Most of the ads I've seen haven't been for that last pack, though. Between Facebook and Twitter, I've seen one for Ryu, one for Ryu and Lucas, and one for all 3 characters and the costumes that came out in June (I explicitly remember it because I've seen a different "Izzat Akira?" post each time that one's shown up). Meanwhile, I haven't seen any ads for the DLC being discussed. Which further proves the Reddit guy's/Ballad's point about it not being advertised at all, but not that it's the reason we're seeing all these ads.
I'm bullheaded, though. I still think they slapped old ads over the new ones they were going to show at PAX before delaying the content.
I've only seen ones that have the new fighters or are coupled with a bunch of costumes for Miis. I have a crazier theory...
- The original plan was to have DLC with a character out every two months starting with Mewtwo. That would give us April, June, August, and October before the ballot ended. This would give us 4 new characters throughout the year.
- Something happened. I'm guessing they saw the leaks, had the characters done and thought releasing them at E3 would garner more sales than sitting on them for months.
- As a result, this caused more issues for the team since they had not planned having to support the game in a tighter span of time. Fans are now expecting more characters than originally planned before the ballot even ends.
- This has lead to two results: 1) they are now having to quickly put together things in order to create support for the game. This lead to less people focusing on free updates like the tournament mode, and instead focusing on creating costumes or characters. 2) They have no characters planned besides what we got, and are simply moving forward early ballot characters to release at the end of the year. This will leave a gap in DLC filled with easy-made costumes of fan favorites.
- If we follow pattern 1-- the team is actually giving us more than what they had originally planned. This could mean we're going to get more DLC characters and stages- however, they will be fairly simple. This almost guarantees cut vets that can be ported from Brawl.
- If we follow pattern 2-- the team is going to be giving us Mii costumes as replacements for expected DLC. This will likely disappoint a lot of fans expecting more characters since we got the random three dropped.
How does this connect to the current ad promo? Marketing had already planned for characters to be released in late August as that was the original date planned. The ads were simply changed as much as they could (I've seen a TON of Ryu related ones personally, making me think Ryu was probably the one releasing in August with Roy originally hitting in October).