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Smash Wii U & 3DS Downloadable Characters Discussion and Information on Smash Ballot

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Hmmm any games coming out soon that could play off this? It may have been something as superfluous as an amiibo picture.

It's exactly that. Just Mario holding a Chibi Robo Amiibo

False alarm.


They probably forgot to add the picture and then deleted the Tweet so they could add the picture.


As in "Heathcliff"
Funny thing about Chibi Robo Amiibo. It actually convinced me that Chibi Robo would have good future until the article (or interview) really killed the hope. I still hope that I would able to see Chibi Robo become playable character for Drago.

I see.

I think Isaac is a bit more "likely" than Takamaru, even when considering Dark Dawn bombed. Isaac and his series are more popular and well known, plus even though both Isaac and Takamaru have potential for unique movesets, I think Isaac takes the lead in this aspect as well. That being said, they would both be interesting additions to the roster, but at the same time, they aren't characters I care that much about. So idk.

You know, perhaps the votes for Isaac in the ballot could at least guarantee him a new game for the 3DS, regardless of he getting in Smash or not.

I don't know. I just have a feeling that Nintendo don't really care about Golden Sun right now since they have a lot of things on their hands at the moment. I guess I will wait and see what would happens.

Only thing about Takamaru that he have one point ahead of Isaac that Sakurai did spoke about Takamaru once in awhile. I guess that would be his third or fourth time that he have mentioned his name. I really hope that Takamaru is going to be new project for Sakurai, like Pit.

Thought processes like this are a part of the reason I'm slowly drifting away from enjoying Smash (edit: this sounds like I'm saying "muh characters" over the game play, but I can't help it). I love when Smash decides to take something from the most obscure corners of Nintendo's history, gives them a nice touch up and a new set of clothes and says "wanna be a star again?" This is even moreso important to be because these characters usually fill niches that don't exist in the roster's combat design due to having the most potential for open interpretation. They also act as a nice foil to expected characters in that they usuall appear to mass "wtf why" only to fully integrate and become "Smash Family" before a month has passed. (Think how Ice Climbers, Game & Watch & even Wii Fit Trainer [probably the least "obscure" but most "what" entrant in Smash 4] developed)

If Smash ever reaches the point where I can guess every character coming in based solely on how new and shiny they are/their franchise is, the character aspect of the series is dead to me.

That's one of my favorite thing about Smash Bros. I meant Sakurai brought us a lot of memorable characters, Ice Climbers, Marth, Mr. Game and Watch, Pit, R.O.B., Pac-Man (Arcade), Little Mac (Arcade) and Duck Hunt.

I still strongly believe that Sakurai is going to bring several old characters back in the future Smash. I still do. I have a faith that Takamaru is going to be one of those characters.
Correct me if I'm wrong, did Sakurai publicly expressed that he's interested in Takamaru? We know that Takamaru is definitely on Sakurai's mind. It's matter of when Sakurai would add him in the game.

All I know about what Sakurai has said about Takamaru is that he was considered for both Melee and Smash 4, but was dropped due to obscurity.

I've noticed that with every new smash game since melee, there has always been 1 newcomer that originates from a single internationally released NES/Famicom game that they were from. Melee had the Ice Climbers, Brawl had Pit
He did have a Gameboy sequel, but it was never released in Japan until the 3DS VC.
, and Wii U/3DS had Duck Hunt.

That type of trend is one of the reasons why I'm expecting Takamaru to be the old-school newcomer, he wasn't even that well known compared to those 3 until starting with Nintendo Land and him having his game being an attraction there, becoming an assist trophy, and finally getting his game released worldwide on the 3DS VC. By this point, he should be more than enough to be planned for next Smash.

Late Edit: If you wonder why I didn't mention the ballot, it's because that's meant for Smash 4 DLC, and I was talking about Smash 5, but it's nice to mention it since Sakurai might be noticing a bunch of votes for Takamaru, and that would give more consideration for him.

We outright know they exactly plan that sort of character.

Duck Hunt's description in the design docs we've seen said he was "this game's surprise retro character" implying every game has had one.

I'm a slowpoke on some stuff like this.
God help me Bubbles from Clu Clu Land gets in before Takamaru.
We outright know they exactly plan that sort of character.

Duck Hunt's description in the design docs we've seen said he was "this game's surprise retro character" implying every game has had one.

Azure J

Sure, I love to discuss about Takamaru. Right, almost all of us are smash nerds, so we would know almost every obscure characters. Heck, I know Demiru from Tomato Adventure. Well, I think there are small explosion in his popularity because Nintendo finally released his game in EU and NA.

Yeah, that's a huge problem with some closed-minded fans where they wanted to write Takamaru off because they don't want to see more sword characters, blue headed characters and etc. It's more of "I DON'T WANT TO SEE HIM IN THE GAME BECAUSE HES GOIGN TO TAKE MY FAVORITE CHARACTER'S SPOT! LET COME UP WITH LAME EXCUSE SO I WOULDNT LOOK STUPID! I DON"T WANT HIM IN THE GAME BECAUSE HMMM YEAH HE HAVE BLUE HAIRS LIKE IKE AND MARTH. THATS TOO MUCH!"

Yes, Takamaru's supporters base isn't that huge. What is more powerful than ballots for Takamaru is that Sakurai actually briefly considered him more than once so that's good thing. Correct me if I'm wrong, did Sakurai publicly expressed that he's interested in Takamaru? We know that Takamaru is definitely on Sakurai's mind. It's matter of when Sakurai would add him in the game.

He's clearly fond of the character to some degree considering how some of his old interview responses and even the recent Nico interview with Sugita. I recall that one line of sincere regret because "Takamaru being in Smash 2" or a Murasame revival were equally not likely pre-Melee/post-64 release, Sakurai highlighting Takamaru along with the other characters in that proto-Smash Ballot we talked about earlier in the thread (the one where Dedede beasted and Lip, K. Rool, Megaman, etc. were double/triple/quadruple winners), and of course name dropping him concretely (when has Sakurai ever done this before?) and stating that he once again missed the boat because of lacking international visibility.
The SourceGaming translations are a godsend for getting this information btw.

Still not sure about what happened pre-Brawl though. There's some stuff out there saying Sakurai considered him for that too, but SG did a pretty thorough comb for info related to that and found nothing.


Funny thing about Chibi Robo Amiibo. It actually convinced me that Chibi Robo would have good future until the article (or interview) really killed the hope. I still hope that I would able to see Chibi Robo become playable character for Drago.
Thanks bud. The dream lives on...
Wait, what happened? I just went on yet another Takamaru tangent. Sorry if I interrupted anything.
Some guys on Twitter are saying something is happening in the next two weeks or so. They're supposedly knowledgable? At least one of them is in the know, but he doesn't specify anything Smash related. A different guy says that it's a Smash newcomer and it's a Nintendo character (supposedly someone who wouldn't necessarily be a ballot winner but "make a lot of sense").

Everyone got excited, but absolutely no one will explain why we should listen to them, or, at the very least, why we should listen to this second guy, as I've seen no one vouch for him.
That isn't Tamaki at all, and said Twitter user plainly says they have no sources.

Why would you think that's Tamaki?

EDIT: And still no explanation for who this "Stealth_" guy is and why we should listen to him.



Not Tamaki. It's the Splatoon dataminer who has been suggesting for a while that we're getting a Splatoon blowout this month. She's the reason I personally found it kind of funny that the Smash murmurs have cropped up in conjunction with the Splatoon stuff.

Incidentally, I think Sean Hicks (one of the guys who works for Smashified) seems to be another person privy to whatever "Nintendo news" is upcoming as well.

Azure J

Some guys on Twitter are saying something is happening in the next two weeks or so. They're supposedly knowledgable? At least one of them is in the know, but he doesn't specify anything Smash related. A different guy says that it's a Smash newcomer and it's a Nintendo character (supposedly someone who wouldn't necessarily be a ballot winner but "make a lot of sense").

Everyone got excited, but absolutely no one will explain why we should listen to them, or, at the very least, why we should listen to this second guy, as I've seen no one vouch for him.

Oh, I see now. Sounds like a weird situation all around. At this point though, I'm content to just let things happen instead of digging for details.


As far as I'm aware, NWPlayer has never claimed to have access to any info beyond what's in Splatoon's game files, so anything she's saying shouldn't be taken as anything more than speculation.

It is interesting that there seems to be a bit of noise about a direct happening around the time she's predicted though.


The time is definitely right for a Splatoon update. They've released all the maps from the last patch already and there are glitches that need to be patched.
If the Inklings are announced next week, I have a feeling they won't actually be released for a few weeks, probably the end of October.

I agree.

On that note: I'm glad I saved some money just incase, but it'll probably be November 20th or around the big day. Too soon from the last patch, especially if they are going through the trouble of fixing a glitch in a patch today.

Dr. Buni

I have some money saved for the Inklings in case they are announced. They will be the first Smash DLC I will buy on release ^_^


Dream Scenario:
Wolf, Ridley, K Rool, Paper Mario, Banjo Kazooie, Snake and Ice Climbers.
Somebody that matters
Truth Scenario:

Inklings, Shovel knight, Another Swordsman
Thought processes like this are a part of the reason I'm slowly drifting away from enjoying Smash (edit: this sounds like I'm saying "muh characters" over the game play, but I can't help it). I love when Smash decides to take something from the most obscure corners of Nintendo's history, gives them a nice touch up and a new set of clothes and says "wanna be a star again?" This is even moreso important to be because these characters usually fill niches that don't exist in the roster's combat design due to having the most potential for open interpretation. They also act as a nice foil to expected characters in that they usuall appear to mass "wtf why" only to fully integrate and become "Smash Family" before a month has passed. (Think how Ice Climbers, Game & Watch & even Wii Fit Trainer [probably the least "obscure" but most "what" entrant in Smash 4] developed)

If Smash ever reaches the point where I can guess every character coming in based solely on how new and shiny they are/their franchise is, the character aspect of the series is dead to me.

Great post, you should not even say muh characters cause of how important they are in new Smashes, like it gets handled so mechanically now with just who is in a new shiny game but it used to be such a mystical and hype guessing game of what popular character would be next. Unlocking Mewtwo in melee was a example of this.


Incidentally, while we're on the topic of Splatoon, Nintendo Europe just announced that we won't be having a Splatfest this weekend, with no real reason given.

Probably has nothing to do with this, but a little suspicious all the same.


If Inklings are announced within the next few weeks and release a few weeks later, where does that leave the Shovel Knight rumor?

There isn't really a lot of time left to reveal SK as it stand, to fall within the rumor, but if Inklings take up Smash news for a month and a half... that leaves the SK Rumor with basically no time at all.


Great post, you should not even say muh characters cause of how important they are in new Smashes, like it gets handled so mechanically now with just who is in a new shiny game but it used to be such a mystical and hype guessing game of what popular character would be next. Unlocking Mewtwo in melee was a example of this.

There have always been trends to character selection, where do you think people made their "rules" up from? Though to be fair in Melee there was no precedent for newcomer additions yet.
Incidentally, while we're on the topic of Splatoon, Nintendo Europe just announced that we won't be having a Splatfest this weekend, with no real reason given.

Probably has nothing to do with this, but a little suspicious all the same.

They ran out of EU exclusive ideas after having racked their brains thinking up the gripping last few.


Great post, you should not even say muh characters cause of how important they are in new Smashes, like it gets handled so mechanically now with just who is in a new shiny game but it used to be such a mystical and hype guessing game of what popular character would be next. Unlocking Mewtwo in melee was a example of this.

I miss when my heart was in smash but now its all gone. The water has been diluted and poisoned for far too long to ever go back. :(


As in "Heathcliff"
All I know about what Sakurai has said about Takamaru is that he was considered for both Melee and Smash 4, but was dropped due to obscurity.

I've noticed that with every new smash game since melee, there has always been 1 newcomer that originates from a single internationally released NES/Famicom game that they were from. Melee had the Ice Climbers, Brawl had Pit
He did have a Gameboy sequel, but it was never released in Japan until the 3DS VC.
, and Wii U/3DS had Duck Hunt.

That type of trend is one of the reasons why I'm expecting Takamaru to be the old-school newcomer, he wasn't even that well known compared to those 3 until starting with Nintendo Land and him having his game being an attraction there, becoming an assist trophy, and finally getting his game released worldwide on the 3DS VC. By this point, he should be more than enough to be planned for next Smash.

That as quite interesting when you mentioned that. Geez, I hope that Sakurai would reconsider Takamaru once again.

We outright know they exactly plan that sort of character.

Duck Hunt's description in the design docs we've seen said he was "this game's surprise retro character" implying every game has had one.

Maybe Excitebiker might be next secret character! ;D

He's clearly fond of the character to some degree considering how some of his old interview responses and even the recent Nico interview with Sugita. I recall that one line of sincere regret because "Takamaru being in Smash 2" or a Murasame revival were equally not likely pre-Melee/post-64 release, Sakurai highlighting Takamaru along with the other characters in that proto-Smash Ballot we talked about earlier in the thread (the one where Dedede beasted and Lip, K. Rool, Megaman, etc. were double/triple/quadruple winners), and of course name dropping him concretely (when has Sakurai ever done this before?) and stating that he once again missed the boat because of lacking international visibility.
The SourceGaming translations are a godsend for getting this information btw.

Still not sure about what happened pre-Brawl though. There's some stuff out there saying Sakurai considered him for that too, but SG did a pretty thorough comb for info related to that and found nothing.

It was pretty rare that Sakurai actually drop characters' names. Extremely Rare!

Yeah, we owes SourceGaming a lot for those translation!

Thanks bud. The dream lives on...

No problem!


Great post, you should not even say muh characters cause of how important they are in new Smashes, like it gets handled so mechanically now with just who is in a new shiny game but it used to be such a mystical and hype guessing game of what popular character would be next. Unlocking Mewtwo in melee was a example of this.

In all fairness if we were the age we are now when Melee was about to release, wouldn't we consider Mewtwo a sho-in? It was at the peak of its popularity, Pokémania was at full volume. Greninja was more of a surprise now than Mewtwo was back then, hell, many first thought it was Mewtwo and not Greninja in the latter's reveal trailer.
I think October 28th or November 4th. Going all the way out to November 20th seems too far out to announce.
Mewtwo and Lucas were announced far ahead, and there will be some time between the last update and the next. November 20th for four characters seem likely to me. A big dump like last time, Mewtwo was probably planned in that big E3 update and only added early due to CN closure so I'm still fairly certain that four charactrs at a time is the plan.

If Inklings are announced within the next few weeks and release a few weeks later, where does that leave the Shovel Knight rumor?

There isn't really a lot of time left to reveal SK as it stand, to fall within the rumor, but if Inklings take up Smash news for a month and a half... that leaves the SK Rumor with basically no time at all.

Also, here's a decent summary of the Inklings rumor
If Shovel Knight is true I'd imagine him, Inklings, and another character or two will be kept secret until the launch day with another surprise Smash Direct. This mirrors only Lucas being annonced ahead of time and Roy and Ryu being surprises (if they weren't leaked) Roy and Ryu were announced and released at the same time. And this goes hand and hand with my "four characters at a time" theory. (Yes I know how far theories can go when it comes to Smash but I still believe for some reason.)

Tho if Inklings is the first announcement of a set of characters I wonder if it means there really are no veterans. Seems like a veteran announcement would come first since they are the least hype. Hhmm...guess as always we'll have to wait and see.


Junior Member
Someone pointed something out about the tweets.
According to @BKupa666, Stealth deleted a tweet which said "If it were Wolf or Shovel Knight or Shantae, I'd have hung myself by now," Wolf would have made sense to release, also I think this guy considers Wolf a clone. Inklings would be the only character that makes sense. Of course he could just be a troll. Now Roger (or should I say Gol D. Roger) is much more reliable and likable.
So we have two tenuous rumors of a Smash character being revealed this month that seem to be incompatible. How I look forward to neither of them being true and us falling back to square one.


So we have two tenuous rumors of a Smash character being revealed this month that seem to be incompatible. How I look forward to neither of them being true and us falling back to square one.

You mean this recent thing and Shovel Knight? They aren't really incompatible. Shovel Knight just won't be the next character we see.
You mean this recent thing and Shovel Knight? They aren't really incompatible. Shovel Knight just won't be the next character we see.

The rumor had him being announced around now. If Inklings make up the entire Smash Media for the rest of fall, it doesn't really leave Shovel Knight to be announced in the time frame given from the rumor (which was "a few months" after the rumor).
You mean this recent thing and Shovel Knight? They aren't really incompatible. Shovel Knight just won't be the next character we see.
The Shovel Knight rumor hinged on him being revealed in the next two months from the leak's beginning back in the beginning of September, for some reason. If Shovel Knight isn't revealed in the next two weeks but another character is, when is Shovel Knight supposed to be revealed?


So the current rumor is that a character that isn't Shovel Knight will be revealed by next week. Why does that mean that Shovel Knight can't be revealed by the end of the month or even early next month?
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