Fox Mulder
Same I'd rather pay more than not get one and let a fucking scalper get the money.
GameStop/thinkgeek are the scalpers.
Same I'd rather pay more than not get one and let a fucking scalper get the money.
literally came here to post thisSnagged the cheapest ThinkGeek bundle because I hate myself
At this rate, the best chance is hoping for a second shipment.
No different from a private individual looking to cash in.
Scalping is scalping.
Its not a scalper if its directly from a retailer looking to cash in.
lol the dude in the mega man helmet looks so unsure of himself.
You are paying a scalper.
I am almost sure all second shipments will be held for Black Friday.
I dont know I will find out.
Yep, thinking the same.
Ten minutes ago:
Just a heads up, about 10 minutes ago I was able to place an order WITH confirmation on Target. Looks like they're doing it in waves today.
All that is going to lead to is getting out of work and driving 15 minutes to arrive to a line of 40 people which could lead me to murder someone. Nah I'm good
lol the dude in the mega man helmet looks so unsure of himself.
This is what I did, though I haven't gotten a confirmation e-mail yet so...we'll see...Got the one with the calendar and the mug because why not. Worth my time not to worry about this shit anymore.
This was an absolute shitfest. Walmart sold out in 10 seconds. Target glitched. Lost power at work so had to use my phone for gamestop which had their servers swamped. Then I ignored the tweet about the in-store pre-orders for like 10-15 minutes. Then I saw it again.
Almost waited till after lunch to go see if they had any. Called the local gamestop and the guy said he wasn't sure if he would have any available in 5 minutes. I sped all way there. Saw a kid running into the store, then I ran, and some Fed-Ex guy ran after me. Got into line and we were told they had 6. I was 6. Now I can finally breath. I have two pre-orders from two different sites in case the Amazon ones from last night weren't the real pre-orders.
The Coin Box mug/ Red Mushroom plushie/Mario calendar bundle isn't too bad. All the other ones suck IMO.
How is this legal??
My defination of scalping is someone buying it at MSRP and jacking up the price. This place is adding other items along with the SNES Classic. I dont view it as scalping personally.
which will likely be interesting from a historical point of view but I fully expect to be a bad game.
I did too. At the end of the day it's cheaper than eBay and you get some trash to go with it I guess.I don't care. I ordered the tetris bundle because it was the cheapest.
My defination of scalping is someone buying it at MSRP and jacking up the price. This place is adding other items along with the SNES Classic. I dont view it as scalping personally.
How is this legal??
How is this legal??
They haven't sold any yet, so probably a better shot there than Best Buy.
My defination of scalping is someone buying it at MSRP and jacking up the price. This place is adding other items along with the SNES Classic. I dont view it as scalping personally.
Gamestop here only had 6. All were gone within the hour.
They had some bundled with the book for $100. No thanks.
I'll use it as a pencil cup. It was $160, but the cheapest you can get last year's NES classic is around $240. It's bullshit, but it's also sort of worth not having to deal with the frustration/scalpers.These bundles are cracking me the fuck up. That's gotta be the worst mug I've ever seen. It's a fucking CUBE