Oh cool I can list my votes here in preferential order (or something like it).
1. Dixie Kong: I like this character, and I'd like more girls in the game. DK has two reps already, so I won't mind if someone's there in her place from a series with no or little representation.
2. Inkling: So yeah, I like seeing more series represented in the fighters, so for votes where that's the case, that's the reason.
3. Ice climber (I'll take them fighting alone)
4. Mallo (also as an eShop rep)
5. Wonder Red
6. Kanden: I feel like metroid deserves another rep... I'm not that familiar with the series so 2 things: 1. Maybe I'm wrong about it being deserving, and; 2. These were the only guys I could think of making sense. Hunters is the only Metroid game I've beaten, and iirc the other hunters are pretty weird and unique, so one of them could work. Take your pick. I chose wormy-dude.