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So who else hates Tommy Tallarico since you got to hear his opinions on G4?

enjoy bell woods said:
Who cares? Victor Lucas finances the show, and I'm sure Tommy does as well. It's a dumb videogame review show on an even dumber channel.

I can't believe guys like fortninety are talking about integrity and G4 in the same breath.

Oh, so I'm wasting my time actually hoping that a video game channel be something worth watching?


yeah I will agree about adam at least compared to that other show hosts where they pretend they are a radio show. Morgan and that Julie (real world) chick are for eye candy Julie being better.


Morgan Webb's actually alright. She doesn't get on my nerves, and you can tell she's a gamer. I also miss Kate Botelo, she was cool too. I'd take those two and shove Adam off (or maybe a threesome). Yeah, I like threesomes.


Morgan Webb's actually alright. She doesn't get on my nerves, and you can tell she's a gamer. I also miss Kate Botelo, she was cool too. I'd take those two and shove Adam off (or maybe a threesome). Yeah, I like threesomes.
Once the reviewer is cute and has boobs, suddenly their opinion is somehow interesting...
FortNinety said:
Oh, so I'm wasting my time actually hoping that a video game channel be something worth watching?

From one industry person to another, we both know that the terms video game chanel and worth watching are not only oxymoronic, but mutually exclusive. :D
Placing dumb, big tittied women on these various VG shows is part of what's wrong with the show. They're eye candy and nothing else yet express their stupid opinions on games they obviously wouldn't play if they weren't co-hosting the show. Their opinions are worth less than Tommy's, imo.


If you're gonna give out bullshit opinions, at least be easy on the eyes so you're not completely wasting my time.

Mega Man's Electric Sheep said:
"I don't like RPG's. If someone forced me to review say, FFX, I doubt I'd give it more then a 3. I'd simply make it clear that I have no time for the genre or the style of game, and if you feel the same way this isn't gonna change your mind."

This type of review is useful to noone. When people don't like a genre, are they really looking for a game to "change their mind?" The best sports game in the world is not good enough for me, and yet I could review one based on comparisons to other games in its genre and NOT give it a 3. It has nothing to do with a median score based on what others would like, but a reference to a game's quality. Unlike movie reviews, game reviews can be more specific about the quality level of a game rather than Tommy's "I didn't like it, it's my opinion, so you can't argue!" schtick. I don't like racing games, so I'm going to give Crash Nitro Cart and Mario Kart Double Dash, Gran Tourismo 4, and Burnout 3 all 3's? That's not a valid review for anyone. Genres you don't like have varying degrees of quality. If Final Fantasy X is a 3, are you going to give every RPG a 3 because of personal preference? Beavis and Butthead types (re:Tommy fans) would love you, because your opinion reinforces theirs, but is your review useful to them or anyone else? No.

I couldn't give a fuck if the review is useful to anyone. Any review of mine would be something that I'd want to read, giving specific reasons why I like or dislike as many elements of a game as possible, even regarding the option screen. If I do that, I know that some people will then find the information useful, as long as they know to read what I say instead of some stupid number at the end that almost always tells you nothing except how much or how little a person likes a game.

I'm writing what I think about the game. That to me is the whole point of a review. If I don't like it, I'm going to rate it accordingly. It isn't complicated.

I hate the general concept of RPG's (controlling a pack of characters, turned-based, menu-based battles, spells, all that shit), and there's no fucking way I'd be able to sugar coat it without lying to myself or sounding like a complete fraud. I'd rather be honest with myself (and thus the reader or viewer) then lie through my teeth by giving it some score that doesn't reflect what I feel about the game, then have someone with a similiar dislike in RPG's runout and buy the game because of my say so, only to throw it in the trash after ten minutes.

Gaming is supposed to be entertainment. If a game entertains me, it's good. If it doesn't entertain me, it isn't good. It's simply common sense.

And BTW, who says my hypothetical review couldn't be useful? Is th eonly way a FFX = 3 review useful if I give it a 9? "I hate this game to death, but I'm gonna give it a 9 anyway just so Mega Man can find it useful!!". That's about as useful as a wet Kleenex. If you find bullshit useful then that's cool, but I find honesty a little easier to work with.

Of course the smart website/game mag won't make me review the game to begin with, so this was just a loose example. But I've seen some media outlets let people who have little interest in a type of game or genre review it, and they either give the game fake praise even if it might not be deserved just to appear "unbiased", or they rip the game to shreds and then get blasted for it. It's just another example of how stupid and immature the gaming media can be.

Drinky Crow said:
Tommy rocks, shut up. His Nintendo bashing is peerless. I only wish I could enrage Nintendo fanboys with such ease and diligence.

*pours a 40 out for Tommy*

You're one of the good ones, man.



wow, I wish I had G4 so I could see this. TechTV was cool and the Call-for-Help guy liked Nintendo and I know they were kinda fair sometimes on Extended Play to Nintendo. During the launch, the GCN-coverage was fairly positive on TechTV

That said, from what I hear, G4 is totally anti-Nintendo and almost complete crap. I've seen a few moments of it, but it was mostly some PC-game tourney or something, so I haven't seen their reviews.

Some other network should start a competiting game channel that's serious.

So does the combo channel do more games or technology or what?

Can someone give me percentages.

What a complete mess, I used to watch TechTV back in 2001-2002 when I discovered it in my college town (my hometown never had it, and then my college town took it out), and now in my hometown I need to pay for digital cable to be able to get the new combo network.

I wish they'd release seasons on DVD of the Screen Savers starting with Fall '01. I only got to enjoy it for a little while and I missed so much after they took it off. I learned some neat things just by casual watching... They should also do re-runs of past episodes, I mean late at night or something, since some of the stuff was ahead of what I owned technology-wise anyway, I'd still be learning and adapting...


OMG how the fuck did I miss this thread??? :lol

FortNinety said:
I went to a classic gaming expo this past spring and Tommy was there with close to 20 diehard teenage fans and despite my poor opinions of the man, I wanted to say hi and perhaps discover all that I had felt and heard about him was not true. But he did in fact turned out to be a total douchebag, and was effectively using 15 years olds to act like "handlers" for him.

Later he did a panel with a bunch of other guests, which included Howard Scott Warshaw. I didn't pay attention to much that was said, but when Tommy talked, he only spoke about himself and the other guests seem to roll their eyes each time the guy spoke.

Good grief :lol

Drinky Crow said:
Tommy rocks, shut up. His Nintendo bashing is peerless. I only wish I could enrage Nintendo fanboys with such ease and diligence.

*pours a 40 out for Tommy*

You're one of the good ones, man.

:lol ...but in way, you're right.

AniHawk said:
Well my dad can kick your dad's ass!

davis said:
but I can kick your ass!

:lol :lol :lol :lol

M3wThr33 said:

Check that out. It's priceless and full of great quotes.

Link no worky.....mirror plz?

Mr_Furious said:
Placing dumb, big tittied women on these various VG shows is part of what's wrong with the show.

Hey....Diane Mizota does not have big tits!!

efralope said:
I wish they'd release seasons on DVD of the Screen Savers starting with Fall '01. I only got to enjoy it for a little while and I missed so much after they took it off. I learned some neat things just by casual watching... They should also do re-runs of past episodes, I mean late at night or something, since some of the stuff was ahead of what I owned technology-wise anyway, I'd still be learning and adapting...

I feel you on the SS love...it's fantastic but that dirty, chubby lookin blonde guy is rather annoying.

Anyway I've been loving Judgement Day. The chemistry is what makes it great. And let's face it....Tommy may be a total idiotic dickless cock knocker, but without his ridiculous and immature antics the show would be boring and lifeless. He brings energy to the show and I actually find a lot of his sarcastic comments quite funny.

Now if he acts like that in real life then.......
isamu said:
Hey....Diane Mizota does not have big tits!!
Obviously I was talking about Morgan Webb. Diane Mizota doesn't spew out her worthless opinions on Filler, uh I mean Filter. BTW, I watched TGS Xplay last night and every time Morgan's voice is heard behind game footage airing, my urge to kill rises. She takes every opportunity to continually bitch about games that put big boobed women in them (ala the latest DOA) yet her talentless big boobed dumbass was put on Xplay. Doesn't she realize that she wouldn't have her job if it weren't for the puberty stricken gaming audience that drools over her, which also coincidentally purchase these "booby" games.


Mr_Furious said:
Doesn't she realize that she wouldn't have her job if it weren't for the puberty stricken gaming audience that drools over her, which also coincidentally purchase these "booby" games.

To be fair, Kate Botello wasn't particulary 'stacked' in that department and she seem well liked during her tenure on Extended Play...


They need to replace Morgan with "Miss Info" from VH-1's "Best Week Ever". She's curently the hottest asian chick on TV IMO.
I like him. If you can't take his opnion on games the you're fairly close minded. I mean hell look at the opinions of some on this board. I think some here like completely craptastic games, and they feel the same about my choice of games I suppose. Big whoop.
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