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So if Nintendo drops the DS price...


Dragona Akehi said:
However, one thing is certain, if the DS comes in at 10 000 yen, expect the SP to drop to something like 5800. 1000 yen more than Minish Cap. Nintendo is making a killing off SP hardware anyway, as people keep liking to mention.

SP will stay where it is. Again: different markets altogether.

In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if SP kept outselling DS until the end of production for one or the other.


snapty00 said:
Sony isn't going to be liable for dumping, and jarrod was an idiot for even suggesting it.
Well, you learn something every day. Today I learned you're an asshole for instance.


jarrod said:
Well, you learn something every day. Today I learned you're an asshole for instance.
Oh, grow a pair. You can't mention something that outlandish and expect people to take you seriously.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
snapty00 said:
Oh, grow a pair. You can't mention something that outlandish and expect people to take you seriously.

Do I count as a person? :/


snapty00 said:
Nah. You can sell them below costs. That in itself is GOOD for consumers. It's when this behavior drives out domestic companies unfairly that it becomes a problem.

And usually even then, the government just steps in with taxes to artificially raise the price, not ban the product altogether.

Sony isn't going to be liable for dumping, and jarrod was an idiot for even suggesting it. They're going to sell the product nearly as cheaply in Japan as they are in the U.S.

NO NO NO YOU'RE the idiot here

The fact taht it is selling for the same price in the US and Japan has nothing to do with it

dumping is
The practice of selling goods in foreign markets at prices below the cost of production, usually with the aim of driving competitors out of the market

This should tell you exactly that it's what sony's doing RIGHT NOW so stop beeing an ass and taing the dumping definition as half of what it truly is


Fularu said:
NO NO NO YOU'RE the idiot here

The fact taht it is selling for the same price in the US and Japan has nothing to do with it

dumping is

This should tell you exactly that it's what sony's doing RIGHT NOW so stop beeing an ass and taing the dumping definition as half of what it truly is
No, it can drive competitors out of the market. That's entirely different. It's DOMESTIC competitors that really counts, and seeing as how Nintendo (and any half-assed competitor) isn't domestic, it doesn't matter, anyway.

Ugh, anyway, I'm adding you and jarrod to the old iggy list.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
snapty00 said:
No, it can drive competitors out of the market. That's entirely different. It's DOMESTIC competitors that really counts, and seeing as how Nintendo (and any half-assed competitor) isn't domestic, it doesn't matter, anyway.

Ugh, anyway, I'm adding you and jarrod to the old iggy list.



Do as you wish, I just proved you wrong twice but hell, idiots never learn

The dumping is controlled not only through local (ior national who cares) laws, but also through the WTO (World Trade Organisation), the follow up to the GATT. Even if you're dumping locally (ie on your own home market, or if you are both from foreign markets) that's still an illegal practice



The Nintendo DS is a 3RD tier, a way of experimenting, invigorating innovation, a new line for profit, it is seperate from the GameBoy line, it is meant to be a stumbling block before PSP even get's to market. And while everyone will say the DS is the "next GameBoy" and that the DS & PSP are in dirrect competition...PSP's *true* competition will be the next GameBoy. The DS will hold it off until that true battle takes place. They will take what works with DS, wait for when the GBA starts to dwindle and release a more powerful, more capable & cheaper competitor for PSP.

If Nintendo had stayed with the GBA by itself, they would've looked old and tired next to the PSP.

If they had tried to go head to head with PSP with a comparitivly speced portable they would lose money (like PSP), have battery issues (like PSP) and end up losing in the end 'cos Sony is KNOWN for electronics where as Nintendo isn't.

So they created the 3RD tier Nintendo DS...something that wouldn't shorten the life of the GBA, something that would give them an oppurtunity to cash in on N64 ports, a devise that may not be as "high-end" as PSP, but that offers more innovative ways to play games at a cheaper price and with better battery life.

The GameBoy empire has had "better" competitors before with better graphics & features...hell Sega Game Gear was color while GameBoy was still monochrome. Sony is truly the best competitor the GameBoy line has ever faced, but portable gaming is still about being cheap, being durable, having a good battery life and it's also about being a secondary form of gaming to console gaming. Sony is doing good so far, but they're putting more emphesis on specs and power, while putting the price, battery and durability issues (again, the backbone of the GameBoy line & portable gaming in general) on the back burner, all while trying to turn portable gaming into something it can't be 'cos portable gaming will ALWAYS be secondary to console gaming! The DS isn't a GameBoy, it's a stubbling block while Nintendo gathers themselves for preperations for the next GameBoy...the handheld that will truly compete with PSP.

Everyone needs to relax, 'cos I can see all of these portables holding thier own as long as they remain profitable. GBA profitable...check, DS was obviously cheap to make so it's profitable...check, PSP sold at a big loss with the hopes of making it up in software royalties in a secondary gaming market with traditionally less tie-in ratios...um, maybe no check there for a while, then GameBoy Evolution hits at a time when competitive technology is cheaper/more capable making profits achievable much faster than PSP...check.


I'd just like to take a poll to see if I was the only one who didn't even know a 'dumping' law existed until I read that old Next Generation Atari interview with the Tramiel's from years ago.

Just wanted to see if I was alone there :)


I honestly think the DS is going to drive out the PSP in the market within a few years.

PSP will outsell the DS in the short term, in the long term Nintendo and Co. develop games that blow us away and fully utilize the DS. That's my irrational thinking, anyway. ;)

Any owner who will own the DS should be excited more of its future then its present, IMO.


I've known about dumping laws since reading Michael Crichton's Rising Sun in the 6th or 7th grade.

Plenty of people screamed that Sony was going to get in troulbe for "dumping" the PS2, and different people thought that evil Microsoft was going to get smacked down for it as well. You know what happened? Fuck all. You know what will happen with the PSP? Fuck all.

Trade watchdogs have better things to do than protect the videogame industry.


The practice of selling goods in foreign markets at prices below the cost of production, usually with the aim of driving competitors out of the market

I knew it, dumping only applies to foreign companies, therefore Nintendo can't even play this card cause they're a foreign company themselves


(more a nerd than a geek)
There -is- a law against driving your competitors out of business by selling goods at a loss, but I'm not sure what the restrictions on it are. The Sherman Antitrust Act added regulations to prevent large corporations from destroying competitors, but it does seem like the "selling at a massive loss" provision can be loosely interpreted.

One catch is that Sony is not selling the -same product- as MS or Nintendo. If it were a more generic thing (like a DVD player or television), you might have a case. However, no one but Sony will sell a PSP, and as a result Sony can't be driving "other PSP makers" out of the market.


The Nintendo DS is a 3RD tier, a way of experimenting, invigorating innovation, a new line for profit, it is seperate from the GameBoy line, it is meant to be a stumbling block before PSP even get's to market.

If that's the case why is the DS backwards compatible with the GBA?
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