Dr. Buni
Yeah, I agree. I liked how they became more expressive in Skyward Sword, though they also became almost too anime for my tastes :O (keyword: almost).For me I feel the issue with TP is that while the new characters made for it that really stand out for me like Midna or Agitha really click with the dark atmosphere they were going for with it, mostly because they were designed from scratch for it, the translations of the usually more cartoony/bright main cast didn't feel as convincing to me. Somehow they all kind of lost a lot of character in the transition: Zelda and Link became quite expressionless compared to the variety of emotions they expressed even in OoT and Ganondorf just became this weird raging god thing, lacking all the attempts to humanize him they'd gone for in OoT.
It's just kind of odd because the new characters for the game are quite expressive and quirky so it's clear they could have pulled it off for the old-guard it if they'd tried![]()
Midna and Agitha have some of my favorite designs in the series. In fact, TP had a lot of quirky and fun character designs, sadly the ~dark~ visuals of the game didn't help much.
I think he looks cute in that model :c He is only lacking... a nose?Even then, 64 used the facial proportions of his ingame OoT model, which deviated a bit from the current standard depiction as well as the original OoT art. Also, if they ever gave us 3D models of the 64 art, Link would be one of the characters they'd have to put the most work into not looking like a terrifying apparition from the void.
(I wish we would get a new 3D Zelda with kid Link again, for 3DS, Wii U or NX, it doesn't matter)