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Smash Wii U & 3DS Downloadable Characters Discussion and Information on Smash Ballot

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Dr. Buni



Clearly Sakurai is teasing the next DLC announcement.
Motorcycle mode is gonna be AWESOME.
Hm... I really dislike the non-Rareware King K. Rool designs.
I really should get this Shovel Knight game one of these days.
I highly recommend it. Shovel Knight is one of my favorite games.
Hm... I really dislike the non-Rareware King K. Rool designs.
Honestly besides preferring how detailed the Rare design was texture-wise, I feel the post-Rare K. Rool was always way more lively. Kinda sucks they never bothered to revisit the different personas though, even during the GBA re-releases for DKC2/DKC3.

Dr. Buni

Honestly besides preferring how detailed the Rare design was texture-wise, I feel the post-Rare K. Rool was always way more lively. Kinda sucks they never bothered to revisit the different personas though, even during the GBA re-releases for DKC2/DKC3.
The face is the biggest problem I have with post-Rare King K. Rool designs. It looks weird?

I like how his face looks like in this fanart (in fact, that is exactly how I would want K. Rool to look like in Smash):
But in this one he looks hideous:

I don't know if it's a coicidence or not, but that Dedede trophy is in the same pose as Dedede's cut Brawl alt pose trophy. I only found out about the Brawl alt trophies a few days ago and never got around to checking. Pikachu and Captain Falcon are as well (Falcon is just rotated up a bit).

I want to say it's intended though, as 75% of the alt trophies reference Brawl or Melee trophy poses, which is such a cool little detail hardly anyone will notice.

Seriously, go check out the alt trophies on either the Wii U or 3DS. If one doesn't match Brawl or Melee, check the other version because it probably will. In some cases, like Fox, one version references Brawl and the other Melee.

Brawl poses (there are many more than this)





Melee alt trophies (there are more as well)





Just a cool little easter egg with trophy poses. I've been meaning to collect them all and make a chart, but haven't had the time.

It's also fun to look at alt trophies and think that this is probably the pose they would have had for Brawl if they were in Brawl.
Wow, didn't even notice that Fox's alt trophy in Smash 4 was a copy of his All-Star trophy in Melee until now. Nice touch.

I have to say, I do honestly wish there was another set of character trophies. I definitely appreciate the return to the style of Melee's trophies where they have some that explain how a character plays and works in Smash, it's something that I missed in Brawl.

However, the difference between Smash 4 and Melee is that the latter had three different trophies to fully flesh out each character. The first batch, acquired through clearing Classic Mode, is essentially the character's biography and story. The second and third sets of trophies, unlocked by clearing Adventure Mode and All-Star, both touched upon how that particular character works in Smash Bros. and explained their mechanics and such.

Not counting the FS trophies, Smash 4 only has two for each characters. It's unfortunate, because the trophy descriptions just don't feel as developed out as they should because of it. For example, look at Zelda's description in Smash 4.

This is the namesake of the Legend of Zelda games. Her appearance may change, but she always plays an important role. In Smash Bros., she's quick on the draw when it comes to magic, though a bit slow when moving. She has a new move that summons a Phantom to her aid.

As with all the other Classic Mode trophies, there's only about one or two lines about the character's backstory before going into how they play in Smash. It just feels very rushed. It's like they tried to combine the descriptions of Melee's Classic and Adventure trophies into one, and the result honestly lefts something to be desired.

It's a weird thing to complain about, I know, but I think what made trophies appealing in the first place was that, not only were they basically an in-game encyclopedia of Smash Bros. and its mechanics, characters, items, etc, it was also a museum of Nintendo's history. I think Melee did the best job of balancing these together.
Yea, the Classic Mode trophy should just be a bio of the character. I don't think they need to dedicate 75% of the trophy to explaining a character you had to play as to get the trophy in the first place.

They also should have came up with a better method to get the alt trophies on the Wii U. Just buying them from the shop after you beat Classic Mode (or just outright giving them to you for DLC) is boring.

Maybe give them as drops during phase 2 of classic mode or something (whoever you beat, you get their trophy) or something so you could collect them in large batches.


So If the rumor about two DLC characters left are true, and they are Wolf and SK.....

Who do you think will be cut from the main roster at launch for Smash 5?

-Ryu, SK, Megaman, Roy, Lucina, and maybe Wolf or Lucas again.

Which DLC contenders that didn't make it in, will be available next time around?

-I say Inklings, Toad, Ice Climbers, Dixie or K Rool, Chibi Robo.


Junior Member
So If the rumor about two DLC characters left are true, and they are Wolf and SK.....

Who do you think will be cut from the main roster at launch for Smash 5?

-Ryu, SK, Megaman, Roy, Lucina, and maybe Wolf or Lucas again.

Which DLC contenders that didn't make it in, will be available next time around?

-I say Inklings, Toad, Ice Climbers, Dixie or K Rool, Chibi Robo.
It's a bit early to assume that the DLC contenders mentioned won't get in at all this time (except the Ice Climbers). It's also too early to assume who would get cut, especially the Capcom crew since they're still buddies with Nintendo (unless Capcom pulls a Konami in the next few years).

Dr. Buni

So If the rumor about two DLC characters left are true, and they are Wolf and SK.....

Who do you think will be cut from the main roster at launch for Smash 5?

-Ryu, SK, Megaman, Roy, Lucina, and maybe Wolf or Lucas again.

Which DLC contenders that didn't make it in, will be available next time around?

-I say Inklings, Toad, Ice Climbers, Dixie or K Rool, Chibi Robo.
I think we are still getting four DLC characters, to form a second character DLC pack. Two newcomers, two vets.

As for cuts, I suggested Greninja in the Shovel Knight thread, but someone (Toxi?) got mad at me, but I still think Greninja is the only character that might get cut, other than clones. I don't see Ryu and Mega Man being cut, unless something happens between Nintendo and Capcom. Pac-Man could be cut if Namco doesn't help in the development of Smash 5, maybe?

As for newcomers, assuming Inklings isn't DLC for Smash, then Inklings as well as a Rhythm Heaven rep. And Ice Climbers.
They wouldn't have spent the time to redesign Roy if there was a chance they'd cut him again.

Smash 5 will probably be a Smash 4 port at its core. It'll be what Brawl was originally supposed to be, just a graphical update to the previous game with some balance and new fighters. That's the only way I can see the game being feasible. Spending 90% of your time redesigning vets just because you feel you need to redesign vets is a waste of time. Most characters in Smash 4 are perfectly designed and future proofed. Like Sheik isn't getting a redesign any time soon, neither are the Pokemon.

As for Greninja, before Smash 4 came out, I was sure Ike was cut and Wolf would be back. It was the opposite and much to the surprise of most people, Ike returned despite, and got a nice redesign as well, despite not having a new game in awhile and not being relevant anymore. I think Greninja will hang around, if only for the same reason Jigglypuff hangs around, just for some generation variety and because he's popular in Smash. The "core" Pokemon, Pikachu, Charizard and Lucario aren't going anywhere either. Mewtwo I don't know, but they spent a lot of time to update him from Melee, in fact maybe even more was put into him than Ryu because Ryu appears to have some animation skeletons shared with some other humans in Smash (his hurt animation being taken from a few other humans in Smash that share it as well, for example). Mewtwo has nothing shared at all with anyone.

I don't really think there will be any Nintendo cuts, but third parties are always tricky. If Shovel Knight gets in though, barring the company being bought by some larger publisher, SK will stick around forever. Their tiny company isn't going to give Nintendo any hassle allowing SK to return in the future, they don't have the backing to pressure Nintendo.

Dr. Buni

Yeah, it is very likely that no characters will be cut, but that would lead Smash 5 to having a very small number of newcomers. I personally wouldn't mind that, but seeing how people love to bitch about the relatively low number of new Pokémon in Generation VI, it seems to me that quantity is very important for others.[

Also, I want to clarify that I have nothing against Greninja and I have no reason for wanting it to be cut from Smash.
You know I wouldn't be too surprised that, if Sakurai decided not to direct the next game, Nintendo would decide to just give it to Namco Bandai.

I see a lot of folks clamoring for HAL Labs to come back, which on paper sorta makes sense considering they were Sakurai's old team for Smash 64 and Melee, but then I came across this:


ND: These games were produced together with Bandai Namco Games, how did this happen to be?

MS: When we created Kid Icarus 3DS we assembled people from several places, but we experienced problems and had some regrets with that. I had to do interviews and other HR-duties, which amounts to a lot of time and work. Obviously, everyone has different levels of experience and different ways of working, so bringing everything together was difficult. To solve this problem we thought it would be better to have one single company work for us, so we choose to work with Bandai Namco Games who produce Tekken and other games. When thinking about a Japanese company that can make a large-scale fighting-game, there was only this one company. It would be quite difficult for other companies I think.

Basically, Smash has gotten so big to the point where they want one consistently large company to make the games instead of a smaller dev or a jumbled mess of other companies like with Brawl. Developers like HAL Labs or Retro Studios (another dev people suggest to develop Smash, strangely) are both dinky little companies in comparison to someone like Namco. Namco's already had experience working on Smash, so maybe Nintendo would come back and let them have (mostly!) full control over Smash, provided if Sakurai doesn't return (as director at least)?

I'm not sure how a purely Namco-directed Smash game would turn out, but hey at least we'd be guaranteed to keep Pac-Man. :p


Maturity, bitches.
The classic mode Melee trophies were also rather primitive looking, reflecting how they looked in their own games/art and then Adventure and All-Star used Melee's models for the trophies.

The classic style trophy could be a nice addition to bring back, especially if they were re-workings of their original looks so Mario and DK would have 3D models of the Donkey Kong arcade art for example.


Junior Member
They wouldn't have spent the time to redesign Roy if there was a chance they'd cut him again.

Smash 5 will probably be a Smash 4 port at its core. It'll be what Brawl was originally supposed to be, just a graphical update to the previous game with some balance and new fighters. That's the only way I can see the game being feasible. Spending 90% of your time redesigning vets just because you feel you need to redesign vets is a waste of time. Most characters in Smash 4 are perfectly designed and future proofed. Like Sheik isn't getting a redesign any time soon, neither are the Pokemon.

As for Greninja, before Smash 4 came out, I was sure Ike was cut and Wolf would be back. It was the opposite and much to the surprise of most people, Ike returned despite, and got a nice redesign as well, despite not having a new game in awhile and not being relevant anymore. I think Greninja will hang around, if only for the same reason Jigglypuff hangs around, just for some generation variety and because he's popular in Smash. The "core" Pokemon, Pikachu, Charizard and Lucario aren't going anywhere either. Mewtwo I don't know, but they spent a lot of time to update him from Melee, in fact maybe even more was put into him than Ryu because Ryu appears to have some animation skeletons shared with some other humans in Smash (his hurt animation being taken from a few other humans in Smash that share it as well, for example). Mewtwo has nothing shared at all with anyone.

I don't really think there will be any Nintendo cuts, but third parties are always tricky. If Shovel Knight gets in though, barring the company being bought by some larger publisher, SK will stick around forever. Their tiny company isn't going to give Nintendo any hassle allowing SK to return in the future, they don't have the backing to pressure Nintendo.
We'll still likely see redesigns for Smash 5 for the Star Fox cast & maybe the Zelda crew. But yeah, it's not like the majority of the cast is gonna get a redesign by the next game.

Dr. Buni

Can you imagine a Smash game directed by Harada?

If Namco Bandai develops Smash 5, we might get a second rep from them. A Tekken character, maybe? Or Klonoa (unlikely)?
The classic mode Melee trophies were also rather primitive looking, reflecting how they looked in their own games/art and then Adventure and All-Star used Melee's models for the trophies.

The classic style trophy could be a nice addition to bring back, especially if they were re-workings of their original looks so Mario and DK would have 3D models of the Donkey Kong arcade art for example.

Yeah that was a nice touch. The Classic trophies were the character's biography so it'd made sense that their designs were based on the character's original design from their series, and the Adventure/All-Star trophies that explained how the characters work in Smash naturally used their in-game models from Melee.

Can you imagine a Smash game directed by Harada?

If Namco Bandai develops Smash 5, we might get a second rep from them. A Tekken character, maybe? Or Klonoa (unlikely)?

Is Harada technically a director? I thought he was more of a producer, like Ono.

Actually one of my fears of a Namco-directed Smash is yeah, them shoving in a bunch of unwanted no-name Namco weirdos or something. It's why I'd hope Sakurai would remain as some sort of consultant who gets to choose the character roster and their movesets (but let someone else balance it obviously).
but that would lead Smash 5 to having a very small number of newcomers.

Who says that it has to lead to Smash 5 having very few newcomers?

For the record, yes, Sakurai said that making a new Smash "isn't just adding new characters". However, that was before Smash 4 was released. Keep in mind that despite what he said, we got 12 "proper" newcomers, 3 clones (for all intents and purposes, Dr. Mario counts as a newcomer here, as he was not a veteran carrying over from Brawl) and 3 Mii styles in the base game, so not counting DLC. You can count that any way you want, but I'll say that this is 18 newcomers.

That's as many newcomers as Brawl had (if you count the 3 Pokemon as characters which is fair since I also count the Miis independently, and Toon Link as a newcomer and not just an "upgrade" of Young Link).

You could remove Doc from the newcomer list on Smash 4, but then removing Toon Link would also only be fair. :p

And if we add DLC to the mix, the number of cuts is reduced with Lucas, while we get 2 Melee veterans (one of which was decloned more from Marth, so is essentially more of a newcomer than Doc or Mewtwo), and a full-blown newcomer in Ryu. And the DLC is not gonna stop just yet, either.

So, here we are. Despite everybody speaking doom and gloom about the roster barely increasing in size, and some even saying that Smash 4 would have less characters than Brawl, we not only got a roster jump as big as Brawl's, we also got additional stuff with DLC.

Also, most of the characters that were cut were reasonable losses. Lucas and Wolf both were lower priority characters (and Lucas did come back, with Wolf likely following soon), Ice Climbers got cut because of technical issues (and likely were planned to be at least kept around until they just realized they couldn't make them work - there's plenty of evidence lying around for that), Snake cause he was a 3rd party, and the Pokemon Trainer mons got cut cause they were part of a transformation character, there was already plenty of Pokemon, and the 2 that got axed also weren't as much of a poster boy as Charizard.

Now, I don't doubt that from now on, the roster size increases will likely be less, but that's not because of any development issues, but rather because Nintendo has very few characters left that are strong enough inclusions to carry the newcomer roster (imo at least; we're pretty much down to B-listers at this point, unless a new IP pops up that popularizes a character like Splatoon did).

I don't expect any less than 10 characters more in Smash 5 (unless that is a "GOTY" edition that's basically Smash 4 with all DLC included and maybe some extra goodies like the Ice Climbers getting revived or whatever).

Dr. Buni

Iori from iDOLM@STER.

Is Harada technically a director? I thought he was more of a producer, like Ono.

Actually one of my fears of a Namco-directed Smash is yeah, them shoving in a bunch of unwanted no-name Namco weirdos or something. It's why I'd hope Sakurai would remain as some sort of consultant who gets to choose the character roster and their movesets (but let someone else balance it obviously).
I always thought he was the director of the Tekken series.

That would be a problem indeed. Then again, without Sakurai choosing the character roster, we could finally have playable Ridley!!
Who says that it has to lead to Smash 5 having very few newcomers?
Balancing? The roster is already huge in Smash 4.

Edit: I just don't see Smash 5 having 10 or more newcomers/returning veterans without any cuts (not counting clones).


Maturity, bitches.
Rumour has it that Iwata and Sakurai, when working on the original Smash 64, put in an anti Ridley Fighter code that has been ported to every version since (Iwata personally made sure it was in Melee when he helped with the final crunch code). It is now so embedded into the game that it is unlikely that anyone will be able to remove it, some saying it is literally spread across different parts of the game making it almost untraceable. It would basically require making the whole game from scratch which no one would do now considering how big the roster is.
Balancing? The roster is already huge in Smash 4.

Edit: I just don't see Smash 5 having 10 or more newcomers/returning veterans without any cuts (not counting clones).

Balancing is off anyway. *shrugs*

The point I'm making is that Smash 4 only cut the characters it did because of licensing (Snake), technical difficulties (Ice Climbers and Pokemon Trainer), and probably time constraints which targeted lower priority fighters (Lucas and Wolf).
Despite that, we got a roster growth of 18, and even more with DLC, and said DLC brought back one of those cut characters (and will likely bring back the second one that was axed for time constraints).

I don't doubt that there might be some cuts in the next game, particularly the cheaply produced clones like Lucina and Dark Pit (or they just try to differentiate them more idk), however, I don't think that Smash 5 will massively cut down on the existing roster or on newcomers just because the base roster is already so big.

Dr. Buni

Balancing is off anyway. *shrugs*

The point I'm making is that Smash 4 only cut the characters it did because of licensing (Snake), technical difficulties (Ice Climbers and Pokemon Trainer), and probably time constraints which targeted lower priority fighters (Lucas and Wolf).
Despite that, we got a roster growth of 18, and even more with DLC, and said DLC brought back one of those cut characters (and will likely bring back the second one that was axed for time constraints).

I don't doubt that there might be some cuts in the next game, particularly the cheaply produced clones like Lucina and Dark Pit (or they just try to differentiate them more idk), however, I don't think that Smash 5 will massively cut down on newcomers just because the base roster is already so big.
Smash 4 got 18 new characters because the roster of Brawl wasn't massive, though... If Brawl had over 50 characters, we wouldn't have gotten that many new fighters, don't you agree? ^^ The only problem I see with a lower number of newcomers is that they could have trouble marketing and keeping people hyped for the game.

At any rate, if Smash 5 introducing over 10 newcomers means we will finally get a Rhythm Heaven playable rep, then so be it.


They wouldn't have spent the time to redesign Roy if there was a chance they'd cut him again.

Smash 5 will probably be a Smash 4 port at its core. It'll be what Brawl was originally supposed to be, just a graphical update to the previous game with some balance and new fighters. That's the only way I can see the game being feasible. Spending 90% of your time redesigning vets just because you feel you need to redesign vets is a waste of time. Most characters in Smash 4 are perfectly designed and future proofed. Like Sheik isn't getting a redesign any time soon, neither are the Pokemon.

As for Greninja, before Smash 4 came out, I was sure Ike was cut and Wolf would be back. It was the opposite and much to the surprise of most people, Ike returned despite, and got a nice redesign as well, despite not having a new game in awhile and not being relevant anymore. I think Greninja will hang around, if only for the same reason Jigglypuff hangs around, just for some generation variety and because he's popular in Smash. The "core" Pokemon, Pikachu, Charizard and Lucario aren't going anywhere either. Mewtwo I don't know, but they spent a lot of time to update him from Melee, in fact maybe even more was put into him than Ryu because Ryu appears to have some animation skeletons shared with some other humans in Smash (his hurt animation being taken from a few other humans in Smash that share it as well, for example). Mewtwo has nothing shared at all with anyone.

I don't really think there will be any Nintendo cuts, but third parties are always tricky. If Shovel Knight gets in though, barring the company being bought by some larger publisher, SK will stick around forever. Their tiny company isn't going to give Nintendo any hassle allowing SK to return in the future, they don't have the backing to pressure Nintendo.

Hmmm so porting and updating the game into a sequel would be pretty cool.

Imagine this, content port of Smash Wii U with:

-All characters and DLC, plus 15 new characters (including Ice Climbers), and many new and returning stages (Not all are ported over, just the best from Wii U and 3DS plus many new ones)

-Brand New Subspace Emissary

-Completely new Event stages

-New Achievements

-New Trophies

-Redesigned Classic Mode

-Smash Run and/or some form of Melees Adventure mode.

-Break the targets/board the platforms for each character.

-Boss Mode where you can play as the bosses.

I know it sounds like a lot, but most of the development time for each game is just building the game from the ground up. If you start by porting the game up, that will save so so much time to work on other game modes and content. There should still be plenty of new characters and stages as you'd expect from a sequel.
I loved Melee and 64's old Break the Targets and Board the Platforms, but I don't really think they're feasible at this point. Those modes were possible to make in the first two games mainly because they featured a smaller roster than Brawl and SSB4. Hell, even Melee scrapped Board the Platforms when the roster size increased from 12 to 26.

If they really did both BTT and BTP for Smash 4, that's like, over 100 different courses you'd have to develop, with there being so many characters. It's unfortunate, but the more and more characters that got added, the more and more these modes were phased out. Sad, but its just how development goes.
Smash 4 got 18 new characters because the roster of Brawl wasn't massive, though... If Brawl had over 50 characters, we wouldn't have gotten that many new fighters, don't you agree? ^^ The only problem I see with a lower number of newcomers is that they could have trouble marketing and keeping people hyped for the game.

At any rate, if Smash 5 introducing over 10 newcomers means we will finally get a Rhythm Heaven playable rep, then so be it.

Have you even looked at the "proper" newcomers (so count out the 3 clones here), though?
Out of the 12 named characters, we got:
2 characters from classic 3rd party franchises (Pac-Man, Mega Man)
2 characters from recently revived franchises (Little Mac, Palutena)
2 characters from new IPs (Shulk, Wii Fit Trainer)
4 characters that were newly introduced to their respective series (Rosalina, Bowser Jr., Robin, Greninja)
1 character that represents retro/hardware (Duck Hunt)
1 character from a popular older series (Villager)

And even Villager has been relevant recently, and continues to be very relevant due to the massive marketing of Animal Crossing what with its Mario Party spin-off and the Mario Kart DLC and whatnot.

So, the only 3 characters that I do not consider recently relevant but are "classic" additions are the third parties and Duck Hunt, who is the traditional retro character.

Everybody else is from a currently relevant franchise, either by being new IP, by being a revived IP, or by being a new character introduced to a long-running IP. Also Miis as Nintendo's version of customizable avatars for their players are, of course, also currently relevant. Heck, even the 3 clones and alt costume are relevant; Lucina and Dark Pit are brand-new characters. Dr. Mario has been getting consistent releases with Dr. Luigi releasing very early in the Wii U's lifespan. Alph is from Pikmin 3, the latest Pikmin game.

I hope you understand what I'm trying to get at.
15 new characters!? I was thinking 6, one of which was Ice Climbers lol.

Dr. Mario has been getting consistent releases with Dr. Luigi releasing very early in the Wii U's lifespan. Alph is from Pikmin 3, the latest Pikmin game.

I hope you understand what I'm trying to get at.

Doc isn't a new comer even if you counted clones. He's 100% a returning vet.

Dr. Buni

Have you even looked at the "proper" newcomers (so count out the 3 clones here), though?
Out of the 12 named characters, we got:
2 characters from classic 3rd party franchises (Pac-Man, Mega Man)
2 characters from recently revived franchises (Little Mac, Palutena)
2 characters from new IPs (Shulk, Wii Fit Trainer)
4 characters that were newly introduced to their respective series (Rosalina, Bowser Jr., Robin, Greninja)
1 character that represents retro/hardware (Duck Hunt)
1 character from a popular older series (Villager)

And even Villager has been relevant recently, and continues to be very relevant due to the massive marketing of Animal Crossing what with its Mario Party spin-off and the Mario Kart DLC and whatnot.

So, the only 3 characters that I do not consider recently relevant but are "classic" additions are the third parties and Duck Hunt, who is the traditional retro character.

Everybody else is from a currently relevant franchise, either by being new IP, by being a revived IP, or by being a new character introduced to a long-running IP. Also Miis as Nintendo's version of customizable avatars for their players are, of course, also currently relevant. Heck, even the 3 clones and alt costume are relevant; Lucina and Dark Pit are brand-new characters. Dr. Mario has been getting consistent releases with Dr. Luigi releasing very early in the Wii U's lifespan. Alph is from Pikmin 3, the latest Pikmin game.

I hope you understand what I'm trying to get at.
I understand that perfectly, all newcomers in Smash 4 are there for a reason and most if not all of them are unlikely to be cut from the roster in Smash 5. That is precisely why I think the Smash 5 newcomer roster will be really really small. As balladofwindfishes said above, I am thinking around 6 new characters... 8 at most. I really don't see 15 newcomers happening unless half of them are clones.
He thinks 6 characters in the case that Smash 5 is a port of Smash 4, though. :p
Also I said around 10, not 15 newcomers.

Doc isn't a new comer even if you counted clones. He's 100% a returning vet.

For all intents and purposes of my counting, he's a newcomer. He's a character that was not inherited from Brawl.

Dr. Buni

He thinks 6 characters in the case that Smash 5 is a port of Smash 4, though. :p
I think it will have 6~8 new characters regardless of Smash 5 being an updated port or a brand new game ~.~ I mean, it is entirely possible the roster will be over the 60s, maybe even 70s mark in the next game, but say goodbye to character balancing and any chances of the game being competitive viable :p
Also I said around 10, not 15 newcomers.
Yes, I know. It was Frofro who said 15 newcomers above.
Honestly, I wouldn't mind myself if the next Smash had only about say, eight newcomers.

Outside of Splatoon and Rhythm Heaven, I don't think there's many new IPs that actually warrant an playable inclusion in Smash. A lot of them like Golden Sun, Starfy, Wonderful 101, etc are just small time "second party" developed franchises, the kind of series that make it in as assist trophies. As far as characters from pre-existing series go, I can't really think of any that make sense other than maybe Dixie or K. Rool (if he ever comes back to the DKC series). I'd like for Mysterious Murasame Castle to get a revival like Punch-Out!! did so we could get Takamaru in Smash. That guy is pretty cool.

But overall I'd like for there to be a focus on going back and updating/fixing alot of the older characters. Certain characters like Samus or Zelda have outdated or unviable character designs that I'd like to see get revamped to help them competitively. Especially Samus. Good fucking lord.


Rumour has it that Iwata and Sakurai, when working on the original Smash 64, put in an anti Ridley Fighter code that has been ported to every version since (Iwata personally made sure it was in Melee when he helped with the final crunch code). It is now so embedded into the game that it is unlikely that anyone will be able to remove it, some saying it is literally spread across different parts of the game making it almost untraceable. It would basically require making the whole game from scratch which no one would do now considering how big the roster is.

You shouldn't play around like that.
They're even out of classic retro "surprise" characters. At this point they'd have to start plucking super obscure stuff like a Hanafuda cards or an actual, physical Game Boy or something to really surprise us with a retro character.

Rhythm Heaven and Splatoon are really the only two "big" IP left. It's really a testament to how complete the roster is that we've resorted to random characters from C tier franchises from 5-15 years ago. Or grabbing third parties or just straight wanting more vets back than new characters. Or villains stuck in the 90s.

Inkling and a RH rep are really the only two "holes" in the roster right now, so finding big characters to highlight for Smash 5 is going to be tricky. You'll have those two, Ice Climbers, a new Pokemon and then... uhhh... random other characters people have sort of wanted over the years? Snake? Yea, there's kind of a problem next time around.
Several of the Smash 4 newcomers didn't even exist when Brawl came out, or were still in their infancy like Rosalina.
We don't know which brand-new IPs Nintendo is cooking up, if there's a revival for some coming (looking at you, Chibi-robo), or if we will get new characters to long-running franchises (Pokemon and Fire Emblem seem to be the obvious choices here).

Just because there's currently not many characters that would make sense right now doesn't mean there won't be any by the time Smash 5 will start development.


Junior Member
They're even out of classic retro "surprise" characters. At this point they'd have to start plucking super obscure stuff like a Hanafuda cards or an actual, physical Game Boy or something to really surprise us with a retro character.

Rhythm Heaven and Splatoon are really the only two "big" IP left. It's really a testament to how complete the roster is that we've resorted to random characters from C tier franchises from 5-15 years ago. Or grabbing third parties or just straight wanting more vets back than new characters. Or villains stuck in the 90s.

Inkling and a RH rep are really the only two "holes" in the roster right now, so finding big characters to highlight for Smash 5 is going to be tricky. You'll have those two, Ice Climbers, a new Pokemon and then... uhhh... random other characters people have sort of wanted over the years? Snake? Yea, there's kind of a problem next time around.
That's the problem. Once you include Splatoon & Rhythm Heaven (assuming that Sakurai doesn't get those two out of the way via Smash 4 DLC), there aren't a lot of options left. Sure, you could bring back the Ice Climbers (plus new Pokemon & Fire Emblem characters), but that still doesn't leave a lot of options without scraping the bottom of the barrel unless Nintendo makes more new (successful) IPs between now & Smash 5.

Dr. Buni

They're even out of classic retro "surprise" characters. At this point they'd have to start plucking super obscure stuff like a Hanafuda cards or an actual, physical Game Boy or something to really surprise us with a retro character.

Rhythm Heaven and Splatoon are really the only two "big" IP left. It's really a testament to how complete the roster is that we've resorted to random characters from C tier franchises from 5-15 years ago. Or grabbing third parties or just straight wanting more vets back than new characters. Or villains stuck in the 90s.

Inkling and a RH rep are really the only two "holes" in the roster right now, so finding big characters to highlight for Smash 5 is going to be tricky. You'll have those two, Ice Climbers, a new Pokemon and then... uhhh... random other characters people have sort of wanted over the years? Snake? Yea, there's kind of a problem next time around.
There are a ton of Nintendo franchises unrepresented in Smash, but as far as big names go, only Splatoon and Rhythm Heaven, as you said. That's not counting second party-developed franchises like The Wonderful 101 and Golden Sun, but honestly I wouldn't call any of these two "big" IPs. Then there are secondary characters like Dixie Kong, (Captain)
Toad and the likes that could get into Smash, too. And third parties.

On top of that, depending on how far away Smash 5 is (if it is a NX title, it might be announced in 3 or so years? that would not be too far away), Nintendo might have a couple new popular characters, hopefully not Fire Emblem characters this time though :p


Maturity, bitches.
Considering the amount of names I've seen in fake rosters that haven't turned up I'd say there plenty of material left out there.

For example not a single person has mentioned a second Wario rep on this page. Get the bass pumping for Jimmy T's dance based move set.
hopefully not Fire Emblem characters this time though

Fire Emblem really only got one character for Smash 4. Lucina was a bonus and Roy is a vet. It makes it feel like a lot more than it really is.

I think people had convinced themselves Ike was gone and Roy was never coming back. When both came back, and on top of that we get a clone, it makes it seem like a much larger addition than it is.

Pokemon got four new characters in Brawl, none of which were clones. Zelda got four new characters in Melee, two were clones. Mii came out of the gate with three characters, none are clones. And yet FE gets two new characters, one of which is a clone, and it's over represented and Sakurai has a FE bias or whatever the meme is these days.
It doesn't even have to be new IPs. New or revived characters from existing IPs work just as well.

Examples (that are currently relevant): Captain Toad. Dixie Kong. Impa and/or Tingle. The Marine dudes from Metroid Federation Force if it turns out to be popular.

We don't know what Nintendo is going to do with those characters, or if they're going to introduce new characters that might turn out to be popular like Rosalina did.

Dr. Buni

Fire Emblem really only got one character for Smash 4. Lucina was a bonus and Roy is a vet. It makes it feel like a lot more than it really is.

I think people had convinced themselves Ike was gone and Roy was never coming back. When both came back, and on top of that we get a clone, it makes it seem like a much larger addition than it is.

Pokemon got four new characters in Brawl, none of which were clones. Zelda got four new characters in Melee, two were clones. Mii came out of the gate with three characters, none are clones. And yet FE gets two new characters, one of which is a clone, and it's over represented and Sakurai has a FE bias or whatever the meme is these days.
Lucina still is a newcomer, regardless of being a clone. For a franchise that only recently became popular, 5 characters seems to be a lot. Personally, I would have preferred Alph to be a clone and Lucina to be an alt, but alas...

I was actually hoping Ike wouldn't be cut, because Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn are the only Fire Emblem games I enjoyed and Ike is a great character. So it is a good thing he wasn't cut.
All that really matters is they bring Pichu back.
I think all cut vets other than Ice Climbers and Snake are likely to be back as DLC. Even Pichu!


Several of the Smash 4 newcomers didn't even exist when Brawl came out, or were still in their infancy like Rosalina.
We don't know which brand-new IPs Nintendo is cooking up, if there's a revival for some coming (looking at you, Chibi-robo), or if we will get new characters to long-running franchises (Pokemon and Fire Emblem seem to be the obvious choices here).

Just because there's currently not many characters that would make sense right now doesn't mean there won't be any by the time Smash 5 will start development.

Everyone should listen to Red here.

Also, I can see Paper Mario making it come next game.
The main reason people are fed-up with FE getting "over-represented" is because 5 out of 5 characters are swordsmen. I think most people are perfectly fine with Robin even, because he does more than just slash about with his sword, as he has a very distinct playstyle mixing magic into his repertoire.

The rest are just "blokes and lass with cape and sword", and in 3 out of the 4 people they also have blue hair.

It gives are very limited representation of the FE franchise. I understand why people are disgruntled. Whether Roy is a popular vet or not.

Russ T

The main reason people are fed-up with FE getting "over-represented" is because 5 out of 5 characters are swordsmen. I think most people are perfectly fine with Robin even, because he does more than just slash about with his sword, as he has a very distinct playstyle mixing magic into his repertoire.

The rest are just "blokes and lass with cape and sword", and in 3 out of the 4 people they also have blue hair.

It gives are very limited representation of the FE franchise. I understand why people are disgruntled. Whether Roy is a popular vet or not.

Yeah it's an understandable complaint. I don't really understand why they keep picking swordspeople. I'm not really a Fire Emblem type of person, but I know there's a lot of other interesting stuff.
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