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So who else hates Tommy Tallarico since you got to hear his opinions on G4?

I mean, I really used to respect the cat, did some decent soundtracks, nothing spectacular, but at least it seemed like a positive thing he was contributing to the game industry.

I forget the name of the show he does where he reviews games - someone else here
should be able to name it - but WOW. He has the most embarrassingly uninformed opinions on the games they review - just now (This is a repeat, everything on this damn
channel seems to be) they're reviewing Billy Hatcher and he's PUTTING DOWN THE MUSIC! He's crazy!!!!

Anyway, I have seen enough episodes of this terrible review show to know I disagree with him on just about all counts now. :)


There's a video clip I found long ago where he says there is no such thing as an Xbox fanboy. That destroyed my respect for him right there. I don't get G4 so I've never seen any of his reviews. But his is an opinion show and his opinion is worthless to me.


Hated the guy for quite some time, but ofcourse I've had G4 for quite some time. Some people really shouldn't be on television.



Check that out. It's priceless and full of great quotes.

"How many times have you seen, like, an Xbox fanboy (I don't even think they exist) but, how many times have you seen people (You're an Xbox fanboy?) how many times have you seen an Xbox fanboy get on there and say 'Oh if you don't like Halo you suck and bla bla bla. Halo is the best game in the world and bla bla bla.' Just look, they like Halo because they like Halo and if I don't like Animal Crossing or Pikmin or or or or (give me another one) Animal Crossing, Mario Kart, (Monkey Balls is fine) yeah, yeah, so, like I I then leave me alone."


intangibles, motherfucker
i dont like some of the scores he gives(SSB:M), but he is really the reason i watch the show. Because he is so honest and he does not hold back on the games he does not like, its leads to pure comedy, especially when victor does not agree. The review i liked the most was the capcom vs snk 2 review. Now dont get me wrong i love the game but he bagged on it so much i could not help but laugh. Keep him on the show.


Yea they fired him and kept his work in progress and hired someone cheaper who finished the score. Kind of crappy of them.


Gerber said:
Yea they fired him and kept his work in progress and hired someone cheaper. Kind of crappy of them.

Where the heck did you hear that? From Tommy I would assume?


works for Gamestop (lol)
Gerber said:
Yea they fired him and kept his work in progress and hired someone cheaper who finished the score. Kind of crappy of them.

Is that a reply to my Metroid Prime post? You have some guts to call Yamamoto a 'cheaper' composer


Wario64 said:
Is that a reply to my Metroid Prime post? You have some guts to call Yamamoto a 'cheaper' composer

He saved Retro a lot of cash. They cut the buedget of the game and Tommy was the one who took the fall.
I didn't hear him saying anything about Metroid Prime yet - but I was a bit dissapointed with a good bit of that soundtrack myself, being rehashed stuff from metroid 3 - but before anyones panties get bunched - I really liked the music in the underwater area of the crashed ship and the drifts.. Actually most of the 100% new music was good. The best "arrangement" was when you first hit the planet, I think.

Speaking of music - Tommy T.'s studio are the ones responsible for that garbage they
play over the actual music of the G4 show that just shows game clips. To me, that's
a big ass insult to all of the games that are presented there... and knowing Tommy (what I know of him from G4) he probably does indeed think he can improve (or his students can) on all that music...


Gerber said:
He saved Retro a lot of cash. They cut the buedget of the game and Tommy was the one who took the fall.
Haha, wha? Can you back that up?

Tollarico gave MP a 7.5, btw. Maybe the lowest of any review.


Dave & Steve's Video Game Explosion > all video game shows.

As for Tommy Toolrico, his lack of maturity reflects the game industry pretty well.


Dave&Steve's Video Game Explosion was the shiznit. I remember when all of Gaming Age was watching the show (fun threads those were)


Gerber said:
Yea they fired him and kept his work in progress and hired someone cheaper who finished the score. Kind of crappy of them.

Yeah, that cheap composer who did the Super Metroid, Metroid Fusion and Zero Mission soundtracks, some Mario Kart tracks, etc.

Honestly, where does Nintendo find these hacks?
Shinobi said:
Dave & Steve's Video Game Explosion > all video game shows.

Hahahaha! I remember that steaming pile! That was the one where they would always
try to pawn off sobe, right? Yeah, I stand down, they are indeed even bigger jackasses than Tommy. I just forgot. :)


I will give him some props because he did the whole starving artist thing by moving to California with nothing but his car (sleeping on the beach and whatnot) and then eventually
parlaying a crappy gofor job at Virgin (I believe) into a music career, but he is a dick from what I've seen and heard.

Dick on TV, and I've heard that alot of people that have met him say a dick IRL.


Johnny Konami said:
Hahahaha! I remember that steaming pile! That was the one where they would always
try to pawn off sobe, right? Yeah, I stand down, they are indeed even bigger jackasses than Tommy. I just forgot. :)

It was just a perfect satire show. At first I hated it, but when I watched it again I realized it was supposed to be silly, and wound up being thoroughly entertained by it. The Final Fantasy sucks episode had me crying tears from laughing so hard. Shame it wasn't on for long.
Shinobi said:
It was just a perfect satire show. At first I hated it, but when I watched it again I realized it was supposed to be silly, and wound up being thoroughly entertained by it. The Final Fantasy sucks episode had me crying tears from laughing so hard. Shame it wasn't on for long.

Are you certain it was supposed to be satire? I completely missed that vibe about it. Thier opinions seemed to be real enough.

Oni Jazar

Victor Lucas = Hardcore gamer
Tommy Tallarico = mainstream gamer


As I said in the other G4 thread, Tommy is the guy you love to hate. Victor is the best gamer on TV though. If everyone on G4Techtv had the same passion of videogames as Victor then it would be the best channel on the air.

I love watching Vic and Tommy fight during their reviews, it's hilarious.


Really he hasn't said anything that hasn't been said on a game forum or something.

It's just that you can't hit him over the head with it when he does say it though. Kinda makes you wish for interactive TV or something huh?

Or add a web component with a "Smack Tommy" button that if anyone clicks it would make Victor smack him.


Oni Jazar said:

As I said in the other G4 thread, Tommy is the guy you love to hate. Victor is the best gamer on TV though. If everyone on G4Techtv had the same passion of videogames as Victor then it would be the best channel on the air.

I love watching Vic and Tommy fight during their reviews, it's hilarious.


The contrast between reviewers is a great asset for the show, IMO.
Tommy should just be the sidekick of the show, he's not a good reviewer. Granted, I doubt many people take him seriously to begin with.
Tommy is full of himself. He constantly refers to people who criticize his reviews as "Tommyknockers". Who the hell feels the need to name their detractors?
I just find the guy painful to watch due to his immaturity. When the most insightful thing he has to say about Paper Mario is to call it "Toilet Paper Mario", there is a problem. He is more interested in being funny than being a good reviewer, hence wasting time in his Viewtiful Joe review complaining about how it has a dumb name. (At least, I hope he was joking and not seriously knocking the game for that)


Tag of Excellence
I don't hate Tommy because of his opinion, I get annoyed because of his attitude and the personality he portrays on the show. Even if you have the most obscure opinion, if you're respectful and couth about it then people can atleast relate and tolerate it. He simply hasn't learned how to respect things he doesn't enjoy or understand and that irritates me.

I reiterate, I don't dislike Tommy. He occasionally gets tiresome to hear and his reasonings for not enjoying or enjoying something are sometimes a bit "out-there."


It sounds like a Wrestling match announcers setup.

Victor is the guy saying "That's a nice leg hold there."


I overheard this from one of the producers of the show then titled "extended play".

"Tallaricco's a twat."

Well, there you have it.


Hail to the KING baby
I don't like either of them, but obviously Tommy is the biggest dumbass, sometimes I think he rates games based on the qualities a bad Maxim feature writer would look for:

"This game was so violent and bloody it rocked!"
"Hahahaha gotta love the BABES!"

Are both enough to get you a 9.5, but if you're a great game with no babes or excessive violence, then he'll mark you down two points because "WTF does 'Viewtiful' mean?"


"grabbed by the ghoulies" deserved in excellent score in his view because it was an ex-nintendo company going on to what he would deem "greener pastures".

His hatred of Nintendo is petty to the point of nil-endowment.
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