a long time ago. Maybe he is aware of how popular K. Rool is, but doesn't think he'd work in the roster for whatever reason?

why haven't I heard this

what is the context behind this

I mean, like, it's an Omega Stage where literally no part of the surface is safe.

And good job on getting a Spoink up that high. I think I had a Corphish that I grinded up to level 60 back then, too.

That sounds hilarious as shit to me. I know these sort of stages are never popular but I love stages where players tend to get tossed around like ragdolls. Even Pyrosphere gets huge laughs from me despite how broken it is.

And thanks. Ever since then I've always tried to have team mascots (Pachirisu and Emolga, although I've been slacking on that this gen...hmm).
My point is that the suggestion box talking point would never come up if someone like Dixie were winning. There would be literally no doubt..."Of course she's getting in, she's winnin the ballot." It's a passive thing against characters like K. Rool or Isaac who take steaming dumps on the narratives of "who's a shoo in and who isn't happening" by their votes.
Of course, it's all a conspiracy against you and your character of choice, you've figured it out.
If I recall correctly, Stonecarving City's the only non-Ware song in Sm4sh (It's recycled for Gamer, and they brought back the victory jingle remix from Brawl). Other than that, we just have the 2 WarioWare, Inc. remixes from Brawl, 2 variants of Ashley's theme (Although whether or not you get the English version or the only Wario remix in Sm4sh depends on the region), and the music from Gamer, which is basically just Environmental Noises-tier music until the Mom shows up. Then it's a generic ominous chant.

I'm sorry, I'm just really bitter about how little Wario got in Smash 4. It feels like they barely wanted to put WarioWare in there, but it got a significant amount more than the Wario Land series. We got Stonecarving City, but the shoulder barge was removed (Seriously, why?). With that move gone, the only other trace of Wario Land in the game at all is the "W-Sign" taunt.

Believe me, I am well aware of Wario's situation. My most wanted newcomer after Ridley is Captain Syrup, and that's for a reason.
One song is more than none. You can't use an arithmetic that isn't true and then expect people to just nod and agree.
Additionally, and frankly, the Wario Land series in particular is pretty notorious for its really really weird music (Shake-It's soundtrack really is the exception to the rule here), and as much as I love the games themselves, I'm not entirely surprised that we're not getting a lot of music from them.
I'm pretty sure that there's a reason they axed the shoulder barge FSmash (which wasn't even really all that close to the actual shoulder barge, so I'm not even entirely convinced it was supposed to reference it).

While I love Wario Land and prefer it heavily to WarioWare, I can see why they're trying to emphasize the latter series a lot more; WarioWare is a unique game series, while Wario Land is based on platforming. WarioWare stands out and characterizes Wario more as a unique personality, while Wario Land is part of the greater Marioverse and has no proper unique characters beyond Syrup and some more one-shot type enemies such as the Golden Diva. And to my knowledge, the Ware titles do a lot better commercially than the Land titles.

Of course, this whole argument also leaves out the 2 standalone titles that tie into neither of the 2 main series - Wario World and Wario Master of Disguise. I guess that's better, though. :p

why haven't I heard this

what is the context behind this

It's the "main theme" for a mode.


Additionally, and frankly, the Wario Land series in particular is pretty notorious for its really really weird music (Shake-It's soundtrack really is the exception to the rule here), and as much as I love the games themselves, I'm not entirely surprised that we're not getting a lot of music from them.

Oh come on my man, Wario Land 4 on its own can provide an entire stage's worth of music.

Toxic Landfill - Tell me this isn't screaming for a metal remix.
Fiery Caverns - Could have itself one awesome rock cover. Admittedly, it's short enough that it could be part of a medley.
Toy Block Tower - Fun, playful, and yet distinctly Wario-ney. Credits music too!
Crescent Moon Village - I love this something fierce. Very atmospheric, also used in the game's credits.
Main Theme - Sakurai seems fond of putting these to represent a game, and it's a good choice for setting up WL4's atmosphere.
Hurry Up! - The one I think would most fit your 'really really weird' criteria, but it's also undoubtedly the one those who played the game remember the most, which Sakurai pays plenty of attention to.

Throw in Wario Land 1's theme (perhaps a whole medley) and we have ourselves something awesome! The game as it is isn't lacking in supremely weird music, and if there's a series where it fits like a glove, that's Wario's! Certainly none of these hold a candle to, say, the Freakyforms song in the Miiverse stage.
If you own the DLC before you unlock Doc, I wonder if it makes that stage the stage you use to unlock him.

Hopefully they make the change. It's such a stupid minor change that affects literally nobody, but it would be nice.


why haven't I heard this

what is the context behind this

That sounds hilarious as shit to me. I know these sort of stages are never popular but I love stages where players tend to get tossed around like ragdolls. Even Pyrosphere gets huge laughs from me despite how broken it is.

It's the theme to a Multiplayer Endurance Mode. And it's fantastic. I'll admit, I have a soft spot for some of those stages, too (I actually like Mario Bros.). But after dealing with the Yellow Devil in Wily Castle, I realize that I don't like the idea of a stage where nowhere is safe at any time.

Believe me, I am well aware of Wario's situation. My most wanted newcomer after Ridley is Captain Syrup, and that's for a reason.
One song is more than none. You can't use an arithmetic that isn't true and then expect people to just nod and agree.
Additionally, and frankly, the Wario Land series in particular is pretty notorious for its really really weird music (Shake-It's soundtrack really is the exception to the rule here), and as much as I love the games themselves, I'm not entirely surprised that we're not getting a lot of music from them.
I'm pretty sure that there's a reason they axed the shoulder barge FSmash (which wasn't even really all that close to the actual shoulder barge, so I'm not even entirely convinced it was supposed to reference it).

While I love Wario Land and prefer it heavily to WarioWare, I can see why they're trying to emphasize the latter series a lot more; WarioWare is a unique game series, while Wario Land is based on platforming. WarioWare stands out and characterizes Wario more as a unique personality, while Wario Land is part of the greater Marioverse and has no proper unique characters beyond Syrup and some more one-shot type enemies such as the Golden Diva. And to my knowledge, the Ware titles do a lot better commercially than the Land titles.

Of course, this whole argument also leaves out the 2 standalone titles that tie into neither of the 2 main series - Wario World and Wario Master of Disguise. I guess that's better, though. :p

Wait, what was wrong with that math? The original post was a salt-driven joke, but when I followed it up, I clarified there was 1 non-Ware song in Sm4sh (Since it's also Wario's victory fanfare, I'm counting them as one song). I know Land has weird music, but it's a series we're not going to see again soon, and Smash is an "Anything Goes" game. I mean, we have characters like Pikachu and Ike fighting against Mr. Game & Watch, with stages based on Nintendogs and Pictochat. You can use items from Panel de Pon, and can even summon Takamaru or the Devil from Devil World!

Wario Land had several games, so it's definitely worthy of more acknowledgment in Smash. Even if Ware took priority, it'd be nice to see it get more than one ported-over song and its own protag having 1 taunt based on the boxart (2 if you count the motorcycle variant). If there's any game that'd embrace its weirdness outside of another Wario Land, it would be Smash. Seeing how Wario himself is in the game, I just can't help but notice the lack of Land content. And for what it's worth, I just count World and MoD as Land spin-offs, since they're still platformers starring Wario. World even follows the naming convention somewhat.

Crescent Moon Village - I love this something fierce. Very atmospheric, also used in the game's credits.
Main Theme - Sakurai seems fond of putting these to represent a game, and it's a good choice for setting up WL4's atmosphere.

Throw in Wario Land 1's theme (perhaps a whole medley) and we have ourselves something awesome! The game as it is isn't lacking in supremely weird music, and if there's a series where it fits like a glove, that's Wario's! Certainly none of these hold a candle to, say, the Freakyforms song in the Miiverse stage.



Junior Member
Clearly relevancy is no issue if they're selling a K. Rool costume and not a Dixie one. It's like Spainkiller keeps getting dug up from the grave just because people can't accept that the fans prefer the King instead of the Kong.
And again I ask, where did I mention Spainkiller anywhere in my argument? You seem so quick to attribute him as my reasoning for even mentioning Dixie.
Of course, it's all a conspiracy against you and your character of choice, you've figured it out.

Fun straw man and funnier one liner. Gold star. But the point stands.

Spainkiller was an example for people clinging to Dixie, acting like it's basically confirmed she's just around the corner instead of a discarded half of a mechanic from Brawl. They can't let go of claiming she's a shoo in even though we have a ballot where she's lucky to break top 15 or 20 in any fan poll.
imo, Dixie is boring.

Even if she isn't a Diddy semi-clone, she's still a small, light, fast monkey. We already have one of those, and she's not even terribly distinct visually either, just Diddy with a different shirt, no tail, and hair.


Maturity, bitches.
Yes, but with Lanky Kong they will no excuse not to add the missing verses of the DK Rap back in as DLC.


Fun straw man and funnier one liner. Gold star. But the point stands.

Spainkiller was an example for people clinging to Dixie, acting like it's basically confirmed she's just around the corner instead of a discarded half of a mechanic from Brawl. They can't let go of claiming she's a shoo in even though we have a ballot where she's lucky to break top 15 or 20 in any fan poll.

I think people's problem with your posts is that you're pretending like Dixie is only even considered because of the Spainkiller leak, when in reality people are considering her because she's the 3rd or 4th most important character in the DKC series and has appeared as a playable character in the most recent entry. It's not like she's not some random side character.


I think Donkey Kong Jr is the DK rep that would be the most interesting and unique. It breaks away from the DKC universe.

As much as I like that idea, K. Rool would give us a non-Kong DK character, and I still feel like Dixie'd have an interesting moveset due to her hair. I mean, I'd be fine with DK Jr., but I feel like he wouldn't offer much beyond a faster, lighter DK clone.

Yes, but with Lanky Kong they will no excuse not to add the missing verses of the DK Rap back in as DLC.

Lanky's verse would add nothing to it, though; that butchered port already lacks style and grace!


As much as I like that idea, K. Rool would give us a non-Kong DK character, and I still feel like Dixie'd have an interesting moveset due to her hair. I mean, I'd be fine with DK Jr., but I feel like he wouldn't offer much beyond a faster, lighter DK clone.

A math based moveset would be very unique for a Smash character.
My point is that the suggestion box talking point would never come up if someone like Dixie were winning. There would be literally no doubt..."Of course she's getting in, she's winnin the ballot." It's a passive thing against characters like K. Rool or Isaac who take steaming dumps on the narratives of "who's a shoo in and who isn't happening" by their votes.

I always thought the suggestion semantics were to weed out stupid requests and third parties, not a license for Sakurai to pick and choose favorites among viable first parties. Hope that is still the case and this is a big switcheroo.

I think people's problem with your posts is that you're pretending like Dixie is only even considered because of the Spainkiller leak, when in reality people are considering her because she's the 3rd or 4th most important character in the DKC series and has appeared as a playable character in the most recent entry. It's not like she's not some random side character.

Okay I'll rephrase, it seemed as though from the instant she popped up in Tropical Freeze, most of the Smash fans and definitely most of GAF collectively started saying "DIXIE IS A LOCK, K. ROOL HAS NO CHANCE" and started bending everything to match that thesis. Spainkiller is a small part of that.

We're getting a Direct in Feburary 2014? Obvious Dixie reveal is obvious. Rosalina showed up? Sakurai is obviously adding more female characters, Dixie is coming soon. 4chan is leaking that there are 4 slots left? Obviously Dixie is one of them. Spainkiller said something? Maybe [insert hypothetical where he was right] and she'll be a Wii U DLC character. Smash Ballot coming out? Who cares about K. Rool's votes, they'll just add Dixie instead because of one new game, the worst selling DKC by far.

I like Dixie and want to see her eventually after K. Rool but wow, for all the talk of how delusional and cult-y the K. Rool fans are, you never hear any talk about the single minded devotion most Smash fans have to the church of relevance.
People thought Roy would be boring.
Roy was a vet though. That's different.

Anyway, here's pretty much all the confirmation I need the Doc stage is real
So the real kicker for the Doc stage for me is not the stage itself being great looking.

It's a very minor detail not many people noticed about Peach's Castle. The stage itself in the image is at a very slightly different angle than the only other full screenshot we have of it.

Now you might say "well, he just took an upressed shot of the N64 stage" and I would say that's quite impossible. The smoking gun is the skybox. The Smash 4 version is completely different, there's way more clouds in the back of the castle that aren't there on the 64, but are clearly present on the Stage Select Screen image from the leak.

So a faker would have had to notice the new skybox. Recreate the new skybox (perfectly). And hack it into a Smash 64 ROM that had the resolution and texture filtering modified and take a screenshot only for it to be a very slightly different angle than an already existing screenshot of the stage.

Nobody is going to go through that effort for a slightly different angled screenshot of an N64 stage with an added detail 5 people on the Internet noticed.
Apparently, based on the My Music screen shot, the leak came from Nintendo of Europe.

"Less Likely" and "More Likely" are on the EU version of Smash. The other versions use other terms.


Apparently, based on the My Music screen shot, the leak came from Nintendo of Europe.

"Less Likely" and "More Likely" are on the EU version of Smash. The other versions use other terms.

Well, that narrows down Nintendo's manhunt for the leaker considerably!

Any guesses on what the other costumes will be by the way? Or, like, does anyone even care? This only gained traction because it was K. Rool, so unless the remaining costumes include, like, Isaac...


Okay I'll rephrase, it seemed as though from the instant she popped up in Tropical Freeze, most of the Smash fans and definitely most of GAF collectively started saying "DIXIE IS A LOCK, K. ROOL HAS NO CHANCE" and started bending everything to match that thesis. Spainkiller is a small part of that.

We're getting a Direct in Feburary 2014? Obvious Dixie reveal is obvious. Rosalina showed up? Sakurai is obviously adding more female characters, Dixie is coming soon. 4chan is leaking that there are 4 slots left? Obviously Dixie is one of them. Spainkiller said something? Maybe [insert hypothetical where he was right] and she'll be a Wii U DLC character. Smash Ballot coming out? Who cares about K. Rool's votes, they'll just add Dixie instead because of one new game, the worst selling DKC by far.

I like Dixie and want to see her eventually after K. Rool but wow, for all the talk of how delusional and cult-y the K. Rool fans are, you never hear any talk about the single minded devotion most Smash fans have to the church of relevance.

Well, it's not a coincidence that every first party newcomer (Duck Hunt excluded) has appeared in a prominent role in a game released after Brawl.

Masked Man

I said wow

Personally, I'm a fan of the water music, but the entire soundtrack is really great! Does anyone know the composer? Sounds vaguely Totaka-esque to me.

They honestly should just go with Cranky. No one considers him, but he would be an amazing character to play as.

I was skeptical when they first announced him for DK:TF, but after seeing him bouncing around on his cane Uncle Scrooge-style, I was immediately convinced. I'd be totally happy with Cranky in Smash!
Even if the Doctor Mario stage isn't real (which it is), I have a new song to listen to with this Super Picross Wario song.

It's so catchy!

I love how Smash introduces me to Nintendo music I've never heard before.



Fan of Wario Land and Rick n' Morty. My man indeed!

They honestly should just go with Cranky. No one considers him, but he would be an amazing character to play as.

As much as I love Cranky, I'd much prefer he takes over Resetti's assist trophy role, and mocks the characters on the stage Old Rare style. Much of his charm is lost if you deprive him from the gift of sassy speech.
Of course I'd also want both he and Resetti in.

Even if the Doctor Mario stage isn't real (which it is), I have a new song to listen to with this Super Picross Wario song.

It's so catchy!

I love how Smash introduces me to Nintendo music I've never heard before.

Ain't this the truth! Shin Onigashima and Tunnel Scene from X immediately come to mind!
Glad I could be of service, but I am afraid I must bow to you, my friend, as your posts are much funnier.

Roy is boring. So any excuse that a character would be boring falls on deaf ears as far as I'm concerned.
The vast majority of the people that play this game think he is a lot of fun.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
More costumes tomorrow.

Normally I should feel excited but it feels more like dread because it would lessen the chances of the character.
The vast majority of the people that play this game think he is a lot of fun.
Yeah I was pretty bummed when it turned out Roy was coming back because I thought he'd be a total waste of a DLC space but he's actually one of my mains now. Weird too since I didn't give a shit about him in Melee or Project M either.
Model hacks are now possible on the Wii U Smash 4


This is also going to make "leaks" going forward really interesting because they can be done in-game and in-engine and even have video. Expect a lot of fake clone DLC in the near future. It doesn't seem like importing full models is possible yet, though, as this just uses a model already present in the game.

The modding still seems a little rough to do something like a total stage replacement though.


Junior Member
Model hacks are now possible on the Wii U Smash 4


This is also going to make "leaks" going forward really interesting because they can be done in-game and in-engine and even have video. Expect a lot of fake clone DLC in the near future. It doesn't seem like importing full models is possible yet, though, as this just uses a model already present in the game.

The modding still seems a little rough to do something like a total stage replacement though.
I guess they could do something with Dunban.
So anyway, there's three known errors on the Doctor Mario stage leak.
- The aspect ratios for the Stage Select Screen images are wrong for the new stages
- The lighting source is different between the Omega and regular variations. So far no other stage has been found where the lighting source changes like this, especially on a stage so small.
- The virus sprites in the back never move, even between screenshots.

All of these can be explained in various ways, but there are a few minor issues with it.

If it's fake, it's ridiculously well made. I still want to know how they managed to perfectly implement Link's particles without any artifacts or mistakes.

tbh, I'm starting to have some doubts. It wasn't revealed today, and NoJ keeps hammering that they only have more Mii hats to show off. There's a few minor inconsistencies, some of which imply a photoshop (the lighting on the Omega being different). And as I look at it with a little more skepticism, the stage really seems incredibly small. Especially with every other paid DLC stage supporting 8 player Smash. There's barely enough room for 8 players to even stand on the stage. But on the other hand, it's incredibly well done and "feels" professional. And also this update feels really small, the least amount of DLC we've had so far and I'm not going to pretend I'd be slightly disappointed if there weren't any major surprises for the update.

I guess we'll know in 8-12 hours, so whatever. I really want those music remixes though :(


Junior Member
So anyway, there's three known errors on the Doctor Mario stage leak.
- The aspect ratios for the Stage Select Screen images are wrong for the new stages
- The lighting source is different between the Omega and regular variations. So far no other stage has been found where the lighting source changes like this, especially on a stage so small.
- The virus sprites in the back never move, even between screenshots.

All of these can be explained in various ways, but there are a few minor issues with it.

If it's fake, it's ridiculously well made. I still want to know how they managed to perfectly implement Link's particles without any artifacts or mistakes.
The fact that the errors are that nit-picky is not far off from the ESRB leak. This is why I'm convinced that the leak is real.
The fact that the errors are that nit-picky is not far off from the ESRB leak. This is why I'm convinced that the leak is real.


- The aspect ratio thing is a mistake they've made before and the GUI has plenty of other errors already.
- The lighting thing is whatever. The lighting is consistent between the two different shots we have of the actual stage, which is more important. The Omega variant might have an error, or there might even be other stages where the lighting is different, only a few were checked out.
- The virus sprites not moving is also whatever. There's three images of the stage and the viruses have a slow moving, consistent animation, so it wouldn't be impossible for all three to be at the same pose. Also other parts of the background change between shots, so the background isn't static.

But I don't know. Not having it revealed this morning and Japan hammering it in that only Mii costumes are left are starting to put me off a bit.

But I can't get off the particles. Those would be so hard to fake without any errors and so pointless to even include in a fake. To nail the particles without any artifacts, even with partial transparency? Eh... that sounds really, really challenging for an image that didn't even need to have Link at all.


I'm starting to get the feeling that Dr. Mario might be a free add-on, not unlike Miiverse. Since it was worked on pre-launch Sakurai might feel guilty charging for it, and it'd explain why it's not being discussed alongside the paid DLC.

Masked Man

I said wow
I guess they could do something with Dunban.

This would make me so happy!

But I don't know. Not having it revealed this morning and Japan hammering it in that only Mii costumes are left are starting to put me off a bit.

For what it's worth, three Mii Costumes (Jacky/Heihachi/Akira) were revealed alongside Ryu, so it's possible we'll see two or three new costumes in a trailer for a DLC character. No guarantees, but the possibility exists.
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