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Smash Wii U & 3DS Downloadable Characters Discussion and Information on Smash Ballot

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Ridley's design is one that really only works if he is flying or still on the ground...if you make it move on the ground is a clipping nightmare and it would look awkward as hell

I think this is the main reason why he is not considered feasible

Dr. Buni

Ridley's design is one that really only works if he is flying or still on the ground...if you make it move on the ground is a clipping nightmare and it would look awkward as hell

I think this is the main reason why he is not considered feasible
That's true, though they could make him work mostly fine by adapting his "posture". Also, Bowser and Charizard sort of are clipping nightmares themselves anyways.

All of that being said, I gave up on Ridley a long time ago. I would be so happy to have him playable, but it's not happening. Now I am just hoping my girl Dixie is DLC, at least.
If MP4 happens and Sylux really does come back then given Dark Samus and Ridley are (probably) out of the running and everybody will probably still hate Other M, I imagine he'd be considered for a third Metroid rep.


If MP4 happens and Sylux really does come back then given Dark Samus and Ridley are (probably) out of the running and everybody will probably still hate Other M, I imagine he'd be considered for a third Metroid rep.

I wouldn't expect much more than an assist trophy, but I guess that depends on how much future hypothetical Metroids focus on them. At the moment, they're a fairly undifferentiated blank slate; and I couldn't imagine them being a worthwhile addition without being expanded on and reconceptualised a lot.

Dr. Buni

Considering the size of Smash's roster, how many requested characters are still not playable and that Ridley is out of the running, I think that Metroid isn't ever getting another rep.

Sylux would be a really weird and pointless addition. It would be basically a "Lets put they in the game so people won't complain about lack of Metroid representation" levels of stupid.


Considering the size of Smash's roster, how many requested characters are still not playable and that Ridley is out of the running, I think that Metroid isn't ever getting another rep.

Sylux would be a really weird and pointless addition. It would be basically a "Lets put they in the game so people won't complain about lack of Metroid representation" levels of stupid.

I think that's a fairly safe assumption - Metroid's never really needed any more characters than Samus, and with the roster only getting larger, there's little point in forcing things to meet an imaginary quota.

But if future Metroid games do something with Sylux's blank slate and turn them into a recognisable fixture of the series with some form of personality, they might not be a bad choice; provided said games manage to sell. Tanabe's clearly very invested in the character, maybe he'll find a way to engineer them into his own Rosalina.
Considering the size of Smash's roster, how many requested characters are still not playable and that Ridley is out of the running, I think that Metroid isn't ever getting another rep.

Sylux would be a really weird and pointless addition. It would be basically a "Lets put they in the game so people won't complain about lack of Metroid representation" levels of stupid.
Not that I dislike her inclusion, but Zero Suit Samus sorta feels like this is why she got into Brawl. Tons of Metroid games between Melee and Brawl but not a lot of ideal candidates for a 2nd rep.

May as well do it a second time!

Dr. Buni

I think that's a fairly safe assumption - Metroid's never really needed any more characters than Samus, and with the roster only getting larger, there's little point in forcing things to meet an imaginary quota.

But if future Metroid games do something with Sylux's blank slate and turn them into a recognisable fixture of the series with some form of personality, they might not be a bad choice; provided said games manage to sell. Tanabe's clearly very invested in the character, maybe he'll find a way to engineer them into his own Rosalina.
Pretty much. It's not about Metroid needing another rep to me, but about Ridley "deserving" to be playable given his importance in the series. But if Sakurai doesn't want to make him playable, then I think the Samuses are fine as the Metroid reps.

I have nothing against Sylux as a character, but at the moment, I find the idea of including them to Smash really weak. I think that kinda shows how weak the Metroid series is in terms of characterization. In the future, who knows, maybe they will become a great antagonist, even better than Ridley (like Dark Samus is imo)?
Not that I dislike her inclusion, but Zero Suit Samus sorta feels like this is why she got into Brawl.
I do agree. And I actually don't like her inclusion that much.

Dr. Buni

While not a guarantee they have appeared with each update and seem to be an easy way to beef up what is on offer.
They're super easy to make and they've released them every single DLC, no matter how insignificant it was.
I see. That's no guarantee indeed.
Also Sakurai isn't going to patch the 3DS with one stage only. He's basically said 3DS limitations require DLC to be in large, infrequent updates.
I didn't know about that. Do you have a source on his quote on 3DS updates?


I think people are excited for Mario maker now but I have a good feeling people will hate on it like they do Orbital Gate before long. There seemed like such a welcoming feeling in the air when we got the full reveal. Then people played it and hated. At least the most vocal people here do.

I can already see the Mario Maker stage is going to be terrible to play on because it has a random layout. Or more specifically it'll be fun to play on maybe 20% of the time and obnoxious to play on the other 80% of the time.

Orbital Gate Assault looked interesting to people at first because when it was revealed it looked like it was just Sector Z HD. Then people saw the rest of the stage.


The only way I could see a Metroid rep in Smash that isn't Samus is that a later Metroid game gets a different protagonist (and with how far the Metroid series is now, who knows if that'll ever happen).


It is kind of interesting that Nintendo has no precedence at all with what information is given when in regards to DLC for Smash. It is random enough that it almost seems as if they are intentionally trying different strategies to see what sells best.

Mewtwo - Announced in a Smash-specific Direct in October - Released 6 months later
Lucas - Announced in General Nintendo Direct in April - Released 2 months later
Ryu and Roy - Announced in Smash-specific Direct in June - Released same day
64 Stages - Mentioned in June Direct, Tweeted about three days leading up to release
Mario Maker - Surprise Youtube upload Sept 14 to be released 16 days later.

The announcements appear to be getting less structured with less forewarning.
I didn't know about that. Do you have a source on his quote on 3DS updates?

The update contained 3 characters, 3 stages, and 9 costumes, but mass production isn’t easy. The 3DS isn’t suited for successive downloads, and there are people who don’t have Wi-Fi in their homes and go to convenience stores to connect, so we made sure to put a lot of forethought into the process.


Orbital Gate Assault looked interesting to people at first because when it was revealed it looked like it was just Sector Z HD. Then people saw the rest of the stage.

Yep, Sector Z in glorious HD, and mirrored for something a little different. It seemed like a unique spin on the classic Sector Z layout.

That could have been the entire stage and I would have loved it. Except then it takes a terrible nosedive after a tease right at the start.

I wish you could hold a button when selecting it, and force it to never leave the Great Fox. Them spending an entire year of development resources on this one stage that barely anyone likes is the saddest part of Orbital Gate.


If we do end up getting an announcement at the last possible minute...Holy hell the hype train is going to be MANIAC from now on. "IT CAN HAPPEN ANY MOMENT NOW GUYS!"
Assuming Nintendo of Japan announces it and not NoE or NoA, it'll probably be until late tonight before we get any info (which is only a few hours before the patch). If NoA announce it it could literally be any time after 10am PST.

Mario Maker was announced at 9pm EST.


Assuming Nintendo of Japan announces it and not NoE or NoA, it'll probably be until late tonight before we get any info (which is only a few hours before the patch). If NoA announce it, as they did for Mario Maker, it could literally be any time after 10am PST.

So whereas before there was Japan Time, now we're at the mercy of Nintendo Time.

May the Lord have mercy on our souls.


Orbital Gate is actually one of my favorite new stages. Then again I like Pokefloats and this one takes some inspiration from it so it's natural that I would like it. I can see why people wouldn't care for it though.


I usually like scrolling stages, but Orbital Gate is annoying because the plaftorms aren't visually clear. I've fallen from the stage quite a few times by passing through Arwings that I thought could be used as platforms, but were actually in the background or foreground.


The only way I could see a Metroid rep in Smash that isn't Samus is that a later Metroid game gets a different protagonist (and with how far the Metroid series is now, who knows if that'll ever happen).

They're way ahead of you on that one!


Dr. Buni

I don't like Orbital Gate, but I do like The Great Cave Offensive, Gamer, New Pork City and other extremely unpopular stages.
Any stage that isn't viable ends up being unpopular. :/ But yeah, I love it too.

I don't think this is true.

Corneria, Temple, basically all 64 stages, Great Bay, Fourside, Brinstar, Big Blue, Frigate Orpheon and Pirate Ship are all popular stages that people enjoy without them being comp viable.

Pirate Ship is one of the most requested returning DLC stages.


As in "Heathcliff"
Gamer is unpopular? Always thought it one of the better received new stages! I love it at any rate.

No way. Gamer is one of best stage ever added to Smash 4. I haven't really hear anyone speaking anything negative about it in several forums. I guess the hates for Gamer is in minority.

Dr. Buni

I don't think this is true.

Corneria, Temple, basically all 64 stages, Great Bay, Fourside, Brinstar, Big Blue, Frigate Orpheon and Pirate Ship are all popular stages that people enjoy without them being comp viable.

Pirate Ship is one of the most requested returning DLC stages.
I think only Temple and Pirate Ship are actually popular out of the stages you mentioned. I love Frigate Orpheon, Great Bay and Mushroom Kingdom II, but I never see people saying they like these stages/hoping they are returning DLC*.

Pirate Ship isn't viable but the hazards are mostly harmless, kinda like in the Halberd stage, which explains why it isn't hated. At any rate, my point is that I understand why stages like the Pyrosphere are unpopular, since it is pretty much impossible to fight there without Ridley and other random stuff getting in the way, but there are other stages that get an unfair reputation solely for not being competitive viable. Like Wily's Castle, for example. Yellow Devil isn't that much of a nuisance.

*I have seen some people other than me claiming for the return of Frigate Orpheon here on SmashGAF, but that is about it.


As in "Heathcliff"
I'm refreshing the SmashBrosJP twitter account every fifteen minutes.

I'm going insane.

Yeah, SmashGAF is getting too nutty without characters updates.

If we do end up getting an announcement at the last possible minute...Holy hell the hype train is going to be MANIAC from now on. "IT CAN HAPPEN ANY MOMENT NOW GUYS!"

Now are we going with that? I wouldn't deny the possibility that it could happens. But I fear for all of your sanity.
There's still some weird things about this update.

- Why is the down time an hour and a half, the same time as E3, when other stage only DLC was scheduled for an hour, but only took twenty minutes?
- Why have Mii hats not been shown off at all? These are the easiest things in the world to show off.
- Why has no form of Nintendo communication even reminded us at all that this is releasing tonight? Three weeks is a long time to remember random DLC for Smash is coming out, they haven't even reminded us.
- Why is the update in the middle of the night tonight (in PST, the DLC will probably be out before it's even the 30th!), rather than early evening tomorrow, as the last stage DLC was? The release time is closer to Mewtwo's release time, which seems to have been deliberate so they could release it in waves to avoid an eShop explosion. The eShop isn't going to explode for 1 stage, it didn't even hiccup for two stages and some Mii hats.
- Why did they shift the stages over one tile on the Stage Select Screen in the Japanese trailer, and also label the Mario Maker stage as DLC Stage 5, when 4 doesn't exist. If we truly don't get anything else... what the heck happened?
- If Mario Maker is truly the only piece of content in the entire patch, why did they wait three weeks to release it? Or why did they announce it three weeks early?


There's still some weird things about this update.

- Why is the down time an hour and a half, the same time as E3, when other stage only DLC was scheduled for an hour, but only took twenty minutes?
- Why have Mii hats not been shown off at all? These are the easiest things in the world to show off.
- Why has no form of Nintendo communication even reminded us at all that this is releasing tonight? Three weeks is a long time to remember random DLC for Smash is coming out, they haven't even reminded us.
- Why is the update in the middle of the night tonight (in PST, the DLC will probably be out before it's even the 30th!), rather than early evening tomorrow, as the last stage DLC was? The release time is closer to Mewtwo's release time, which seems to have been deliberate so they could release it in waves to avoid an eShop explosion. The eShop isn't going to explode for 1 stage, it didn't even hiccup for two stages and some Mii hats.
- Why did they shift the stages over one tile on the Stage Select Screen in the Japanese trailer, and also label the Mario Maker stage as DLC Stage 5, when 4 doesn't exist. If we truly don't get anything else... what the heck happened?
- If Mario Maker is truly the only piece of content in the entire patch, why did they wait three weeks to release it? Or why did they announce it three weeks early?

If this update has the stage and a bunch of other files sitting there not being activated. then dataminers are going to have a field day.


I like how no one is entertaining the possibility of them only announcing the Mario Maker stage because they're only releasing the Mario Maker stage.


I think Nintendo's marketing in general for DLC has been kind of weird ever since Iwata's death. Fire Emblem Fates has had some DLC announced in the same day it's released, and, aside from the first DLC, there haven't even been promotional videos for it.

I get why they don't want to make a Direct right after Iwata's death, but the way they're going ahead with this also doesn't make much sense either.


- Why is the down time an hour and a half, the same time as E3, when other stage only DLC was scheduled for an hour, but only took twenty minutes?

- Why is the update in the middle of the night tonight (in PST, the DLC will probably be out before it's even the 30th!), rather than early evening tomorrow, as the last stage DLC was? The release time is closer to Mewtwo's release time, which seems to have been deliberate so they could release it in waves to avoid an eShop explosion. The eShop isn't going to explode for 1 stage, it didn't even hiccup for two stages and some Mii hats.
Scheduled maintenance downtime and the time of the update don't necessarily indicate anything. You're waaaay overthinking this.

- Why have Mii hats not been shown off at all? These are the easiest things in the world to show off.
It's hard to show off what doesn't exist. We probably aren't getting any more Mii costumes until the next wave.

- Why did they shift the stages over one tile on the Stage Select Screen in the Japanese trailer, and also label the Mario Maker stage as DLC Stage 5, when 4 doesn't exist. If we truly don't get anything else... what the heck happened?
The Mario Maker stage might have been intended to release with the mysterious stage 4 at a later date.

- If Mario Maker is truly the only piece of content in the entire patch, why did they wait three weeks to release it? Or why did they announce it three weeks early?
It was probably announced early to coincide with Nintendo of Japan’s “Today’s Super Mario Maker” video campaign, which started in August and ended a few weeks ago. The penultimate video in the series was the Smash Bros. DLC video.
Gamer is awesome. And this is coming from somebody who thinks Orbital Assault, Flat Zone X, and Great Cave Offensive are a complete waste of space that never should have made it past the planning stage. There's only one hazard and you can shield, roll, dodge, or just duck behind a shadow to bypass it. I consider Mom as much of a nuisance as the crab on the Pikmin stage, and you can dodge that guy in your sleep.

As for Orbital Assault, the Arwings are the big problem. I've been chucked through those too many times when I thought they were a platform. That shield isn't great either, but I would play that stage if only one of those hazards were removed. As it is, it's too much interference.

People hate Mushroom Kingdom II? That stage is my jam. Great Bay is also one I like, even though it's a hilariously broken stage.

Pirate Ship is my secret wish for DLC. Don't talk about it guys, you'll jinx it. I still can't believe Bridge of Eldin got into Smash Wii U over Pirate Ship. Bridge of Eldin is like the poor man's Final Destination. Couldn't even be bothered to slap edges on it...

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Actually unlike some people I don't like Orbital Gate but not because it's not Great Fox 2.0 (I really hate this idea that Star Fox stages should only be in the Great Fox - this is why I laugh because the best Star Fox stage isn't even on the Great Fox).

No, I hate it for two things - first, the stage has terrible dynamics. I don't mind if the platform of the stage changes, but the way how OGA handles it is terrible. The transitions are all so sudden without notification on where the other platforms will appear. I wouldn't mind it if we get Great Fox -> Missile -> Arwings -> repeat if they don't cycle so abruptly. You'd think that with cycling tour stages they'd have the hang of it, but for some odd reason they failed doing it.

Second, well... it's an Assault stage in name only. Holy shit, the dialog and the voice over doesn't feel like something from Assault. Compare that to Lylat Cruise which, despite not being specifically set in Assault, has snippets from the game and feels like it belongs there. The lines themselves are atrocious compared to how LC did it.

It's sad, because apparently it took them a year to do this stage.


You sure? :p

A few people starting to accept reality.

I think Nintendo's marketing in general for DLC has been kind of weird ever since Iwata's death. Fire Emblem Fates has had some DLC announced in the same day it's released, and, aside from the first DLC, there haven't even been promotional videos for it.

I get why they don't want to make a Direct right after Iwata's death, but the way they're going ahead with this also doesn't make much sense either.

With all the random info announced sporadically throughout the last month and a half, I get the feeling there was an August Direct planned but after the sudden change in leadership they canned it. Since they don't usually announce big news outside of directs their marketing department might be just trying different things out until whenever they decide to resume with directs.
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