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Smash Wii U & 3DS Downloadable Characters Discussion and Information on Smash Ballot

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Neo Member
For all we know, they might not actually release any other characters besides the ones they've already announced. That would be a bit strange considering how this ballot exists, but it only exists to collect suggestions for Sakurai and co. to consider adding to the roster. They never said they'd actually do it. I would love to be proven wrong, though.

My other concern is that even if they do actually add fan-suggested characters, I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up being a one time only thing and after one or two new fighters, they decide to stop adding to the game further. I would be filled with great joy to be proven wrong on this, too.

It'd be pretty cool to see something like this happening for a while more. Say they end up choosing to include Shovel Knight for example
and when they finish, they take some well deserved months off, and then they start looking through the ballot results again. All of a sudden in a Nintendo Direct, (around this time of year I would guess, based on how long Mewtwo took) a new challenger approaches. The hype train just got a fresh load of coal and is going oh so fast.

If they wanted to, they could keep supporting and expanding on Sm4sh till, I dunno, summer of 2017? Maybe even later, but that's a stretch. Just a possibility to think about. I mean, Sakurai himself has straight up told us he wants this game to be the best it can be, and since he seems to be opening up to the idea of more DLC, the game could just keep getting bigger and better if he doesn't overdo it and get burnt out like he did around release.

I think I might be going a little overboard with the ideas right now, but hey, basically everything Smash-related in the Direct (Except for Mewtwo) goes against what was previously implied about the game's future. They threw us a curveball yesterday, and it might not be the last.

Until then, let's get Shovel Knight in the mix.


Geez, anger and emotions seem to be running high in this thread right now. Why? Are people trying to dictate who others "should" or "shouldn't" vote for in the poll based on how "deserving" a character is, or what? People should just vote for their most-wanted character regardless of whatever anyone else says and move on.

Seriously. If somebody wants a character, then that's their decision. On the subject of K. Rool, there's obviously some kind of appeal because of how big the fanbase is. It's all just opinions and what you like. Someone else should never tell you what to like and what to not like.
I wonder what the guys at Nintendo think about the votes flooding in? There must be like a 50 man team dedicated to tallying everything up.

What I need is a Ridley/Dixie/K Rool/Sukapon spy on the inside to sway the votes all in their favor.

It's all a ruse. It's to plan future amiibo runs. Haha


Geez, anger and emotions seem to be running high in this thread right now. Why? Are people trying to dictate who others "should" or "shouldn't" vote for in the poll based on how "deserving" a character is, or what? People should just vote for their most-wanted character regardless of whatever anyone else says and move on.

Peeps know that that people not actually going to vote for the character they want.
Seriously. If somebody wants a character, then that's their decision. On the subject of K. Rool, there's obviously some kind of appeal because of how big the fanbase is. It's all just opinions and what you like. Someone else should never tell you what to like and what to not like.

Exactly. I may not care for K. Rool myself, but that just means I'm not going to vote for him. That shouldn't stop anyone else from voting for him. I don't understand people sometimes. Well, a lot of the time.

Peeps know that that people not actually going to vote for the character they want.

Why wouldn't people actually vote for the character they want? That's what most of us in SmashGAF have done, I think. Are so many people really that easily swayed by what others want them to do? I have a hard time believing that.


Someone should vote for majikoopah

.Why wouldn't people actually vote for the character they want? That's what most of us in SmashGAF have done, I think. Are so many people really that easily swayed by what others want them to do? I have a hard time believing that.

That's the issue, they aren't swayed. The guy voting K Rool is probably upset at the 8 people he just talked to who just voted for like another sonic character. Its a defense mechanism thing, its like when every time someone said they wanted kyrstal in smash they brought of fan art. That don't got shit to do with anything, it just makes them feel better on the inside.

Not condoning it at all, just explaining it.

There are multiple people on the front page who's hope went to worry when they read he first post and realized that a crap ton of people are actually going to vote for shadow the hedgehog. Its these types of situations where people actually realize how unpopular their character actually is and just kind of lash out. Epically considering all attempts to rig will probably be stropped and whoever is developing these characters will curate what popular votes get it.


Remember guys, a vote for Monster Hunter is a vote for all.

Eeeh... I do want a Monster Hunter rep, but I'm patient enough to wait until Nintendo's next console/smash bros for them. Mostly to shake off that old Playstation vibe off the game so it ensures it's future with Nintendo.

But there is a HUUUUUGE pool of movesets and possible characters,skins, and whatnot with this choice. It's also a wise choice if Nintendo wants to really expose Monster Hunter to a lot more people in the West.

Very smart/wise choice for the series that is huge and is now a Nintendo exclusive.

I'm just hoping Nintendo will be making a ton of character DLC. All these people yelling out all these good suggestions just makes me wish Nintendo will go even further with DLC. Still having DLC is a great start in general, and the way they left off Smash 4 with so much content to begin with just shows how Nintendo is doing this right.
I think K. Rool's two most significant obstacles are:

- He's been out of the spotlight long enough to be somewhat unknown amongst younger fans or people who didn't play the original DKC trilogy. Kinda this middle ground where he's not quite retro, but not really around much in new games anymore either. I will say that his popularity despite this is impressive.

- Dixie Kong. I feel that Dixie will most certainly be playable before K. Rool for many reasons (though that may be off-base), and I do not think they will come together. If Dixie is Smash 4 DLC, I think K. Rool's chances for Smash 5 skyrocket. If not, I feel it doesn't help him.
That's the issue, they aren't swayed. The guy voting K Rool is probably upset at the 8 people he just talked to who just voted for like another sonic character. Its a defense mechanism thing, its like when every time someone said they wanted kyrstal in smash they brought of fan art. That don't got shit to do with anything, it just makes them feel better on the inside.

Not condoning it at all, just explaining it.

There are multiple people on the front page who's hope went to worry when they read he first post and realized that a crap ton of people are actually going to vote for shadow the hedgehog. Its these types of situations where people actually realize how unpopular their character actually is and just kind of lash out. Epically considering all attempts to rig will probably be stropped and whoever is developing these characters will curate what popular votes get it.

Ah, I see what you're saying. People being faced with how unpopular their character actually is (unless their character is Ridley, Shadow, or Goku) and lashing out because of that seems to be exactly what's going on.

I don't think the anti-Sonic/Shadow crowd has to worry, though. As much as I would personally like Shovel Knight to get in, I don't think this poll is going to lead to the inclusion of any more third-party characters. Sakurai has stated many times that a third-party character has to be incredibly special and iconic as well as fill a moveset gap in the existing roster in order to get in, and only Sonic, Mega Man, and Pac-Man honestly fit all three of those criteria. Shadow is hardly iconic and isn't that different from Sonic, and Shovel Knight would have a very unique moveset but he's not an icon. And Goku will (thankfully) never happen either, for a million reasons.

I do think K. Rool has a somewhat decent shot, but whatever chance he has is unfortunately (for K. Rool fans) undermined by Dixie. She'll be added to the roster long before K. Rool, I think.


I think the best way to handle K. Rool would be to use his DKC2 appearance as a base. I know the 1 look is more iconic but giving him the blunderbuss gives him a bigger range of attacks. All he really did in DKC1 was run back and fourth and chuck his crown. I didn't vote for K. Rool but I know he's a popular pick. I'd rather have him than pink Diddy. (JK sorta, I like Dixie but having K. Rool would be a bit more diverse)
I think the best way to handle K. Rool would be to use his DKC2 appearance as a base. I know the 1 look is more iconic but giving him the blunderbuss gives him a bigger range of attacks. All he really did in DKC1 was run back and fourth and chuck his crown. I didn't vote for K. Rool but I know he's a popular pick. I'd rather have him than pink Diddy. (JK sorta, I like Dixie but having K. Rool would be a bit more diverse)

They can give him a blunderbuss without committing to using the pirate design. If K Rool gets in, he'll almost certainly use the design everyone is familiar with, but mix various moves from all his appearances.


How am I doing GAF?


I was so sure Wonder Red would be in Smash 4 anyway. Then TW101 bombed hard and I just sort of forgot about the idea. I'm still down for it

They can give him a blunderbuss without committing to using the pirate design. If K Rool gets in, he'll almost certainly use the design everyone is familiar with, but mix various moves from all his appearances.

True, they could just have the blunderbuss appear when he needs to use it. In an ideal world, K. Rool would have his pirate and scientist attires as alternate costumes but a character just getting one of those is rare


I always envisioned K. Rool's blunderbuss sucking in items and firing them back out as projectiles, but since Pocket is such a unique characteristic of Villager I doubt he'll ever have something like that.
I always envisioned K. Rool's blunderbuss sucking in items and firing them back out as projectiles, but since Pocket is such a unique characteristic of Villager I doubt he'll ever have something like that.

You just gave me a cool idea for a move though

His standard B shoots a cannon ball forward a distance, you can then hit the button again to activate a suck mode to have it turn around and come back, or just let it keep flying until it disappears. Think of it like a slower, heavier hitting version of the boomerang item but with the option to have it not return.


I am almost sure this ballot means nothing and that all we're gonna get from here on out are characters from previous smash games which have already been determined.

Maybe the ballot will be used when picking characters for the next game tho.
I think the ballot could influence a mixture of who they prioritize for DLC in this game vs main roster of Smash 5 As an example I feel 90% sure unless Splatoon mega bombs we will see an Inkling character either as Smash 4 DLC or in Smash 5. If the Inkling is in the top 5 for Smash 4 DLC perhaps they decide to prioritize making the Inkling DLC for Smash 4, if they're not in the top 5 perhaps they put that character on the back burner to be shown off with Smash 5's unveil.


You just gave me a cool idea for a move though

His standard B shoots a cannon ball forward a distance, you can then hit the button again to activate a suck mode to have it turn around and come back, or just let it keep flying until it disappears. Think of it like a slower, heavier hitting version of the boomerang item but with the option to have it not return.

I'd put an extra gamble on this move by saying if it reaches K. Rool without colliding with another fighter first, it clogs the blunderbuss, causing it to explode, shooting the cannonball quickly and also doing damage to K. Rool. Just because that's how it worked in DKC2


Junior Member
I am almost sure this ballot means nothing and that all we're gonna get from here on out are characters from previous smash games which have already been determined.

Maybe the ballot will be used when picking characters for the next game tho.
I'm pretty sure we're gonna get at least one of the characters from the poll as DLC. As for the rest, they may be used in Smash 5.


I am almost sure this ballot means nothing and that all we're gonna get from here on out are characters from previous smash games which have already been determined.

Maybe the ballot will be used when picking characters for the next game tho.

Mariokart 8 seems to be pumping out new modes and courses as DLC instead of saving it for the next game but I am expecting the result of the character ballot to just be someone boring like Wolf.


Ah, I see what you're saying. People being faced with how unpopular their character actually is (unless their character is Ridley, Shadow, or Goku) and lashing out because of that seems to be exactly what's going on.
It happens everytime
look back when lucario and Rosalina were annouced
" this character is for furries"
"this character is lighting "

A lot of people haven't come to terms with the notion, that maybe times have changed and the world might be a bit bigger than them. And that thing you like might not be as popular you think anymore/ It was never really that popular in the first place. And that thing you don't like is popular as hell. Its an issue that neogaf and sites like this fail to come to terms with all the time. I don't know how familiar you are with comic books, but people are always genuinely astounded when Marvel Civil war stuff effects future marvel media and movies. Marvel Civil war did extremely well, so well it changed how they have gone about almost every aspect of their comic business and outside of comics as well.

I don't think the anti-Sonic/Shadow crowd has to worry, though. As much as I would personally like Shovel Knight to get in, I don't think this poll is going to lead to the inclusion of any more third-party characters. Sakurai has stated many times that a third-party character has to be incredibly special and iconic as well as fill a moveset gap in the existing roster in order to get in, and only Sonic, Mega Man, and Pac-Man honestly fit all three of those criteria. Shadow is hardly iconic and isn't that different from Sonic, and Shovel Knight would have a very unique moveset but he's not an icon.
I think if third parties weren't a consideration they would have specifically noted that, I think they just have a larger hill to climb depending on what that person is. Like if a bunch of people vote for an FF character I have no issue believing Nintendo might consider the warrior of light as a character.

As far as shadow goes, arguments about iconicism sure. But this isn't about iconisim, its about popularity and that he is, greatly. And as far as differences go, there is a lot of differences actually, their similarities kind of begin and end at going fast and being hedgehogs. He has a myriad of powers, and abilities that would make him unique, one in particular being energy weapons and time stop. I am always a fan of character who's abilities is to stop time, and virgil esque spears and swords seem interesting to me. Also there is a whole fighting game he's in already where he has a moveset that is nowhere near close to sonic's. Also teleports

Vergil Wesker Brando for smash, basically.

I do think K. Rool has a somewhat decent shot, but whatever chance he has is unfortunately (for K. Rool fans) undermined by Dixie. She'll be added to the roster long before K. Rool, I think.

I don't think he has a shot for real, he's going to get drowned out by a lot of people.


Junior Member
Mariokart 8 seems to be pumping out new modes and courses as DLC instead of saving it for the next game but I am expecting the result of the character ballot to just be someone boring like Wolf.
I'm pretty sure Wolf is coming regardless (likely as an August release).
I just want more stages. Why do we not have a Metroid Prime stage...? I hope so much Retro is working on a new Metroid Prime, and that Sakurai strikes some sort of deal with Nintendo's subsidiaries to help push new games with stage DLC. That's all I have to cling to right now. ;__;


I don't think he has a shot for real, he's going to get drowned out by a lot of people.

Yeah, he really is one of those characters I never hear about except for during these kinds of discussions on these kinds of forums.

On Shadow, I think handled correctly, he could be a unique character with his own moveset completely independent from Sonic. He's characterised by his chaos powers more than his speed. For some reason I envision him to be more like Mewtwo or Lucario than Sonic. I don't really want a playable Shadow (if any other Sonic character gets in it should be my boy Knux) but they can easily make him work without being a Sonic clone. Plus the outrage would really be something.


Yeah, he really is one of those characters I never hear about except for during these kinds of discussions on these kinds of forums.

He's certainly in that waluigi territory

On Shadow, I think handled correctly, he could be a unique character with his own moveset completely independent from Sonic. He's characterised by his chaos powers more than his speed. For some reason I envision him to be more like Mewtwo or Lucario than Sonic. I don't really want a playable Shadow (if any other Sonic character gets in it should be my boy Knux) but they can easily make him work without being a Sonic clone. Plus the outrage would really be something.

Knuckles is too busy flexing his muscles man , he missed his letter in the mail. ( DEAR NINTENDO put cheese knuckles raps in the game. Please, thank you.

I would imagine more like fox and shiek, just with powers instead of weaponry.

And yes, the outrage, glorious.


Went for Phoenix Wright as my choice since he's popular, iconic, and a non-conventional fighter to top it all off (sorry, my dear Simon). The only issue I see with him is that we already got Mega Man as our Capcom rep.

If I end up casting a second vote, I'll probably go for Wonder Red. Even though he might not be all that popular, unite morphs would probably make for a cool moveset.

I've kind of given up on Simon Belmont and Isaac (from Golden Sun, of course) because the former might have too much of an overlap with Link (even though that isn't necessarily a bad thing), and the latter belongs to a franchise that appears to be absolutely dead (we can probably thank Dark Dawn for that). Shovel Knight would be interesting, but I feel he'd be on the same boat as Simon, and have even lower chances than him due to being an indie game character.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
I was so sure Wonder Red would be in Smash 4 anyway. Then TW101 bombed hard and I just sort of forgot about the idea. I'm still down for it

Have you not been paying attention to this thread? Lots of people have been voting for Wonder-Red. Not just here, but sites everywhere.
There's a "#WonderRed4Smash" campaign too.
Someone earlier mentioned Wolf being a good revealed in conjunction with Star Fox. That makes a lot of sense, so we could be hearing word about a solid date at E3.

Oh geez, I can't believe I didn't think of this. That makes perfect sense. Now that Lucas is back I think Wolf is pretty much just a matter of time, and revealing him along with formally revealing Star Fox Wii U at E3 makes perfect sense.

I just want more stages. Why do we not have a Metroid Prime stage...? I hope so much Retro is working on a new Metroid Prime, and that Sakurai strikes some sort of deal with Nintendo's subsidiaries to help push new games with stage DLC. That's all I have to cling to right now. ;__;

Same here. Even if we can't get entirely new stages as DLC (and I hope we can), I'd be perfectly happy with stage packs of additional Brawl, Melee, and 64 stages repurposed in HD. I'm still holding out hope for Pirate Ship, Spear Pillar, Frigate Orpheon, Fountain of Dreams, Hyrule Castle, and Dream Land to return as DLC...
I voted for Dixie. Not even a big fan of the DK series, but it really doesn't get a good representation in Smash + more female characters is always nice.

I'd also love to see some non generic jungle themed DK stages. -_-
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