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Smash Wii U & 3DS Downloadable Characters Discussion and Information on Smash Ballot

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Funny enough, there's an unused Tetris Block Mario Maker costume.

A Tetris Block would actually be ridiculously unique as a fighter and would absolutely fit in. Probably the most important third party title in Nintendo history.


Edited: I wouldn't be surprised if we are going to see Ken Mii Costume and Chun Li Mii Costume for Mii Fighter

If we don't get a Bison Mii Brawler, both Mii Fighters and Ryu would be for naught.

Also this might apply to K Rool, but seems more about Waluigi.

Wait, how does it apply to K. Rool? Because of the costume?

Personally, I think that disclaimer was directed towards Banjo & Sora. We put those 2 in the "No Hopers" pile long ago, but we also think about Smash for more than an hour a week. Those 2 are some of the most popular characters, especially with casual players who could care less about the ballot. They also meet all 4 criteria plus Brawl's old "Must be a video game-original character who has been on a Nintendo console" rule, too. They can't just be thrown out like votes for Goku or Shrek.

Granted, Nintendo doesn't seem unopposed to working with the 2 conglomerates that co-own these characters; they've had deals with Disney before, and someone just found the Windows Logo has a Mystery costume in Mario Maker. But I doubt they'd work with them for Smash. Meanwhile, a number of people are chomping at the bits for those 2; the group I play Smash with IRL is convinced we'll get Sora (Barring the one guy who only wants King Hippo; he knows what's up). Just because they're mostly-silent in speculation threads doesn't make them any less popular. That disclaimer just gives Sakurai an out from making them.

Do you guys think we could get a clone or two if they finish all the other DLC characters before schedule?

Probably! Although I feel something Smash-related will happen at the NX launch. Nintendo likely learned from the Wii U launch about having strong launch games, and a Super Smash Bros. for NX: Championship Edition is an easy way to give them a strong, multiplayer-driven launch title. Melee sold GCN's, and Smash 4 sold Wii U's, so it seems like a good idea to have a new Smash at launch, even if it's only an up-port.

My guess is that, after Bundle #2, we'll get a clone or 2 to keep the spotlight on Smash before the NX version. Either that, or the team'll use that extra time to prepare for the new game. No matter what, I don't expect the team to slow down, even if some members of the crew sit this one out.
The comparison is probs from that out of the two commonly suggested fighters from the series she is the less interesting of the two but is the one put on a pedestal as a shoe-in. Robin had fans before release but every one told them he would never happen cause we were going to get Chrom and like him damnit.
The comparison is probs from that out of the two commonly suggested fighters from the series she is the less interesting of the two but is the one put on a pedestal as a shoe-in. Robin had fans before release but every one told them he would never happen cause we were going to get Chrom and like him damnit.
The realistic outcome in this situation is that we get neither.


You're comparing a monkey who fights with her hair with a caped Fire Emblem character that fights with a sword?

Chrom was "just another swordsman," but Dixie would be the first of her kind. Who else in Smash Bros. attacks primarily with their hair? That's a very visually distinctive fighting style.

At the point Chrom was cut, the only other FE characters in the game would be Marth and Ike, who have very different fighting styles (and also designs with Ike's Radiant Dawn's update). Yes, attacking primarily with hair would allow her animations to be different from Diddy's, but she'd still have a similar build and overall abilities, since it wouldn't make sense to maker her slower, or floatier than Diddy (outside of her spins).

I guess another comparison I could make would be Squirtle. Its another small and fast character, with unique gimmicks for its animations (going into the shell, water attacks), and yet it wasn't considered priority to stand by itself after the removal of the Pokemon Trainer. I think Dixie basically falls in a similar position and that's why she hasn't returned after the tag team concept was dropped during Brawl's development.


Junior Member
Just a thought, assuming that the NX Handheld can handle two characters at once with one of them having complex AI (on the level of the Ice Climbers), maybe they could pair up Chrom & Lucina in a similar manner to Project X Zone 2 to make both of them more unique. The issue is that I'm not sure if this would qualify as demoting Lucina in Sakurai's eyes.
At the point Chrom was cut, the only other FE characters in the game would be Marth and Ike, who have very different fighting styles (and also designs with Ike's Radiant Dawn's update). Yes, attacking primarily with hair would allow her animations to be different from Diddy's, but she'd still have a similar build and overall abilities, since it wouldn't make sense to maker her slower, or floatier than Diddy (outside of her spins).

I guess another comparison I could make would be Squirtle. Its another small and fast character, with unique gimmicks for its animations (going into the shell, water attacks), and yet it wasn't considered priority to stand by itself after the removal of the Pokemon Trainer. I think Dixie basically falls in a similar position and that's why she hasn't returned after the tag team concept was dropped during Brawl's development.
Straight up nonsense, Dixie primarily using her hair would fit Diddy's niche as much as Robin fits Marth's. Also, the only reason you give Marth and Ike the benefit of the doubt is due to you knowing what their playstyles are--there's no reason to think Dixie couldn't be just as different from Diddy. And no way was Squirtle dropped for being too similar to Diddy of all people when Charizard, the least original of the Pokemon Trainer's Pokemon, was kept. The Donkey Kong series just straight up wasn't a priority this time around, helped in part due to DKCR, the only major DK release in the interim, only had Donkey and Diddy and while Tropical Freeze was in development everything in Smash suggests that Sakurai doesn't have a close working relationship with Retro Studios.


Just a thought, assuming that the NX Handheld can handle two characters at once with one of them having complex AI (on the level of the Ice Climbers), maybe they could pair up Chrom & Lucina in a similar manner to Project X Zone 2 to make both of them more unique. The issue is that I'm not sure if this would qualify as demoting Lucina in Sakurai's eyes.

That's actually a fantastic way to put her in Smash 5 without her feeling like a clone. I'm sure they can just take Chrom out of Robin's FS, too, so that should free Chrom right up! But you're right; Sakurai might see that as removing Lucina and replacing her, rather than just revamping her. Still, I don't know if it'd add to or quash the "Too many Fire Emblems" arguments, but I'd honestly be jazzed if the next game took the Ice Climbers mechanic and gave it to Fire Emblem characters!


Junior Member
That's actually a fantastic way to put her in Smash 5 without her feeling like a clone. I'm sure they can just take Chrom out of Robin's FS, too, so that should free Chrom right up! But you're right; Sakurai might see that as removing Lucina and replacing her, rather than just revamping her. Still, I don't know if it'd add to or quash the "Too many Fire Emblems" arguments, but I'd honestly be jazzed if the next game took the Ice Climbers mechanic and gave it to Fire Emblem characters!
It'd make sense for Chrom & Lucina since their game was the one that pioneered the Pair Unit mechanic in the Fire Emblem franchise. Hopefully Sakurai sees such an idea as decloning Lucina through pairing her with her dad more than demoting her. And if you saw the Project X Zone 2 trailer featuring Chrom & Lucina, the way that they play & work with one another would fit perfectly in Smash (hell, Lucina changes her class mid-combo). This would also serve as a means to set Chrom apart from the other Fire Emblem reps, which was the reason for his removal in the first place.
I also really want to have a Chrom Amiibo, even if it means having him paired up with his daughter, which would be a win-win situation for me.


Just a thought, assuming that the NX Handheld can handle two characters at once with one of them having complex AI (on the level of the Ice Climbers), maybe they could pair up Chrom & Lucina in a similar manner to Project X Zone 2 to make both of them more unique. The issue is that I'm not sure if this would qualify as demoting Lucina in Sakurai's eyes.

Considering Sakurai can't be bothered to fix Ganondorf I highly doubt this would happen as much as I would like it to.


Junior Member
Considering Sakurai can't be bothered to fix Ganondorf I highly doubt this would happen as much as I would like it to.
At least with Ganondorf, he played slightly different from Captain Falcon as far as how his moves acted. Lucina is basically Marth without the tipper, so maybe Sakurai would be more willing to pair her up with Chrom for the sake of diversity.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Popping in to say that Wonder-Red still needs to be in Smash, and The Wonderful 101 is a Nintendo IP despite what naysayers tell you.


Junior Member
Popping in to say that Wonder-Red still needs to be in Smash, and The Wonderful 101 is a Nintendo IP despite what naysayers tell you.
None of us are arguing otherwise. Hell, I've already placed my vote for Wonder Red. It's just that he may be a bit unlikely at this point.


At this point it's pretty much a given that we aren't going to get a 3DS' Stages DLC pack for the Wii U and viceversa, right?

That's one thing that'd make me double dip on a hypothetical enhanced port for the NX
At this point it's pretty much a given that we aren't going to get a 3DS' Stages DLC pack for the Wii U and viceversa, right?

That's one thing that'd make me double dip on a hypothetical enhanced port for the NX

Probably not, sadly. I'd mostly want it for the classic stages, like Yoshi's Island and Corneria, that are trapped on the 3DS, despite being extremely popular well loved stages that should be on both versions.

It just doesn't seem worth the time or money for them to make DLC for only one console.


I think Dixie basically falls in a similar position and that's why she hasn't returned after the tag team concept was dropped during Brawl's development.

I think it had more to do with Donkey Kong Country disappearing for a bit after Rare was bought. We had a few spinoffs and Jungle Beat before we got Returns, which didn't have Dixie. I think now that Tropical Freeze exists it only makes sense to bring in Dixie now.


Probably not, sadly. I'd mostly want it for the class stages, like Yoshi's Island and Corneria, that are trapped on the 3DS, despite being extremely popular well loved stages that should be on both versions.

It just doesn't seem worth the time or money for them to make DLC for only one console.

They could down port a classic stage like Onett as part of a trade, though...


As in "Heathcliff"
I can't even imagine that Dixie is going to be full fledged clone because she have a lot of assets that you could work with. She have a lot of things that are going for her to make her completely unique character.


It's hard to believe that we only have 6 more days until Ballot is completely over.
They could down port a classic stage like Onett as part of a trade, though...

Kongo Jungle and Yoshi's Island Melee could probably both work on the 3DS as well.

3DS: Onett, Kongo Jungle and YI:M
Wii U: Corneria, YI:B and Brinstar

But then again, it's probably more work than they'd make back.

I think it had more to do with Donkey Kong Country disappearing for a bit after Rare was bought. We had a few spinoffs and Jungle Beat before we got Returns, which didn't have Dixie. I think now that Tropical Freeze exists it only makes sense to bring in Dixie now.

Didn't Tropical Freeze sell terrible?
Didn't Tropical Freeze sell terrible?
No, but it's the worst selling game in the series by far thanks to the Wii U install base. Four of the top five best selling DK games feature K. Rool, and Dixie is only featured once.

1. Donkey Kong Country - 9.30 million (K. Rool)
2. Donkey Kong Country Returns - 6.53 million (neither)
3. Donkey Kong 64 - 5.27 million (K. Rool)
4. Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest - 5.15 million (K. Rool and Dixie)
5. Donkey Kong Land - 3.91 million (K. Rool)

I want both characters, but anybody who says things like "Dixie is more recognizable among casuals" is straight up lying.
Freeze sold a little over a million on Wii U cause of coming in Feb 2014 before it exploded

Worst selling DKC but still good in comparison to other stuff, still good enough for a sequel too cause Retro has a lot of good ideas to use for K. Rool and new animals to ride too
This thread currently reminding me of the two great DK series injustices currently...

- I still don't have Dixie or K.Rool in Smash
- That Tropical Freeze didn't get the sales it so richly deserved (or as much as one can get on a Wii U, especially in the pre Mario Kart 8 era)

Come on smash ballot, at least rectify that first one.


When are we expecting them to announce the Ballot results? And does anyone else think they've actually been working on some characters for some time now?


As in "Heathcliff"
When are we expecting them to announce the Ballot results? And does anyone else think they've actually been working on some characters for some time now?

I'm pretty sure that they are working on characters ever since May-June. We are not even sure that they are going to show the final result. Some of us bet that Sakurai and the team are going to use the results for Smash 5 roster as well.
I really do think they're going to pull Wolf out as a ballot character.

"Look, we listen to the ballot, Wolf was the most requested character!"

Because there's a good chance he is, so it's an easy thing to tie to the ballot to try and show they were listening.


This thread currently reminding me of the two great DK series injustices currently...

- I still don't have Dixie or K.Rool in Smash
- That Tropical Freeze didn't get the sales it so richly deserved (or as much as one can get on a Wii U, especially in the pre Mario Kart 8 era)

Come on smash ballot, at least rectify that first one.

If they have a DK stage as DLC...they could rectify a third injustice...which is, very little of Tropical Freeze's soundtrack in Smash! Bring it on!
I'm pretty sure that they are working on characters ever since May-June. We are not even sure that they are going to show the final result. Some of us bet that Sakurai and the team are going to use the results for Smash 5 roster as well.

I don't think there are any "results" to show for. The way I've always understood this was to be a suggestion box, not an American Idol vote. Sakurai will probably go through some of the more entertaining suggestions.
Do you guys think we could get a clone or two if they finish all the other DLC characters before schedule?


I say maybe because it depends on something Sakurai said about clones. He generally believes they're "bonus" characters. Basically, freebies to please fans of those characters.

But with DLC, suddenly they aren't bonus characters anymore, and are sold for money.

Now there's a few ways they could do it.

- They could bundle a clone with a stage or something else. Make it clear the clone is bundled with the stage, not the other way around.
- Price clones cheaper than regular characters.

This is for new comers. Pichu is the last clone vet and I think he would be brought back like Roy, and they'd charge full price, versus treating him as a bonus character and charging less or bundling him.

I'd love to see clone DLC. I've never had any issues with clones at all, and like when they're added to the roster.


I'm pretty sure that they are working on characters ever since May-June. We are not even sure that they are going to show the final result. Some of us bet that Sakurai and the team are going to use the results for Smash 5 roster as well.

I don't expect them to actually show the ballot results. Just to show off a character or two. A kind of "the results speak for themselves" type reveal.

I'm just curious if people thought they already started working on the character(s) for DLC. Or if people think they are actually waiting for the ballot to end before they even started working on the character(s).


No, but it's the worst selling game in the series by far thanks to the Wii U install base. Four of the top five best selling DK games feature K. Rool, and Dixie is only featured once.

1. Donkey Kong Country - 9.30 million (K. Rool)
2. Donkey Kong Country Returns - 6.53 million (neither)
3. Donkey Kong 64 - 5.27 million (K. Rool)
4. Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest - 5.15 million (K. Rool and Dixie)
5. Donkey Kong Land - 3.91 million (K. Rool)

I want both characters, but anybody who says things like "Dixie is more recognizable among casuals" is straight up lying.

I don't know man. Casuals don't usually get to the end of video games. Dixie in many DK games can be seen and played as from start to finish.

Of course there is the idiotic DK cartoon that heavily features K Rool.

If anything I'd say casuals(who I believe barely even know the ballot exists) are aware of Dixie's existence much more so than K Rool's. Though people like us I believe are far more likely to vote for K Rool giving him more votes.
I don't expect them to actually show the ballot results. Just to show off a character or two. A kind of "the results speak for themselves" type reveal.

I'm just curious if people thought they already started working on the character(s) for DLC. Or if people think they are actually waiting for the ballot to end before they even started working on the character(s).

I think they've been working on at least one ballot character since a month after it started. There would be no reason to wait until it ended, chances are, 90% of the ballots were cast within the first week.
Well, I was looking through old scans of the Super Donkey Kong manga when I found this. Replace the Manky Kong with Mii.





As in "Heathcliff"
I don't think there are any "results" to show for. The way I've always understood this was to be a suggestion box, not an American Idol vote. Sakurai will probably go through some of the more entertaining suggestions.

I'm completely aware of the notion that ballot is the suggestion box for Sakurai to looking through. In fact, It's their first time for making the ballot for worldwide fans.

They did have suggestion box (or ballots) for last three games, right after their developments if I recalled correctly. Did Sakurai actually post the result for one of those ballot in the past? Yes, he did. [2]

(1) Koopa [Super Mario series]: 169 (Bowser)
(2) Princess Peach [Super Mario series]: 66
(3) Wario [Super Mario series]: 65
(4) Great King Dedede [Kirby of the Stars series]: 46
(5) Ganon(dorf) [Legend of Zelda]: 36
(6) James Bond [GoldenEye 007]: 35
(6) Mewtwo [Pocket Monsters]: 35
(8) Banjo & Kazooie [Banjo & Kazooie's Big Adventure]: 33 ([Banjo-Kazooie])
(9) Kinopio [Super Mario series]: 27 (Toad)
(10) Mew [Pocket Monsters]: 24

(11) Marth [Fire Emblem]: 21
(12) Dosei-san [Mother 2]: 18 (Mr. Saturn [Earthbound])
(12) Satoshi (main character) [Pocket Monsters]: 18
(12) character from Fire Emblem [Fire Emblem]: 18
(15) Gooey [Kirby of the Stars series]: 17
(16) Diddy Kong [Donkey Kong series]: 15
(16) Sukapon [Joy Mecha Fight]: 15
(18) someone from Pokemon [Pocket Monsters]: 12
(19) Meta Knight [Kirby of the Stars series]: 11
(19) Lugia [Pocket Monsters]: 11

I'm not saying that he would post the result for Smash 4 Ballot but I have a feeling that he's going to count the votes to get the idea how high demand those characters are by the fans, like Melee poll. Remember this, characters with high votes don't meant that they are guarantee to be in the game.

I don't expect them to actually show the ballot results. Just to show off a character or two. A kind of "the results speak for themselves" type reveal.

I'm just curious if people thought they already started working on the character(s) for DLC. Or if people think they are actually waiting for the ballot to end before they even started working on the character(s).

My apologies, I misunderstood your post. I would like to believe that they already started working on popular veterans that were highly requested by the fans first. Also I felt that the votes is already settled down like few months after the ballot started so I guess they might have good idea to see what is heavily requested by the fans by then.

I know some people are stuck on the camp where they believed that they wouldn't start working on the characters until the ballot is over. My question with that, what are they doing during their free time if they are going to wait for the ballot to be over with?


Freeze sold a little over a million on Wii U cause of coming in Feb 2014 before it exploded

Worst selling DKC but still good in comparison to other stuff, still good enough for a sequel too cause Retro has a lot of good ideas to use for K. Rool and new animals to ride too

Yeah the timing wasn't the best either. It didn't help that I actually read reviews that had made remarks about Retro not making Metroid. Like come on, most of the Prime left to Armature. Let Retro make what it wants to make. We had to wait a long time for both new Metroid and Donkey Kong Country games in the past. It's nothing new.

Could you imagine if Tropical Freeze came out later in the year though? We could have gotten a Dixie or Cranky amiibo!


In a perfect world, Dixie Kong would have been in the initial starting roster and King K. Rool would be a ballot winner.

And then errybody happy long time.
So whose ready for the Brinstar Depths and Pichu announcements tomorrow afternoon?

But seriously, tomorrow night is good time to announce the first Mii costume or whatever.

Or I guess depending on the timezone, it would be tonight lol.


So whose ready for the Brinstar Depths and Pichu announcements tomorrow afternoon?

But seriously, tomorrow night is good time to announce the first Mii costume or whatever.

Or I guess depending on the timezone, it would be tonight lol.

I honestly wouldn't hate Wolf, Pichu, newcomer and Melee stage. With a reminder that only 3 days left to vote.

Then they announce whoever they're bringing from the ballot in a couple weeks with more mii costumes of runner ups.


Freeze sold a little over a million on Wii U cause of coming in Feb 2014 before it exploded

Worst selling DKC but still good in comparison to other stuff, still good enough for a sequel too cause Retro has a lot of good ideas to use for K. Rool and new animals to ride too
I don't think Tropical Freeze even reached a million. It's not listed on Nintendo's site in their Top Selling Software for Wii U.

Dr. Buni

Worst selling DKC but still good in comparison to other stuff, still good enough for a sequel too cause Retro has a lot of good ideas to use for K. Rool and new animals to ride too
Another DKC is eventually happen at some point, but with K. Rool and Kremlings? It's nice to want things.
There's no way Nintendo isn't aware there are people out there who want the Kremlings back.

I quite liked the Tiki's and thought the Snowmads were great enemies, but if Retro really has such an issue with reusing Rare's enemies than like, just redesign them or something. It's telling how popular K. Rool's been in this ballot despite not being in Returns or Tropical Freeze at all.


There's no way Nintendo isn't aware there are people out there who want the Kremlings back.

I quite liked the Tiki's and thought the Snowmads were great enemies, but if Retro really has such an issue with reusing Rare's enemies than like, just redesign them or something. It's telling how popular K. Rool's been in this ballot despite not being in Returns or Tropical Freeze at all.

There are Retro employees following the Kremling Kampaign Twitter account, so they definitely know.
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