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So who else hates Tommy Tallarico since you got to hear his opinions on G4?


Heh, well I get what G4 is doing, appealing to the "mainstream gamer" (who watches TV about video games..?), but really just pissing people off so they tune in to watch what he'll say next.

I've caught the show a couple times. It aint my thing (most are reruns without any new games to review anyway). Usually I'll just catch the last 3 minutes of the show to see the recap of the episode if I do watch it anyway. G4TechTV is there mainly for Icons and X-Play (which I haven't been watching as much when it was just Extended Play) for me.
If GAF is anything like IGN (god forbid), the dumbass himself will post soon ranting how everyone is just jealous and against him and that we can all talk "once we work in the industry"

Just a head's up....his minions, his "mafia" LOL, get the negative post word to him before long....


hyperbolically metafictive
i loved the metroid prime soundtrack, but much of it was recycled from old metroid games. more than the usual, desirable quota of remixes and such. wouldn't surprise me if it was done quickly/cheaply. is yamamoto doing the prime 2 soundtrack? i really like the title screen tune.

i haven't seen tallarico on g4 yet, but i suppose i ought to. no one who so effectively antagonizes nintendo fans can be all bad.


He ragged on a racing game because it did not include digital control for the "old-schoolers". Victor Lucas starred vacantly at him not knowing what to say. That is the idiocy of Tommy Talarico right there. Oh and who can forget the SSBM score, I think it was like a 1 or 2.5. Let's not forget that since he is the producer of the show we are treated to his wonderful comedy routines.
Well it seems most people here are able to recognize what a hack he truly is. Granted I enjoyed some of his work as a composer during the 16 bit area, but it wasn't that good.

I don't feel it's right to simply dismiss what he's doing; he's one of the very few people on television that gives "critical analysis" of games, which in my mind, is somewhat of a lofty position, and his overall arrogance and smugness when it comes to doing his job amounts to unprofessionalism.

Gerber said:
He is brutally honest and I enjoy that.

I love how everyone says this same fucking thing. He's brutally honest. So? That delinquent five year old at the super market who points at people and says "you're fat" is also brutally honest. Does that mean his opinions are worth a shit?

Lost Weekend said:
IDick on TV, and I've heard that alot of people that have met him say a dick IRL.

I've heard from more than one person in the industry that he's never going find any steady work due to a pissy attitude and his habit of burning bridges where ever he goes. You have to be an idiot to fall for the outright lie of Retro and Nintendo using his work in progress stuff for the game, a lie which I wouldn't be surprised comes from Tommy himself.

But as for him being a dick, I guess I'd be one too if I had an entire legion of dumb teenage kids who thought I was God and was constantly kissing my ass (most of whom populate the G4 message boards). I went to a classic gaming expo this past spring and Tommy was there with close to 20 diehard teenage fans and despite my poor opinions of the man, I wanted to say hi and perhaps discover all that I had felt and heard about him was not true. But he did in fact turned out to be a total douchebag, and was effectively using 15 years olds to act like "handlers" for him.

Later he did a panel with a bunch of other guests, which included Howard Scott Warshaw. I didn't pay attention to much that was said, but when Tommy talked, he only spoke about himself and the other guests seem to roll their eyes each time the guy spoke.


works for Gamestop (lol)
krypt0nian said:
If GAF is anything like IGN (god forbid), the dumbass himself will post soon ranting how everyone is just jealous and against him and that we can all talk "once we work in the industry"

Just a head's up....his minions, his "mafia" LOL, get the negative post word to him before long....

I don't think the mods will activate his account in time. Personally, I'd like to see him post and defend himself for comedy sake
Wario64 said:
I don't think the mods will activate his account in time. Personally, I'd like to see him post and defend himself for comedy sake

I'd LUUUUVVVVV to see Tommy or his crew try to defend themselves here.
"How many times have you seen, like, an Xbox fanboy (I don't even think they exist) but, how many times have you seen people (You're an Xbox fanboy?) how many times have you seen an Xbox fanboy get on there and say 'Oh if you don't like Halo you suck and bla bla bla. Halo is the best game in the world and bla bla bla.' Just look, they like Halo because they like Halo and if I don't like Animal Crossing or Pikmin or or or or (give me another one) Animal Crossing, Mario Kart, (Monkey Balls is fine) yeah, yeah, so, like I I then leave me alone."

Christ on a crutch.
krypt0nian said:
If GAF is anything like IGN (god forbid), the dumbass himself will post soon ranting how everyone is just jealous and against him and that we can all talk "once we work in the industry"

Just a head's up....his minions, his "mafia" LOL, get the negative post word to him before long....

You just gave me a great idea ...


Derek Smart, Derek Smart, Derek Smart.

*sits back and waits*


Tag of Excellence
ManDudeChild said:
Derek Smart, Derek Smart, Derek Smart.

*sits back and waits*
LOL and I know Derek Smart in person. In fact I've seen him speak about the industry a few times and had a few drinks with him.


FortNinety said:
I love how everyone says this same fucking thing. He's brutally honest. So? That delinquent five year old at the super market who points at people and says "you're fat" is also brutally honest. Does that mean his opinions are worth a shit?

What does Olimario have to do with this?
For every positive,there is a negative,where one tips the scale,along comes the other and evens it.

You have the annoying puppet Reggie,and then theres the outspoken one-Tommy Tallarico
Its like the gaming gods working in their mysterious ways.

Both should be thrown to the back end of the employment line. :D
Just because he speaks his mind doesn't make him qualified to write reviews. In fact the same can be said for all critics who hold a good amount of decisive power in their hands. For Tommy, though. he makes it clear that he shouldn't be taken seriously at all and that rating a game like Metroid Prime as low as he did is just a desperate cry for attention. It's one thing if you don't enjoy the game on a purely aesthetic level, but it is something else entirely when you mention how wonderful the game is on a technical merit. Tommy is not a representation of intelligent reviewers.


T-1000_Model3 said:
For every positive,there is a negative,where one tips the scale,along comes the other and evens it.

You have the annoying puppet Reggie,and then theres the outspoken one-Tommy Tallarico

... Reggie works for Nintendo. He's paid to be biased.


Azih said:

That's what I'm wondering too. What does a PR guy have to do with a reviewer whose limited tastes and tact render his reviews practically unsuitable for serious consideration?


The easiest judge of a qualified reviewer is if they give high scores based on opinion or the game's genre? I'm not a sports guy, but I'll be damned if I would give low scores to Madden because of it. You KNOW Tommy would. It's personal opinions. not general quality.

Justin Bailey

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ge-man said:
That's what I'm wondering too. What does a PR guy have to do with a reviewer whose limited tastes and tact render his reviews practically unsuitable for serious consideration?
Nothing really, he's just trying to divert attention from the fact that Tommy is a dumbass and holds the silver medal for laughing stock of the gaming world.
One of my teachers says he knows him and talks about him like he's a great guy. Apparently he made millions from his work on audio in games. My teacher said that he comes by my school every so often to speak about the industry. I gotta go if he comes by while I'm there.

Why is his site password protected btw? http://tallarico.com/


I don't agree with his reviews all the time, but he has valid points. Sometimes he blows those points out of proportion, I have to admit.

I think he's talented and deserves to be in the position he is.

He's entertaining, and opinionated.

Kinda like Bill O'Reilly minus the asshole.


The Motorcycle That Wouldn't Slow Down
the man is loonier than bank of canada. I can't really tell you if that's good or bad though.


Can't stand the guy and his show, and he does tend to rag on Nintendo, I feel bad for Victor.

that video just hit the nail in the coffin, the guy is a nutjob. The reason they keep him on just to keep you guys pissed off (Didn't he gave Devil May Cry 2 a 9?)


DJ_Tet said:
What does Olimario have to do with this?

God damnit, this shit was funny too. Go fuck yourselves. For real. You've got no sense of humor, or put the wrong guy on ignore. This shit was comedy gold and completely ignored.


DJ_Tet said:
God damnit, this shit was funny too. Go fuck yourselves. For real. You've got no sense of humor, or put the wrong guy on ignore. This shit was comedy gold and completely ignored.

I feel your pain.


Johnny Konami said:
Are you certain it was supposed to be satire? I completely missed that vibe about it. Thier opinions seemed to be real enough.

My take is it was satire. Which isn't to say their opinions on the games they covered weren't real, but they were clealry presented in a way that they were making fun of themselves and similiar types who cover games.

Mrbob said:
I only like him when he bags on Nintendo.


Catchpenny said:
^^^ Yeah, except Tommy lacks the charisma and wit needed for such a role. He's the Mark Madden of videogame reviewers.

:lol Perfect analogy...except I don't mind Tommy, while I'd love to see Mark Madden's fat ass get stuffed into a meat grinder.

Though Tommy saying that Gran Turismo was the best looking game ever home or arcade (at time when Super GT was out) dumbfounds me to this day. Everyone has their own opinion, but that one was hard to take. And some of his reasons for not liking a game are just inane. At least Victor gives what I see as real reasons for why he likes or dislikes something in a game, and even in a game he doesn't like he'll give out the positives that he sees (most people that don't like something will just rag on everything, as if to try and reinforce their point).

M3wThr33 said:
The easiest judge of a qualified reviewer is if they give high scores based on opinion or the game's genre? I'm not a sports guy, but I'll be damned if I would give low scores to Madden because of it. You KNOW Tommy would. It's personal opinions. not general quality.

In my mind, if you're gonna review a game in a genre you have no time for, then you shouldn't feel obliged to give it the median score that everyone else has.

I don't like RPG's. If someone forced me to review say, FFX, I doubt I'd give it more then a 3. I'd simply make it clear that I have no time for the genre or the style of game, and if you feel the same way this isn't gonna change your mind. I wouldn't expect someone that hates racers to give Grand Prix Challenge a 9 just for my benefit. If you don't like it, state why you don't and rate it accordingly.

The problem with reviewing critiera is that there is none. For me, personal opinion is what it's all about. Tell me how you feel about it, while giving me an idea of what your preferences are so I can have a gauge. Other people feel that a man's personal opinion shouldn't matter (huh?), and they should be able to recognize the quality of a game and give it a deserved score even if they're bored to tears by it. That sort of reviewing philosphy makes no sense to me, but I wouldn't want to dismiss it completely. But until there's a reviewing critieria that the gaming media has agreed upon (or even the individual sites and game mags agree upon), it really doesn't matter. But we'll continue to have 6.8 and C- "controversies" until the gaming media finally grows a brain.

DJ_Tet said:
God damnit, this shit was funny too. Go fuck yourselves. For real. You've got no sense of humor, or put the wrong guy on ignore. This shit was comedy gold and completely ignored.

:lol No one laughed cause we all believe Olimario is 5. :lol
"I don't like RPG's. If someone forced me to review say, FFX, I doubt I'd give it more then a 3. I'd simply make it clear that I have no time for the genre or the style of game, and if you feel the same way this isn't gonna change your mind."

This type of review is useful to noone. When people don't like a genre, are they really looking for a game to "change their mind?" The best sports game in the world is not good enough for me, and yet I could review one based on comparisons to other games in its genre and NOT give it a 3. It has nothing to do with a median score based on what others would like, but a reference to a game's quality. Unlike movie reviews, game reviews can be more specific about the quality level of a game rather than Tommy's "I didn't like it, it's my opinion, so you can't argue!" schtick. I don't like racing games, so I'm going to give Crash Nitro Cart and Mario Kart Double Dash, Gran Tourismo 4, and Burnout 3 all 3's? That's not a valid review for anyone. Genres you don't like have varying degrees of quality. If Final Fantasy X is a 3, are you going to give every RPG a 3 because of personal preference? Beavis and Butthead types (re:Tommy fans) would love you, because your opinion reinforces theirs, but is your review useful to them or anyone else? No.
DJ_Tet said:
God damnit, this shit was funny too. Go fuck yourselves. For real. You've got no sense of humor, or put the wrong guy on ignore. This shit was comedy gold and completely ignored.

I'm not sure what this is in reference to. Hate to ask, by anyone mind sharing?


Hating requires you to make a daily effort against something or someone... I don't like Tommy Tallarico, but I don't hate him... I'm too lazy to hate him!


FortNinety said:
I'm not sure what this is in reference to. Hate to ask, by anyone mind sharing?

It's a refenence to the recent baning of Olimario. He was putting people down for being overweight and some other shit, which is ironic considering he was big himself until last year.
Tommy rocks, shut up. His Nintendo bashing is peerless. I only wish I could enrage Nintendo fanboys with such ease and diligence.

*pours a 40 out for Tommy*

You're one of the good ones, man.
ge-man said:
It's a refenence to the recent baning of Olimario. He was putting people down for being overweight and some other shit, which is ironic considering he was big himself until last year.

Thanks for the info. But isn't that guy banned like every other day? Him and that other guy who I only sometimes see... Gahgiddy [sic?]


iyox said:
He ragged on a racing game because it did not include digital control for the "old-schoolers". Victor Lucas starred vacantly at him not knowing what to say. That is the idiocy of Tommy Talarico right there. Oh and who can forget the SSBM score, I think it was like a 1 or 2.5. Let's not forget that since he is the producer of the show we are treated to his wonderful comedy routines.

Yeah but then Victor only gave the game 3.5, so you can't really say it's just Tommy on that review (funny thing, the guy that reviewed it on the EP website gave it an 8, and when they mentioned what the game got on EGM, they gave it the wrong score (the real one was 9.5, they gave it a lower score even though it was a lie)).
Who cares? Victor Lucas finances the show, and I'm sure Tommy does as well. It's a dumb videogame review show on an even dumber channel.

I can't believe guys like fortninety are talking about integrity and G4 in the same breath.


Well I don't agree with Victor or Tommy on all games but I can guarantee they have played more games than the 2 hosts on X-Play, xplay has great production values but those 2 host would get owned bad if they had to play against Vic and Tommy in games.

At least the show has some useful info like when they rate game accessories or recommend a bit older games you might have missed


davis said:
Well I don't agree with Victor or Tommy on all games but I can guarantee they have played more games than the 2 hosts on X-Play, xplay has great production values but those 2 host would get owned bad if they had to play against Vic and Tommy in games.

Well my dad can kick your dad's ass!


davis said:
Well I don't agree with Victor or Tommy on all games but I can guarantee they have played more games than the 2 hosts on X-Play, xplay has great production values but those 2 host would get owned bad if they had to play against Vic and Tommy in games.

At least the show has some useful info like when they rate game accessories or recommend a bit older games you might have missed

I think in the case of Adam he is quite the gamer. I don't know about Morgan but Satterfield is not afraid to vouch for her. I also believe that Xplay does cover perpherials and what not, but it's something that doesn't happen regularily.
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