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Smash Wii U & 3DS Downloadable Characters Discussion and Information on Smash Ballot

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That Paper Mario moveset has too much emphasis on partners for my liking. A couple of cameos (especially in the final smash) would be fine, but I'd prefer it to be more heavily based on TTYD / the later games where Mario actually gains a lot of unique paper based abilities. For certain his side smash would have to be charging up his hammer from TTYD, I simply can't see it any other way. His dash attack could be his spin dash move you unlock with badges in many of the games. Too busy to come up with other stuff, but that's just my opinion on what I would like if a Paper Mario DLC were even considered.

I assumed that these companies want their characters in Smash so that they get paid for it.
I don't know how much they would actually be paid though. I'm sure they get a small cut of the profits just for the IP usage, but being in Smash seems like something you want to do just for the huge exposure that it will give your character. Especially in the case of Megaman where he's been essential dead for ages now; being in Smash gives him a chance to get back into the mainstream's thoughts and keeps him (slightly) relevant again.
K. Rool had a tail in DK64 which I consider his last canonical appearance.



*puts tin foil hat on*
Maybe DK64 is only coming to Wii u vc to hype up king k rool in smash, do it Sakurai

Would you PLEASE stop using the code tag for images. It's unnecessary and messes up my mobile browser.

Edit: If the image is too big, use quote tags instead.

Anyway, after a lot of thought, I voted Impa (SS/HW) on my phone and will vote Mike Jones on my home computer. Azure J's post really convinced me. If anything else, hopefully it might spark some much deserved attention from Nintendo.

Aside from those two, here's my top 5 wishlist.

1. Inkling from Splatoon: Already a ton of hype for the game, having her in will surely help sell the game to anyone still on the fence.

2. Wreck it Ralph: My most far out there choice. But like K Rool fans have argued, there's a lack of heavy characters in the game, and if Sega could get him for All Star Racing, who says Nintendo can't work out a deal with Disney.

3. Hades/Viridi/Magnus/Medusa: I'd be happy with any new Uprising rep. They're just wonderful characters.

4. Daisy: Count me in the Pro Daisy camp. I, too, think they can craft a moveset based on the various Sports and other Mario spin-off games.

5. Paper Mario: Very much the "Toon Link" of Mario. But unlike Toon Link, Paper Mario definitely has enough material to have a moveset completely unique.

Honorable mentions:

Shantae/Takamaru/Wonder Red/Miku/Shovel Knight: Not familiar with these characters so much, but I'm all for their inclusion.

K Rool: I'm all for this baddie too even if I'm not the biggest fan of his design.

Melia/Reyn/Fiora: Honestly, if there's another Xeno rep, it's probably going to be Elma, but I'd love any new Xenoblade rep, especially the there I listed.
If Nintendo actually cared, they would have made this "vote" a lot more restrictive on who could vote, which characters you could actually vote for, etc.

He's talking about
King K Rool

I think the "vote" is pretty clearly a marketing move to drum up the Smash hype/speculation train once again to the levels it was pre release. I'm sure they might at least look at the results, but they probably have a good idea of what people wanted already and have decided on most of the DLC characters they'll be making. Then they could always just say that they made the character based on the poll to get the positive PR from that. Don't get me wrong though, it's still possible that the poll could influence them to put in at least one character (probably one of the last DLC characters they release), although that probably wouldn't be for quite some time yet.

*puts tin foil hat on*
Maybe DK64 is only coming to Wii u vc to hype up king k rool in smash, do it Sakurai

I still believe the Mother 3 E3 joke, and the fact that the english direct explicitly mentioned Lucas' game, and that Lucas is coming back at all and wasn't a one-off character for marketing (a la Roy) all have me believing that Mother 3 will be released outside of Japan someday. I already played the fan translation and I really want more people to experience it.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
Damn, I wasted my vote on Snake!

Nothing is wasted on Snake! He was my main in Brawl, and needs to return.

My picks:

1. Snake

2. Ridley

3. Simon Belmont

4. Funky Kong

5. Bayonetta

6. Wonder Red

7. Dante (impossible I know)

8. Shovel Knight

9. King K. Rool


Red Devil

To be honest I think Assist Trophy characters(like Takamaru) and other things like stage hazards(like Ridley) have no chance of getting selected.
2. Wreck it Ralph: My most far out there choice. But like K Rool fans have argued, there's a lack of heavy characters in the game, and if Sega could get him for All Star Racing, who says Nintendo can't work out a deal with Disney.
With Disney having it's own big game and especially given that it has NFC figures as well, I don't see this as even remotely possible.
I still believe the Mother 3 E3 joke, and the fact that the english direct explicitly mentioned Lucas' game, and that Lucas is coming back at all and wasn't a one-off character for marketing (a la Roy) all have me believing that Mother 3 will be released outside of Japan someday. I already played the fan translation and I really want more people to experience it.

That joke was weird, mainly because there was also a joke about Star Fox in the E3 video, and what do you know, Star Fox was announced at E3! But then nothing happened with Mother 3, which was odd.


Be careful what you wish for...

*new Direct starts up*

*Iwata appears onscreen, talking in his usual staccato accent*

"We have decided which characters will be added next, using data collected from the Fighter Ballot. But first... please take a look at these fools and their silly ideas."

*Azure J's ballot for Takamaru appears onscreen*

"Look at this fucking idiot," Iwata says. "Did the Takamaru Assist Trophy not drive the point through his thick head? Allow me to crush your hope."

*Iwata holds up an orange and starts to squeeze it. He struggles. Bill Trinen steps in and helps Iwata flatten the orange with a mallet.*

"There," Iwata says, wiping his brow. "That orange was your hopes and dreams."

I can no longer unenvision Iwata as Mr. Burns, with Bill Trinen as his Smithers.


... I think we officially found something more pathetic than Team Meat's "The only way you're getting Meat Boy as a game is if he gets into Smash" comment. I mean, I feel bad for the devs, but seriously, who is this character? Didn't someone say he's from an online flash MMO? Wayforward drumming up Shantae support makes sense, since they're close to Nintendo. Plus, Shovel Knight's apparently killing it in the vote, Rayman's already in as a trophy, and Snake's a veteran fighter; it seems fine to me that these 4 would try to rock the vote on Twitter, despite the latter 2's companies screwing Nintendo over repeatedly. But this? This is just sad.
I can no longer unenvision Iwata as Mr. Burns, with Bill Trinen as his Smithers.

... I think we officially found something more pathetic than Team Meat's "The only way you're getting Meat Boy as a game is if he gets into Smash" comment. I mean, I feel bad for the devs, but seriously, who is this character? Didn't someone say he's from an online flash MMO? Wayforward drumming up Shantae support makes sense, since they're close to Nintendo. Plus, Shovel Knight's apparently killing it in the vote, Rayman's already in as a trophy, and Snake's a veteran fighter; it seems fine to me that these 4 would try to rock the vote on Twitter, despite the latter 2's companies screwing Nintendo over repeatedly. But this? This is just sad.
Where is the team meat comment?


Where is the team meat comment?

Here. It's an old comment, and they then go on to say they can use the character for free, but they explicitly state that they'd only port Meat Boy/Mew-Genics if Meat Boy got into Smash Bros.

Team Meat said:
Ed McMillen: I want Meat Boy to be in Smash Bros ... That would be the one reason I'd really want to develop for a Nintendo console.

Refenes: That would be amazing! ... If they could guarantee us Meat Boy would be in Smash Bros., we would do something.

McMillen: Nintendo are you listening? Smash Bros! We would ask for nothing in return. Just f***ing use the character. Put him in the game. It's free!

Refenes: If they wanted Mew-Genics or something and they could promise us Meat Boy would be in the game we'd develop Mew-Genics for them. Not exclusively, of course. This is how they would buy it from us. And that's a very cheap price.

I dunno, that just seemed rather indignant to me. They make great games, but this and other interviews makes me think they'd be unpleasant to be around.

I'd love it if the Binding of Isaac port was only happening because Nintendo brought back stickers with this update, made one for Meat Boy, and just told Team Meat "He's in."



Devs treating the Smash Bros. poll as some charity to get their "never appeared on a Nintendo console" character in for fame/attention is pretty cringeworthy. This is even more absurd than the stupid Meat Boy one, since at least that character is recognizable to people.


Maturity, bitches.
Changed my mind. Voting for Asuka from Senran Kagura. I mean, she came to be pretty much because of the 3DS's 3D screen so it's a fair choice.


If we vote multiple times will it actually count? Or is it just going to count the first one? I only voted once so far.

I think the "vote" is pretty clearly a marketing move to drum up the Smash hype/speculation train once again to the levels it was pre release. I'm sure they might at least look at the results, but they probably have a good idea of what people wanted already and have decided on most of the DLC characters they'll be making. Then they could always just say that they made the character based on the poll to get the positive PR from that. Don't get me wrong though, it's still possible that the poll could influence them to put in at least one character (probably one of the last DLC characters they release), although that probably wouldn't be for quite some time yet.

This is kinda how I'm seeing it too lol.

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
Some people are just wasting their time with some of these nonsensical character votes. Like some have postulated, Nintendo and Sakurai have probably had a plan for certain DLC characters decided already.

This poll is nothing but a PR hype campaign.


If we vote multiple times will it actually count? Or is it just going to count the first one? I only voted once so far.

No clue. It seems like they only want one per person, but there's nothing in place stopping someone from doing multiple votes.
I'll admit that I caved and voted for Ridley on one of the campus computer labs.


To be honest I think Assist Trophy characters(like Takamaru) and other things like stage hazards(like Ridley) have no chance of getting selected.

To be fair, the stage hazard version of "Ridley" is the clone from Other M, right down to the atrocious design. One could still argue for the original one with the Super Metroid design, though I will admit seeing a scaled-down Ridley alongside the boss version might still be somewhat weird, even with the different designs. Good thing I have no desire to ever play that stage without some way to turn the boss off ever again.


Some people are just wasting their time with some of these nonsensical character votes. Like some have postulated, Nintendo and Sakurai have probably had a plan for certain DLC characters decided already.

This poll is nothing but a PR hype campaign.

That may have been true before, but I don't think they'll be able to ignore all the votes for Artix. That's why everyone has to do their partix.


That may have been true before, but I don't think they'll be able to ignore all the votes for Artix. That's why everyone has to do their partix.

It pains me to realize that the Artix tweets collectively have 100 "Favorites" between them; I know some are devs/shared between tweets, but at least one person who isn't on the game's staff probably wasted a vote on him, too.
Devs treating the Smash Bros. poll as some charity to get their "never appeared on a Nintendo console" character in for fame/attention is pretty cringeworthy. This is even more absurd than the stupid Meat Boy one, since at least that character is recognizable to people.

To defend the character a little I can say that when I was in high school games from Battle.on where pretty popular(adventure quest and dragon fable) and i'm sure a bunch of my friends from back then could have recognized Artix.

Also take note that was when runescape was huge and minecraft/LoL did not yet exist.
It's interesting no sort of season pass thing has been announced

Nearly all Nintendo DLC seems to have one.

I was looking forward to the bonus item for owning all the DLC :(


To be honest I think Assist Trophy characters(like Takamaru) and other things like stage hazards(like Ridley) have no chance of getting selected.

While I would certainly say it's unlikely I couldn't out right say no chance or impossible.

With guys like Inky, Blinky and so on serving like 3 different roles in the game that tells me there is no hard rule about who does or can do what. They are attacks, back ground hazards and assist trophies all roled into one.

DK is also a hazard on 75 Meters. Now I know people say that's Cranky, but for all intents and purposes it's Donkey Kong, just look at he promotional art for Pac Man or even Duck Hunt Dogs intro movie, DK is DK. I suppose if you really want to stretch it, Cranky Kong turns into Donkey Kong during Duck Hunts movie.

Then not to mention Duck Hunt dog and the ducks themselves, the are back ground elements that can affect players, 2D art style or not, it's them with multiple roles.

Again I'm not saying it's likely for hazards or assists to become playable but I think my examples justify why it's not a hard rule saying they cant.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
If we vote multiple times will it actually count? Or is it just going to count the first one? I only voted once so far.

Nobody knows, so just spend all your time voting!

Some people are just wasting their time with some of these nonsensical character votes. Like some have postulated, Nintendo and Sakurai have probably had a plan for certain DLC characters decided already.

This poll is nothing but a PR hype campaign.

Hey, dont ruin our fun!
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