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So, my rig is in a rice bag, what do you think my chances are?


To sum up: Corsair customer service sucks cthulhu's ass. Water damage won't be reimbursed only for the totally borked devices. Other water damage which will not so slowly destroy your other components like my ram and likely psu now won't get refunded. They'll take 3 months plus to give you something if they give you anything. And it won't be the full amount for whatever lucky device got totally wasted, more like 80% because they don't cover the tax you pay on your devices that they destroy with their leaking products which they acknowledge.

tldr: If you're thinking about getting a H100i, spend the same amount on a nice air cooler (eg Noctua NH-D15). Temps and noise are about the same, don't have to deal with corsair or worry your $2k rig is going to be swimming with the fishes after you sleep. Save yourself some agony.


Our Engineering Team already tested all the parts and based on the results, our Cooling unit caused the damage to your system.

As compensation, we will go ahead and replace your H100i (CW-906009-WW) with a brand new unit.

For your Graphics Card, we will reimburse you for $612.00.

The following components tested fine and we will be returning them to you:

Sound Card, Motherboard, DRAM, USB, PSU, CPU

I'm glad they are admitting fault but that is crazy. It doesn't even cover the graphics card (780ti SC).
I sent them the invoices, all the products were brand new.

I'm extremely dubious that the sound card was working as new as it was making very dodgy noises and was wet.

Thing is, if I were to sell these items, or return them to their manufacture for a warranty claim, they'd get slapped for having come in contact with water. These are electrical equipment after all. Not from corsair either, so their ability to test it fully - warranties/re-sale etc ... argh just mad at the moment.

-------I managed to get another $100 for the gpu but they are saying they won't cover taxes (£106!) for the product they damaged and I should contact my local representative.

Luckily amazon are going to replace the dodgy sound card and mobo for me. Hopefully get something back up in a few weeks.

=-=-=-==-=-Original Post =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
I turn on my PC (which was off during the night) and get no monitor output.

AFTER a while of restarting and testing various other shit. I look inside and I notice some drops on the GPU, and one the of the pumps was a bit loose. Unplug the GPU. Tried disconnecting the pump but it burst open in front of my eyes and all over the system ...
I was/am using a h100i water cooler for the CPU.

Luckily, there was a rice bag outside the room's door, waiting that day. But I tore it...only had the smart idea to seal it the next day.

I've been really lazy with the mobo and PSU, so many wires and screws...so they've just been sitting there and I'm about to do it now.

It was a very new system, the card being a 780ti :'(

I've had it in the bag for a day now...sealed it after half way. I'm thinking to leave it for another day and have the motherboard and PSU out on my table with some sun drying it out a bit tomorrow hopefully.

Anyone had any luck with this? Especially if one of the parts was on for a while (the graphics card). Should I wait longer?

I would take pics of the sealed rice bag but my phone is on low battery and won't co-operate yet.

EDIT - 7 July .. 2014: successfully started a chat session that connected today (7/7) to speed things up as no reply as of yet. Chat suggested I will have to ship my rig to the USA and that they would try and salvage some parts lol! I said please no - in case the parts are more damaged than they seem - only appearing to work fine for the time it is with them and with the testing that they do (bearing in mind the only part that is made by corsair that I'm sending back is the H100i, although I left that out). Should be contacted later today hopefully for more info, will update you guys and try and hold back on the whine.

Got an update!

We will do our best to get this matter resolved. Please fill out the attached form, and e-mail back to . Once we received the form back, we will issue you a prepaid shipping label (within 24-48 hrs.) to bring the Corsair product and all suspected damage components back to our Lab for evaluation and possible monetary reimbursement if found that our product indeed caused the damage, otherwise, if our product passes the failure analysis, we will then send all the components back to you. The amount will be based on the current market value of that given hardware. We will do a failure analysis on our component and let you know the results.[/QUOTE]

Off to fill out the form!


Photos, especially of the H100 please.

The problem is the coolant dries on the parts and leaves a nasty layer. There maybe a way to clean that off, so before turning it on, you may want to investigate to maximise the chance before total failure of the parts.
that SUCKS! Ive always been leery of water cooled systems for the reason that I wouldnt want water to be that close to hundreds or thousands of dollars worth of hardware.

Not sure what the chances are that your machine will run again but Im rooting for you.


Unconfirmed Member
Isn't there a special type of water that gets used in water pumps to avoid killing the machine if there's a leak?


I have an H80 and I have only read of rumors of an H-series exploding. You might want to first contact Corsair regarding this. Their product damaged your system. They should be your first point of contact.

Lambtron said:
Isn't there a special type of water that gets used in water pumps to avoid killing the machine if there's a leak?

Yes. I do not believe the liquid in these systems is just water. Apparently, it is a mixture of ethylene glycol and water. I have no idea what the composition is.


let it dry for AT LEAST a week before you even think about turning it on. 2 days is not enough.


Isn't there a special type of water that gets used in water pumps to avoid killing the machine if there's a leak?

No thats a misconception. The distilled water has had the impurities remove to make it non-conductive, but as soon as it gets in contact with metals, impurities and electrons are stripped from the metal into the water creating a conductive liquid again, which will of course soon short circuit the pins on the PCBs of your components.

The reason to use distilled water is to prevent the growth of limescale etc inside the loop.
I have an H80 and I have only read of rumors of an H-series exploding. You might want to first contact Corsair regarding this. Their product damaged your system. They should be your first point of contact.

What he said. I'm using a H100i and this is the first I've heard of one leaking.


if the coolant is water, isnt it deionized to prevent discharge?

chances are if it burst like you said, you did something wrong and it wont be warrantied.


Like Joka said, the coolant could leave a layer of residue on your stuff that will be a problem no matter what. I think you need to clean off your computer parts with distilled water and maybe some kind of rag or something and let it dry for a very long time. Them being exposed to liquid in general is not a problem, it's only if it turns on with it still wet.


let it dry for AT LEAST a week before you even think about turning it on. 2 days is not enough.

A week! ... That sounds right I guess...but damn that's a long time to go without and without knowing.

Was it wet while powered on?

Only thing that was on for a while was the GPU... Everything else was off, but the battery (CMOS? or something) is still in there.

I have an H80 and I have only read of rumors of an H-series exploding. You might want to first contact Corsair regarding this. Their product damaged your system. They should be your first point of contact.

I was hoping I'd try amazon as they seem pretty great from experience, I know this is iffy and I'm sure corsair are lawyered up already now.

that SUCKS! Ive always been leery of water cooled systems for the reason that I wouldnt want water to be that close to hundreds or thousands of dollars worth of hardware.

Not sure what the chances are that your machine will run again but Im rooting for you.

Thanks :( I'm thinking the same but it was pretty effective up until that point...I kinda want it again, like a moron.

Photos, especially of the H100 please.

The problem is the coolant dries on the parts and leaves a nasty layer. There maybe a way to clean that off, so before turning it on, you may want to investigate to maximise the chance before total failure of the parts.

Getting pics now but no flash yet.

I tried using alcohol wipes on the gpu before putting it in the rice bag.
I'm sure it wasn't plain water, it irritated my skin slightly and it looked kinda green. I will look into getting more before turning it back on thanks, will update op with pics as well.


Yes its not just plain water, itll be distilled water + some coolant to prevent bacterial growth inside the closed loop. That maybe why it came out green.


better than my sis who opened a bag of flavored rice, over her laptop after she spilled a giant mug of tea in it.

It's like the kids today only listen to half of your instructions, and only choose a fraction of those to follow to the letter.
better than my sis who opened a bag of flavored rice, over her laptop after she spilled a giant mug of tea in it.

It's like the kids today only listen to half of your instructions, and only choose a fraction of those to follow to the letter.

This made me laugh.


Can’t stump the diablos
lol, water cooling.

You already had the capability of maxing out games on that system.
Water-cooling was just icing on the e-peen.

Sorry to hear about your mishap; but next time make a more practical cooling setup.


better than my sis who opened a bag of flavored rice, over her laptop after she spilled a giant mug of tea in it.

It's like the kids today only listen to half of your instructions, and only choose a fraction of those to follow to the letter.

Uncle Ben's?


H80i here, and unless the pipes were somehow very damaged, I don't see how they would leak.

Right at the bottom where the cable connects to the pump, one of the cables looked looser at the bottom than the other cable and it's the part that was wet...sorry the damn flash still won't work at 11% charge.

supposedly the corsair watercoolers come with a warranty for any damage they may produce. That's why I bought an H100.

Oh nice!

Contact Corsair, they'll take care of you from what I know.

Thanks, will look into it now.


Can’t stump the diablos
supposedly the corsair watercoolers come with a warranty for any damage they may produce. That's why I bought an H100.

You'll still be out your rig for weeks or months while you ship all your components to them, they review the damages, and your/they order new components.

Not worth it for a few extra MHz. Just stick with a solid cooler like the Hyper 212 EVO and call it good.

Mr Vast

This is why you don't water cool.

I don't think an anecdote like that means anything really... It probably happens to less then 1 out of 1500-3000 factory sealed WC loop because otherwise no one would ever buy a liquid cooler... For the silent operation under heavy overclocks water cooling is fantastic really. I mean, I use to have my 4770k OC at 4.3 on a decent air cooler and it was loud and when I switched to my WC loop it was much cooler (from 75-78c to 65 and that's with a voltage bump), almost dead silent and i was able to bump the OC to 4.7Ghz.


Uncle Ben's?


I was actually able to save it. I forbade her to turn it on and she brought it over a couple weeks later. I popped the plastic bottom open and used canned air to blow all the herbs and spices out.


I remember reading that Corsair will cover a certain amount of damage if these coolers leak, so get onto them. Might vary depending on where you live though.


I remember reading that Corsair will cover a certain amount of damage if these coolers leak, so get onto them. Might vary depending on where you live though.

I checked and on a corsair forum they said it was world-wide...let's see, registering now.

Let's try the chat. No luck connecting with chat, but I'll submit a claim and update this thread if there is progress.

Thanks for the support!


Sorry for the picture quality, I'm charging by USB, still no flash... but the cable on the bottom (near the center of the pic) became loose - was slightly higher up (and so, less secured) than the other pump.


lol, water cooling.

You already had the capability of maxing out games on that system.
Water-cooling was just icing on the e-peen.

Sorry to hear about your mishap; but next time make a more practical cooling setup.

This wasn't even case about a custom water loop. You really have no idea of what you're talking about and should stop. ;)

Also OP as other said get in touch with Corsair.
I've been using an H100 for two years without a hitch, thankfully. Outstanding product from my experience.

Corsair handles potential damage on a case-by-case basis, so you'll want to contact them ASAP.


GAF parliamentarian
Pray to every divine being you know and don't touch that thing for a 4 or 5 days at least.

Don't cry - tears are very conductive.


Neo Member
If it helps, I once accidentally knocked a full glass of water on the separate control system for my creative speakers whilst it was powered on. It didn't immediately die, but instead produced the awkward problem of a continual, but slow, volume rise.

I unscrewed it and took out the small circuit board and other bits, put it underneath the radiator for a full week, came back and it was bone dry. Put it back together and it worked as per normal. In fact, its still working right now, almost 7-ish years later. The only thing I've never replaced in all my computer builds over the last decade, and also the only thing I decided to accidentally pour water on.

Its not the same scale or seriousness as whats befallen you, but hopefully it'll provide some small measure of hope. I second the wait longer thing though, you're better being sure.


For what it's worth Corsair's customer service has been exemplary in my dealings with them. Way above and beyond. If it's a brand new unit and you didn't do anything crazy to it before installation you shouldn't even hesitate to get in touch.


If the PC was not powered on while the leak occurred and if you let it dry completely before turning it on, I don't see why it wouldn't work. Your graphic card might be toast though.

Let it dry for a couple day and good luck.


Sorry, that fucking sucks. If the water burst all over it when it was off, you'd be fine. But since it was already powered, you're definitely SOL.

I've gotten multiple systems very wet from various leaks when initially building the PC. I use a heat gun to help the drying process.

Corsair should cover everything though.
lol, water cooling.

You already had the capability of maxing out games on that system.
Water-cooling was just icing on the e-peen.

Sorry to hear about your mishap; but next time make a more practical cooling setup.
You don't have many friends, do you?
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