The world couldn't take a GBA classic with Mother 3 on it. you may regret that thought one day.
I can see it already.
The world couldn't take a GBA classic with Mother 3 on it.
The world couldn't take a GBA classic with Mother 3 on it.
I LOL's so hard, GAF never disappoints with thr gifs. Gotta just laugh it out on a very stressful day. Now everybody will have there autobots ready for the next wave of SNES bundles.You need to be on time!
Nope, order says "Sold by: LLC". If it was a 3rd party seller, it would list its name.In regards to the amazon stuff:
Id guess it was a product sold by a third party, but fullfilled by Amazon. They do that kind of often. If that was the case, then Amazon has still yet to go.
this is trump's america, corporations can do this to us.
Tim on Kinda Funny said his insiders said that the number of units shipped was absolutely NOT more abundant than the NEs mini; rather it was the same. Fucking nintendo.
this is trump's america, corporations can do this to us.
Where did you get this info?
Wait, now says sold out? Not just restock in the future. Gone. No more left on day one of pre ordering. That's funny. Sign up for that newsletter though for details on a product you can't own.
The world couldn't take a GBA classic with Mother 3 on it.
I don't just blame nintendo, I also blame scalpers. Fuck em.
Damn, I would so want a GBA classic freaking badly lol. didn't even have them up for any extended period since it crashed. I wonder if they just said fuck it so their website can actually go back up and be stable.
I don't just blame nintendo, I also blame scalpers. Fuck em.
You would be 1,000,000th in line for about 200,000 of them.
You need to be on time!
Why not blame Nintendo. They announced, in advance, that the system was going to be a limited time only product. People who would normally wait it out can't do so because Nintendo can't be fucking bothered to keep selling something that people want.
I don't just blame nintendo, I also blame scalpers. Fuck em.
Just checked eBay for the hell of it, and wtf, people are bidding $260 for a pre-order.
That doesn't really say much unless they know how many restocks are planned. If they ship the exact same number of units per restock, but restock twice or three times as long or in higher frequency then the total would be more than NES mini.
I don't just blame nintendo, I also blame scalpers. Fuck em.
In regards to the amazon stuff:
Id guess it was a product sold by a third party, but fullfilled by Amazon. They do that kind of often. If that was the case, then Amazon has still yet to go.
Just checked eBay for the hell of it, and wtf, people are bidding $260 for a pre-order.
LMFAO this got me in trouble at workOn a call and burst out laughing while I wasn't on mute.
Got one from target around 5:35 est thanks to this thread. Wasnt using bot and I had to make a account at target after i added to cart and it went through.
Nintendo is making these to advertise the brand name and build the IP of these games, they want people to buy a switch or 3ds, not this, thats why its limited. They never wanted to make a huge supply of them. I missed out on nes classic but got one of these.
Got my ThinkGeek confirmation email finally. Looks like I'm (relatively) safe.
Thanks to all that posted tips in the thread, and for those still searching, good luck on the hunt.
No info. I was just speculating. Appears I was wrong.
Weird for Amazon to sell it under a different page.
The world couldn't take a GBA classic with Mother 3 on it.
Which bundle did you settle for?
Target was releasing them in batches all day. I got one around 3pm PST just randomly checking. Amazon and Walmart were snatched in seconds by bots.
Tim on Kinda Funny said his insiders said that the number of units shipped was absolutely NOT more abundant than the NEs mini; rather it was the same. Fucking nintendo.