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Smash Wii U & 3DS Downloadable Characters Discussion and Information on Smash Ballot

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I highly doubt Nintendo will make a former POTUS a character in Smash. It would be John or Henry.

It would be Henry or Abe if anyone since we all know Smash basically only uses main characters for initial (or only) representation. Henry is boring/the least interesting and Abe is unlikely since he was literally a real person. So really I'd rather they just didn't.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
I highly doubt Nintendo will make a former POTUS a character in Smash. It would be John or Henry.

You're right. Who knows what sort of precedent it might set if Abraham Lincoln gets in, King Obama might use his power to force Sakurai to add him into Smash as well!
I voted for Isaac despite knowing there is no chance we'll ever get a Golden Sun character or even a new game. The vote made me even more depressed.


I highly doubt Nintendo will make a former POTUS a character in Smash. It would be John or Henry.

Eh. I can see it. He was a real person, but he's a a major historical figure who's been dead for years, and the character would specifically be Code Name S.T.E.A.M.'s version of him. They already used Lincoln during the Mii Fighters trailer as the first non-Reggie/Iwata example, anyway. I'd assume they'd be fine with adding in Lincoln because they already used a less-stylized version of him for that trailer, anyway.


I voted for Isaac despite knowing there is no chance we'll ever get a Golden Sun character or even a new game. The vote made me even more depressed.

Nintendo waited too long to bring out a Golden Sun game to the DS. Maybe with the next system we might see something but I'd imagine that a new Golden Sun game is as likely as a new Advance Wars game

Hello everyone!

First off, I'd liked to mention that I am excited for Mewtwo's return. I look forward to giving him a shot come April 15th as well as hopefully having an 8 Mewtwos match before the college semester ends. But Lucas's announcement sent me into a jubilee. I was only expecting details regarding Mewtwo, but once I saw Lucas's face, I jumped up and down in joy and my hands were shaking out of this confirmation. I have come to love Lucas very much recently and I look forward to making him one of my mains for Super Smash Bros. Wii U. The Smash Ballot I am also excited for because I look forward to see what will come out of it and I have a lot of say about my feelings towards potential DLC additions.

Currently I am expecting five to six characters to be DLC including Mewtwo and Lucas; at least three of them being veterans and two unique newcomers with room for one more veteran or newcomer (more likely the former). I am expecting Wolf to be announced at E3 as the DLC character. If two DLC characters gets announced at E3, my expectations will rise to six or seven characters, but I am not expecting that to happen. This means that competition for the remaining spots will be very intense and I'd advised everyone to keep expectations in check with regards to any newcomers (as well as any potential veterans beyond maybe Wolf). I'm not sure if we will get characters from the ballot for DLC, but I definitely think it will lead to consideration of the most wanted characters in the ballot.

Having said that, what do I feel could make up the remaining two to three spots? Inklings I feel are the most likely newcomers at this point. Splatoon looks like it could do very well critically and commercially and while I don't think they are in the works now, I do think that the likely critical praise Splatoon gets as well as the substantial increase in demand for Inklings will get them as DLC and if not, almost certainly in the default roster for Smash 6. They're the only newcomers I would be surprised to see excluded.

Roy is someone I feel who's chances are underestimated. He's a highly requested character who just happens to be an easy character to work with. I believe that veterans will be prioritized over newcomers (they take relatively little work in comparisons to newcomers) and after Wolf, I believe that Roy could very well be next in line should there be a fourth veteran. Being a highly popular character after all of these years and despite many people lambasting Roy for being a "Marth clone", "terrible in Fire Emblem 6", "not relevant" is not something to brush aside and even as a Marth clone, Roy would still be well received simply because of how fun he was to play with in Melee.

I don't think we will be seeing any new third-party characters. 99.99% of the remaining third-parties can't hope to match up to the likes of Snake, Sonic, Mega Man, and Pac-Man and I see no reason why Sakurai will make his stance on third-parties looser. Indies to me I feel are especially unlikely because of how obscure they are and none of them can be considered legendary and I feel companies like Nicalis, Inticreates, and especially Team Meat (who's suggestion, Super Meat Boy, doesn't even have a game on a Nintendo platform) don't understand how difficult it is to get third-parties into a Super Smash Bros. game. But I'll probably rant more about this later. Banjo-Kazooie would be an amazing addition to see, but I see no circumstances where a first-party Microsoft character would make it as DLC. The only new third-party I feel that could feasibly get in under Sakurai's strict criteria is Bomberman; but even then he's a dead franchise that would have to compete with Snake, so he's out as well. Snake is the only third-party that could plausibly return and even he has issues with returning as well. And it goes without saying, but characters like Ridley and Takamaru who are in roles beyond a trophy will almost certainly not be DLC although they may be in consideration for Smash 6 if they receive high enough votes or other circumstances changes (assuming that a Smash 6 does happen).

Still I feel as the pool of potential additions are larger than what we think, even in such intensely competitive environments. I feel characters like Isaac, Dixie Kong, Krystal, and Bandanna Dee are relatively plausible for potential characters as well as others not as frequently mentioned. Ice Climbers and Chorus Kids I also feel could very well be DLC as well, but I feel people will not like to hear the reason why this is a possibility.

As for who I voted, that went towards King K. Rool. I loved Rare SNES and N64 days and love the Donkey Kong franchise; DKC was one of my favorite games on the SNES (as well as one of the first video games I've ever beaten) and I also have very fond memories of the GBA DKC2 game as well as Donkey Kong 64. Next to Diddy Kong, King K. Rool is my favorite character from the franchise. I like his costume scheme he had in the Donkey Kong series and I enjoy his insanity and his relentless pursuit towards destroying the dang dirty Kongs over the course of at least nine Donkey Kong games. I don't know how much of a shot he has at getting in, but from what I've seen, it looks as he may be the most wanted character yet. My hope is that fan demand is high enough to where he'll be considered for DLC or if not, will be enough for him to return into the Donkey Kong franchise (the latter of which I am very optimistic about), but we will see.

Regardless of what happens, the DLC character scene is bound to be crazy. The funny part will be how wrong we are with the DLC choices.

Azure J

Y'all need to quit it with this "not happening because AT" nonsense. The one time it's open ballot with no other qualification than "if they were in a [NIntendo?] video game", everyone wants to make arbitrary calls on what to vote for or not. Worst part is this is stunting the support that certain characters could get as a result.

Furthermore with that mentality, I wonder if anyone should get in bar obscurities like Mike Jones and Lip. What are you going to do about all those character trophies already in game? :p


Unconfirmed Member
Banjo Kazooie and Banjo Tooie being shitty Mario 64 Ripoffs?!

Woah WOAH WOAH! Let's back up here a second. Those were excellent games and I vastly loved them more than Mario 64 by a long shot. Even with games like Super Smash Bros the original, Banjo Tooie was my most played 64 game bar none.

I just don't understand the "Let's take a shit on Rare!" brigade. For many kids growing up with a Nintendo 64, you'd be hard pressed to not find a Rare game it not most of them.

I deal with the fact people don't like K Rool but come on, Rare games were popular for a reason, they were damn good. Flawed, but still good!
There's a rather wide gulf between trophies and ATs in the context of DLC characters.

That said, there's no harm in drumming up support for AT characters considering the potential noise. If you ask me, it's obvious they're not going to just turn Takamaru or Dark Samus into playable characters, but all that support could influence future sequels...
Banjo Kazooie and Banjo Tooie being shitty Mario 64 Ripoffs?!

Woah WOAH WOAH! Let's back up here a second. Those were excellent games and I vastly loved them more than Mario 64 by a long shot. Even with games like Super Smash Bros the original, Banjo Tooie was my most played 64 game bar none.

I just don't understand the "Let's take a shit on Rare!" brigade. For many kids growing up with a Nintendo 64, you'd be hard pressed to not find a Rare game it not most of them.

I deal with the fact people don't like K Rool but come on, Rare games were popular for a reason, they were damn good. Flawed, but still good!
I mean, BK and Rare's other 3D platformer stuff owes its existence to SM64 since it'd have wound up being an RPG otherwise, but replaying the lot while I prefer how SM64 controls, BK has the far more captivating world to me. DK64's really the only stinker out of Rare's 'golden age' library, and it has jack all to do with being similar to Mario or not.

Rayman 2 is better than all of them anyhow.


I have no issues with people who think Banjo-Kazooie has zero chance of making it to Smash, as at least there's merit to believing that.

But are we seriously resorting to shitting on the Banjo games now? And even calling them Mario ripoffs? I love Super Mario 64, but to this date I debate with myself whether I like SM64 or BK better. They're on the same genre, sure, but they're both quite distinct and fantastic in their own right.


I have no issues with people who think Banjo-Kazooie has zero chance of making it to Smash, as at least there's merit to believing that.

But are we seriously resorting to shitting on the Banjo games now? And even calling them Mario ripoffs? I love Super Mario 64, but to this date I debate with myself whether I like SM64 or BK better. They're on the same genre, sure, but they're both quite distinct and fantastic in their own right.

Banjo owes a lot to Mario 64, along with just about every 3D platform of that era.

I played both and although I would say the first Banjo game is up their with Mario 64, the sequel not so much. My brother liked the first game and couldn't even get past the first world in the second because he found the drop in frame rate to be unbearable. Also the collectables was a little much, especially in DK64. Really, there's a reason why the collectable games fell out of favor with the general audience.


Is Banjo Kazooie actually a good game, or is it a situation like Wonderful 101?

Both are good games? I liked Banjo a ton as a kid but never owned it. I never played tooie, but I liked collecting everything I came across.

It's barely like Mario 64, so a lot less acrobatics and stuff but i still want to buy and play it sometime.

W101 had cumbersome-to-crippling controls but they were masterable. Getting to the point where you're good at switching Unite Morphs mid combo is super satisfying.

Also, the controls are rough, yeah, but the game rewards you 24/7 for your mastery of them. Once you're breezing through previously hair-tearing-out sections of game because you just *get* is mad radical


Is Banjo Kazooie actually a good game, or is it a situation like Wonderful 101?

It's a solid platformer. Not as good as mario 64, but probably top 5 3D platformers of the generation. Maybe even the next generation as well. It focuses more on power-ups than mario 64, and you can get all the 'stars' (jiggies) in a level without having to leave the level and re-enter, so it makes it a bit quicker to 100% than mario 64. I love it, but I also played it when it came out.

I'd say it's better than Mario sunshine, but not as good as the galaxy games or mario 64.

If you like Mario 64, give it a try. It's not like wonderful 101 in the sense that it's not one of those 'love it or hate it' kinda games. It's just a solid 3D platformer with charming characters. You also have to remember that it's a 64 game.


Is Banjo Kazooie actually a good game, or is it a situation like Wonderful 101?

Banjo Kazooie is my favorite game of all time. If you like fun collectibles, great level design, awesome music, a variety of challenges, exploration, 3d platforming, secrets, humorous dialogue, overall charm and ton of different techniques then Banjo Kazooie and Tooie are worth trying.

Btw play these on 360 the graphics look alot better and the random dips in frame rate due to the n64 are gone.
Can't believe how many people in this thread are shitting on Banjo-Kazooie. I had no idea so many people in SmashGAF have such bad taste in 3D platformers.

Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie are easily the best 3D platformers of the N64/PS1 era -- better than DK 64 (admittedly not a huge feat) and, yes, Super Mario 64. Yeah, I said it - they're just that good. Not that SM 64 is bad or overrated or anything, but B-K and B-T are better, more refined versions of it. The XBLA versions are revelatory.

Anyway, Banjo-Kazooie would be an amazing, appropriate addition to the roster and I'd love to see it happen. I don't necessarily think it will, but hey, there's always a chance.
Can't believe how many people in this thread are shitting on Banjo-Kazooie. I had no idea so many people in SmashGAF have such bad taste in 3D platformers.

Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie are easily the best 3D platformers of the N64/PS1 era -- better than DK 64 (admittedly not a huge feat) and, yes, Super Mario 64. Yeah, I said it - they're just that good. Not that SM 64 is bad or overrated or anything, but B-K and B-T are better, more refined versions of it. The XBLA versions are revelatory.

Anyway, Banjo-Kazooie would be an amazing, appropriate addition to the roster and I'd love to see it happen. I don't necessarily think it will, but hey, there's always a chance.

Banjo-Kaooie would great, fitting addition to the Smash roster. So is Link. Doesn't mean I have to like their games.


Is Banjo Kazooie actually a good game, or is it a situation like Wonderful 101?

Didn't you convince yourself to hate Wonderful 101 because of the "obnoxious fanbase" and refused to play it because of the same reason. How much have you even played of the game.

BK is alright


This post has more edge than a dodecahedron.

Some one might not like that game you like, woooo

i have my issues with w101, most of them aesthetic, and the waste of character designs.

Can't believe how many people in this thread are shitting on Banjo-Kazooie. I had no idea so many people in SmashGAF have such bad taste in 3D platformers.

Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie are easily the best 3D platformers of the N64/PS1 era -- better than DK 64 (admittedly not a huge feat) and, yes, Super Mario 64. Yeah, I said it - they're just that good. Not that SM 64 is bad or overrated or anything, but B-K and B-T are better, more refined versions of it. The XBLA versions are revelatory.

Anyway, Banjo-Kazooie would be an amazing, appropriate addition to the roster and I'd love to see it happen. I don't necessarily think it will, but hey, there's always a chance.

I don't like how the characters look.

Aesthetic is something that can entice me or detur me from a video games. And I don't like a metric shit ton of rare character designs. Took over two decades for killer instict to get good.


It would be Henry or Abe if anyone since we all know Smash basically only uses main characters for initial (or only) representation. Henry is boring/the least interesting and Abe is unlikely since he was literally a real person. So really I'd rather they just didn't.

Eh. I can see it. He was a real person, but he's a a major historical figure who's been dead for years, and the character would specifically be Code Name S.T.E.A.M.'s version of him. They already used Lincoln during the Mii Fighters trailer as the first non-Reggie/Iwata example, anyway. I'd assume they'd be fine with adding in Lincoln because they already used a less-stylized version of him for that trailer, anyway.

I forgot about that, could be a point in his favor. Just weird to see a real figure in a high profile fighting game as opposed to a niche handheld strategy game.

I just want someone from S.T.E.A.M in. Imagine using overwatch attacks for edgeguarding.

You're right. Who knows what sort of precedent it might set if Abraham Lincoln gets in, King Obama might use his power to force Sakurai to add him into Smash as well!

Too bad transformations are gone, or else Obama could transform into his secret muslim form.

But then House Republicans would spend the next session trying to repeal Obama from smash.


I highly doubt Nintendo will make a former POTUS a character in Smash. It would be John or Henry.

I mean they do already have the splash card ready...


Neo Member
I voted once from work and once from home -- one vote for Professor Layton, and one vote for Shantae.

I wonder how the licensing has to work in order to put Banjo Kazooie in the game -- does anyone know if there is a flat fee or if the license holder just gets a percentage of sales? Does Rare say 'give us $50,000 and you can use BK and make an Amiibo' or do they get a 10% cut of all sales?

A lot of people seem to be hung up on the idea that Microsoft/Rare would price the license so high that Nintendo would lose money on this deal, but I can't see that being the case. I know MS and Nintendo are technically competitors, but I also think they are smart enough to know that this deal benefits both parties -- Nintendo sells some DLC, every single Amiibo they make and maybe a few copies of Smash, Microsoft gets exposure on a dormant IP, and we gamers get to camp on websites hitting F5 to preorder the BK Amiibo. Hell, maybe it could open the floodgates and get Banjo Kazooie and Banjo Tooie on virtual console.


Junior Member
I voted once from work and once from home -- one vote for Professor Layton, and one vote for Shantae.

I wonder how the licensing has to work in order to put Banjo Kazooie in the game -- does anyone know if there is a flat fee or if the license holder just gets a percentage of sales? Does Rare say 'give us $50,000 and you can use BK and make an Amiibo' or do they get a 10% cut of all sales?

A lot of people seem to be hung up on the idea that Microsoft/Rare would price the license so high that Nintendo would lose money on this deal, but I can't see that being the case. I know MS and Nintendo are technically competitors, but I also think they are smart enough to know that this deal benefits both parties -- Nintendo sells some DLC, every single Amiibo they make and maybe a few copies of Smash, Microsoft gets exposure on a dormant IP, and we gamers get to camp on websites hitting F5 to preorder the BK Amiibo. Hell, maybe it could open the floodgates and get Banjo Kazooie and Banjo Tooie on virtual console.
That's the part Nintendo doesn't want, & why Banjo isn't happening now or ever.
I voted for Isaac despite knowing there is no chance we'll ever get a Golden Sun character or even a new game. The vote made me even more depressed.

I would actually say the inverse. I think there's quite a chance of Isaac being added as playable. The lack of golden sun trophies and the removal of Isaac's AT is quite suspicious, and would be perfectly reintroduced if Isaac was added.
I would actually say the inverse. I think there's quite a chance of Isaac being added as playable. The lack of golden sun trophies and the removal of Isaac's AT is quite suspicious, and would be perfectly reintroduced if Isaac was added.
Couldn't you use this same reasoning to say Kururin or Jill being removed and all references to them gone is suspicious?

He was probably removed for time constraints. He's not exactly the most well known character and his series is effectively dead. All the removed Assist Trrophies were C tier Nintendo characters, except Resetti, I don't really think it was any indication that they would have a chance to be DLC


I would actually say the inverse. I think there's quite a chance of Isaac being added as playable. The lack of golden sun trophies and the removal of Isaac's AT is quite suspicious, and would be perfectly reintroduced if Isaac was added.

Yeah, I have a lot of confidence in Isaac for those reasons. He would be such a great addition. My only reservation is that he is another swordsman. I do wonder if Monolith's RPGs have overshadowed Golden Sun though. I've been pining for a console Golden Sun since the gamecube days.
I'm a bit curious as to why people think the Isaac AT removal is indicative of his being considered as a playable character. Honestly, the Assist Trophy cuts seem, to me, to be extremely arbitrary, with some of the removals being even more odd. Barbara and Resetti, for instance, are both from internally developed series with very recent releases. Excitebike is also a relatively popular legacy Nintendo series. Isaac, Jill, Helirin, and Ray's cuts came to me as the least surprising considering they're all from seemingly dead series from external developers, which historically haven't gotten much representation in Smash Bros (with exceptions for, like, Pokemon of course).

I know people are going to respond with "because he's highly requested" and point to some chart or something, but the fact that he doesn't even have a trophy when other DLC characters do seems, to me, to indicate that the Smash Bros staff just don't view Golden Sun as significant.

Not to say he won't happen, if there ends up being enough demand and the poll amounts to anything, I just haven't quite understood this train of thought.


Is Banjo Kazooie actually a good game, or is it a situation like Wonderful 101?

Play the XBLA versions if you want to know. The way one of the collectibles was structured in the N64 version of Banjo-Kazooie was tedious since it was built around a high score system, but that was fixed in the XBLA port. Tooie remains mostly intact from what I remember, but they fixed the awful frame-rate on the XBLA version as well.

The games are certainly far more accessible than W101 from a gameplay standpoint. Just don't go in expecting Mario 64. Those games borrowed a lot of design elements from Mario 64 such as a hub world and completing objectives for Stars. (Jiggies in B-K) In terms of platform mechanics though, they are very different games. B-K is more about exploration and adventure than pure platforming, since the mechanics aren't even in the same league for that as Mario 64. That and platforming is only ever really emphasized in Banjo-Kazooie in a couple of sections in the final levels.

As for whether or not people on the internet blow the game's quality out of proportion, that's something really only the player can decide. I do think that since the game is so old, that a lot of people at least try to be honest with the game's shortcomings such as an over reliance on collectibles in the second game, along with some pretty bad minigames from time to time. One of the levels in the series is also infamous for the amount of tedious backtracking in it. Also this is a Rare series, so if 90's character designs aren't your thing then you will probably be put off from the start with the large amount of googly eyes and cartoon animals.


I'm a bit curious as to why people think the Isaac AT removal is indicative of his being considered as a playable character.

Two ways to look at it I feel.

1. Since they never even made a trophy model, they must have had plans to do so and make a huge pack with a bunch of trophies and music and a stage!

2. Since they never even made a trophy model, they had absolutely no plans for this or any of the other series.

I think both thought processes make sense, especially since Golden Sun was one of the first VC titles for GBA on the Wii U.

L Thammy

Couldn't you use this same reasoning to say Kururin or Jill being removed and all references to them gone is suspicious?

I'm a bit curious as to why people think the Isaac AT removal is indicative of his being considered as a playable character.

I said this before, but:

Assuming that the DLC characters are pre-planned, the music for those character's trailers is probably already in the game. Mewtwo and Lucas have not been accompanied by new music and there has been no word about music DLC.

Though Isaac and Barbara the Bat have been removed, music for their series has actually been added. Jill Dozer, Ray Mk III, Helirin and other removed trophies still have nothing.

Of course, if the DLC characters are not pre-planned, nothing in the game points towards anything.



Hello everyone!

First off, I'd liked to mention that I am excited for Mewtwo's return. I look forward to giving him a shot come April 15th as well as hopefully having an 8 Mewtwos match before the college semester ends. But Lucas's announcement sent me into a jubilee. I was only expecting details regarding Mewtwo, but once I saw Lucas's face, I jumped up and down in joy and my hands were shaking out of this confirmation. I have come to love Lucas very much recently and I look forward to making him one of my mains for Super Smash Bros. Wii U. The Smash Ballot I am also excited for because I look forward to see what will come out of it and I have a lot of say about my feelings towards potential DLC additions.

Currently I am expecting five to six characters to be DLC including Mewtwo and Lucas; at least three of them being veterans and two unique newcomers with room for one more veteran or newcomer (more likely the former). I am expecting Wolf to be announced at E3 as the DLC character. If two DLC characters gets announced at E3, my expectations will rise to six or seven characters, but I am not expecting that to happen. This means that competition for the remaining spots will be very intense and I'd advised everyone to keep expectations in check with regards to any newcomers (as well as any potential veterans beyond maybe Wolf). I'm not sure if we will get characters from the ballot for DLC, but I definitely think it will lead to consideration of the most wanted characters in the ballot.

Having said that, what do I feel could make up the remaining two to three spots? Inklings I feel are the most likely newcomers at this point. Splatoon looks like it could do very well critically and commercially and while I don't think they are in the works now, I do think that the likely critical praise Splatoon gets as well as the substantial increase in demand for Inklings will get them as DLC and if not, almost certainly in the default roster for Smash 6. They're the only newcomers I would be surprised to see excluded.

Roy is someone I feel who's chances are underestimated. He's a highly requested character who just happens to be an easy character to work with. I believe that veterans will be prioritized over newcomers (they take relatively little work in comparisons to newcomers) and after Wolf, I believe that Roy could very well be next in line should there be a fourth veteran. Being a highly popular character after all of these years and despite many people lambasting Roy for being a "Marth clone", "terrible in Fire Emblem 6", "not relevant" is not something to brush aside and even as a Marth clone, Roy would still be well received simply because of how fun he was to play with in Melee.

I don't think we will be seeing any new third-party characters. 99.99% of the remaining third-parties can't hope to match up to the likes of Snake, Sonic, Mega Man, and Pac-Man and I see no reason why Sakurai will make his stance on third-parties looser. Indies to me I feel are especially unlikely because of how obscure they are and none of them can be considered legendary and I feel companies like Nicalis, Inticreates, and especially Team Meat (who's suggestion, Super Meat Boy, doesn't even have a game on a Nintendo platform) don't understand how difficult it is to get third-parties into a Super Smash Bros. game. But I'll probably rant more about this later. Banjo-Kazooie would be an amazing addition to see, but I see no circumstances where a first-party Microsoft character would make it as DLC. The only new third-party I feel that could feasibly get in under Sakurai's strict criteria is Bomberman; but even then he's a dead franchise that would have to compete with Snake, so he's out as well. Snake is the only third-party that could plausibly return and even he has issues with returning as well. And it goes without saying, but characters like Ridley and Takamaru who are in roles beyond a trophy will almost certainly not be DLC although they may be in consideration for Smash 6 if they receive high enough votes or other circumstances changes (assuming that a Smash 6 does happen).

Still I feel as the pool of potential additions are larger than what we think, even in such intensely competitive environments. I feel characters like Isaac, Dixie Kong, Krystal, and Bandanna Dee are relatively plausible for potential characters as well as others not as frequently mentioned. Ice Climbers and Chorus Kids I also feel could very well be DLC as well, but I feel people will not like to hear the reason why this is a possibility.

As for who I voted, that went towards King K. Rool. I loved Rare SNES and N64 days and love the Donkey Kong franchise; DKC was one of my favorite games on the SNES (as well as one of the first video games I've ever beaten) and I also have very fond memories of the GBA DKC2 game as well as Donkey Kong 64. Next to Diddy Kong, King K. Rool is my favorite character from the franchise. I like his costume scheme he had in the Donkey Kong series and I enjoy his insanity and his relentless pursuit towards destroying the dang dirty Kongs over the course of at least nine Donkey Kong games. I don't know how much of a shot he has at getting in, but from what I've seen, it looks as he may be the most wanted character yet. My hope is that fan demand is high enough to where he'll be considered for DLC or if not, will be enough for him to return into the Donkey Kong franchise (the latter of which I am very optimistic about), but we will see.

Regardless of what happens, the DLC character scene is bound to be crazy. The funny part will be how wrong we are with the DLC choices.

Fire Emblem has too many reps to begin with, and your forgetting the possibilities of skins as well. Roy could just end up being a sin for Ike, which I have no problem with. So he is very unlikely candidate, especially considering the huge support for newcomers.

I believe Inklings are already planned as DLC, considering we have Lucas returning we have 2 old comers. But then we have a Smash Ballot come out of nowhere, were you could vote for newcomers? Especially with Zelda U being delayed and not shown at E3, I bet we will see a newcomer at E3 for DLC, and that will most likely be Inklings. (I still voted for them nonetheless.)

As much as I don't want to see Banjo Kazooie in Smash (and as much as I want them to be in Nintendo hands again.) They are a likely possibility considering Phil Spencer's willingness to let them in. Still my opinion is to let Nintendo port the original 2 games to the 3DS also or bust.

Same goes for Metal Gear Solid, snake had a Gamecube and 3DS game but no more support then that. Seeing the predicament Kojima is in at the moment, I doubt Snake will make a comeback. Granted, he never really felt like he fit in Smash in the first place because Snake is usually seen as a Playstation character.

Dixie Kong, Krystal, and Bandanna Dee are plausible, but odds are the K Rool will be put in smash. He is a popular choice for both Japan and the United States, people wanted him since Melee, and Donkey Kong has very little reps considering that it's one of Nintendo's most well known IP's. Hell Kirby has 3 chararacters, and Fire Emblem a game hardly anyone knows about has a total of 4 right now. K Rool feels like a given at this point.

The problem I believe we are at right now is that we see that there are slots and will be bickering with each other who should be added. Slots never truly exist, but whoever ends up being put in people will complain.

Oh right, I made a post right before leaving the door.

I played the demo, zero entertainment was had during.

Believe me that was first impression with the demo also. The Demo sucks though, it doesn't teach you how to play, and your just completely confused throughout the entire damm thing. They should had let you play the first level in the game for the demo, but instead gave you the second one. The game is like $20 get it, trust me the demo lies. I thought the game was terrible because of the demo until a bunch of people told me otherwise, and it became one of favorite Wii U games.
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