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Smash Wii U & 3DS Downloadable Characters Discussion and Information on Smash Ballot

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I'd like to see Andy as a summoner-type fighter with the various units from the games. Update the sprites into wind-up toys or something along those lines; a way to keep them the stumpy little characters, same size as the Assist Trophy, but keep a coherent aesthetic with Andy himself. And it mitigates the "gun-toting soldier" aspect by making them not human.

Neutral B = Infantry (walks forward shooting), Side B = Tank (charges forward shooting), Up B = Chopper (carries him upward), Down B = Artillery (stays in place shelling the enemy). You can have up to three units deployed at a time. Utilize his wrench for basic attacks.


Oh I get this, but I was thinking along the lines of Looney Tunes' handling of the stuff. Would that be jarring to see if it just shout out explosions or "smoke that totally isn't weapon fire".

Like this?


Someone did some really cool color palettes for K. Rool. I feel like Sakurai would do something different, but I think these are well done.



So... *realistically* how many DLC characters do you guys think we will get once everything is said and done (excluding Mewtwo and Lucas)

Is there any CSS mockup with new spaces/characters and such rearranged?


Junior Member
So... *realistically* how many DLC characters do you guys think we will get once everything is said and done (excluding Mewtwo and Lucas)

Is there any CSS mockup with new spaces/characters and such rearranged?
Not counting Mewtwo & Lucas, probably 4 or 5 more (2 or 3 of which being from the ballot).

Wolf is almost a guarantee & October is when the ballot ends, which means Sakurai will probably be combing through the results by then unless there's a clear winner. This means that Wolf will most likely be in August, one more character separate from the ballot in October, then we get the ballot characters.


So... *realistically* how many DLC characters do you guys think we will get once everything is said and done (excluding Mewtwo and Lucas)

Is there any CSS mockup with new spaces/characters and such rearranged?

At most? Probably 13.
8 cut veterans (Wolf, Snake, Ice Climbers, Ivysaur, Squirtle, Roy, Pichu, Young Link)
+ 5 newcomers.

But that's incredibly optimistic. More realistically, I'm thinking probably 2 full-fledged cut characters (Wolf and Snake), 2 easily-remade cut clone characters (Roy and Pichu), and 1 or 2 newcomers. I'm really interested in hearing more about how Lucas was remade. We know Mewtwo required a lot more effort because Melee assets were really hard to port into Smash 4, but we don't really have as much information on how easy or difficult it was to bring Lucas into Smash 4. If it was easy, I'd be a lot more optimistic about returning Brawl veterans.


3 veterans (Mewtwo, Lucas, Wolf) and 3 newcomers is as far as I'm willing to bet. Anything beyond that would be a pleasant surprise.
3 veterans (Mewtwo, Lucas, Wolf) and 3 newcomers is as far as I'm willing to bet. Anything beyond that would be a pleasant surprise.
I'm thinking 4 vets because Roy is too easy of an addition to ignore. His dev time to popularity is very much in popularity's favor, as he only needs as much work as Doc took.

3 new comers sounds awfully aggressive. I'm thinking we'll be lucky to even get one.


So... *realistically* how many DLC characters do you guys think we will get once everything is said and done (excluding Mewtwo and Lucas)

Is there any CSS mockup with new spaces/characters and such rearranged?

I'm expecting Mewtwo and Lucas of course. After that I'm more than convinced we're getting Wolf back. As far as this ballot is concerned? I think 2.

Unless they go about changing the entire CSS which I kinda doubt but we'll see.

So in total including who we know that are coming: 5 DLC characters.
"A third version of Marth, but you have to pay for this one," isn't as easy of a sell as it sounds. Roy isn't happening. Wolf will be the final veteran.


"A third version of Marth, but you have to pay for this one," isn't as easy of a sell as it sounds. Roy isn't happening. Wolf will be the final veteran.

Good example. It doesn't help Roy's game wasn't a favorite among Fire Emblem fans. Plus Fire Emblem has evolved so much since Melee and there's tons of characters to pull from if they wanted. I think we've got a good amount right now.


At most we would get 3 more DLC characters imo.

Not counting Mewtwo & Lucas, probably 4 or 5 more (2 or 3 of which being from the ballot).

Wolf is almost a guarantee & October is when the ballot ends, which means Sakurai will probably be combing through the results by then unless there's a clear winner. This means that Wolf will most likely be in August, one more character separate from the ballot in October, then we get the ballot characters.

At most? Probably 13.
8 cut veterans (Wolf, Snake, Ice Climbers, Ivysaur, Squirtle, Roy, Pichu, Young Link)
+ 5 newcomers.

But that's incredibly optimistic. More realistically, I'm thinking probably 2 full-fledged cut characters (Wolf and Snake), 2 easily-remade cut clone characters (Roy and Pichu), and 1 or 2 newcomers. I'm really interested in hearing more about how Lucas was remade. We know Mewtwo required a lot more effort because Melee assets were really hard to port into Smash 4, but we don't really have as much information on how easy or difficult it was to bring Lucas into Smash 4. If it was easy, I'd be a lot more optimistic about returning Brawl veterans.

I'm expecting Mewtwo and Lucas of course. After that I'm more than convinced we're getting Wolf back. As far as this ballot is concerned? I think 2.

Unless they go about changing the entire CSS which I kinda doubt but we'll see.

So in total including who we know that are coming: 5 DLC characters.
I see.
I ask because I did a quick edit on the Smash Wii U CSS and if we move the icons without resizing them, we only have two spots available (one for Mewtwo and one for Lucas)

But if they start resizing the icons without messing with the "free" space to avoid overscan or making the icons too small, they only have room for 4 more characters.


As a personal request, I wouldn't like to see a "go next page" icon. That stuff irks me to no end. I hope Sakurai and the rest of the team understands how importart it is to keep everyone in the same space
I wonder what will they do with 3DS CSS if there we'll get 3+ fighters that weren't yet announced. Modulo killing poor greatness of random box or splitting Mii Fighters, all I see is:

  • They could shrink the grid again... horizontally only?
  • They could enlarge the grid and introduce pages, as TCRF hints.
  • They could use bottom screen, to annoyance of everyone.
  • ...?

On Wii U, pages would be turbo annoying obviously. Shrinking the grid horizontally is the way to go... but I can't help but think of giving the grid more vertical space by shoving everything else closer to the edges.

Speaking of Miis. Just in case... it's not like nobody have considered another type of Mii as a DLC coming. Now it's not, at least.


"A third version of Marth, but you have to pay for this one," isn't as easy of a sell as it sounds. Roy isn't happening. Wolf will be the final veteran.

A cut character that's bundled with someone else for free/cheaper than other things makes it a lot easier.

Look at Mii Oufits. Incredibly low effort things that people likely won't want all that much, but they're still selling them for cheap. I imagine they'll do the same for Roy/Pichu.


3 new comers sounds awfully aggressive. I'm thinking we'll be lucky to even get one.
Do you honestly believe Sakurai would commit an extra year (or longer) to Smash Bros. just to bring back old clones like Pichu and Roy that people don't particularly care about? Newcomers are a sure thing. They're fresh and exciting, and they justify Nintendo's continued investment in the game.


I see.
I ask because I did a quick edit on the Smash Wii U CSS and if we move the icons without resizing them, we only have two spots available (one for Mewtwo and one for Lucas)

But if they start resizing the icons without messing with the "free" space to avoid overscan or making the icons too small, they only have room for 4 more characters.


As a personal request, I wouldn't like to see a "go next page" icon. That stuff irks me to no end. I hope Sakurai and the rest of the team understands how importart it is to keep everyone in the same space

Yup, this is unfortunately the case. We will prolly get:


And that's it


"A third version of Marth, but you have to pay for this one," isn't as easy of a sell as it sounds. Roy isn't happening. Wolf will be the final veteran.

Marth is more popular than Ness though, and most people look at Lucas as just another Ness. In addition to that, he originates from a Japan-only game like Roy. I didn't think they'd go with something like Roy for DLC in the beginning, but Lucas' addition changed my perspective. They're clearly placing ease of addition above potential popularity, at least as far as veterans go.

Yup, this is unfortunately the case. We will prolly get:


And that's it

You aren't looking at the image correctly...


Seeing that many squares on the CSS makes me incredibly hype

Four more characters, yet to be announced, would be amazing
I could see four more characters being added if one of them is Wolf. I think we'll get at least two newcomers, but no more than three.

Azure J

"A third version of Marth, but you have to pay for this one," isn't as easy of a sell as it sounds. Roy isn't happening. Wolf will be the final veteran.

I feel like I'd actively be upset if Roy was put into the game with the same move set he's been using since Melee. 3 "Marth" play styles in a game where Marth and swordsmen are already struggling, the potential something like that has of supporting the large (and moderately to completely uninformed) consensus' feelings on "sword wielding newcomers/returning entrants", and of course packing up the Fire Emblem group with such a large number of sword swinging lords instead of moving towards a well rounded group of roles based on RPG tropes (Hero: Marth, Knight: Ike, Mage: Robin(s), Dancer: ?/Rogue or Thief: ?/Merchant: Anna) and personalities beyond determinator protagonists would just feel like squandered potential.

Not saying Roy fans are wrong for wanting him though. Just my gut reaction towards the idea.



Ah yeah that's interesting. I only said that too because I'm thinking of the 3DS CSS as well.


With this, I was taking into account with any fancy moving character icons that this CSS can accomodate 5 more fighters without shrinking the icons and creating a second screen, which would be tacky as all hell imo.

I know when the game got datamined we found the two arrows, but I think that was mainly for stages since that screen conveniently has one spot left for an icon of that size.

So with that, and Sakurai's love for parity between both versions, I only see 5 DLC characters including the ones we know.

....or they will change it entirely because DLC $$$ brah lol


Ah yeah that's interesting. I only said that too because I'm thinking of the 3DS CSS as well.


With this, I was taking into account with any fancy moving character icons that this CSS can accomodate 5 more fighters without shrinking the icons and creating a second screen, which would be tacky as all hell imo.

I know when the game got datamined we found the two arrows, but I think that was mainly for stages since that screen conveniently has one spot left for an icon of that size.

So with that, and Sakurai's love for parity between both versions, I only see 5 DLC characters including the ones we know.

....or they will change it entirely because DLC $$$ brah lol
I forgot how hideous the 3DS CCS is lol


I don't understand the CSS obsession, they could patch it in any number of ways, nothing about it is set in stone and using it to determine possible DLC numbers seems really backwards.


I'm expecting 6 DLC, tho mostly based on the website's open squares. Alistair's roster layout seems to work out good enough for the WiiU version, not sure how'd they'd handle the 3DS' though.

So aside from Mewtwo and Lucas I'm guessing Wolf and Roy, followed by two newcomers/clones from the ballot results (thusfar). Well that, or Pichu and Young Link to invoke ultimate Smash rage.
I don't understand the CSS obsession, they could patch it in any number of ways, nothing about it is set in stone and using it to determine possible DLC numbers seems really backwards.
Oh, of course, but there are two things. One, as something you use all the time, CSS is interesting by itself. Two, all signs seem to point at the whole thing being prepared at least partially in advance, so it is not unthinkable that the CSS was designed with at least number of DLC characters being estimated by Nintendo and Bamco, and if you can do that, why would you design the whole thing twice?


Sorry to everyone who is OCD about this but the CSS (on both versions) is dynamic. The icons can resize in various ways (and already do pre-unlocking everyone). No amount of characters can be determined by the current screens, because they can very easily change.


One square for all DLC characters like the Mii icon.

That really wouldn't work into how we know the CSS of Smash has been in all the games, but it's a perfect way to milk the game for DLC, but at the same time, like so many people said before it was announced that will we have DLC, DLC would damage the joy to guess new characters for a new Super Smash,


If anyone else from Xenoblade Chronicles franchise is going to be in Smash, anyone else think Elma could be a good candidate? Since there is no set design for the main avatar in X, it seems like she could be the next logical choice, especially in promoting the new game.


People will hate me for this if it actually happens. But I would be happy if we got a Mii Mage.
This would be nice. It'll feel weird making a Mii Fighter using Majora's Mask and then fighting with my fists, a sword or a gun. A spell-casting Mii Mage would be just the thing.


Sorry to everyone who is OCD about this but the CSS (on both versions) is dynamic. The icons can resize in various ways (and already do pre-unlocking everyone). No amount of characters can be determined by the current screens, because they can very easily change.

How can the 3DS be dynamic? The way it is now it is very barebones. They could shrink it, but it would borderline small especially for those with OG 3DSs still.

Man I hate that CSS lol. I hope with Mewtwo this coming week they completely redesign the 3DS one. That's the only reason why I'm presenting this side of the discussion. :p


Sorry to everyone who is OCD about this but the CSS (on both versions) is dynamic. The icons can resize in various ways (and already do pre-unlocking everyone). No amount of characters can be determined by the current screens, because they can very easily change.

Yeah, they can resize the icons, what I meant is how many characters they can squeeze in that small space before adding "next page" icons and/or making them too tiny.


If anyone else from Xenoblade Chronicles franchise is going to be in Smash, anyone else think Elma could be a good candidate? Since there is no set design for the main avatar in X, it seems like she could be the next logical choice, especially in promoting the new game.
Definitely, but just like Inkling, I don't think we're going to see this happen until the next game (if at all). I think Elma would be a great second rep for Xenoblade though. I mentioned her earlier in the thread.


How can the 3DS be dynamic? The way it is now it is very barebones. They could shrink it, but it would borderline small especially for those with OG 3DSs still.

Man I hate that CSS lol. I hope with Mewtwo this coming week they completely redesign the 3DS one. That's the only reason why I'm presenting this side of the discussion. :p

Yeah, they can resize the icons, what I meant is how many characters they can squeeze in that small space before adding "next page" icons and/or making them too tiny.

It's far from being too small (on both versions). They could probably comfortably add a couple dozen still if they really wanted to (they won't add that many though).

I don't think there will actually be a next page icon on 3DS unless there's going to be more than 4-6 though. What they're going to make a new page for 1 or 2 characters? That doesn't make sense.


If they resize each square's side to 80% of the current, its possible to add a fifth row.

But considering that each row, currently, can have 13 squares, this resize will make then only take the space of 10.4 squares.

So it is possible to add 3 more (adding up to 12.8)

So, it will be a 5x16 grid, 80 squares.

There are 54 used squares with Random, Mewtwo and Lucas, so it will still have room for 26 more characters.

Just with a *0.8 resize :p

So yeah, they can get room for more characters if they want to :b
The CSS looks like it'll be a squeeze to add more characters on both versions. I still wish the clone/alt characters had been consolidated when possible (e.g. Dr. Mario and Mario share an icon)


Since I don't know anything about technical mumbo jumbo I'm curious about an Ice Climbers thing. We all know the 3DS couldn't handle them, but let's say that Sakurai ignored the roster parity thing and put them in the Wii U version, would they still work in 8-Player Smash? I imagine 16 Popos and Nanas would be sluggish as hell.
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