So a few pages back there was a theory on Reddit that DLC pack 2 wasn't selling well. I was wondering if there was a roundabout way for a regular person to figure out if there was anything behind that. And today I was playing Tourney mode and noticed, like, 90% of the Tournies never change the stage list. So this would be a good way to see who owned what stage (or Ryu). If you just allow all stages, the game bans the ones you don't own or haven't unlocked yet.
So I clicked through about 60 or so Tournies just to see what DLC was owned. And yea, Pack 2 is downright dire, but more on that later. This is all very scientific as well. So scientific I didn't even bother recording numbers and didn't realize I should have until 20 minutes later when I was done looking through tournies obviously started by children. So these are eyeballed numbers.
- I ignored everyone who banned a stock stage. There was one dude who really did not like Big Battlefield, as he banned nothing but Big Battlefield. He was ignored though, as I couldn't tell if he banned the DLC or not (he didn't own any). One kid had every comp starter stage, but then inexplicably also allowed Coliseum. Ok, that's weird. Based on his bans, he probably didn't own Dreamland either, as he wouldn't have banned it. Anyway.
- A hilarious amount of these people haven't unlocked stages (75% or more didn't have all the stages). Pac-Land BY FAR is the least unlocked stage in the game. Like, at least half of the Tournies didn't have Pac-Land. PL is a garbage stage, but I really doubt all of these people just randomly banned PL and nothing else, so I'm assuming they didn't have any banned. It's annoying to unlock as well. One dude, also, bless his heart, had no stages unlocked. But he owned Ryu! So he jumped into Smash 4 for the first time, bought Ryu and then jumped right into Tourney mode. Crazy. A bizarre amount of people didn't have Stadium 2, Smashville or Kongo unlocked, so I assume they never bothered to touch Event mode.
- Suzaku Castle is by far the most bought DLC. This should have been obvious, but it dwarfs the other DLC. Also 99% of people who own at least one DLC also own Ryu. Only one person in all the Tournies I checked, didn't own Ryu but owned a stage (in this case, Peach's Castle). I'd say a little under half owned Ryu. That's a lot of DLC, way above what normal games retention for DLC is as far as I'm aware.
- NOBODY OWNED HYRULE CASTLE. Okay. Seriously. No, not kidding. I clicked through about 60 tournies. Not a single Hyrule Castle. NOT ONE. WHAT THE HECK.
- Only about 3 people had Peach's Castle. Better than Hyrule, but still... yikes.
- A lot of people had Dreamland (maybe ~15 or so). Not a single Dreamland was owned without Ryu. People clearly went to the shop to buy Ryu and grabbed Dreamland with him.
- I played a 16 man Tournament and there were 5 Roys (I was one). Played a couple more as well, consistently seeing lots of Roys. Didn't see a Lucas at all, a few Ryu in there though. Holy god, so many Roys though.
Based on this, everything the Reddit guy said is true.
- Pack 2 is selling like absolute garbage. Hyrule Castle is just downright disappointing to see the figures for.
- People go to the shop to buy characters and then buy whatever else. All but one person who owned a single piece of DLC, also owned Ryu. Also every single person who owned Dreamland owned Ryu, and Dreamland was the best selling of the 3 64 stages by a wide margin.
- Based on what I've seen in tournies and tournaments, Ryu is the most bought DLC, along with Roy right behind him and Lucas at the end. I didn't really pay attention to Mewtwos because I have no idea if they were free or not. One Mewtwo though was absolutely rocking, what an amazing guy, seriously good play.
- There were more Tournies with the word "Epic" in their title than Tournies that owned a stage from pack 2.